\summary{2008}{8}{28} Agenda call: \agoref{gentoo-dev}{9b3f0e9ed1c97b033b563ea68b4d123e} Agenda announcement: \agoref{gentoo-dev}{f6a084b9acf5a19b38000fbfaab93733} \agendaitem{Reactions to dev banned from freenode} \index{freenode}\index{irc!ban} There were no updates on this topic. Assume lack of interest. \agendaitem{Moving meetings to a location we control} \index{council!meeting!location} There were no updates on this topic. Assume lack of interest. \agendaitem{Favor irc.gentoo.org alias in documentation} \index{irc.gentoo.org}\index{Freenode} The Freenode acknowledgments page thanks people for doing this, so the potential issue with confusion apparently isn't a large problem. \vote{Update all our pointers to IRC to use irc.gentoo.org. (But please mention FreeNode is our provider.)}{Accepted with 7 yes votes} \agendaitem{Fired developers} \index{enforced retirement}\index{irc!ban}\index{project!devrel} Why aren't fired developers banned from the channels where they displayed misbehavior? \dev{halcy0n}, \dev{dertobi123}, \dev{lu_zero} think fired devs should be banned from the places where they behaved in the way that got them fired. \dev{dberkholz} and \dev{cardoe} think that this should be handled by devrel and council shouldn't set policy on it. \dev{halcy0n} later agreed with letting devrel address it, as did \dev{lu_zero} and \dev{betelgeuse}. A lengthy discussion took place whether such bans should also extend to Gentoo project channels. \agendaitem{PMS as a draft standard of EAPI 0} \index{PMS}\index{EAPI!0} What changes are required before PMS becomes a draft standard of EAPI 0? $\longrightarrow$ The main thing that needs to be clarified is conflict resolution. Idea: Ask the portage developers and PMS authors to develop a process that both groups will respect, then present it to the council for approval. Options include a "neutral" third party as PMS czar, having council decide, just trying harder to come to agreement, deciding that e.g. portage's choice always wins, random, etc. \dev{spb} and \dev{ciaranm} agreed that a third party or council would work well. Since such a third party would probably be better invested in actually working on the spec, the council seems reasonable a reasonable choice if PMS editors and PM developers can't work it out. \dev{zmedico} and \dev{ferringb} also agreed with this. Decision: The Council will vote to resolve conflicts that the PMS editors and PM developers weren't able to resolve. \dev{zmedico}, \dev{ferringb}, and \dev{ciaranm} (developers of each PM) all agree that having a written specification is worthwhile. Next meeting is Sept 11, and we request that everyone involved with PM development or the spec email gentoo-dev about any issues with it. Otherwise, it's likely to be approved as a draft standard.