diff options
authorAlexey Shvetsov <>2011-02-23 11:19:04 +0000
committerAlexey Shvetsov <>2011-02-23 11:19:04 +0000
commit62ae6e2ec4c1c7677d36ff8cd55b7462e1ed5924 (patch)
treed0b5e45a9fac0e4940414aabf2a07b2d9ae4a6d9 /net-wireless/wimax-tools
parent[net-wireless/wimax] Add updates from git. Also fix bug #356121 (diff)
[net-wireless/wimax-tools] Add updates from git
(Portage version: 2.2.0_alpha25/cvs/Linux x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'net-wireless/wimax-tools')
3 files changed, 334 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/net-wireless/wimax-tools/ChangeLog b/net-wireless/wimax-tools/ChangeLog
index 5d50c0add048..584db9e9608a 100644
--- a/net-wireless/wimax-tools/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-wireless/wimax-tools/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for net-wireless/wimax-tools
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/wimax-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2010/11/08 17:45:26 alexxy Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/wimax-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2011/02/23 11:19:04 alexxy Exp $
+*wimax-tools-1.4.4-r1 (23 Feb 2011)
+ 23 Feb 2011; Alexey Shvetsov <>
+ +files/updates/0001-wimaxll_cb_ctx-move-to-internal.h-to-wimaxll.h-fixin.patch,
+ +wimax-tools-1.4.4-r1.ebuild:
+ Add updates from git
*wimax-tools-1.4.4 (08 Nov 2010)
diff --git a/net-wireless/wimax-tools/files/updates/0001-wimaxll_cb_ctx-move-to-internal.h-to-wimaxll.h-fixin.patch b/net-wireless/wimax-tools/files/updates/0001-wimaxll_cb_ctx-move-to-internal.h-to-wimaxll.h-fixin.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da8b1894a913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/wimax-tools/files/updates/0001-wimaxll_cb_ctx-move-to-internal.h-to-wimaxll.h-fixin.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+From 26da46f5756cdcdae963ea504fef27efcb63ba8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Inaky Perez-Gonzalez <>
+Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 12:11:35 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] wimaxll_cb_ctx: move to internal.h to wimaxll.h (fixing bug #20)
+The context declaration and macros are needed by client programs; they
+were misplaced.
+Reported-by: Mathieu Peresse <>
+Signed-off-by: Inaky Perez-Gonzalez <>
+ include/wimaxll.h | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ lib/internal.h | 126 ----------------------------------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/wimaxll.h b/include/wimaxll.h
+index c9dde3f..3149bf2 100644
+--- a/include/wimaxll.h
++++ b/include/wimaxll.h
+@@ -307,6 +307,133 @@ typedef int (*wimaxll_state_change_cb_f)(
+ enum wimax_st old_state, enum wimax_st new_state);
++ * General structure for storing callback context
++ *
++ * \ingroup callbacks
++ *
++ * Callbacks set by the user receive a user-set pointer to a context
++ * structure. The user can wrap this struct in a bigger context struct
++ * and use wimaxll_container_of() during the callback to obtain its
++ * pointer.
++ *
++ * Usage:
++ *
++ * \code
++ * ...
++ * struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
++ * ...
++ * struct my_context {
++ * struct wimaxll_cb_ctx ctx;
++ * <my data>
++ * } my_ctx = {
++ * .ctx = WIMAXLL_CB_CTX_INIT(wmx),
++ * <my data initialization>
++ * };
++ * ...
++ * wimaxll_set_cb_SOMECALLBACK(wmx, my_callback, &my_ctx.ctx);
++ * ...
++ * result = wimaxll_pipe_read(wmx);
++ * ...
++ *
++ * // When my_callback() is called
++ * my_callback(wmx, ctx, ...)
++ * {
++ * struct my_context *my_ctx = wimaxll_container_of(
++ * ctx, struct my_callback, ctx);
++ * ...
++ * // do stuff with my_ctx
++ * }
++ * \endcode
++ *
++ * \param wmx WiMAX handle this context refers to (for usage by the
++ * callback).
++ * \param result Result of the handling of the message. For usage by
++ * the callback. Should not be set to -EINPROGRESS, as this will
++ * be interpreted by the message handler as no processing was done
++ * on the message.
++ *
++ * \internal
++ *
++ * \param msg_done This is used internally to mark when the acks (or
++ * errors) for a message have been received and the message
++ * receiving loop can be considered done.
++ */
++struct wimaxll_cb_ctx {
++ struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
++ ssize_t result;
++ unsigned msg_done:1; /* internal */
++ * Initialize a definition of struct wimaxll_cb_ctx
++ *
++ * \param _wmx pointer to the WiMAX device handle this will be
++ * associated to
++ *
++ * Use as:
++ *
++ * \code
++ * struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
++ * ...
++ * struct wimaxll_cb_ctx my_context = WIMAXLL_CB_CTX_INIT(wmx);
++ * \endcode
++ *
++ * \ingroup callbacks
++ */
++#define WIMAXLL_CB_CTX_INIT(_wmx) { \
++ .wmx = (_wmx), \
++ .result = -EINPROGRESS, \
++static inline // ugly workaround for doxygen
++ * Initialize a struct wimaxll_cb_ctx
++ *
++ * \param ctx Pointer to the struct wimaxll_cb_ctx.
++ * \param wmx pointer to the WiMAX device handle this will be
++ * associated to
++ *
++ * Use as:
++ *
++ * \code
++ * struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
++ * ...
++ * struct wimaxll_cb_ctx my_context;
++ * ...
++ * wimaxll_cb_ctx(&my_context, wmx);
++ * \endcode
++ *
++ * \ingroup callbacks
++ * \fn static void wimaxll_cb_ctx_init(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, struct wimaxll_handle *wmx)
++ */
++void wimaxll_cb_ctx_init(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, struct wimaxll_handle *wmx)
++ ctx->wmx = wmx;
++ ctx->result = -EINPROGRESS;
++static inline // ugly workaround for doxygen
++ * Set the result value in a callback context
++ *
++ * \param ctx Context where to set -- if NULL, no action will be taken
++ * \param val value to set for \a result
++ *
++ * \ingroup callbacks
++ * \fn static void wimaxll_cb_maybe_set_result(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, int val)
++ */
++void wimaxll_cb_maybe_set_result(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, int val)
++ if (ctx != NULL && ctx->result == -EINPROGRESS)
++ ctx->result = val;
+ /* Basic handle management */
+ struct wimaxll_handle *wimaxll_open(const char *device_name);
+ void *wimaxll_priv_get(struct wimaxll_handle *);
+diff --git a/lib/internal.h b/lib/internal.h
+index a5cd272..178ac1e 100644
+--- a/lib/internal.h
++++ b/lib/internal.h
+@@ -54,132 +54,6 @@ enum {
+ /**
+- * General structure for storing callback context
+- *
+- * \ingroup callbacks
+- *
+- * Callbacks set by the user receive a user-set pointer to a context
+- * structure. The user can wrap this struct in a bigger context struct
+- * and use wimaxll_container_of() during the callback to obtain its
+- * pointer.
+- *
+- * Usage:
+- *
+- * \code
+- * ...
+- * struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
+- * ...
+- * struct my_context {
+- * struct wimaxll_cb_ctx ctx;
+- * <my data>
+- * } my_ctx = {
+- * .ctx = WIMAXLL_CB_CTX_INIT(wmx),
+- * <my data initialization>
+- * };
+- * ...
+- * wimaxll_set_cb_SOMECALLBACK(wmx, my_callback, &my_ctx.ctx);
+- * ...
+- * result = wimaxll_pipe_read(wmx);
+- * ...
+- *
+- * // When my_callback() is called
+- * my_callback(wmx, ctx, ...)
+- * {
+- * struct my_context *my_ctx = wimaxll_container_of(
+- * ctx, struct my_callback, ctx);
+- * ...
+- * // do stuff with my_ctx
+- * }
+- * \endcode
+- *
+- * \param wmx WiMAX handle this context refers to (for usage by the
+- * callback).
+- * \param result Result of the handling of the message. For usage by
+- * the callback. Should not be set to -EINPROGRESS, as this will
+- * be interpreted by the message handler as no processing was done
+- * on the message.
+- *
+- * \internal
+- *
+- * \param msg_done This is used internally to mark when the acks (or
+- * errors) for a message have been received and the message
+- * receiving loop can be considered done.
+- */
+-struct wimaxll_cb_ctx {
+- struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
+- ssize_t result;
+- unsigned msg_done:1; /* internal */
+- * Initialize a definition of struct wimaxll_cb_ctx
+- *
+- * \param _wmx pointer to the WiMAX device handle this will be
+- * associated to
+- *
+- * Use as:
+- *
+- * \code
+- * struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
+- * ...
+- * struct wimaxll_cb_ctx my_context = WIMAXLL_CB_CTX_INIT(wmx);
+- * \endcode
+- *
+- * \ingroup callbacks
+- */
+-#define WIMAXLL_CB_CTX_INIT(_wmx) { \
+- .wmx = (_wmx), \
+- .result = -EINPROGRESS, \
+-static inline // ugly workaround for doxygen
+- * Initialize a struct wimaxll_cb_ctx
+- *
+- * \param ctx Pointer to the struct wimaxll_cb_ctx.
+- * \param wmx pointer to the WiMAX device handle this will be
+- * associated to
+- *
+- * Use as:
+- *
+- * \code
+- * struct wimaxll_handle *wmx;
+- * ...
+- * struct wimaxll_cb_ctx my_context;
+- * ...
+- * wimaxll_cb_ctx(&my_context, wmx);
+- * \endcode
+- *
+- * \ingroup callbacks
+- * \fn static void wimaxll_cb_ctx_init(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, struct wimaxll_handle *wmx)
+- */
+-void wimaxll_cb_ctx_init(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, struct wimaxll_handle *wmx)
+- ctx->wmx = wmx;
+- ctx->result = -EINPROGRESS;
+-static inline // ugly workaround for doxygen
+- * Set the result value in a callback context
+- *
+- * \param ctx Context where to set -- if NULL, no action will be taken
+- * \param val value to set for \a result
+- *
+- * \ingroup callbacks
+- * \fn static void wimaxll_cb_maybe_set_result(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, int val)
+- */
+-void wimaxll_cb_maybe_set_result(struct wimaxll_cb_ctx *ctx, int val)
+- if (ctx != NULL && ctx->result == -EINPROGRESS)
+- ctx->result = val;
+ * A WiMax control pipe handle
+ *
+ * This type is opaque to the user
diff --git a/net-wireless/wimax-tools/wimax-tools-1.4.4-r1.ebuild b/net-wireless/wimax-tools/wimax-tools-1.4.4-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7861fdbe02d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/wimax-tools/wimax-tools-1.4.4-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/wimax-tools/wimax-tools-1.4.4-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/02/23 11:19:04 alexxy Exp $
+inherit linux-info base
+DESCRIPTION="Tools to use Intel's WiMax cards"
+SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ >=dev-libs/libnl-1.0"
+ "${FILESDIR}/updates/0001-wimaxll_cb_ctx-move-to-internal.h-to-wimaxll.h-fixin.patch"
+pkg_setup() {
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "Install failed"