diff options
authorRajiv Aaron Manglani <>2007-02-11 07:45:13 +0000
committerRajiv Aaron Manglani <>2007-02-11 07:45:13 +0000
commit369eea249151464a05159ce411b7e2141d1f292d (patch)
tree8c5f9a4b5887580eeb32c869b8abcfad4c3dbdad /net-misc/asterisk
parentMarked ~ppc for bug #163401. (diff)
remove old ebuild. bug #164217.
(Portage version: 2.1.2-r7)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/asterisk')
3 files changed, 5 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/asterisk/ChangeLog b/net-misc/asterisk/ChangeLog
index a72c92e791ef..a9cbdf78de15 100644
--- a/net-misc/asterisk/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-misc/asterisk/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for net-misc/asterisk
# Copyright 2002-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/asterisk/ChangeLog,v 1.144 2007/01/29 07:14:58 rajiv Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/asterisk/ChangeLog,v 1.145 2007/02/11 07:45:13 rajiv Exp $
+ 11 Feb 2007; Rajiv Aaron Manglani <>
+ -asterisk-
+ remove old ebuild. bug #164217.
29 Jan 2007; Rajiv Aaron Manglani <>
diff --git a/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk- b/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-
deleted file mode 100644
index 9929ebaab737..000000000000
--- a/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/asterisk/asterisk-,v 1.9 2007/01/06 16:27:46 drizzt Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib
-IUSE="alsa bri curl debug doc gtk genericjb h323 hardened lowmem mmx mysql \
- nosamples odbc osp postgres pri speex sqlite ssl ukcid zaptel"
-## NOTE:
-# - t.38 dropped
-DESCRIPTION="Asterisk: A Modular Open Source PBX System"
- bri? (${MY_P}-bristuff-${BRI_VERSION}.diff.bz2
-${BRI_VERSION}.tar.gz )
- genericjb? (${PN}-${JB_PATCHES}.patch.bz2 )"
-# bri? (${BRI_VERSION}.tar.gz )
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc sparc x86"
- media-sound/sox
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- gtk? ( =x11-libs/gtk+-1.2* )
- pri? ( >=net-libs/libpri-1.2.3 )
- h323? ( >=dev-libs/pwlib-1.8.3
- >=net-libs/openh323-1.15.0 )
- alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
- mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
- speex? ( media-libs/speex )
- sqlite? ( <dev-db/sqlite-3.0.0 )
- zaptel? ( >=net-misc/zaptel-1.2.8 )
- postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
- osp? ( >=net-libs/osptoolkit-3.3.4 )
- bri? ( >=net-libs/libpri-1.2.3-r1
- >=net-misc/zaptel-1.2.8 )"
- sys-devel/flex
- sys-devel/bison
- doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
-#asterisk uses special mpg123 functions and does not work with mpeg321, bug #42703
-PDEPEND="|| ( media-sound/mpg123 net-misc/asterisk-addons )"
-# List of modules to ignore during scan (because they have been removed in 1.2.x)
- app_qcall
- chan_modem
- chan_modem_i4l
- chan_modem_bestdata
- chan_modme_aopen"
-# shortcuts
-is_ast10update() {
- return $(has_version "=net-misc/asterisk-1.0*")
-is_astupdate() {
- if ! is_ast10update; then
- return $(has_version "<net-misc/asterisk-${PV}")
- fi
- return 0
-# Display a nice countdown...
-countdown() {
- local n
- ebeep
- n=${1:-10}
- while [[ $n -gt 0 ]]; do
- echo -en " Waiting $n second(s)...\r"
- sleep 1
- (( n-- ))
- done
-# Scan for asterisk-1.0.x modules that will have to be updated
-scan_modules() {
- local modules_list=""
- local n
- for x in $(ls -1 ${ROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/asterisk/modules/*.so); do
- echo -en "Scanning.... $(basename ${x}) \r"
- # skip blacklisted modules
- hasq $(basename ${x//.so}) ${SCAN_IGNORE_MODS} && continue
- if $(readelf -s "${x}" | grep -q "\(ast_load\|ast_destroy\)$"); then
- modules_list="${modules_list} $(basename ${x//.so})"
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n "${modules_list}" ]]; then
- echo " ========================================================"
- ewarn "Please update or unmerge the following modules:"
- echo
- n=0
- for x in ${modules_list}; do
- ewarn " - ${x}"
- (( n++ ))
- done
- echo
- ewarn "Warning: $n outdated module(s) found!"
- ewarn "Warning: asterisk may not work if you don't update them!"
- echo " ========================================================"
- echo
- einfo "You can use the \"asterisk-updater\" script to update the modules"
- echo
- countdown
- echo
- return 1
- else
- einfo "No asterisk-1.0.x modules found!"
- return 0
- fi
-pkg_setup() {
- local checkfailed=0 waitaftermsg=0
- if is_ast10update; then
- ewarn " Asterisk UPGRADE Warning"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "- Please read ${ROOT}usr/share/doc/${PF}/UPGRADE.txt.gz after the installation!"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn " Asterisk UPGRADE Warning"
- echo
- waitaftermsg=1
- fi
- if use genericjb; then
- ewarn "********************** Experimental Feature **************************"
- ewarn "Please note that generic jitterbuffer support is experimental and may not"
- ewarn "be included in newer versions!"
- echo
- waitaftermsg=1
- fi
- if [[ $waitaftermsg -eq 1 ]]; then
- einfo "Press Ctrl+C to abort"
- echo
- countdown
- fi
- #
- # Regular checks
- #
- einfo "Running some pre-flight checks..."
- echo
- # check if zaptel has been compiled with ukcid too
- if use ukcid; then
- if ! built_with_use net-misc/zaptel ukcid; then
- eerror "- ukcid: Re-emerge zaptel with \"ukcid\" useflag enabled!"
- checkfailed=1
- fi
- fi
- # check if zaptel and libpri have been built with bri enabled
- if use bri; then
- if ! built_with_use net-misc/zaptel bri; then
- eerror "- bri: Re-emerge zaptel with \"bri\" useflag enabled!"
- heckfailed=1
- fi
- if ! built_with_use net-libs/libpri bri; then
- eerror "- bri: Re-emerge libpri with \"bri\" useflag enabled!"
- checkfailed=1
- fi
- fi
- # stop here if checks failed
- [[ $checkfailed -eq 1 ]] && \
- die "Pre-flight check failed, see messages for more information!"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- #
- # gentoo patchset
- #
- for x in $(grep -v "^#\| \+" ${WORKDIR}/patches/patches.list); do
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/patches/${x}
- done
- if use mmx; then
- if ! use hardened; then
- einfo "Enabling mmx optimization"
- sed -i -e "s:^#\(K6OPT[\t ]\+= -DK6OPT\):\1:" \
- Makefile
- else
- ewarn "Hardened use-flag is set, not enabling mmx optimization for codec_gsm!"
- fi
- fi
- if ! use debug; then
- einfo "Disabling debug support"
- sed -i -e "s:^\(DEBUG=\):#\1:" \
- Makefile
- fi
- if ! use ssl; then
- einfo "Disabling crypto support"
- sed -i -e "s:^#\(NOCRYPTO=yes\):\1:" \
- Makefile
- fi
- #
- # uclibc patch
- #
- if use elibc_uclibc; then
- einfo "Patching asterisk for uclibc..."
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/1.0.0/${PN}-1.0.5-uclibc-dns.diff
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/1.2.0/${PN}-1.2.1-uclibc-getloadavg.diff
- fi
- #
- # ukcid patch from
- #
- if use ukcid; then
- einfo "Patching asterisk for UK Callerid..."
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/1.2.0/${PN}-1.2.0_beta-ukcid.patch
- fi
- #
- # BRI patches
- #
- if use bri; then
- einfo "Patching asterisk w/ BRI stuff"
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}-bristuff-${BRI_VERSION}.diff
-# epatch ${S_BRI}/patches/asterisk.patch
- fi
- #
- # Generic jitterbuffer (asterisk bug #3854)
- #
- if use genericjb; then
- einfo "Generic jitterbuffer (ast #3854, full patch available on"
-# epatch ${WORKDIR}/ast_jb-${JB_PATCHES}.patch
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${JB_PATCHES}.patch
- #sed -i -e "s:^\(GENERIC_JB = \)#-DAST_JB:\1 -DAST_JB:" \
- # Makefile
- fi
-src_compile() {
- local myopts
- use lowmem && \
- myopts="-DLOW_MEMORY"
- if use h323; then
- einfo "Building H.323 wrapper lib..."
- make -C channels/h323 \
- PWLIBDIR=/usr/share/pwlib \
- OPENH323DIR=/usr/share/openh323 \
- libchanh323.a Makefile.ast || die "Make h323 failed"
- fi
- einfo "Building Asterisk..."
- make \
- PWLIBDIR=/usr/share/pwlib \
- OPENH323DIR=/usr/share/openh323 \
- OPTIONS="${myopts}" || die "Make failed"
- # create api docs
- use doc && \
- make progdocs
- # build bristuff's ISDNguard
- use bri && \
- make -C ${S_BRI}/ISDNguard
-src_install() {
- # install asterisk
- make DESTDIR=${D} ASTLIBDIR="\$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/usr/$(get_libdir)/asterisk" install || die "Make install failed"
- make DESTDIR=${D} ASTLIBDIR="\$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/usr/$(get_libdir)/asterisk" samples || die "Failed to create sample files"
- # remove bristuff capi
- use bri && \
- rm -f ${D}usr/$(get_libdir)/asterisk/modules/{app,chan}_capi*.so 2>/dev/null
- # remove installed sample files if nosamples flag is set
- if use nosamples; then
- einfo "Skipping installation of sample files..."
- rm -rf ${D}var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default
- rm -f ${D}var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/*
- rm -f ${D}var/lib/asterisk/sounds/demo-*
- rm -f ${D}var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/*
- else
- einfo "Sample files have been installed"
- keepdir /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1234/INBOX
- fi
- # move sample configuration files to doc directory
- if is_ast10update; then
- elog "Updating from old (pre-1.2) asterisk version, new configuration files have been installed"
- elog "into ${ROOT}etc/asterisk, use etc-update or dispatch-conf to update them"
- elif has_version "net-misc/asterisk"; then
- elog "Configuration samples have been moved to: $ROOT/usr/share/doc/${PF}/conf"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/conf
- doins ${D}etc/asterisk/*.conf*
- rm -f ${D}etc/asterisk/*.conf* 2>/dev/null
- fi
- # don't delete these directories, even if they are empty
- for x in voicemail meetme system dictate monitor tmp; do
- keepdir /var/spool/asterisk/${x}
- done
- keepdir /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/priv-callerintros
- keepdir /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
- keepdir /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
- keepdir /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv
- keepdir /var/log/asterisk/cdr-custom
- keepdir /var/run/asterisk
- # install asterisk.h, a lot of external modules need this
- insinto /usr/include/asterisk
- doins include/asterisk.h
- # install astgenkey, astxs, safe_asterisk and manpages
- dobin contrib/scripts/astxs
- dosbin contrib/scripts/astgenkey
- dosbin contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk
- doman contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk.8
- doman contrib/scripts/astgenkey.8
- newinitd ${FILESDIR}/1.2.0/asterisk.rc6 asterisk
- newconfd ${FILESDIR}/1.2.0/asterisk.confd asterisk
- # install standard docs...
- dodoc doc/README.*
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- docinto scripts
- dodoc contrib/scripts/*
- docinto utils
- dodoc contrib/utils/*
- docinto configs
- dodoc configs/*
- # install api docs
- if use doc; then
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/api/html
- doins doc/api/html/*
- fi
- # install ISDNguard
- if use bri; then
- cd ${S_BRI}/ISDNguard
- dosbin ISDNguard
- docinto ISDNguard
- dodoc INSTALL.ISDNguard
- cd ${S}
- fi
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/cgi
- doins contrib/scripts/vmail.cgi
- doins images/*.gif
- # install asterisk-updater
- dosbin ${FILESDIR}/1.2.0/asterisk-updater
- # make sure misdn/capi stuff is not installed, provided by asterisk-chan_..
- rm -f ${D}/etc/asterisk/misdn.conf ${D}/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ \
- ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/{conf/misdn.conf,configs/misdn.conf.sample.gz,README.misdn.gz}
- rm -f ${D}/usr/include/asterisk/chan_capi{,_app}.h \
- ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/{conf/capi.conf,configs/capi.conf.sample.gz}
-pkg_preinst() {
- enewgroup asterisk
- enewuser asterisk -1 -1 /var/lib/asterisk asterisk
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "Fixing permissions"
- for x in spool run lib log; do
- chown -R asterisk:asterisk ${ROOT}var/${x}/asterisk
- chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${ROOT}var/${x}/asterisk
- done
- chown -R root:asterisk ${ROOT}etc/asterisk
- chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${ROOT}etc/asterisk
- echo
- #
- # Announcements, warnings, reminders...
- #
- einfo "Asterisk has been installed"
- einfo ""
- elog "If you want to know more about asterisk, visit these sites:"
- elog ""
- elog ""
- echo
- elog ""
- elog ""
- elog ""
- echo
- elog "Gentoo VoIP IRC Channel:"
- elog "#gentoo-voip @"
- echo
- echo
- #
- # Warning about 1.0 -> 1.2 changes...
- #
- if is_ast10update; then
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "- Please read ${ROOT}usr/share/doc/${PF}/UPGRADE.txt.gz before continuing"
- ewarn ""
- fi
- if is_astupdate; then
- ewarn ""
- ewarn " - The initgroups patch has been dropped, please update your"
- ewarn " \"conf.d/asterisk\" and \"init.d/asterisk\" file!"
- ewarn ""
- fi
- if use genericjb; then
- ewarn "********************** Experimental Feature **************************"
- ewarn "Please note that generic jitterbuffer support is experimental and may not"
- ewarn "be included in newer versions!"
- echo
- fi
- # scan for old modules
- if is_ast10update; then
- einfo "Asterisk has been updated from pre-1.2.x, scanning for old modules"
- scan_modules
- fi
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "Do you want to reset file permissions and ownerships (y/N)?"
- read tmp
- tmp="$(echo $tmp | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])"
- if [[ "$tmp" = "y" ]] ||\
- [[ "$tmp" = "yes" ]]
- then
- einfo "Resetting permissions to defaults..."
- for x in spool run lib log; do
- chown -R asterisk:asterisk ${ROOT}var/${x}/asterisk
- chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${ROOT}var/${x}/asterisk
- done
- chown -R root:asterisk ${ROOT}etc/asterisk
- chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${ROOT}etc/asterisk
- einfo "done"
- else
- einfo "skipping"
- fi
diff --git a/net-misc/asterisk/files/digest-asterisk- b/net-misc/asterisk/files/digest-asterisk-
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad246dc2c50..000000000000
--- a/net-misc/asterisk/files/digest-asterisk-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a407d1ef9bc88e38f435581380975fec asterisk-1.2.11-jb.patch.bz2 15598
-RMD160 cbf4a95e25bf03a41ebef2a726419299494bb298 asterisk-1.2.11-jb.patch.bz2 15598
-SHA256 e85e438cb88993a188d063582f38eff0efc1b727e47d9f71809ee81d19992946 asterisk-1.2.11-jb.patch.bz2 15598
-MD5 c91195d62d39cf71da31122dd8157828 asterisk-1.2.11-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 7432
-RMD160 b840a16b6ae9ffb1e76da4a7a8129916e1710204 asterisk-1.2.11-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 7432
-SHA256 46d198be655b35383725dde72ed82ecc7767b8009356f88d27c763323d1cdaa8 asterisk-1.2.11-patches-1.0.tar.bz2 7432
-MD5 de0b81ba56e884759b4c247de1cc2cd3 asterisk- 90730
-RMD160 7a13105a0dbe16b5c4f2631aaea9f676bf566df2 asterisk- 90730
-SHA256 c0bfef98b5797f3cc1c8e9affc1016ae3bd58865dc89e441b1e8faf11a0d9954 asterisk- 90730
-MD5 9c0d427f96c740163a22f5e0dbcb101d asterisk- 10576676
-RMD160 9950eea63e03ffd5845f6a34f46680eec5a0a53b asterisk- 10576676
-SHA256 e54fc05f30764ad6678337ae386918481dd99347cfaa2d85fed3d0dc3a548d56 asterisk- 10576676
-MD5 760eba19b03d03cd1dc8648d6239b4af bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1s.tar.gz 265953
-RMD160 8d3abdbbae4c376d52225395c72f4538e1f84a94 bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1s.tar.gz 265953
-SHA256 30adea4f070ed44d1952163e850c177f976857b96965e18844ccd492ccef968d bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1s.tar.gz 265953