\summary{2013}{7}{30} \agendaitem{Vote for meeting schedule} \vote{Council meetings will be 2nd tuesdays of the month at 19:00 UTC.}{ (carried unanimous)} \agendaitem{Vote for continuing last council's workflow} \vote{We will send out a call for agenda items (2 weeks in advance), send the agenda (1 week in advance) and aim to have the meeting focussed, e.g., have major discussions on the -project mailing list prior to the meeting.}{ (carried unanimous)} \agendaitem{Meeting format 1: "the open floor is the mailing list discussion} \vote{Should we discontinue open floor at the end of the meeting?}{ 2 yes, 5 no - not carried} \agendaitem{Meeting format 2: "shift council votes to mail instead of IRC"} \index{council!votes!on bugzila}\index{council!votes!by mail} \vote{Shift council votes to mail instead of IRC}{5 no - not carried} \vote{Allow voting via leaving comments YES/NO/ABSTAIN on a bug for urgent issues, with prior notice (at least 3 days earlier) to -project whenever practical}{4 yes, 1 no, 1 abstention - motion carried} \agendaitem{Open floor to council members to introduce themselves} See the full log for the detailed statements. \agendaitem{General discussion on the introduction of a "Bikeshed of the month"} The idea is to pick topics where a decision clearly makes sense, but people could not agree during bikeshedding, put them on the agenda and try to settle things. General agreement was that this does not need to be formalized but can be handled via established Council procedures. \agendaitem{Open bugs with council involvement} Currently only \bug{477030}: We agree to kick Betelgeuse to complete the missing meeting summary whenever we see him. \agendaitem{Open Floor} williamh asks how having bugzilla involved in Council matters (see point 5) changes how to bring an issue to Council's attention. After some discussion, the following is brought up for vote: \vote{For adding an item to the agenda of the next council meeting, please 1) assign a bug to council and 2) link to it in a post on -project; the discussion should take place on -project}{ A decision was postponed, also for discussion on the mailing lists.}