diff options
authorMichael Hanselmann <>2007-09-13 21:40:02 +0000
committerMichael Hanselmann <>2007-09-13 21:40:02 +0000
commit0449de7973b0e53be69c6cdf54b7757aaa1487b9 (patch)
tree1348eeab7ca152ddc467cf7101c591341d3921ac /net-analyzer/smokeping
parentStable on sparc / x86 wrt bug #192445 (diff)
Version bump.
(Portage version:
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer/smokeping')
3 files changed, 117 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog b/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog
index 87c8e4d5553a..fa7aa29bc67a 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/smokeping
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog,v 1.13 2007/09/13 20:08:55 hansmi Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/smokeping/ChangeLog,v 1.14 2007/09/13 21:40:01 hansmi Exp $
+*smokeping-2.2.3 (13 Sep 2007)
+ 13 Sep 2007; Michael Hanselmann <>
+ +smokeping-2.2.3.ebuild:
+ Version bump.
13 Sep 2007; Michael Hanselmann <>
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/digest-smokeping-2.2.3 b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/digest-smokeping-2.2.3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..115bb5dd8d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/files/digest-smokeping-2.2.3
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 3cfa6b4e5574bc19a5e7c990878adead smokeping-2.2.3.tar.gz 697271
+RMD160 e5ae9bf9bbad9002ce639906562bd0db338665d1 smokeping-2.2.3.tar.gz 697271
+SHA256 4121655a2fcb5779b66f221c86cf898c6ea35ad557b67dc8e9ebc8e09a3ffb99 smokeping-2.2.3.tar.gz 697271
diff --git a/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.2.3.ebuild b/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.2.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fc356ab80c12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.2.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/smokeping/smokeping-2.2.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/09/13 21:40:01 hansmi Exp $
+inherit perl-module eutils
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~sparc ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="A powerful latency measurement tool."
+ virtual/perl-libnet
+ >=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2
+ net-analyzer/fping
+ dev-perl/libwww-perl
+ apache2? ( >=www-servers/apache-2.0.54-r30 >=www-apache/mod_perl-2.0.1 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! built_with_use '>=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2' perl ; then
+ eerror "You must build net-analyzer/rrdtool with the"
+ eerror "'perl' USE flag turned on!"
+ die "net-analyzer/rrdtool installed with 'perl' USE flag disabled"
+ fi
+ enewgroup smokeping
+ enewuser smokeping -1 -1 /var/lib/smokeping smokeping
+src_compile() {
+ # There is a makefile we don't want to run so leave this here
+ einfo "Skip compile."
+src_install() {
+ # First move all the perl modules into the vendor lib area of Perl
+ perlinfo
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}
+ doins lib/*.pm
+ ### This one kind of concerns me, possible conflict with other software
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Config
+ doins lib/Config/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping
+ doins lib/Smokeping/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping/matchers
+ doins lib/Smokeping/matchers/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping/probes
+ doins lib/Smokeping/probes/*.pm
+ insinto ${VENDOR_LIB}/Smokeping/sorters
+ doins lib/Smokeping/sorters/*.pm
+ # Create the files in var for rrd file storage and the cgi webserver script
+ keepdir /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ fowners smokeping:smokeping /var/lib/${PN}
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ fowners apache:apache /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ else
+ fowners smokeping:smokeping /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ fi
+ fperms 775 /var/lib/${PN} /var/lib/${PN}/.simg
+ exeinto /var/www/localhost/perl
+ newexe htdocs/${PN}.cgi.dist ${PN}.pl
+ dosed 's:^use lib:#use lib:g' /var/www/localhost/perl/${PN}.pl
+ dosed 's:sepp/bin/speedy:bin/perl:' /var/www/localhost/perl/${PN}.pl
+ dosed 's:/home/oetiker/data/projects/AADJ-smokeping/dist/etc/config:/etc/smokeping:' \
+ /var/www/localhost/perl/${PN}.pl
+ # Create the binary
+ newbin bin/${PN}.dist ${PN}
+ dosed 's:/usr/sepp/bin/perl-5.8.4:/usr/bin/perl:g' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ dosed 's:^use lib:#use lib:g' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ # dosed 's:/sepp::' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ dosed 's:etc/config.dist:/etc/smokeping:' /usr/bin/${PN}
+ # Create the config files
+ insinto /etc
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/config.dist" ${PN}
+ newins etc/basepage.html.dist ${PN}.template
+ doins etc/smokemail.dist
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.init" ${PN}
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/78_${PN}.conf"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ chown smokeping:smokeping "${ROOT}/var/lib/${PN}"
+ chmod 755 "${ROOT}/var/lib/${PN}"
+ elog
+ elog "Four more steps are needed to get ${PN} un&running:"
+ elog "1) You need to edit /etc/${PN}"
+ elog "2) You need to edit the template at /etc/${PN}.template"
+ elog "3) You need to make the fping binary setuid root:"
+ elog " # chmod 4755 /usr/sbin/fping"
+ if use apache2 ; then
+ elog "4) Make sure to add -D PERL to APACHE2_OPTS in /etc/conf.d/apache2"
+ elog " and to restart apache2."
+ fi
+ elog "You can now start ${PN} with '/etc/init.d/${PN} start'."
+ elog