\summary{2007}{10}{11} Agenda call: \agoref{gentoo-dev}{09b5802cc709a77d2ae4ebed0bf58ca9} \agendaitem{Code of Conduct} \index{Code of Conduct}\index{project!userrel}\index{project!devrel} \index{project!proctors} \begin{quote} What is not clear is (1) whether the Code of Conduct is in effect; (2) if so, how we enforce it. \end{quote} The CoC is in effect, but it needs a new enforcement section since the proctors were disbanded, see also \bug{185572}. The council is sending discussion of this to the gentoo-project list, to come up with proposals for the following points: \begin{itemize} \item Who enforces the Code of Conduct? \begin{itemize} \item \dev{musikc} said devrel could \item \dev{tsunam} said userrel could \end{itemize} \item How to enforce it, and whether it's active or passive enforcement, and \item which enforcment actions are appropriate. \end{itemize} If the -project list does not come up with a draft, \dev{dberkholz} will write one based on -project discussion to vote upon at the November Council meeting. \agendaitem{packages.gentoo.org} \index{packages.gentoo.org} Reference: \bug{187971}, comment \#86 from marduk on existing and future rewrites, comment \#90 about jokey's rewrite (comment \#85) The infrastructure team will decide the future of packages.gentoo.org. \dev{kingtaco} informed us that the current code will probably not return. Alternatives include: \begin{itemize} \item \url{http://packages.gentooext.net/} (written by \dev{jokey}) \item \url{http://spaceparanoids.org/gentoo/gpnl/} (written by \dev{beandog}) \item \url{http://gentoo-portage.com/} \end{itemize} Until we get a replacement, packages.gentoo.org will link to alternatives. It now links to a forums thread describing them. \agendaitem{GLEP 39: project RFC addition} The previous council voted to require RFCs to the gentoo-dev mailing list for new projects, but the requirement was never added to \glep{39}. We will amend the GLEP rather than writing a new one, and a note will be added saying the GLEP was amended. \agendaitem{When does the new Council term end?} \index{council!term} Voting will always take place the same month, as mentioned in http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.devel/52081/focus=52143 (broken link). If the new council is delayed, it gets a slightly shortened term. \agendaitem{Open floor} \index{PMS} Where is the PMS repo? --- \dev{robbat2} has imported it. It's in git. We need to ping him for details. The channel was not moderated during the meeting and it went well. Let's try that again next time.