diff options
authorSamuli Suominen <>2008-05-15 15:09:24 +0000
committerSamuli Suominen <>2008-05-15 15:09:24 +0000
commitaa2899f0042678bb3c4bb168d855e54b7b3ccbb4 (patch)
tree5a62aca641b4a556bd03983648fa741c2f67cc8f /app-admin/modlogan
parentDrop redudant ffmpeg mask, superseeded by another (diff)
Removed by treecleaners, masked since January of 2008.
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin/modlogan')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 805 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/ChangeLog b/app-admin/modlogan/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index f6cc7e33cfad..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for app-admin/modlogan
-# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/modlogan/ChangeLog,v 1.31 2007/08/30 12:09:08 phreak Exp $
- 30 Aug 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
- Removing liquidx from metadata due to his retirement (see #171155 for
- reference).
- 23 Nov 2006; Francesco Riosa <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- dev-db/mysql => virtual/mysql
- 10 Feb 2006; Alastair Tse <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- remove X dep that was never needed
- 03 Sep 2005; Simon Stelling <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- made modlogan multilib-strict aware
- 08 May 2005; Aron Griffis <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- stable on ia64
- 18 Apr 2005; Michael Hanselmann <>
- modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- Stable on ppc.
- 16 Jan 2005; Guy Martin <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa.
- 28 Dec 2004; Ciaran McCreesh <> :
- Change encoding to UTF-8 for GLEP 31 compliance
- 18 Dec 2004; Simon Stelling <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- was testing for over 62 days without bug reports, marking stable on amd64
- 11 Dec 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
- 17 Nov 2004; Gustavo Zacarias <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- Stable on sparc
- 17 Nov 2004; Alastair Tse <> modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- replacing einstall with make DESTDIR (#71544)
-*modlogan-0.8.13 (17 Oct 2004)
- 17 Oct 2004; Alastair Tse <> metadata.xml,
- -files/modlogan.conf, -files/sample.conf, -files/sample.def.conf,
- +files/0.8.13/modlogan.conf, +files/0.8.13/sample.conf,
- +files/0.8.13/sample.def.conf, -modlogan-0.7.18.ebuild,
- -modlogan-0.7.4-r1.ebuild, -modlogan-0.8.10.ebuild,
- +modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild:
- cleanup, version bump, reorganise /etc/modlogan to be more sensible.
- 05 Oct 2004; Pieter Van den Abeele <>
- modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild, modlogan-0.8.10.ebuild:
- Masked modlogan-0.8.10.ebuild stable for ppc
- 05 Oct 2004; Pieter Van den Abeele <>
- modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild:
- Masked modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild stable for ppc
- 04 May 2004; Bryan Østergaard <> modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on alpha.
- 26 Apr 2004; Aron Griffis <> modlogan-0.7.18.ebuild:
- Add die following econf for bug 48950
- 12 Apr 2004; Chris Aniszczyk <> modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild,
- modlogan-0.8.10.ebuild:
- Stable on hppa
- 29 Feb 2004; Markus Nigbur <> modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild:
- Stable on x86.
- 04 Jan 2004; Jason Wever <> modlogan-0.7.18.ebuild,
- modlogan-0.7.4-r1.ebuild, modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild, modlogan-0.8.10.ebuild:
- Marked 0.8.10-r1 stable on sparc and updated copyright dates on all ebuilds.
-*modlogan-0.8.10-r1 (18 Dec 2003)
- 18 Dec 2003; Stefan Knoblich <> modlogan-0.8.10-r1.ebuild,
- files/0.8/modlogan.conf, files/0.8/sample.conf, files/0.8/sample.def.conf:
- updated sample config, stats are put into /var/www..., themes get installed
- (added examples to config file)
-*modlogan-0.8.10 (24 Sep 2003)
- 24 Sep 2003; Seemant Kulleen <> modlogan-0.8.10.ebuild:
- version bump, thanks to: Sebastian Bergmann <> in bug
- #29180
- 06 Dec 2002; Rodney Rees <> : changed sparc ~sparc keywords
-*modlogan-0.7.18 (16 Aug 2002)
- 16 Aug 2002; Seemant Kulleen <> modlogan-0.7.18.ebuild
- files/digest-modlogan-0.7.18 :
- long needed version bump, which should close the issues brought up in bug
- #6486 by (vinz meier)
-*modlogan-0.7.4-r1 (12 Apr 2002)
- 18 Sept 2002; Mike Frysinger <> modlogan-0.7.4-r1.ebuild :
- Fixed HOMEPAGE variable
- 21 Jul 2002; Seemant Kulleen <> modlogan-0.7.4-r1.ebuild :
- Added libxml2 and libxml to the DEPEND list. This closes bug #5364 by
- (vinz meier)
- 12 Apr 2002; Seemant Kulleen <> modlogan-0.7.4-r1.ebuild :
- Compile against new libpng
-*modlogan-0.7.4 (1 Feb 2002)
- 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <> ChangeLog :
- Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is
- updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the
- comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about
- writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you
- can find in the root directory of the portage repository.
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/Manifest b/app-admin/modlogan/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index bfa20a138f88..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-AUX 0.8.13/modlogan.conf 189 RMD160 8cb6fd4087606c876471001701f1618a128f72fd SHA1 d11ce33359d281afc88f643f9ea993be2afeba53 SHA256 c2818f72e815867cfca7fe35b8c4278e5c277040917009acc8a1ba43f8e2e5c8
-AUX 0.8.13/sample.conf 2913 RMD160 b9cb0e291b5c0f48c15c72a933110e4c8f9e1ff2 SHA1 277a34cb68e8e352da91de5dc989ddf6592385f7 SHA256 6c8f841a4c48217d3167e9ea687bfe5d0ca8d7e6dae543f327d657113e444f5a
-AUX 0.8.13/sample.def.conf 11436 RMD160 b38457a8c5839670215d487496ed8f86e4646232 SHA1 e9f5ebf8020d1c2ad484304b8162d00518ece922 SHA256 0ffc925f5000da5477990dbfadc912c0bd024ca64b9b3b756cf1a71b5f60dbbc
-DIST modlogan-0.8.13.tar.gz 1081773 RMD160 39aebb81b733ef5738ad41241132cfb4771617f3 SHA1 5bfaf2a52d7a4a71c0aad4d32315bd8853ffbf56 SHA256 6712843283ab8b79da8153132d564dbc5651b516c0f694416b7bc1bd423f0fd6
-DIST modlogan-themes-0.0.7.tar.gz 91492 RMD160 125b5bc0fd4805aa04da1a8f8334b1a3619048ea SHA1 5b9e053ae478b2c39093c98ac0ae3677b05015f4 SHA256 a61c6a0f1079bef9aec7d99364e9cf729d85db41353a287aa4e8cbfe02e70e5a
-EBUILD modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild 2557 RMD160 e24cf361b4be9cc2c78be1680f0d86907d0bd762 SHA1 599caae1ffc4a2ff474ecb8008d34d96d4569a5f SHA256 bad9ba6e346af762873f986866e96c52eaf7856df5f2e98b04773fb6d200f825
-MISC ChangeLog 4658 RMD160 6f3dc8e0024fc6009c64e3507a6726864856d791 SHA1 f7d3fd4da512d264bcfa87beccd00bc5507da275 SHA256 d27990fbd183fef03ecf6f7d9c33d498fbab65622e8423989b647654b3432314
-MISC metadata.xml 237 RMD160 9341f09890d45757b9f12fe70ba184004fc3bc70 SHA1 4dfb67f1756ddf7b368994b0620cbbadcdcf74c9 SHA256 b6dce9d40ae1817ab029f4cccc1660ac2be4c716184d72f6e383533290e18b5f
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/modlogan.conf b/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/modlogan.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5087842e0dbd..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/modlogan.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# This is the config file for modlogan-statistics
-<Directory "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/modlogan">
- Options None
- AllowOverride None
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/sample.conf b/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/sample.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e12b61598e6..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/sample.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# ModLogAn configuration file
-# 1. Format:
-# - lines starting with '#' are comments
-# - empty lines are ignored
-# - every other line has consist of a key-value pair
-# - a key-value pair has to be seperated by an equal-sign '='
-# 2. Whitespaces:
-# - whitespaces at the end of key are ignored
-# - whitespaces at the end of value are ignored
-# - whitespaces at the beginning of value are ignored
-# example:
-# inputplugin=clf
-# and
-# inputplugin = clf
-# are the same.
-# 3. Wildcardmatching:
-# every key that starts with
-# - hide
-# - group
-# - match
-# has support for wildcard matching. the wildcard is the '*' and is allowed
-# at the beginning and at the end of the value
-# 4. sections
-# The configuration file is seperated into three parts
-# - [global]
-# - [input]
-# - [output]
-# - [processor]
-# the 'global'-section has to be at the top if the config-file.
-# the keys for the input and the output section are plugin specific
-# for the avaible options and if they can be overwritten, look at
-# ./doc/plugin-options.txt
-# for a description and examples of the options take a look at the
-# sample default-configfile ./doc/sample.def.conf
-# how include works:
-# include=<path to config file>,<name of section to include>
-# to use the default options of the input_clf section from the default
-# configuration, one would use this:
-# include=/etc/modlogan/modlogan.def.conf,input_clf
-# you can still overwrite options after the include line:
-# include=/etc/modlogan/modlogan.def.conf,input_clf
-# readaheadlimit=25
-# global configuration section
-# include configuration from default config into this section
-# load plugins
-# where to store statefiles ?
-# uncomment this, to get a list of supported options
-# configuration for web processor plugin
-# configuration for modlogan output plugin
-# configuration for template output plugin
-# (use loadplugin = output_template
-# instead of output_modlogan to use this)
-# to use another theme, see /usr/share/modlogan/themes/
-# for names (basic is default)
-#template_name = basic
-# configuration for clf format input plugin
-# read from stdin
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/sample.def.conf b/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/sample.def.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 433817f86f7b..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/files/0.8.13/sample.def.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: sample.def.conf,v 1.1 2004/10/17 17:14:12 liquidx Exp $
-# Compress XML state files with max gzip compression
-## let modlogan decide what a read-ahead-limit might be the best
-read_ahead_limit = 0
-########## WEB Processor Section
-include = /etc/modlogan/,groupua
-include = /etc/modlogan/group.os.conf,groupos
-# Host grouping has been split into some groups to allow
-# for detailed reports if you have lot's of visitors from germany etc.
-include = /etc/modlogan/,grouphosts_germany
-include = /etc/modlogan/,grouphosts_austria
-include = /etc/modlogan/,grouphosts_us
-include = /etc/modlogan/,grouphosts_misc
-# these two groupings should reasonably group most hosts
-include = /etc/modlogan/,grouphosts_generic
-include = /etc/modlogan/,grouphosts_ip
-include = /etc/modlogan/group.extension.conf,groupext
-include = /etc/modlogan/group.url.conf,groupurl
-include = /etc/modlogan/group.searchengines.conf,group_searchengines
-include = /etc/modlogan/ignore.searchengines.conf,ignore_searchengines
-include = /etc/modlogan/match.searchengines.conf,match_searchengines
-maxhostcacheentries = 100
-## max count of hits per visit
-# kill endless visits
-max_hits_per_visit = 1000
-debug_searchengines = 0
-visit_timeout = 1800
-debug_visits = 0
-# log ungrouped searchengines
-log_ungrouped_searchengines = 0
-log_ungrouped_searchengines_file = ungrouped_searchengines.txt
-# decode searchstring
-decode_searchstrings = 1
-# Hide supplementary files such as images
-# Hide Robots / Bookmarks from main Report
-# Direct Accesses (no known referrer)
-groupreferrer="^-$",(Direct Access / no known referrer)
-groupsearchstrings="cache:.*? ",(Google Cache)
-# group lowercase
-# Some special common broken links
-groupbrokenlinks="favicon\.ico$",Bookmarking Icons for MSIE 5.0, Galeon
-groupbrokenlinks="robots\.txt$",Robot control file /robots.txt
-# url that should be counted as pages
-## pages that end with a '/' are index-pages
-## default page names - single expression for speed
-# To hide downloads such as Postscript, include this via
-# include = modlogan.def.conf,hide_downloads
-########## OUTPUT Section
-## < 0 for all, 0 for none
-maxrequrls = 30
-maxrefurls = 30
-maxos = 50
-maxhosts = 30
-maxentrypages = 10
-maxexitpages = 10
-maxindexedpages = 20
-maxua = 30
-maxreqprot = 10
-maxreqmeth = 10
-maxstatuscodes = 10
-maxrobots = 20
-maxbookmarks = 20
-maxbrokenlinks = 20
-maxsearchengines= 20
-maxsearchstrings= 30
-maxinteralerrors= 20
-maxcountries = 20
-maxextensions = 20
-maxvisitpaths = 20
-maxvisitdurations = 20
-maxvisitpathlengths = 20
-maxviewdurations = 20
-maxvhosts = 100
-maxgraphedmonths = 13
-showdailygraph = 1
-showmonthlygraph = 1
-showhourlygraph = 1
-showcountrygraph = 1
-showvhostgraph = 1
-showmonthinmenu = 1
-showmonthlymaxima = 1
-showmonthlygraphgrid = 1
-grid = #000000
-showvalidationlinks = 1
-assumedprotocol = http
-pagestyle = seppage
-## Template names
-#htmlheader = header.ihtml
-#htmlfooter = footer.ihtml
-# this is NOT how the file in the output will be called!
-# this is the file name of the source file.
-cssfile = /etc/modlogan/modlogan.css
-# HTML colors are in the CSS file, these colors are for
-# generating the graphics only.
-background = #ffffff
-foreground = #000000
-border = #000000
-shadow = #999999
-pages = #00c0ff
-files = #0080ff
-visits = #ffff00
-xfer = #ff0000
-hits = #00C030
-country_circle = #AF0000
-country_circle = #FF0000
-country_circle = #FF6400
-country_circle = #FFB900
-country_circle = #8CFF00
-country_circle = #00C800
-country_circle = #007B00
-country_circle = #0058FF
-country_circle = #009EFF
-country_circle = #0000FF
-country_circle = #000082
-# Vhost chart colors
-# added by
-vhost_circle = #CC9933
-vhost_circle = #FF0066
-vhost_circle = #FF6600
-vhost_circle = #FFBB00
-vhost_circle = #CCFF00
-vhost_circle = #00CC00
-vhost_circle = #008800
-vhost_circle = #0066FF
-vhost_circle = #00CCFF
-vhost_circle = #0000FF
-vhost_circle = #000099
-########## Webalizer-Lookalike output section
-maxrequrls = 30
-maxrefurls = 30
-maxos = 50
-maxhosts = 30
-maxentrypages = 10
-maxexitpages = 10
-maxindexedpages = 20
-maxua = 30
-maxreqprot = 10
-maxreqmeth = 10
-maxstatuscodes = 10
-maxrobots = 20
-maxbookmarks = 20
-maxbrokenlinks = 20
-maxsearchengines= 20
-maxsearchstrings= 30
-maxinteralerrors= 20
-maxcountries = 20
-# colors
-# the notation is #RRGGBB (HTML-color-tripple)
-background = #c0c0c0
-shadow = #808080
-pages = #00c0ff
-files = #0080ff
-visits = #ffff00
-xfer = #ff0000
-hosts = #ff8000
-hits = #00C030
-grouping = #D0D0E0
-body = #FFFFFF
-########## TEXT Output Section
-########## TKControl Output
-maxcallednumbers = 20
-maxcallingnumbers = 20
-background = #c0c0c0
-shadow = #808080
-outgoing = #00c0ff
-incoming = #00C030
-grouping = #D0D0E0
-body = #FFFFFF
-calls = #00ffff
-########## COMMON LOGFILE FORMAT input section
-include = /etc/modlogan/match.useragents.conf,match_useragents
-# Default input is stdin
-inputfile = -
-########## Microsoft IIS input section
-include = /etc/modlogan/match.os.conf,matchos
-include = /etc/modlogan/,matchua
-# Default input is stdin
-inputfile = -
-# Default input is stdin
-inputfile = -
-# Default input is stdin
-inputfile = -
-# Default input is stdin
-inputfile = -
-# {NAME} and {DATE} will be replaced. The rest of the filename is yours
-filename_pattern = mla-{NAME}-{DATE}.html
-index_filename = index.html
-template_path = /usr/share/modlogan/themes/
-template_name = basic
-assumedprotocol = http
-# enabling all available reports for the web-logs
-report = web_request_url
-report = web_request_url_traffic
-report = web_request_protocol
-report = web_request_method
-report = web_request_status
-report = web_request_extensions
-report = web_request_extensions_traffic
-report = web_user_users
-report = web_user_users_traffic
-report = web_user_referer
-report = web_user_os
-report = web_user_os_visits
-report = web_user_host
-report = web_user_host_visits
-report = web_user_useragent
-report = web_user_useragent_visits
-report = web_user_bookmarks
-report = web_user_countries
-report = web_user_countries_visits
-report = web_user_view_duration
-report = web_user_view_duration_visits
-report = web_user_view_duration_average
-report = web_visit_entry_pages
-report = web_visit_exit_pages
-report = web_visit_path
-report = web_visit_path_length
-report = web_visit_duration
-report = web_robot_indexed_pages
-report = web_robot_names
-report = web_robot_searchengine
-report = web_robot_seachstrings
-report = web_server_broken_links
-report = web_server_internal_errors
-report = web_server_vhosts
-report = web_generic_summary
-report = web_generic_hourly
-report = web_generic_daily
-## create a menu for the reports
-## with menuentry you can build menu-tree
-## menuentry = <parent>,<child>
-## The first used parent is the root node, here: start
-## if <child> is the name of a report, the specified report is assigned
-## to this menuentry
-menuentry = start,web_generic_summary
-menuentry = start,web_generic_hourly
-menuentry = start,web_generic_daily
-menuentry = start, req
-menuentry = start, user
-menuentry = start, visits
-menuentry = start, robots
-menuentry = start, server
-## declare a title for the pages which are not assigned to a report
-menutitle = start, Top
-menutitle = req, Requests
-menutitle = user, Users
-menutitle = robots, Robots
-menutitle = server, Server
-menutitle = visits, Visits
-menuentry = req,web_request_url
-menuentry = req,web_request_url_traffic
-menuentry = req,web_request_protocol
-menuentry = req,web_request_method
-menuentry = req,web_request_status
-menuentry = req,web_request_extensions
-menuentry = req,web_request_extensions_traffic
-menuentry = req,web_user_users
-menuentry = req,web_user_users_traffic
-menuentry = user,web_user_referer
-menuentry = user,web_user_os
-menuentry = user,web_user_os_visits
-menuentry = user,web_user_host
-menuentry = user,web_user_host_visits
-menuentry = user,web_user_useragent
-menuentry = user,web_user_useragent_visits
-menuentry = user,web_user_bookmarks
-menuentry = user,web_user_countries
-menuentry = user,web_user_countries_visits
-menuentry = user,web_user_view_duration
-menuentry = user,web_user_view_duration_visits
-menuentry = user,web_user_view_duration_average
-menuentry = visits,web_visit_entry_pages
-menuentry = visits,web_visit_exit_pages
-menuentry = visits,web_visit_path
-menuentry = visits,web_visit_path_length
-menuentry = visits,web_visit_duration
-menuentry = robots,web_robot_indexed_pages
-menuentry = robots,web_robot_names
-menuentry = robots,web_robot_searchengine
-menuentry = robots,web_robot_seachstrings
-menuentry = server,web_server_broken_links
-menuentry = server,web_server_internal_errors
-menuentry = server,web_server_vhosts
-menutitle = start, Start
-menutitle = req, Anfragen
-menutitle = user, Nutzer
-menutitle = robots, Roboter
-menutitle = server, Server
-menutitle = visits, Besuche
-report = mail_daily
-report = mail_hourly
-report = mail_sender
-report = mail_sender_traffic
-report = mail_receipient
-report = mail_receipient_traffic
-report = mail_incoming_domains
-report = mail_incoming_domains_traffic
-report = mail_outgoing_domains
-report = mail_outgoing_domains_traffic
-report = mail_qmail_queue_pollution
-report = mail_virus
-report = mail_scanner
-report = mail_subject
-menuentry = start, mail_daily
-menuentry = start, mail_hourly
-menuentry = start, email
-menuentry = start, domains
-menuentry = email, mail_sender
-menuentry = email, mail_sender_traffic
-menuentry = email, mail_receipient
-menuentry = email, mail_receipient_traffic
-menuentry = domains, mail_incoming_domains
-menuentry = domains, mail_incoming_domains_traffic
-menuentry = domains, mail_outgoing_domains
-menuentry = domains, mail_outgoing_domains_traffic
-menutitle = start, Top
-menutitle = email, Mail-Adresses
-menutitle = domains, Domains
-menutitle = start, Hier gehts los
-menutitle = email, Email-Adressen
-menutitle = domains, Domains
-menuentry = start, qmail
-menuentry = qmail, mail_qmail_queue_pollution
-menutitle = qmail, Qmail
-menuentry = start, virus
-menuentry = virus, mail_virus
-menuentry = virus, mail_scanner
-menuentry = virus, mail_subject
-menutitle = virus, Virus Information
-report = web_user_location_cities
-report = web_user_location_provinces
-report = web_user_location_countries
-report = web_user_location_provider
-menuentry = user,web_user_location_cities
-menuentry = user,web_user_location_provinces
-menuentry = user,web_user_location_countries
-menuentry = user,web_user_location_provider
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/metadata.xml b/app-admin/modlogan/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e7be70d583..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <pkgmetadata>
- <herd>no-herd</herd>
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/app-admin/modlogan/modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild b/app-admin/modlogan/modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa70349d4c1..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/modlogan/modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/modlogan/modlogan-0.8.13.ebuild,v 1.15 2006/11/23 15:07:20 vivo Exp $
-inherit multilib
-DESCRIPTION="Logfile Analyzer"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ia64 ppc sparc x86"
-IUSE="mysql nls"
- dev-libs/libxml2
- media-libs/jpeg
- media-libs/libpng
- >=media-libs/gd-2
- >=dev-libs/libpcre-3.2
- >=net-libs/adns-1.0
- sys-libs/zlib
- app-arch/bzip2
- dev-lang/perl
- mysql? ( virtual/mysql )"
- nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
-src_compile() {
- local myconf
- use mysql \
- && myconf="--with-mysql=/usr" \
- || myconf="--without-mysql"
- use nls || myconf="${myconf} --disable-nls"
- econf \
- --enable-plugins \
- --sysconfdir=/etc \
- --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/modlogan \
- --disable-check-dynamic \
- ${myconf} || die
- emake || die
-src_install() {
- make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
-# sysconfdir=${D}/etc \
-# libdir=${D}/usr/lib/modlogan || die
- insinto /etc/modlogan
- newins ${MY_FILESDIR}/sample.conf modlogan.conf.sample
- newins ${MY_FILESDIR}/sample.def.conf modlogan.def.conf.sample
- insinto /etc/modlogan
- newins doc/modlogan.css-dist modlogan.css
- doins doc/output.tmpl
- doins doc/modlogan.searchengines
-### needs some fixing
-# insinto /etc/httpd
-# newins ${MY_FILESDIR}/modlogan.conf httpd.modlogan
- keepdir /var/www/localhost/htdocs/modlogan
- dodoc doc/*.txt doc/*.conf doc/*-dist doc/glosar doc/stats
- dohtml -r html
- # install themes
- cd ${S}/../modlogan-themes-${THEMES_VERSION}
- dodir /usr/share/modlogan/themes
- for i in `ls -1`; do
- einfo "installing theme $i"
- cp -Rf $i ${D}/usr/share/modlogan/themes/
- done
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [ ! -a ${ROOT}etc/modlogan/modlogan.conf ]
- then
- cd ${ROOT}/etc/modlogan
- sed -e "s:##HOST##:${HOSTNAME}:g" \
- -e "s:##HOST2##:${HOSTNAME/./\\.}:g" \
- modlogan.conf.sample > modlogan.conf
- rm modlogan.conf.sample
- fi
- if [ ! -a ${ROOT}etc/modlogan/modlogan.def.conf ]
- then
- cd ${ROOT}/etc/modlogan
- sed -e "s:##HOST##:${HOSTNAME}:g" \
- -e "s:##HOST2##:${HOSTNAME/./\\.}:g" \
- modlogan.def.conf.sample > modlogan.def.conf
- rm modlogan.def.conf.sample
- fi