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Diffstat (limited to 'Translate/tests/phpunit/MessageProcessing/StringMatcherTest.php')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Translate/tests/phpunit/MessageProcessing/StringMatcherTest.php b/Translate/tests/phpunit/MessageProcessing/StringMatcherTest.php
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Translate/tests/phpunit/MessageProcessing/StringMatcherTest.php
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+namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageProcessing;
+use MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase;
+use Title;
+ * The StringMatcher class is responsible for making sure message keys
+ * from external sources are valid titles in MediaWiki.
+ * @author Niklas Laxström
+ * @file
+ */
+/** @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\Translate\MessageProcessing\StringMatcher */
+class StringMatcherTest extends MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
+ /** @dataProvider messageKeyProvider */
+ public function testKeyPrefixing(
+ string $key, string $expected, string $prefix, array $rules
+ ): void {
+ $matcher = new StringMatcher( $prefix, $rules );
+ $mangled = $matcher->mangle( $key );
+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, $mangled );
+ $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, $title, "Key '$mangled' did not produce valid title" );
+ $unmangled = $matcher->unmangle( $mangled );
+ $this->assertEquals( $key, $unmangled, 'Mangling is reversible' );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $mangled, 'Message is prefixed correctly' );
+ }
+ public function messageKeyProvider(): array {
+ // The fourth parameter causes the key to be prefixed or unprefixed
+ $keys = [
+ [ 'key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ 'key' ], 'Exact match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'key', 'p-', [ 'bar' ], 'Exact not match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ 'k*' ], 'Prefix match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'key', 'p-', [ 'b*' ], 'Prefix not match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ '*y' ], 'Suffix match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'key', 'p-', [ '*r' ], 'Suffix not match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ 'k*y' ], 'Wildcard match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'key', 'p-', [ '*a*' ], 'Wildcard not match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ 'key', '*ey', 'ke*' ], 'Multiple rules match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'key', 'p-', [ '*a*', '*ar', 'ba*' ], 'Multiple rules not match' ],
+ [ 'key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ '*' ], 'All match' ],
+ [
+ '[k.ssa]', 'p-=5Bk.ssa=5D', 'p-', [ '[k.s*' ],
+ 'Message key with special chars'
+ ],
+ [
+ '[kissa]', '=5Bkissa=5D', 'p-', [ '[k.s*' ],
+ 'Message key with special chars'
+ ],
+ [ 'keyblah/i', 'p-keyblah/i', 'p-', [ 'key*/i' ], 'Slash in pattern does not trigger modifier' ],
+ [
+ 'p-key', 'p-key', 'p-', [ 'b-*' ],
+ 'Unmangle does not remove prefix if pattern doesn\'t match'
+ ]
+ ];
+ return $keys;
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider problematicMessageKeyProvider */
+ public function testKeyMangling( string $key ): void {
+ $matcher = new StringMatcher();
+ $mangled = $matcher->mangle( $key );
+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, $mangled );
+ $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, $title, "Key '$mangled' did not produce a valid title" );
+ $unmangled = $matcher->unmangle( $mangled );
+ $this->assertEquals( $key, $unmangled, 'Mangling is reversible' );
+ }
+ /** @dataProvider problematicMessageKeyProvider */
+ public function testKeyManglingWithPrefixing( string $key ): void {
+ $matcher = new StringMatcher( 'prefix', [ '*' ] );
+ $mangled = $matcher->mangle( $key );
+ $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, $mangled );
+ $this->assertInstanceOf( Title::class, $title, "Key '$mangled' did not produce a valid title" );
+ $unmangled = $matcher->unmangle( $mangled );
+ $this->assertEquals( $key, $unmangled, 'Mangling is reversible' );
+ }
+ public function problematicMessageKeyProvider(): array {
+ $keys = [
+ [ 'key', 'simple string' ],
+ [ 'key[]', 'string with brackets' ],
+ [ 'key%AB', 'string with invalid url encoding' ],
+ [ 'key&amp;', 'string with html entity' ],
+ [ 'key=2A', 'string with fake escaping' ],
+ [ 'общегосударственные', 'Unicode string' ],
+ [ ' la la land_', 'string starting or ending with spaces or underscores' ],
+ [ 'one two__three _four', 'multiple spaces consisting of spaces or underscores' ],
+ [ 'Signed by ~~~', 'Magic tilde expansion' ],
+ [ ':iam', 'string starting with a colon' ],
+ ];
+ // Add tests for ranges of exotic ASCII characters
+ foreach ( range( 0, 7 ) as $k ) {
+ $key = '';
+ foreach ( range( 0, 15 ) as $c ) {
+ $key .= chr( $c + 16 * $k );
+ }
+ $start = $k * 16;
+ $end = $start + 16;
+ $keys[] = [ $key, "ASCII range $start..$end" ];
+ }
+ return $keys;
+ }