path: root/bin
diff options
authorAlec Warner <>2021-02-08 23:15:04 -0800
committerAlec Warner <>2021-02-08 23:15:04 -0800
commitf3639b24b860a182d375e5617fa77755b9f9a5a6 (patch)
tree87c47620cd1ded0cf33a18c344740583a89c455f /bin
parent: files/test.txt: remove (diff)
api-f3639b24b860a182d375e5617fa77755b9f9a5a6.tar.bz2 new script to output uid gid information.
Signed-off-by: Alec Warner <> Signed-off-by: Jaco Kroon <>
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b0ed4175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Author: Jaco Kroon <>
+# So that you can contact me if you need help with the below insanity.
+# Configuration options:
+# max => maximum value of uid/gid that we're interested in/willing to allocate
+# from. Can be set to - to go maximum possible 32-bit value.
+# debug => if non-zero outputs some cryptic debug output (will inherit from environment).
+debug=${debug:+1} # set non-zero to enable debug output.
+# Basic Design:
+# There is nothing beautiful about this script, it's downright nasty and I
+# (Jaco Kroon <>) will be the first to admit that.
+# For each of the uid and gid ranges, we primarily keep two variables.
+# ranges and reason. reason is simply one of USED or RESERVED. Free ranges
+# are not mapped into these arrays.
+# ranges_ maps a start index onto an end index. So for example, let's say
+# uid range 0..10 is USED (allocated, for whatever purposes):
+# ranges_uid[0]=10
+# reasons_uid[0]=USED
+# The above says that UID 0 to 10 is USED.
+# We start with an initially empty set, and then insert into, either merging or
+# potentially splitting as we go, by way of the consume function, once completed
+# we compact some things and then output.
+# Colours to be used if output is a TTY.
+colour_USED="\e[0;91m" # brightred
+colour_FREE="\e[0;92m" # brightgreen
+colour_RESERVED="\e[0;94m" # brightblue
+colour_RESET="\e[0m" # reset all styles.
+if ! [[ -t 1 ]]; then
+ colour_USED=
+ colour_FREE=
+ colour_RESERVED=
+ colour_RESET=
+# Find input file if not piped in on stdin, or show a warning about it on
+# stderr if we can't find the file.
+if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
+ def_infile="$(dirname "$0")/../files/uid-gid.txt"
+ if ! [[ -r "${def_infile}" ]] || ! exec <"${def_infile}"; then
+ echo "Reading from stdin (which happens to be a tty, you should pipe input file to stdin)" >&2
+ fi
+ # The basic principle here is that we can either add a new range, or split
+ # an existing range. Partial overlaps not dealt with, nor range
+ # extensions. Which would (I believe) negate the need for compact.
+ # TODO: deal with range merging here, eg, if we have 0..10, and adding 11, then
+ # we can simply adjust the range to 0..11, for example.
+ local variant="$1"
+ local ids="$2"
+ local type=$([[ "$3" == reserved ]] && echo RESERVED || echo USED)
+ local range_start="${ids%..*}"
+ local range_end="${ids#*..}"
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_${variant}"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_${variant}"
+ [[ -z "${ids}" ]] && return
+ [[ "${ids}" == - ]] && return
+ for k in "${!ranges[@]}"; do
+ # can the new range be inserted before the next range already in the set?
+ [[ ${k} -gt ${range_end} ]] && break
+ [[ ${ranges[k]} -lt ${range_start} ]] && continue
+ if [[ ${k} -le ${range_start} && ${range_end} -le ${ranges[k]} ]]; then
+ # new range is contained completely inside.
+ [[ ${reasons[k]} == ${type} ]] && return # same type.
+ [[ ${type} == RESERVED ]] && return # USED takes precedence over RESERVED.
+ if [[ ${range_end} -lt ${ranges[k]} ]]; then
+ ranges[range_end+1]=${ranges[k]}
+ reasons{range_end+1]=${reasons[k]}
+ fi
+ [[ ${range_start} -gt ${k} ]] && ranges[k]=$(( range_start - 1 ))
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${range_start}..${range_end} (${type}) overlaps with ${k}..${ranges[k]} (${reasons[k]}"
+ echo "Cannot handle partial overlap."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ ranges[range_start]="${range_end}"
+ reasons[range_start]="${type}"
+ # This simply coalesces ranges that follow directly on each other. In
+ # other words, if range ends at 10 and the next range starts at 11, just
+ # merge the two by adjusting the end of the first range, and removing the
+ # immediately following.
+ # Param: uid or gid to determine which set we're working with.
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_$1"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_$1"
+ local k e ne
+ for k in "${ranges[@]}"; do
+ [[ -n "${ranges[k]:+set}" ]] || continue
+ e=${ranges[k]}
+ while [[ -n "${ranges[e+1]:+set}" && "${reasons[k]}" == "${reasons[e+1]}" ]]; do
+ ne=${ranges[e+1]}
+ unset "ranges[e+1]"
+ e=${ne}
+ done
+ ranges[k]=${e}
+ done
+ # Outputs the raw list as provided (param: uid or gid)
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_$1"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_$1"
+ local k c=0
+ echo "$1 list:"
+ for k in "${!ranges[@]}"; do
+ echo "$(( c++ )): ${k} => ${ranges[k]} / ${reasons[k]}"
+ done
+# Read the input file which is structured as "username uid gid provider and
+# potentially more stuff" Lines starting with # are comments, thus we can
+# filter those out.
+while read un uid gid provider rest; do
+ [[ "${un}" == \#* ]] && continue
+ consume uid "${uid}" "${provider}"
+ consume gid "${gid}" "${provider}"
+compact uid
+compact gid
+# If we're debugging, just output both lists so we can inspect that everything is correct here.
+if [[ -n "${debug}" ]]; then
+ output uid
+ output gid
+# Get the various range starts.
+# Set max to 2^32-1 if set to -.
+if [[ ${max} == - ]]; then
+ max=$((2 ** 32 - 1))
+ui=0 # index into uids array.
+gi=0 # index into gids array.
+idbase=0 # "start" of range about to be output.
+freeuid=0 # count number of free UIDs
+freegid=0 # count number of free GIDs
+printf "%-*s%10s%10s\n" $(( ${#max} * 2 + 5 )) "#ID" UID GID
+while [[ ${idbase} -le ${max} ]]; do
+ # skip over uid and gid ranges that we're no longer interested in (end of range is
+ # lower than start of output range).
+ while [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} && ${ranges_uid[uids[ui]]} -lt ${idbase} ]]; do
+ (( ui++ ))
+ done
+ while [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} && ${ranges_gid[gids[gi]]} -lt ${idbase} ]]; do
+ (( gi++ ))
+ done
+ # Assume that range we're going to output is the remainder of the legal
+ # space we're interested in, and then adjust downwards as needed. For each
+ # of the UID and GID space, if the start range is beyond the current output
+ # start we're looking at a FREE range, so downward adjust re (range end) to
+ # the next non-FREE range's start - 1, or if we're in the non-FREE range,
+ # adjust downward to that range's end.
+ re=${max}
+ uid_start=-1
+ gid_start=-1
+ if [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} ]]; then
+ uid_start=${uids[ui]}
+ if [[ ${uid_start} -gt ${idbase} && ${uid_start} -le ${re} ]]; then
+ re=$(( ${uid_start} - 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ranges_uid[uid_start]} -lt ${re} ]]; then
+ re=${ranges_uid[uid_start]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} ]]; then
+ gid_start=${gids[gi]}
+ if [[ ${gid_start} -gt ${idbase} && ${gid_start} -le ${re} ]]; then
+ re=$(( ${gid_start} - 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ranges_gid[gid_start]} -lt ${re} ]]; then
+ re=${ranges_gid[gid_start]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If we're debugging, just dump various variables above, which allows
+ # validating that the above logic works correctly.
+ [[ -n "${debug}" ]] && echo "ui=${ui} (${uid_start}..${ranges_uid[uid_start]}), gi=${gi} (${gid_start}..${ranges_gid[gid_start]}), idbase=${idbase}, re=${re}"
+ # Determine the state of the UID and GID ranges.
+ if [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} && ${uid_start} -le ${idbase} ]]; then
+ uidstate="${reason_uid[uid_start]}"
+ else
+ uidstate=FREE
+ freeuid=$(( freeuid + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} && ${gid_start} -le ${idbase} ]]; then
+ gidstate="${reason_gid[gids[gi]]}"
+ else
+ gidstate=FREE
+ freegid=$(( freegid + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ fi
+ # If the ranges are FREE (or at least one of), adjust selection recommendations
+ # accordingly.
+ if [[ "${gidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ if [[ "${uidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ uidgidboth=${re}
+ else
+ gidonly=${re}
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${uidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ uidonly=${re}
+ fi
+ vn="colour_${uidstate}"
+ colour_uid="${!vn}"
+ vn="colour_${gidstate}"
+ colour_gid="${!vn}"
+ printf "%-*s${colour_uid}%10s${colour_gid}%10s${colour_RESET}\n" $(( ${#max} * 2 + 5 )) "${idbase}$([[ ${re} -gt ${idbase} ]] && echo "..${re}")" "${uidstate}" "${gidstate}"
+ idbase=$(( re + 1 ))
+echo "Recommended GID only: ${gidonly:-${uidgidboth:-none}}"
+echo "Recommended UID only: ${uidonly:=${uidgidboth:-none}}"
+echo "Recommended UID+GID both: ${uidgidboth:-none}"
+echo "Free UIDs: ${freeuid}"
+echo "Free GIDs: ${freegid}"