diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/netbeans')
3 files changed, 6 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/netbeans/ChangeLog b/dev-util/netbeans/ChangeLog
index 81f8aa290f43..be91770eeca3 100644
--- a/dev-util/netbeans/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-util/netbeans/ChangeLog
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-util/netbeans
# Copyright 2002-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/netbeans/ChangeLog,v 1.31 2005/06/19 18:35:17 compnerd Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/netbeans/ChangeLog,v 1.32 2005/06/19 18:57:06 compnerd Exp $
+ 19 Jun 2005; Saleem Abdulrasool <>
+ -netbeans-4.0.ebuild:
+ Removing 4.0 in favor of 4.0-r1, it is a broken ebuild now
19 Jun 2005; Saleem Abdulrasool <>
netbeans-3.4.1.ebuild, netbeans-3.5.1.ebuild, netbeans-3.6-r1.ebuild:
Removing ${PV} from the descriptions to prevent web descriptions from breaking
+ Resolves bug #54457
*netbeans-4.0-r1 (04 Jun 2005)
diff --git a/dev-util/netbeans/files/digest-netbeans-4.0 b/dev-util/netbeans/files/digest-netbeans-4.0
deleted file mode 100644
index b44ef1705c28..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/netbeans/files/digest-netbeans-4.0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a5488c563b93b3181cfeccbb67ee761c netbeans-4_0-src-ide_sources.tar.bz2 53877180
-MD5 c851459f64b3e8586b616463a1ad75e8 netbeans-4_0-docs-javadoc.tar.bz2 12728428
diff --git a/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-4.0.ebuild b/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-4.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f251434e59f..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-4.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-4.0.ebuild,v 1.4 2005/06/04 16:02:53 luckyduck Exp $
-inherit eutils java-pkg
-# Server Tarball layout structure
-# 4.0 200412081800/d5a0f13566068cb86e33a46ea130b207
-# 4.1 200505031930/66083d474e5fdfc80a1443fb851bd9d5
-# ant-mis is stuff we never use put instead of pactching we let the build process use this file
-# so adding the license just to be sure
-# The list of files in here is not complete but just some I listed.
-# Apache-1.1: webserver.jar
-# Apache-2.0:
-# as-is:,
-# There are many other scrambled files in Netbeans but the
-# default module configuration doesn't use all of them.
-# If you want to find out useless java-pkg_jar-from calls and all scrambled files, which don't have
-# symlinks to the installed files, you can use a ruby script I wrote. It is in the experimental tree:
-# This command should be run after ebuild <pkg> unpack in the source root
-# 'ebuild netbeans-4.0.ebuild compile | grep Unscrambling | grep "\.jar"'
-# Check which jars are actually being used to compile Netbeans
-# This command should be run after ebuild <pkg> install in the image root
-# 'find . -name "*.jar" -type f | less'
-# Check the list to see that no packed jars get copied to the image
-# Remove the unset DISPLAY line from src_compile to get graphical license dialogs and pause before
-# unscramble
-DESCRIPTION="NetBeans IDE for Java"
-LICENSE="Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 SPL W3C sun-bcla-j2eeeditor sun-bcla-javac sun-javac as-is docbook sun-resolver"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-IUSE="debug doc"
-# dev-java/xml-commons-resolver for future versions
- =dev-java/commons-logging-1.0*
- dev-java/commons-el
- =dev-java/junit-3.8*
- =dev-java/servletapi-2.2*
- =dev-java/servletapi-2.3*
- =dev-java/servletapi-2.4*
- =dev-java/xerces-2.6.2*
- dev-java/sac
- dev-java/flute
- dev-java/jmi-interface
- >=dev-java/javahelp-bin-2.0.02-r1
- ~www-servers/tomcat-5.0.28
- dev-java/sun-j2ee-deployment-bin
- dev-java/xml-commons
- dev-java/jakarta-jstl"
- >=virtual/jdk-1.4.2
- >=dev-java/ant-1.6.1
- =dev-java/jakarta-regexp-1.3*
- =dev-java/xalan-2*
- dev-java/jtidy
- =dev-java/jaxen-1.1*
- dev-java/saxpath
- dev-java/javamake-bin
- dev-util/pmd"
-# Replacement JARs for Netbeans
-COMMONS_LOGGING="commons-logging commons-logging.jar commons-logging-1.0.4.jar"
-JASPERCOMPILER="tomcat-${TOMCATSLOT} jasper-compiler.jar jasper-compiler-5.0.28.jar"
-JASPERRUNTIME="tomcat-${TOMCATSLOT} jasper-runtime.jar jasper-runtime-5.0.28.jar"
-JH="javahelp-bin jh.jar jh-2.0_01.jar"
-JMI="jmi-interface jmi.jar jmi.jar"
-JSPAPI="servletapi-2.4 jsp-api.jar jsp-api-2.0.jar"
-JSR="sun-j2ee-deployment-bin sun-j2ee-deployment-bin.jar jsr88javax.jar"
-JSTL="jakarta-jstl jstl.jar jstl-1.1.2.jar"
-JUNIT="junit junit.jar junit-3.8.1.jar"
-MOF="jmi-interface mof.jar mof.jar"
-PMD="pmd pmd.jar pmd-1.3.jar"
-REGEXP="jakarta-regexp-1.3 jakarta-regexp.jar regexp-1.2.jar"
-SERVLET22="servletapi-2.2 servletapi-2.2.jar servlet-2.2.jar"
-SERVLET23="servletapi-2.3 servlet.jar servlet-2.3.jar"
-SERVLET24="servletapi-2.4 servlet-api.jar servlet-api-2.4.jar"
-STANDARD="jakarta-jstl standard.jar standard-1.1.2.jar"
-XERCES="xerces-2 xercesImpl.jar xerces-2.6.2.jar"
-XMLCOMMONS="xml-commons xml-apis.jar xml-commons-dom-ranges-1.0.b2.jar"
-src_unpack () {
- unpack ${MAINTARBALL}
- if use doc; then
- mkdir javadoc && cd javadoc
- unpack ${JAVADOCTARBALL} || die "Unable to extract javadoc"
- rm -f *.zip
- fi
- cd ${S}/nbbuild
- # Disable the bundled Tomcat in favor of Portage installed version
- sed -i -e "s%tomcatint/tomcat5/bundled,%%g" *.properties
- cd ${S}/ant/external/
- touch
- touch
- # We have ant libs here so using the system libs
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/antbuild.xml.patch
- mkdir lib && cd lib
- java-pkg_jar-from ant-tasks
- java-pkg_jar-from ant-core
- cd ${S}/core/external
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JH}
- cd ${S}/mdr/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JMI}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${MOF}
- cd ${S}/nbbuild/external
- java-pkg_jar-from javahelp-bin jhall.jar jhall-2.0_01.jar
- cd ${S}/libs/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from ${XERCES}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${COMMONS_LOGGING}
- java-pkg_jar-from xalan xalan.jar xalan-2.5.2.jar
- java-pkg_jar-from ${XMLCOMMONS}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${PMD}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${REGEXP}
- # j2eeeditor-1.0.jar is only used in Netbeans but licensed under
- # Sun's bcla + supplemental terms
- cd ${S}/xml/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from sac
- java-pkg_jar-from xerces-2 xercesImpl.jar xerces2.jar
- java-pkg_jar-from flute
- # There's also resolver-1_1_nb.jar in this directory.
- # The implementation is from Sun and I haven't found it.
- # In later Netbeans versions xml-commons is used so we will use it
- # then.
- cd ${S}/httpserver/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from ${SERVLET22}
- # The webserver.jar in here is a stripped down version of Tomcat 3.3.
- # We will use the included jar because we don't want to have Tomcat 3.X
- # in the tree and because maintaining it would probably be a pain.
- cd ${S}/j2eeserver/external
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JSR}
- cd ${S}/java/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from javamake-bin javamake.jar javamake-1.2.12.jar
- # gjast.jar is a mix of Netbeans stuff with sun javac stuff
- # It is not available elsewhere.
- cd ${S}/junit/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JUNIT}
- touch
- cd ${S}/tasklist/external/
- java-pkg_jar-from jtidy Tidy.jar Tidy-r7.jar
- cd ${S}/web/external
- java-pkg_jar-from ${SERVLET23}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${SERVLET24}
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-el
- java-pkg_jar-from jaxen-1.1 jaxen-1.1_beta2.jar jaxen-full.jar
- java-pkg_jar-from saxpath
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JASPERCOMPILER}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JASPERRUNTIME}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JSPAPI}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JSTL}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${STANDARD}
- touch
- touch
- touch
-src_compile() {
- local antflags=""
- if use debug; then
- antflags="${antflags} -Dbuild.compiler.debug=true"
- antflags="${antflags} -Dbuild.compiler.deprecation=true"
- else
- antflags="${antflags} -Dbuild.compiler.deprecation=false"
- fi
- antflags="${antflags}"
- antflags="${antflags} -Dstop.when.broken.modules=true"
- # The build will attempt to display graphical
- # dialogs for the licence agreements if this is set.
- unset DISPLAY
- # Sun JDK doesnt like that very much, so lets pleasure them too ;-)
- export ANT_OPTS="${ANT_OPTS} -Djava.awt.headless=true"
- # The location of the main build.xml file
- cd ${S}/nbbuild
- # Specify the build-nozip target otherwise it will build
- # a zip file of the netbeans folder, which will copy directly.
- yes yes 2>/dev/null | ant ${antflags} build-nozip || die "Compiling failed!"
- # Remove non-x86 Linux binaries
- find ${BUILDDESTINATION} -type f \
- -name "*.exe" -o \
- -name "*.cmd" -o \
- -name "*.bat" -o \
- -name "*.dll" \
- | xargs rm -f
- # Removing external stuff. They are api docs from external libs.
- cd ${BUILDDESTINATION}/ide4/docs
- rm -f *.zip
- # The next directory seems to be empty
- if ! rmdir doc 2> /dev/null; then
- use doc || rm -fr ./doc
- fi
- # Use the system ant
- cd ${BUILDDESTINATION}/ide4/ant
- rm -fr ./lib
- rm -fr ./bin
-src_install() {
- local DESTINATION="${ROOT}/usr/share/netbeans-${SLOT}"
- insinto $DESTINATION
- einfo "Installing the program..."
- doins -r *
- symlink_extjars ${D}/${DESTINATION}
- fperms 755 \
- ${DESTINATION}/bin/netbeans \
- ${DESTINATION}/platform4/lib/nbexec
- # The wrapper wrapper :)
- newbin ${FILESDIR}/ netbeans-${SLOT}
- # Ant installation
- local ANTDIR="${DESTINATION}/ide4/ant"
- cd ${D}/${ANTDIR}
- dodir /usr/share/ant-core/lib
- dosym /usr/share/ant-core/lib ${ANTDIR}/lib
- dodir /usr/share/ant-core/bin
- dosym /usr/share/ant-core/bin ${ANTDIR}/bin
- # Documentation
- einfo "Installing Documentation..."
- cd ${D}/${DESTINATION}
- use doc && java-pkg_dohtml -r ${WORKDIR}/javadoc/*
- dodoc build_info
- dohtml CREDITS.html README.html netbeans.css
- rm -f build_info CREDITS.html README.html netbeans.css
- # Icons and shortcuts
- einfo "Installing icons..."
- dodir ${DESTINATION}/icons
- insinto ${DESTINATION}/icons
- doins ${S}/core/ide/release/bin/icons/*png
- for res in "16x16" "24x24" "32x32" "48x48" "128x128" ; do
- dodir /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}/apps
- dosym ${DESTINATION}/icons/nb${res}.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}/apps/netbeans.png
- done
- make_desktop_entry netbeans-${SLOT} Netbeans netbeans Development
-pkg_postinst () {
- einfo "Your tomcat directory might not have the right permissions."
- einfo "Please make sure that normal users can read the directory: "
- einfo "${ROOT}/usr/share/tomcat-${TOMCATSLOT} "
- einfo " "
- einfo "The integrated Tomcat is not installed, but you can easily "
- einfo "use the system Tomcat. See Netbeans documentation if you "
- einfo "don't know how to do that. The relevant settings are in the"
- einfo "runtime window. "
-# Supporting functions for this ebuild
-function fix_manifest() {
- sed -i "s%ext/${1}%$(java-pkg_getjar ${2} ${3})%" ${4}
-function symlink_extjars() {
- cd ${1}/ide4/modules/ext
- java-pkg_jar-from ${COMMONS_LOGGING}
- java-pkg_jar-from flute
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JMI}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JUNIT}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${MOF}
- java-pkg_jar-from sac
- cd ${1}/ide4/modules/autoload/ext
- java-pkg_jar-from commons-el
- java-pkg_jar-from ${SERVLET22}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${SERVLET23}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${SERVLET24}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${XERCES}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JSR}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JASPERCOMPILER}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JASPERRUNTIME}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${XMLCOMMONS}
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JSPAPI}
- cd ${1}/ide4/config/TagLibraries/JSTL11
- java-pkg_jar-from jakarta-jstl jstl.jar
- java-pkg_jar-from jakarta-jstl standard.jar
- cd ${1}/platform4/modules/ext
- java-pkg_jar-from ${JH}