diff options
authorPacho Ramos <>2010-06-19 18:50:39 +0000
committerPacho Ramos <>2010-06-19 18:50:39 +0000
commita1a8190f9669ea02a973124d216c8d8a9332bb35 (patch)
parentRevision bump with multiple fixes and dropping epiphany support since it requ... (diff)
Revision bump with multiple fixes and dropping epiphany support since it requires deprecated python extensions support
(Portage version: x86_64)
7 files changed, 1167 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/ChangeLog b/app-misc/beagle/ChangeLog
index a99f2444c300..bd0d6674d3e5 100644
--- a/app-misc/beagle/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
# ChangeLog for app-misc/beagle
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-misc/beagle/ChangeLog,v 1.111 2010/06/19 18:48:09 pacho Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-misc/beagle/ChangeLog,v 1.112 2010/06/19 18:50:39 pacho Exp $
+ 19 Jun 2010; Pacho Ramos <>
+ +files/beagle-0.3.9-firefox-3.6.patch, +files/beagle-0.3.9-gmime24.patch,
+ +files/beagle-0.3.9-grow-shrink.patch, +files/beagle-0.3.9-mono2.6.patch,
+ +files/beagle-0.3.9-openfix.patch,
+ +files/beagle-0.3.9-update-tileindex.patch:
+ Revision bump with multiple fixes and changes: drop epiphany support since
+ it requires old epiphany-extensions-2.26, and won't work with webkit based
+ versions; support Firefox 3.6, fix building against gmime-2.4, remove bugs
+ open check, make it work with mono-2.6, some upstream fixes committed to
+ master. Thanks to Fedora and Mandriva folks for most of the patches.
*beagle-0.3.9-r3 (19 Jun 2010)
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-firefox-3.6.patch b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-firefox-3.6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..92b5538a4d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-firefox-3.6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+Fix bug 283740
+Backport of:
+From a56102700eb77cc6563b99b68acdc699a6716e73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tao Fei <>
+Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2009 11:20:56 +0000
+Subject: fix name confilct bug in beaglePrefs.js (for firefox 3.5)
+remove some debug msg (break in firefox 3.5)
+update zh-cn locale for beagle search history sidebar
+update max firfox version to 3.5.*
+update version number to 1.1.2
+From upstream git.
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/beaglePrefs.js beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/beaglePrefs.js
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/beaglePrefs.js 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/beaglePrefs.js 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
+ * Beagle Extension: Index webpages you visit using the Beagle Indexing Engine.
+ * An Extension for the Firefox Browser.
+ */
+ // Initiate a new preference instance.
+-var gPrefService = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
++_prefService = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+ var beaglePref = {
+ //some constant
+@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
+ //functions used to get/set pref
+ func_factory:{
+ 'get':{
+- 'bool': Function.bind(gPrefService.getBoolPref,gPrefService),
+- 'int': Function.bind(gPrefService.getIntPref,gPrefService),
+- 'string' : Function.bind(gPrefService.getCharPref,gPrefService)
++ 'bool': Function.bind(_prefService.getBoolPref,_prefService),
++ 'int': Function.bind(_prefService.getIntPref,_prefService),
++ 'string' : Function.bind(_prefService.getCharPref,_prefService)
+ },
+ 'set':{
+- 'bool': Function.bind(gPrefService.setBoolPref,gPrefService),
+- 'int' : Function.bind(gPrefService.setIntPref,gPrefService),
+- 'string' : Function.bind(gPrefService.setCharPref,gPrefService)
++ 'bool': Function.bind(_prefService.setBoolPref,_prefService),
++ 'int' : Function.bind(_prefService.setIntPref,_prefService),
++ 'string' : Function.bind(_prefService.setCharPref,_prefService)
+ }
+ },
+ prefObject : {},
+@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
+ }
+ catch(ex){
+ log("first run import error");
+ log(ex);
+ }
+- },
++ }
+ }
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dir.js beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dir.js
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dir.js 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dir.js 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -219,11 +219,11 @@
+ " readDir(aDirPath);\n";
+ return help;
+ });
+-jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_DIR_FILE+' OK');
++//jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_DIR_FILE+' OK');
+ } else {
+ dump("JSLIB library not loaded:\n" +
+ " \tTo load use: chrome://jslib/content/jslib.js\n" +
+ " \tThen: include(jslib_dir);\n\n");
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dirUtils.js beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dirUtils.js
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dirUtils.js 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/dirUtils.js 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@
+ return help;
+ }
+ }; //END CLASS
+-jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_DIRUTILS_FILE+' OK');
++//jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_DIRUTILS_FILE+' OK');
+ else {
+ dump("JSLIB library not loaded:\n" +
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/file.js beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/file.js
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/file.js 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/file.js 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -756,11 +756,11 @@
+ " help;\n";
+ return help;
+ })
+-jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_FILE_FILE+' OK');
++//jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_FILE_FILE+' OK');
+ // If jslib base library is not loaded, dump this error.
+ else
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/fileUtils.js beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/fileUtils.js
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/fileUtils.js 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/content/jslib/io/fileUtils.js 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -582,11 +582,11 @@
+ return help;
+ }
+ };
+-jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_FILEUTILS_FILE+' OK');
++//jslibDebug('*** load: '+JS_FILEUTILS_FILE+' OK');
+ // If jslib base library is not loaded, dump this error.
+ else
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/locale/zh-CN/beagle.dtd beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/locale/zh-CN/beagle.dtd
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/chrome/locale/zh-CN/beagle.dtd 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/chrome/locale/zh-CN/beagle.dtd 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@
+ <!ENTITY "从不索引这个站点">
+ <!ENTITY "选项">
+ <!ENTITY "Beagle">
+ <!ENTITY "索引链接">
+ <!ENTITY "索引图片">
+ <!ENTITY "开始">
+ <!ENTITY "停止">
+ <!ENTITY beagle.bookmark.index.modified.label "索引更改过的书签">
++<!ENTITY beagle.sidebar.title "Beagle 搜索历史侧边栏">
++<!ENTITY beagle.sidebar.commandkey "B">
++<!ENTITY beagle.sidebar.modifierskey "shift 键">
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/ 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/ 2009-09-05 12:29:50.000000000 +0200
+@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
+ <em:targetApplication>
+ <Description>
+ <em:id>{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}</em:id>
+ <em:minVersion>0.8</em:minVersion>
+- <em:maxVersion>3.0.*</em:maxVersion>
++ <em:maxVersion>3.6.*</em:maxVersion>
+ </Description>
+ </em:targetApplication>
+ </Description>
+diff -NrU5 beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orig/firefox-extension/ 2009-09-05 12:28:10.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/firefox-extension/ 2009-09-05 12:29:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ PROJECT = beagle
+-VERSION = 1.1.0
++VERSION = 1.1.2
+ INSTALL_RDF = install.rdf
+ VERSION_SED = sed -e "s|\@VERSION\@|$(VERSION)|g"
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-gmime24.patch b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-gmime24.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15c601b6b446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-gmime24.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/beagled/EvolutionMailQueryable/EvolutionMailIndexableGenerator.cs.gmime24 beagle-0.3.9/beagled/EvolutionMailQueryable/EvolutionMailIndexableGenerator.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/beagled/EvolutionMailQueryable/EvolutionMailIndexableGenerator.cs.gmime24 2008-04-25 20:17:04.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/beagled/EvolutionMailQueryable/EvolutionMailIndexableGenerator.cs 2009-04-28 11:21:36.000000000 +0200
+@@ -333,28 +333,46 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.EvolutionMailQue
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:folder", this.folder_name));
+ GMime.InternetAddressList addrs;
+- addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.To);
+- foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+- if (this.folder_name == "Sent" && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", ia.Addr));
++ if (this.folder_name == "Sent") {
++ addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.To);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", mailbox.Address));
++ }
++ }
++ addrs.Dispose ();
+ }
+- addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.Cc);
+- foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+- if (this.folder_name == "Sent" && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", ia.Addr));
++ if (this.folder_name == "Sent") {
++ addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.Cc);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", mailbox.Address));
++ }
++ }
++ addrs.Dispose ();
+ }
+- addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (GMime.Utils.HeaderDecodePhrase (message.Sender));
+- foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+- if (this.folder_name != "Sent" && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:gotFrom", ia.Addr));
++ if (this.folder_name != "Sent") {
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (message.Sender);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:gotFrom", mailbox.Address));
++ }
++ }
++ addrs.Dispose ();
+ }
+- addrs.Dispose ();
+ if (this.folder_name == "Sent")
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewFlag ("fixme:isSent"));
+@@ -750,48 +768,54 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.EvolutionMailQue
+ }
+ GMime.InternetAddressList addrs;
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (;
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (;
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
+ if (!have_content) {
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:to", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox)
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_address", mailbox.Address));
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_name", ia.Name));
+ }
+- if (this.folder_name == "Sent" && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", ia.Addr));
++ if (this.folder_name == "Sent" && ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox)
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", mailbox.Address));
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (;
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (;
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
+ if (!have_content) {
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:cc", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox)
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_address", mailbox.Address));
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_name", ia.Name));
+ }
+- if (this.folder_name == "Sent" && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", ia.Addr));
++ if (this.folder_name == "Sent" && ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox)
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:sentTo", mailbox.Address));
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (messageInfo.from);
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (messageInfo.from);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
+ if (!have_content) {
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:from", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox)
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_address", mailbox.Address));
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_name", ia.Name));
+ }
+- if (this.folder_name != "Sent" && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:gotFrom", ia.Addr));
++ if (this.folder_name != "Sent" && ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox)
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:gotFrom", mailbox.Address));
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/beagled/GoogleBackends/GMailSearchDriver.cs.gmime24 beagle-0.3.9/beagled/GoogleBackends/GMailSearchDriver.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/beagled/GoogleBackends/GMailSearchDriver.cs.gmime24 2008-04-25 21:26:19.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/beagled/GoogleBackends/GMailSearchDriver.cs 2009-04-28 11:21:36.000000000 +0200
+@@ -322,38 +322,47 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.GoogleBackend {
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.NewDate ("fixme:date", message.Date.ToUniversalTime ()));
+ GMime.InternetAddressList addrs;
+- addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.To);
++ addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.To);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:to", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_address", mailbox.Address));
++ }
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_name", ia.Name));
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.Cc);
++ addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.Cc);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:cc", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_address", mailbox.Address));
++ }
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_name", ia.Name));
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (GMime.Utils.HeaderDecodePhrase (message.Sender));
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (message.Sender);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:from", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_address", mailbox.Address));
++ }
+ hit.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_name", ia.Name));
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+ foreach (GMime.References refs in message.References)
+- hit.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:reference", refs.Msgid));
++ hit.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:reference", refs.MessageId));
+ string list_id = message.GetHeader ("List-Id");
+ if (list_id != null)
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/beagled/KMailQueryable/KMailIndexer.cs.gmime24 beagle-0.3.9/beagled/KMailQueryable/KMailIndexer.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/beagled/KMailQueryable/KMailIndexer.cs.gmime24 2008-02-10 21:24:19.000000000 +0100
++++ beagle-0.3.9/beagled/KMailQueryable/KMailIndexer.cs 2009-04-28 11:21:36.000000000 +0200
+@@ -407,28 +407,46 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.KMailQueryable {
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:folder", folder_name));
+ GMime.InternetAddressList addrs;
+- addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.To);
+- foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+- if (folder_name == Queryable.SentMailFolderName && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:sentTo", ia.Addr));
+- }
+- addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.Cc);
+- foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+- if (folder_name == Queryable.SentMailFolderName && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:sentTo", ia.Addr));
+- }
+- addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (GMime.Utils.HeaderDecodePhrase (message.Sender));
+- foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+- if (folder_name != Queryable.SentMailFolderName && ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:gotFrom", ia.Addr));
++ if (folder_name == Queryable.SentMailFolderName) {
++ addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.To);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:sentTo", mailbox.Address));
++ }
++ }
++ addrs.Dispose ();
+ }
+- addrs.Dispose ();
++ if (folder_name == Queryable.SentMailFolderName) {
++ addrs = message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.Cc);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:sentTo", mailbox.Address));
++ }
++ }
++ addrs.Dispose ();
++ }
++ if (folder_name != Queryable.SentMailFolderName) {
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (message.Sender);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:gotFrom", mailbox.Address));
++ }
++ }
++ addrs.Dispose ();
++ }
+ if (folder_name == Queryable.SentMailFolderName)
+ indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewFlag ("fixme:isSent"));
+ else {
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/beagled/ThunderbirdQueryable/ThunderbirdQueryable.cs.gmime24 beagle-0.3.9/beagled/ThunderbirdQueryable/ThunderbirdQueryable.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/beagled/ThunderbirdQueryable/ThunderbirdQueryable.cs.gmime24 2008-07-18 16:27:59.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/beagled/ThunderbirdQueryable/ThunderbirdQueryable.cs 2009-04-28 11:21:36.000000000 +0200
+@@ -367,9 +367,14 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQuery
+ message.Subject = Mime.HeaderDecodeText (GetText (document, "Subject"));
+ message.Sender = Mime.HeaderDecodePhrase (GetText (document, "Author"));
+ message.MessageId = GetText (document, "MessageId");
+- message.SetDate (DateTimeUtil.UnixToDateTimeUtc (Convert.ToInt64 (GetText (document, "Date"))), 0);
+- message.AddRecipientsFromString ("To", Mime.HeaderDecodePhrase (GetText (document, "Recipients")));
++ message.Date = DateTimeUtil.UnixToDateTimeUtc (Convert.ToInt64 (GetText (document, "Date")));
++ string str = GetText (document, "Recipients");
++ GMime.InternetAddressList recipients = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (str);
++ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in recipients)
++ message.To.Add (ia);
++ recipients.Dispose ();
+ return message;
+ }
+@@ -434,7 +439,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQuery
+ // We _know_ that the stream comes from a StreamReader, which uses UTF8 by
+ // default. So we use that here when parsing our string.
+- return (str != null ? Encoding.UTF8.GetString (str, 0, pos) : string.Empty);
++ return (str != null ? System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (str, 0, pos) : string.Empty);
+ }
+ // This spell "charset="
+@@ -462,7 +467,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQuery
+ // instead of UTF-8 in some cases and that will really mess things up.
+ byte[] buffer = null;
+ int c, header_length = 0, newlines = 0, charset_pos = 0;
+- Encoding enc = Encoding.UTF8;
++ System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
+ try {
+ do {
+ c = stream.BaseStream.ReadByte ();
+@@ -491,7 +496,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Daemon.ThunderbirdQuery
+ stream.BaseStream.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
+ // We need to use correct encoding
+- enc = Encoding.GetEncoding (encoding_str);
++ enc = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding (encoding_str);
+ } catch {
+ } finally {
+ stream.Close ();
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/Filters/FilterMail.cs.gmime24 beagle-0.3.9/Filters/FilterMail.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/Filters/FilterMail.cs.gmime24 2008-06-12 02:20:07.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/Filters/FilterMail.cs 2009-04-28 11:21:36.000000000 +0200
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ // Messages that are multipart/alternative shouldn't be considered as having
+ // attachments. Unless of course they do.
+- if (mime_part is GMime.Multipart && mime_part.ContentType.Subtype.ToLower () != "alternative")
++ if (mime_part is GMime.Multipart && mime_part.ContentType.MediaSubtype.ToLower () != "alternative")
+ return true;
+ return false;
+@@ -140,34 +140,43 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ AddProperty (Property.NewDate ("fixme:date", message.Date.ToUniversalTime ()));
+ GMime.InternetAddressList addrs;
+- addrs = this.message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.To);
++ addrs = this.message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.To);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+ AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:to", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_address", mailbox.Address));
++ }
+ AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:to_name", ia.Name));
+ AddEmailLink (ia);
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = this.message.GetRecipients (GMime.Message.RecipientType.Cc);
++ addrs = this.message.GetRecipients (GMime.RecipientType.Cc);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+ AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:cc", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_address", mailbox.Address));
++ }
+ AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:cc_name", ia.Name));
+ AddEmailLink (ia);
+ }
+ addrs.Dispose ();
+- addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.ParseString (GMime.Utils.HeaderDecodePhrase (this.message.Sender));
++ addrs = GMime.InternetAddressList.Parse (this.message.Sender);
+ foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs) {
+ AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:from", ia.ToString (false)));
+- if (ia.AddressType != GMime.InternetAddressType.Group)
+- AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_address", ia.Addr));
++ if (ia is GMime.InternetAddressMailbox) {
++ GMime.InternetAddressMailbox mailbox = ia as GMime.InternetAddressMailbox;
++ AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_address", mailbox.Address));
++ }
+ AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:from_name", ia.Name));
+ AddEmailLink (ia);
+ }
+@@ -184,7 +193,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:msgid", GMime.Utils.DecodeMessageId (msgid)));
+ foreach (GMime.References refs in this.message.References)
+- AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:reference", refs.Msgid));
++ AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:reference", refs.MessageId));
+ string list_id = this.message.GetHeader ("List-Id");
+ if (list_id != null)
+@@ -345,16 +354,15 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ }
+ } else if (mime_part is GMime.Multipart) {
+ GMime.Multipart multipart = (GMime.Multipart) mime_part;
+- int num_parts = multipart.Number;
++ int num_parts = multipart.Count;
+ // If the mimetype is multipart/alternative, we only want to index
+ // one part -- the richest one we can filter.
+- if (mime_part.ContentType.Subtype.ToLower () == "alternative") {
++ if (mime_part.ContentType.MediaSubtype.ToLower () == "alternative") {
+ // The richest formats are at the end, so work from there
+ // backward.
+ for (int i = num_parts - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+- GMime.Object subpart = multipart.GetPart (i);
++ GMime.Object subpart = multipart[i];
+ if (IsMimeTypeHandled (subpart.ContentType.ToString ())) {
+ part = subpart;
+@@ -370,7 +378,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ // the parts, treat them like a bunch of attachments.
+ if (part == null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++) {
+- using (GMime.Object subpart = multipart.GetPart (i))
++ using (GMime.Object subpart = multipart[i])
+ this.OnEachPart (subpart);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -400,7 +408,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ } else if (mime_type == "text/html") {
+ no_child_needed = true;
+ html_part = true;
+- string enc = part.GetContentTypeParameter ("charset");
++ string enc = part.ContentType.GetParameter ("charset");
+ // DataWrapper.Stream is a very limited stream
+ // and does not allow Seek or Tell
+ // HtmlFilter requires Stream.Position=0.
+@@ -473,7 +481,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Filters {
+ if (length != -1)
+ child.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:filesize", length));
+- if (part.ContentType.Type.ToLower () == "text")
++ if (part.ContentType.MediaType.ToLower () == "text")
+ child.SetTextReader (new StreamReader (stream));
+ else
+ child.SetBinaryStream (stream);
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/ beagle-0.3.9/
+--- beagle-0.3.9/ 2008-07-19 13:30:38.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/ 2009-04-28 11:25:11.000000000 +0200
+@@ -69,6 +69,10 @@
+ /* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+ #undef HAVE_UNISTD_H
++/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
++ */
++#undef LT_OBJDIR
+ /* Name of package */
+ #undef PACKAGE
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/ beagle-0.3.9/
+--- beagle-0.3.9/ 2009-04-28 11:24:17.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/ 2009-05-03 20:08:29.000000000 +0200
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ MONODOC_REQUIRED=1.2.4
+@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ if test "x$enable_gui" = "xyes"; then
+ glade-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED
+ gnome-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED
+ gnome-vfs-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED
+- gmime-sharp >= $GMIME_SHARP_REQUIRED
++ gmime-sharp-2.4 >= $GMIME_SHARP_REQUIRED
+ ])
+@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(EVO,
+ evolution-sharp >= $EVOLUTION_SHARP_REQUIRED \
+ gconf-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED \
+ glib-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED
+- gmime-sharp >= $GMIME_SHARP_REQUIRED,
++ gmime-sharp-2.4 >= $GMIME_SHARP_REQUIRED,
+ have_evo_dependencies=yes, have_evo_dependencies=no)
+@@ -377,14 +377,14 @@ dnl ------------------------------------
+ [
+ shared-mime-info
+- gmime-sharp >= $GMIME_SHARP_REQUIRED
++ gmime-sharp-2.4 >= $GMIME_SHARP_REQUIRED
+ glib-sharp-2.0 >= $GTK_SHARP_REQUIRED
+ ])
+ GSF_SHARP_PREFIX=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=prefix gsf-sharp`
+-GMIME_SHARP_PREFIX=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=prefix gmime-sharp`
++GMIME_SHARP_PREFIX=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=prefix gmime-sharp-2.4`
+ dnl ----------------------------------------------
+ dnl Epiphany Extension
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-grow-shrink.patch b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-grow-shrink.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a3716d86d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-grow-shrink.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+From 7cfcb26cd31f43ad93d32d3354787e6c2915b5e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chris Rivera <>
+Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 21:07:24 +0000
+Subject: Grow/shrink the number beagle-search results based on window size
+Rework the size requsitioning to always take all available window
+space for results, and to dynamically grow and shrink based on the
+size of the window. Fixes bgo #582354 and #328440.
+diff --git a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs
+index 3a920ab..06e8724 100644
+--- a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs
++++ b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs
+@@ -18,17 +18,14 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ public abstract class Category : Container {
+- private SortedTileList tiles = null;
+- private int page = 0;
+ protected Gtk.HBox header;
++ private SortedTileList tiles;
+ private Gtk.Label position;
+ private Gtk.Button prev, next;
+ private Gtk.Expander headerExpander;
+- private int fewRows, manyRows, columns;
+- private int few, many;
+ private bool extended, expanded;
+ private ScopeType scope;
++ private int columns, tileIndex, tileHeight;
+ public Category (Tiles.TileGroupInfo info, int columns)
+ {
+@@ -60,14 +57,9 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ header.SizeRequested += HeaderSizeRequested;
+ tiles = new SortedTileList (Beagle.Search.SortType.Relevance);
+- page = 0;
+- fewRows = info.Rows;
+- manyRows = info.Rows * 2;
+ Columns = columns;
+ UpdateButtons ();
+- //headerExpander.Expanded = true;
+ Expanded = true;
+ }
+@@ -91,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ expanded = value;
+ if (expanded)
+- ShowTiles (false);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ else
+ HideTiles ();
+@@ -103,12 +95,10 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ get { return columns; }
+ set {
+ HideTiles ();
+ columns = value;
+- few = fewRows * columns;
+- many = manyRows * columns;
+- ShowTiles (true);
++ if (Expanded)
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+ }
+@@ -127,14 +117,9 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ args.Requisition = req;
+ }
+- void UpdateButtons ()
++ private void UpdateButtons ()
+ {
+- if (tiles.Count <= FirstVisible && page > 0) {
+- // The page we were viewing disappeared
+- page--;
+- }
+- prev.Sensitive = (page != 0);
++ prev.Sensitive = tileIndex != 0;
+ next.Sensitive = (tiles.Count > LastVisible + 1);
+ if (tiles.Count > 0) {
+@@ -156,7 +141,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ tiles.Add ((Tiles.Tile)widget);
+ if (Expanded)
+- ShowTiles (true);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+ protected override void OnRemoved (Gtk.Widget widget)
+@@ -168,41 +153,31 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ tiles.Remove ((Tiles.Tile)widget);
+ if (Expanded)
+- ShowTiles (true);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+ private Tiles.Tile lastTarget;
+ private bool hadFocus;
+- void HideTiles ()
++ private void HideTiles ()
+ {
+ lastTarget = null;
+- foreach (Tiles.Tile tile in VisibleTiles) {
++ foreach (Tiles.Tile tile in AllTiles) {
+ if (tile.HasFocus || lastTarget == null) {
+ lastTarget = tile;
+ hadFocus = tile.HasFocus;
+ }
+ tile.ChildVisible = false;
+ }
+ QueueResize ();
+ }
+- void ShowTiles (bool recenter)
++ private void ShowTiles ()
+ {
+- if (recenter && lastTarget != null) {
+- int index = tiles.IndexOf (lastTarget);
+- if (hadFocus || page > 0) {
+- if (index < few)
+- page = 0;
+- else if (extended)
+- page = index / (manyRows * columns);
+- else
+- page = ((index - few) / (manyRows * columns)) + 1;
+- }
+- }
+ foreach (Tiles.Tile tile in VisibleTiles) {
+ tile.ChildVisible = true;
+ if (tile == lastTarget && hadFocus && !tile.HasFocus)
+ tile.GrabFocus ();
+ }
+@@ -211,33 +186,26 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ QueueResize ();
+ }
+- private bool showingMany {
+- get {
+- // Show extra tiles on every page after the first, unless
+- // there are only two pages and the second one only has
+- // enough tiles to fit the "fewer" size.
+- return (page > 0 && tiles.Count > 2 * few) || extended;
+- }
+- }
+- void OnPrev (object obj, EventArgs args)
++ private void OnPrev (object obj, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ HideTiles ();
+- page--;
++ tileIndex = Math.Max (0, tileIndex - PageSize);
+ if (!Expanded)
+ OnActivated (obj, args);
+ else
+- ShowTiles (false);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+- void OnNext (object obj, EventArgs args)
++ private void OnNext (object obj, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ HideTiles ();
+- page++;
++ tileIndex = Math.Min (tiles.Count - 1, tileIndex + PageSize);
+ if (!Expanded)
+ OnActivated (obj, args);
+ else
+- ShowTiles (false);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+ protected void OnActivated (object obj, EventArgs args)
+@@ -246,27 +214,56 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ CategoryToggle (scope);
+ }
++ public void SetMaxDisplayHeight (int height)
++ {
++ if (tileHeight != height) {
++ tileHeight = height;
++ HideTiles ();
++ if (Expanded)
++ ShowTiles ();
++ }
++ }
++ public int GetPotentialDisplayHeight ()
++ {
++ if (tiles.Count == 0)
++ return 0;
++ Requisition headerReq = header.SizeRequest ();
++ Requisition tileReq = tiles[0].SizeRequest ();
++ return headerReq.Height + (tiles.Count / Columns) * tileReq.Height;
++ }
+ public delegate void CategoryToggleDelegate (ScopeType scope);
+ public event CategoryToggleDelegate CategoryToggle;
+ protected int PageSize {
+ get {
+- return Math.Min (showingMany ? many : few, tiles.Count);
++ if (tiles.Count == 0)
++ return 0;
++ if (tileHeight == 0)
++ return Math.Min (2 * Columns, tiles.Count);
++ Requisition sizeReq = tiles[0].SizeRequest ();
++ int ps = Math.Min (tileHeight / sizeReq.Height * Columns, tiles.Count);
++ // Display at least two rows if we have the hits for it.
++ if (ps < 2 * Columns)
++ ps = Math.Min (2 * Columns, tiles.Count);
++ return ps;
+ }
+ }
+- protected int FirstVisible {
++ private int FirstVisible {
+ get {
+- if (page == 0)
+- return 0;
+- else if (extended)
+- return page * many;
+- else
+- return few + (page - 1) * many;
++ return tileIndex;
+ }
+ }
+- protected int LastVisible {
++ private int LastVisible {
+ get {
+ return Math.Min (FirstVisible + PageSize, tiles.Count) - 1;
+ }
+@@ -337,7 +334,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ set {
+ HideTiles ();
+ tiles.SortType = value;
+- ShowTiles (true);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+ }
+@@ -346,7 +343,7 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ if (extended) {
+ HideTiles ();
+ this.extended = extended;
+- ShowTiles (false);
++ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+ if (focus && !Empty)
+ ((Gtk.Widget)VisibleTiles[0]).GrabFocus ();
+diff --git a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/GroupView.cs b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/GroupView.cs
+index d9d6319..e0620da 100644
+--- a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/GroupView.cs
++++ b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/GroupView.cs
+@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ private Gtk.SizeGroup tileSizeGroup;
+ private Gtk.Widget selection;
++ private int[] maxHeight;
++ private int[] displayHeight;
+ public event CategoryToggledDelegate CategoryToggled;
+ public event TileHandler TileSelected;
+@@ -47,8 +50,68 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ categories [info.Group] = box;
+ }
++ maxHeight = new int[Children.Length];
++ displayHeight = new int[Children.Length];
+ }
++ public void AdjustCategories (int height)
++ {
++ Category last = null;
++ int visible = 0, totalHeight = height, childLen = Children.Length;
++ ulong mask = ~0UL;
++ for (int i = 0; i < childLen; i++) {
++ displayHeight[i] = maxHeight[i] = 0;
++ Category c = (Category) Children[i];
++ if (!c.Expanded || c.Count == 0) {
++ mask ^= 1UL << i;
++ continue;
++ }
++ last = c;
++ visible++;
++ maxHeight[i] = c.GetPotentialDisplayHeight ();
++ }
++ if (visible == 0) {
++ return;
++ } else if (visible == 1) {
++ last.SetMaxDisplayHeight (height);
++ return;
++ }
++ // Split the available height among the visible categories
++ for (int active = visible; active > 0 && totalHeight > active;) {
++ int avg_height = totalHeight / active;
++ for (int i = 0; i < childLen; i++) {
++ if ((mask & 1UL << i) == 0)
++ continue;
++ int diff = maxHeight[i] - displayHeight[i];
++ if (diff <= avg_height) {
++ displayHeight[i] += diff;
++ totalHeight -= diff;
++ mask ^= 1UL << i;
++ } else {
++ displayHeight[i] += avg_height;
++ totalHeight -= avg_height;
++ }
++ }
++ for (int j = active = 0; j < childLen; j++)
++ if ((mask & 1UL << j) != 0)
++ active++;
++ }
++ // Tell each category how much height it has to work with
++ for (int i = 0; i < childLen; i++) {
++ Category c = (Category) Children[i];
++ c.SetMaxDisplayHeight (displayHeight[i]);
++ }
++ }
+ public void AddHit (Tile tile)
+ {
+ tile.Show ();
+diff --git a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Panes.cs b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Panes.cs
+index 3ae5b7e..4b6a554 100644
+--- a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Panes.cs
++++ b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Panes.cs
+@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ Gtk.Widget focusChild = mainChild.FocusChild;
+ mainChild.FocusChild = null;
+ mainChild.FocusChild = focusChild;
++ GroupView gv = mainChild as GroupView;
++ if (gv != null)
++ gv.AdjustCategories (args.Allocation.Height);
+ }
+ }
+cgit v0.8.3.1
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-mono2.6.patch b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-mono2.6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d62f29b4ba9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-mono2.6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/beagled/SqliteUtils.cs.mono2.6 beagle-0.3.9/beagled/SqliteUtils.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/beagled/SqliteUtils.cs.mono2.6 2008-01-02 00:25:15.000000000 +0100
++++ beagle-0.3.9/beagled/SqliteUtils.cs 2009-12-16 14:27:28.000000000 +0100
+@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ namespace Beagle.Util {
+ try {
+ ret = command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
+ break;
+- } catch (SqliteBusyException ex) {
++ } catch (SqliteException ex) {
++ if (ex.ErrorCode == SQLiteErrorCode.Busy)
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.Error (e, "SQL that caused the exception: {0}", command_text);
+@@ -79,7 +80,8 @@ namespace Beagle.Util {
+ try {
+ ret = command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
+ break;
+- } catch (SqliteBusyException ex) {
++ } catch (SqliteException ex) {
++ if (ex.ErrorCode == SQLiteErrorCode.Busy)
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.Error ( e, "SQL that caused the exception: {0}", command.CommandText);
+@@ -96,7 +98,8 @@ namespace Beagle.Util {
+ while (reader == null) {
+ try {
+ reader = command.ExecuteReader ();
+- } catch (SqliteBusyException ex) {
++ } catch (SqliteException ex) {
++ if (ex.ErrorCode == SQLiteErrorCode.Busy)
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -108,7 +111,8 @@ namespace Beagle.Util {
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ return reader.Read ();
+- } catch (SqliteBusyException ex) {
++ } catch (SqliteException ex) {
++ if (ex.ErrorCode == SQLiteErrorCode.Busy)
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ }
+ }
+diff -p -up beagle-0.3.9/Util/FSpotTools.cs.mono2.6 beagle-0.3.9/Util/FSpotTools.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9/Util/FSpotTools.cs.mono2.6 2007-11-27 02:49:59.000000000 +0100
++++ beagle-0.3.9/Util/FSpotTools.cs 2009-12-16 14:27:58.000000000 +0100
+@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ namespace Beagle.Util {
+ while (reader == null) {
+ try {
+ reader = command.ExecuteReader ();
+- } catch (SqliteBusyException) {
++ } catch (SqliteException ex) {
++ if (ex.ErrorCode == SQLiteErrorCode.Busy)
+ Thread.Sleep (50);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-openfix.patch b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-openfix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd48fbae9eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-openfix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff -upNr beagle-0.3.9.orign/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs beagle-0.3.9/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs
+--- beagle-0.3.9.orign/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs 2008-07-17 01:54:15.000000000 +0200
++++ beagle-0.3.9/search/Beagle.Search.Tiles/Tile.cs 2009-07-06 20:50:41.227254947 +0200
+@@ -348,10 +348,6 @@ namespace Beagle.Search.Tiles {
+ #else
+ MimeApplication app;
+ app = Mime.GetDefaultApplication (mimetype);
+- if (app == null) {
+- Console.WriteLine ("Can't open MimeType '{0}'", mimetype);
+- return;
+- }
+ bool expect_uris = app.SupportsUris ();
+ path = hit.Path;
diff --git a/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-update-tileindex.patch b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-update-tileindex.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b8a3861fcbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/beagle/files/beagle-0.3.9-update-tileindex.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From 1f2e02c9f1e47b747d281510ab7bbd7950c568ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vincent Untz <>
+Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 11:31:59 +0000
+Subject: Update tileIndex when removing a tile
+The bug was introduced with 7cfcb26c.
+diff --git a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs
+index 06e8724..a008ef4 100644
+--- a/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs
++++ b/beagle/search/Beagle.Search/Category.cs
+@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ namespace Beagle.Search {
+ tiles.Remove ((Tiles.Tile)widget);
++ tileIndex = Math.Min( Math.Max( tiles.Count - 1, 0), tileIndex);
+ if (Expanded)
+ ShowTiles ();
+ }
+cgit v0.8.3.1