\summary{2011}{6}{8} Agenda call: \agoref{gentoo-project}{121dd07756bad518399170a3894168e8} Agenda announcement: \agoref{gentoo-project}{0a7935a1097ba0aa41c3370a20679f9a} \agendaitem{ChangeLog policy} \index{ChangeLog}\index{project!qa}\index{project!devrel} Reference: \agoref{gentoo-dev}{2ff02d6910d797045af3659fb21c712f} The policy approved by the council in the last meeting gave rise to some incidents and sparked much debate. In the fallout \dev{grobian} made a request for the council to discuss the ChangeLog generation. \dev{jmbsvicetto} suggested the council should divide this topic in 2 issues: the result of the policy approval and the request to review the policy. \dev{jmbsvicetto} made a point of thanking both the QA lead (\dev{flameeyes}) and deputy lead for addressing the ChangeLog policy and enforcing it inside QA, as well as thank DevRel (which \dev{jmbsvicetto} and \dev{betelgeuse} are part of) for their resolution of the bug.\footnote{This is \bug{368097} (comrel-restricted).} \dev{chainsaw} argued that the ChangeLog policy is working as intended. \dev{betelgeuse} argued that the policy is strict but that it does show how the problematic people react to policies in general. After some discussion regarding the "strictness" of the policy and whether to accept the request to review the policy, the council decided to not review the policy with 5 no votes and 1 abstention. The council issued a clarification note about the policy stating that as one removes the ChangeLog while dropping a package from the tree, there is no need to update it while commiting a package removal. The discussion then turned to the point about automatic generation of the ChangeLog. The following debate mentioned having repoman -m call echangelog, having the ChangeLog files generated server side, and completing the move to the git tree. A vote was called stating that the decision of the council about automated changelog messages is that repoman be updated to add the commit message to changelog, until such time as changelogs can be created server side. The council also urges individual developers to join the effort to move the tree to git. The vote was carried with 5 yes votes and 1 abstention. 2 council members each approved one part and abstained on the other. \dev{chainsaw} made a point of recalling that this decision does in no way affect the decision not to update the changelog policy, so developers are still required to update changelogs for every commit. \dev{scarabeus} and \dev{wired} provided some commit wrappers to call echangelog.\footnote{Dead links} \agendaitem{GLEP 48 review} \index{GLEP!48}\index{project!devrel}\index{project!qa} References: \begin{itemize} \item \agoref{gentoo-project}{ac161677a6e06a8647e16420eeae8d47} \item \url{ http://sources.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/gentoo/xml/htdocs/proj/en/glep/glep -0048.txt?r1=1.3\&r2=1.4} (now dead link) \end{itemize} \dev{jmbsvicetto} submitted a proposal to the mailing list to update \glep{48}. After some initial debate over the power granted to the QA team, the timeline in case of an escalation to DevRel, the relation with DevRel and whether QA should only enforce policies or also take part in creating policies, after the request by \dev{patrick}, \dev{jmbsvicetto} suggested pushing this back to the mls. \dev{betelgeuse} then asked the council to at least vote to commit the non suspension related parts of the proposal. The diff was approved with 6 yes votes. \dev{antarus} during this discussion presented some thoughts about the QA team.\footnote{Dead link.} \agendaitem{Removal of support for old-style virtuals} \index{virtuals!old style} Reference: \agoref{gentoo-project}{7986aa2d9651c600f7302a8d84cc3721} \dev{ulm} made a request to the council to remove the support for old-style virtuals. \dev{jmbsvicetto} asked if there could be any compatibility issue with old installations and \dev{betelgeuse} asked what would happen to the vdb for old packages. \dev{ulm} replied there should be no compatiblity issues as it should be comparable to a package removal. So if the package manager can't resolve the old-style virtual, the package depending on it would pull the new-style virtual. The proposal was approved with 6 yes votes. \agendaitem{Review of the ending council term} \index{git migration} Several council members took this chance to look back at the ending term and to make their evaluation of what was accomplished. Most agreed it was fun and that it was nice working with the other elected members. The members also wished a good time for the next council. There was some talk about the move to git, including that council wasn't able to get it done, a mention about not having moved forward with the \glep{39} reform, and a listing of some ideas for next council. \agendaitem{Council web app} \index{council!web app}\index{Ruby}\index{Rails} Reference: \url{http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2011/jbartosik/19001} Joachim Bartosik, a GSoC student at Gentoo, who is working on a Ruby on Rails app for the council, did a short demo for council members. The council was able to see the current state of the app and the state of the meeting bot. \agendaitem{Open bugs with council involvement} \begin{itemize} \item \bug{237381}: \dev{jmbsvicetto} said he failed to present a proposal for this bug. \item \bug{341959}: \dev{wired} said he still needs to fix this bug and that he will do that soon. \item \bug{362803}: \dev{jmbsvicetto} commited the update approved in the council meeting to the text version of the GLEP before the meeting ended. He promised to work on the html version later in the day. \end{itemize} \agendaitem{Open floor - listen to the community} No issues were brought forward to the council.