diff options
authorThilo Bangert <>2008-12-03 22:48:20 +0000
committerThilo Bangert <>2008-12-03 22:48:20 +0000
commit432d70dba7e517a2f5367c9cfb5ed5f68ebe1cf1 (patch)
parentunmount the correct dev - fix by patrick grimm - thanks (diff)
sysorb-agent ebuild - x86 only for now
svn path=/ebuilds/; revision=75
7 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/licenses/SysorbAgent b/licenses/SysorbAgent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3033e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/licenses/SysorbAgent
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ End-User License Agreement for Evalesco(TM) Software Products and Upgrades
+ 1. Parties to the Agreement / The Subject Matter of the Agreement
+ 1.1 This is a non-exclusive, legally binding Evalesco End-User License
+ Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "EULA") between Evalesco A/S,
+ CVR/VAT no. DK10073618, Denmark (hereinafter referred to as
+ "Evalesco"), and you (hereinafter referred to as "End-User" (either an
+ individual or a legal entity)). By installing, copying, accessing,
+ downloading or otherwise using the Products, you agree to be bound by
+ the terms of this EULA.
+ 1.2 The subject matter of this EULA is the licensing to End-User of
+ the software products delivered by Evalesco (hereinafter referred to
+ as the "Products"). The Products are licensed, not sold.
+ 2. End-User's Rights and Obligations
+ 2.1 End-User may use the licensed Products only for their intended
+ purpose. End-User may only use each license key for one (1)
+ installation at a time.
+ 2.2 If the Products are marked as Demonstration or Trial versions,
+ End-User is only entitled to use the Products for their intended
+ purpose and only for the limited period for which it was issued (e.g.
+ 30-day trial license etc.). Any deviation from this section requires
+ prior written consent from authorized personnel of Evalesco.
+ 2.3 End-User shall pay for the Products in accordance with the
+ Agreement between End-User and Evalesco or an authorized Evalesco
+ Reseller.
+ 2.4 End-User may not sub-license, rent, lease or lend the Products. A
+ separate agreement for Service Providers that wish to resell the
+ Products as a web-based service is available on request.
+ 2.5 It is End-User's responsibility to secure that any possible
+ hosting provider or other pertinent third party accepts and obeys the
+ terms of this EULA on behalf of the End-User. Such third party may
+ only accept this EULA on behalf of the End-User with prior written
+ consent from the End-User. Evalesco can at any time demand the third
+ party to present written authorization from the End-User.
+ 2.6 End-User grants to Evalesco permission to use the End-User's
+ company name, logos and other trademarked material in Evalesco
+ promotional materials, except if prohibited or limited explicitly in a
+ separate agreement.
+ 3. Evalesco's Rights and Obligations
+ 3.1 Evalesco shall render support services to End-User only in case
+ authorized Evalesco Reseller has not fulfilled an obligation to render
+ agreed support services to End-User or if Evalesco deems this to be
+ necessary (e.g. in case of direct sales to End-User). With respect to
+ technical information that End-User provides to Evalesco or to
+ authorized Evalesco Reseller as part of the support services, Evalesco
+ may use such information for its business purposes, including for
+ product support and development. Evalesco shall under no circumstances
+ utilize such technical information in a form that identifies End-User,
+ unless separate written agreement states otherwise. Any supplemental
+ software code provided to End-User as part of the support services
+ shall be considered part of the Products and subject to the terms and
+ conditions of this EULA.
+ 3.2 Evalesco or Authorized Reseller shall receive reasonable payment
+ for any support services rendered under section 3.1.
+ 3.3 Section 3.2 does not apply in case the End-User is covered by a
+ valid Upgrade & Service Subscription Agreement purchased from Evalesco
+ or Authorized Reseller.
+ 4. Evalesco Authorized Reseller's Right to Sub-license the Products
+ 4.1 Your Evalesco Authorized Reseller may make a one-time transfer of
+ the license to the Products only directly to an end-user (or a Service
+ Provider upon separate agreement). Such transfer may not be by way of
+ consignment or any other indirect transfer. End-User agrees to comply
+ with the terms of this EULA, including the obligation not to further
+ transfer this EULA and Products, cf. section 2.4.
+ 5. Duplication Rights / Back-Up Copy
+ 5.1 End-User may make copies of the Products to the extent that such
+ activity is permitted under mandatory statutory applicable law.
+ 5.2 After installation of the Product(s) pursuant to this EULA you may
+ keep a copy on the original media on which the Products were
+ stored/provided and a copy for back-up and archival purposes.
+ 5.3 The rights granted in section 5 of this EULA do not include the
+ rights to use one (1) license key for several installations at a time,
+ cf. section 2.1.
+ 6. Reverse Engineering, De-Compilation, Disassembly, and Decoding
+ 6.1 End-User or Reseller may not reverse engineer, de-compile,
+ disassemble or decode the Products, except and only to the extent such
+ activity is expressly permitted under mandatory statutory applicable
+ law.
+ 7. Trademarks
+ 7.1 This EULA does not grant End-User any rights in connection with
+ any trademarks or service marks of Evalesco or Authorized Reseller or
+ other suppliers of the Products.
+ 8. Upgrades and Support
+ 8.1 Products identified as upgrades (major) or updates (minor) replace
+ and/or supplement the licensed Products.
+ 8.2 End-User is only entitled to licenses to upgrades if End-User is
+ covered by a valid Upgrade & Service Agreement with Evalesco or
+ Authorized Reseller. End-User may use the upgraded Products only in
+ accordance with the terms of this EULA.
+ 8.3 End-User is only entitled to technical support (only via telephone
+ and/or internet) if End-User has a valid Upgrade & Service Agreement
+ with Evalesco or Authorized Reseller.
+ 8.4 End-User is entitled to access the web site of Evalesco and its
+ support contents and documentation by means of user registration and
+ log-in.
+ 9. Copyright
+ 9.1 The Products are protected by copyright laws and international
+ copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
+ treaties.
+ 9.2 All title and intellectual property rights in and to the Products
+ (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations,
+ video, audio, music, text, and "applets" incorporated into the
+ Products), the accompanying printed or on-line materials, and any
+ copies of the Products are owned by Evalesco, Authorized Resellers or
+ Evalesco suppliers. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by
+ Evalesco.
+ 10. Limited Warranty
+ 10.1 Evalesco warrants that the Products will perform substantially in
+ accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of 360
+ (three-hundred-and-sixty) days from the date of receipt/invoice.
+ 11. Disclaimer and Other Warranties
+ 11.1 The limited warranty, cf. section 10, is the only express
+ warranty made to End-User and is provided in lieu of any other express
+ warranties (if any) created by any documentation. Except for the
+ limited warranty, and to the maximum extent permitted under mandatory
+ statutory applicable law, Evalesco and Authorized Reseller provide the
+ Products "as is", and hereby disclaim all other warranties and
+ conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not
+ limited to, any (if any) implied warranties or conditions of
+ merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of lack of
+ viruses, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, and of
+ lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, all with regard to
+ the Products, and the provision of or failure to provide support
+ services. Also, there is no warranty or condition of title, quiet
+ enjoyment, quiet possession, correspondence to description or
+ non-infringement with regard to the Products.
+ 12. End-User's Exclusive Remedy and Evalesco's Entire Liability
+ 12.1 End-User's exclusive remedy and Evalesco's entire liability, cf.
+ also section 14, shall be, at Evalesco's option from time to time,
+ either:
+ (a) return of the price paid (if any), or
+ (b) repair or replacement of the Products that do not meet the Limited
+ Warranty.
+ 12.2 End-User will receive the remedy elected by Evalesco without
+ charge, except in the event that End-User is responsible for any
+ expenses that End-User may incur.
+ 12.3 This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the Products is a
+ result of accident, abuse, misapplication, abnormal use or a virus.
+ 13. Limitation of Liability. Exclusion of Incidental, Consequential
+ and Certain Other Damages
+ 13.1 To the maximum extent permitted under mandatory statutory
+ applicable law Evalesco shall in no event be liable for any special,
+ incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including,
+ but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or confidential or
+ other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, for
+ loss of privacy, for failure to meet any duty including of good faith
+ or of reasonable care, for negligence, and for any other pecuniary or
+ other loss whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to the use
+ of or inability to use the Products, or other obligations under or in
+ connection with any provision of this EULA, even in the event of the
+ fault, tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of
+ contract or breach of warranty of Evalesco or any supplier, and even
+ if Evalesco or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of
+ such damages.
+ 14. Termination
+ 14.1 Without prejudice to any other rights, Evalesco may terminate
+ this EULA if End-User fails to comply with the terms and conditions of
+ this EULA. In such event, End-User must destroy all copies of the
+ Products.
+ 14.2 End-User may terminate End-User's license at any time. If
+ End-User does so, all End-User's licenses to the Products are
+ terminated and any use of the Products shall discontinue, and End-User
+ must destroy all copies of the Products.
+ 15. Venue and Applicable Law
+ 15.1 All disputes arising under this EULA shall be dealt with only by
+ The Maritime and Commercial Court (Sø- og Handelsretten) of Denmark
+ and in accordance with Danish law without reference to its choice of
+ law provisions or The Conventions on the International Sale of Goods
+ (CISG).
+ Upgrade & Service Subscription Agreement for Evalesco Software Products,
+ Upgrades and Service
+ 1. Preamble
+ 1.1 This Upgrade & Service Subscription Agreement (hereinafter
+ referred to as the U&S Agreement) lays down the extent to which
+ Evalesco shall perform upgrades, cf. section 2.1, as well as the
+ content of such Upgrades.
+ 2. Definition
+ 2.1 An Upgrade shall be construed as an upgrade of a part of the
+ Product(s) delivered by Evalesco, which Product(s) contain(s) new
+ technology and/or functionality. In terms of versioning numbers, an
+ Upgrade is defined by a change of the X.Y ciphers in the total X.Y.Z
+ Product versioning number, while a change in the Z cipher indicates a
+ product update only, available to all End-Users of the given X.Y
+ version.
+ 3. End-User's Rights and Obligations
+ 3.1 End-User is entitled to download, install and use all Upgrades
+ implemented (released) throughout this U&S Agreement period, and shall
+ therefore have access to Upgrade license keys accordingly.
+ 3.2 End-User is entitled to receive a reasonable amount of Service
+ (technical support via telephone or internet) from Evalesco or
+ Authorized Reseller throughout this U&S Agreement period without
+ further charge. Service exceeding reasonable amounts shall be charged
+ according to Evalesco's or Authorized Reseller's current conditions,
+ respectively.
+ 3.3 End-User shall render any required and reasonable assistance to
+ Evalesco in connection with implementation of Upgrades.
+ 3.4 End-User is not entitled to assign its rights and obligations
+ under this Agreement.
+ 4. Evalesco's Rights and Obligations
+ 4.1 Evalesco shall develop and implement (release) at least two (2)
+ annual Upgrades, cf. section 2.1.
+ 4.2 Evalesco or Authorized Reseller shall provide the Service, cf.
+ section 3.2, during its office hours (for Evalesco: 9.00am through
+ 16.30pm GMT+1). Service is generally not available during public
+ holidays.
+ 5. Payment
+ 5.1 The annual U&S Agreement fee is listed in the current pricelists
+ of Evalesco or in a separate agreement.
+ 5.2 The U&S Agreement is mandatory for the first year (running 12
+ months) after the first and initial purchase of the Products. The U&S
+ Agreement will enter into effect from the 1st of the month following
+ the date of invoice of the first and initial purchase of the Products.
+ The U&S Agreement is optional for the following U&S Agreement periods.
+ 5.3 The amount due is charged every year on the day and month of the
+ start of the U&S Agreement (the 1st day of the given month). The terms
+ of payment are 8 days net from the date of invoice.
+ 5.4 Overdue outstanding amounts will be charged with an interest
+ equivalent to the discount rate (according to the National Bank of
+ Denmark) + 6% from the due date until the payment is effectuated.
+ 5.5 Evalesco will make efforts not to alter the amount of the annual
+ payment. However, Evalesco is entitled to alter the amount of the
+ annual payment by three (3) months prior written notice, in which
+ event End-User is entitled to terminate the U&S Agreement with
+ immediate effect.
+ 6. Breach
+ 6.1 If End-User is in material breach of its obligations under this
+ U&S Agreement or under the End-User License Agreement for Evalesco
+ Software Products and Upgrades (EULA), Evalesco is entitled to
+ terminate the U&S Agreement immediately. In such event End-User is not
+ entitled to have any advance payment reimbursed pursuant to section
+ 5.3.
+ 7. Termination
+ 7.1 End-User is entitled to terminate this U&S Agreement by three (3)
+ months notice with effect from the end of the current U&S Agreement
+ period.
+ 7.2 Evalesco is entitled to terminate this U&S Agreement by three (3)
+ months notice from time to time. In such event, however, End-User is
+ entitled to have a proportionate part of the advance payment
+ reimbursed.
+ 8. Other Provisions
+ 8.1 The use of the Upgraded Products are subject to the EULA, cf. EULA
+ section 8.2, also including sections 13 and 15.
diff --git a/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/ChangeLog b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8355d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/sysorb-agent
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: $
+ 03 Dec 2008; Thilo Bangert <> +files/soagent.confd,
+ +files/soagent.initd, +sysorb-agent-4.3.1.ebuild:
+ initial import - x86 only so far
diff --git a/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/Manifest b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9786043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+AUX soagent.confd 290 RMD160 b39070b2af7cb8350261ed85470e969da5e5e0e3 SHA1 6cf94723c49de403a5ae9c63930bf80ed7a637ab SHA256 5cd7373873c4bb825e6f134f68d5cd599fba3fecb0a223d814f740e1a7023b9e
+AUX soagent.initd 722 RMD160 ea41494a4683313dceddec0a6e13f9aeaa52d538 SHA1 44ff742904ff72ed10cc533aacfe2545a1d59610 SHA256 3c06374cc2eefcb17dd83f2eb29198289753b568b170ca4b3669e1c956bd8004
+DIST sysorb-agent-3.4.1-4333.debian22.ia32.deb 230454 RMD160 9070679e892f2f0390fa86cd2385238a7cb041d7 SHA1 7f80f3a3a42e0b83e5e2c31d77abc9a138117000 SHA256 d9e2ba905b11c8d181f9e5077cc0ce0bc00a07d402b2fd573a984685fb24a7fb
+EBUILD sysorb-agent-4.3.1.ebuild 1315 RMD160 5d135968c4f616e0342b39e152f74c3bfa5b098d SHA1 b24074947ec374c8f85bb60ea6fed447d75d586e SHA256 29473cd392241a7da4c1d650ff4031362402e7eb67f0c5bcb2009ad5d476c486
+MISC ChangeLog 286 RMD160 ede1ed44c0e87446aa7e8630bfc189732492bc75 SHA1 7470411877d1e657f648a5c2495f6290c7292436 SHA256 f9ea0e0855db1ef92b2c74ce65802e196310a098cafd4cdb6f5511bb11b43f16
+MISC metadata.xml 390 RMD160 e47d664d1fbe5a77d0df111a16ad1dce7db8420f SHA1 a72a2163f46621dcc7e787a3c9c1c0ced666696f SHA256 506915eac7c5b13fdc9f60960633614f5b6d45b49dfcffee6db0b78bbe908c48
diff --git a/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/files/soagent.confd b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/files/soagent.confd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8025e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/files/soagent.confd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# You can change this setting if you do now want the sysorb
+# client to run as root. This will cause various checks to
+# not function (!)
diff --git a/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/files/soagent.initd b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/files/soagent.initd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d11e820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/files/soagent.initd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+depend() {
+ need net
+start() {
+ if test "${ALLOW_ROOT}" = YES; then
+ CHUID=""
+ else
+ CHUID="--chuid sysorb"
+ fi
+ ebegin "Starting SysOrb Agent"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --name ${NAME} --pidfile ${PIDFILE} ${CHUID} \
+ --startas /bin/sh -- -c "rm -f ${PIDFILE}; ${SOAGENT} --pidfile ${PIDFILE}"
+ eend $? "Failed to start SysOrb Agent"
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping SysOrb Agent"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --name ${NAME} --pidfile ${PIDFILE}
+ eend $? "Failed to stop SysOrb Agent"
+checkconfig() {
+ ebegin "Checking SysOrb Agent config"
+ ${TESTCONF} ${CONF} test
+ eend $?
diff --git a/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/metadata.xml b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..360e62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <email></email>
+<longdescription lang="en">
+A agent for SysOrb Monitoring System used to checkin to the server.
+The server will then monitor devices on the agent.
diff --git a/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/sysorb-agent-4.3.1.ebuild b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/sysorb-agent-4.3.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529caf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/sysorb-agent/sysorb-agent-4.3.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="A agent for SysOrb Monitoring System used to checkin to the server."
+KEYWORDS="~x86 -*"
+src_unpack() {
+ ar x "${DISTDIR}/${A}" || die "Source ${A} not found!"
+ mkdir "${S}"
+ cd "${S}"
+ tar xf ../data.tar.gz || die "data.tar.gz not found in deb"
+src_install() {
+ dosbin usr/sbin/soagent
+ dosbin usr/sbin/sysorb-testconf
+ #install init.d script
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/soagent.initd" soagent
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}/soagent.confd" soagent
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ doins etc/logrotate.d/soagent
+ dodir /var/log/sysorb
+ fowners sysorb /var/log/sysorb
+ dodir /etc/sysorb
+ insinto /etc/sysorb
+ doins etc/sysorb/action.conf.sample
+ doins etc/sysorb/agent.conf
+ doins etc/sysorb/custom.conf.sample
+ doins etc/sysorb/log.conf
+ fowners sysorb /etc/sysorb \
+ /etc/sysorb/action.conf.sample \
+ /etc/sysorb/agent.conf \
+ /etc/sysorb/custom.conf.sample \
+ /etc/sysorb/log.conf
+ #TODO man pages
+pkg_setup() {
+ enewgroup sysorb
+ enewuser sysorb -1 -1 -1 sysorb