diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'portage_with_autodep/bin/etc-update')
1 files changed, 616 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portage_with_autodep/bin/etc-update b/portage_with_autodep/bin/etc-update
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42518ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portage_with_autodep/bin/etc-update
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Author Brandon Low <lostlogic@gentoo.org>
+# Previous version (from which I've borrowed a few bits) by:
+# Jochem Kossen <j.kossen@home.nl>
+# Leo Lipelis <aeoo@gentoo.org>
+# Karl Trygve Kalleberg <karltk@gentoo.org>
+cd /
+if type -P gsed >/dev/null ; then
+ sed() { gsed "$@"; }
+get_config() {
+ # the sed here does:
+ # - strip off comments
+ # - match lines that set item in question
+ # - delete the "item =" part
+ # - store the actual value into the hold space
+ # - on the last line, restore the hold space and print it
+ # If there's more than one of the same configuration item, then
+ # the store to the hold space clobbers previous value so the last
+ # setting takes precedence.
+ local item=$1
+ eval echo $(sed -n \
+ -e 's:[[:space:]]*#.*$::' \
+ -e "/^[[:space:]]*$item[[:space:]]*=/{s:[^=]*=[[:space:]]*\([\"']\{0,1\}\)\(.*\)\1:\2:;h}" \
+ -e '${g;p}' \
+ "${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT}"etc/etc-update.conf)
+diff_command() {
+ local cmd=${diff_command//%file1/$1}
+ ${cmd//%file2/$2}
+scan() {
+ echo "Scanning Configuration files..."
+ rm -rf ${TMP}/files > /dev/null 2>&1
+ mkdir ${TMP}/files || die "Failed mkdir command!" 1
+ count=0
+ input=0
+ local find_opts
+ local my_basename
+ for path in ${CONFIG_PROTECT} ; do
+ path="${ROOT}${path}"
+ # Do not traverse hidden directories such as .svn or .git.
+ find_opts="-name .* -type d -prune -o -name ._cfg????_*"
+ if [ ! -d "${path}" ]; then
+ [ ! -f "${path}" ] && continue
+ my_basename="${path##*/}"
+ path="${path%/*}"
+ find_opts="-maxdepth 1 -name ._cfg????_${my_basename}"
+ fi
+ ofile=""
+ # The below set -f turns off file name globbing in the ${find_opts} expansion.
+ for file in $(set -f ; find ${path}/ ${find_opts} \
+ ! -name '.*~' ! -iname '.*.bak' -print |
+ sed -e "s:\(^.*/\)\(\._cfg[0-9]*_\)\(.*$\):\1\2\3\%\1%\2\%\3:" |
+ sort -t'%' -k2,2 -k4,4 -k3,3 | LANG=POSIX LC_ALL=POSIX cut -f1 -d'%'); do
+ rpath=$(echo "${file/\/\///}" | sed -e "s:/[^/]*$::")
+ rfile=$(echo "${file/\/\///}" | sed -e "s:^.*/::")
+ for mpath in ${CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK}; do
+ mpath="${ROOT}${mpath}"
+ mpath=$(echo "${mpath/\/\///}")
+ if [[ "${rpath}" == "${mpath}"* ]]; then
+ mv ${rpath}/${rfile} ${rpath}/${rfile:10}
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ! -f ${file} ]] ; then
+ echo "Skipping non-file ${file} ..."
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [[ "${ofile:10}" != "${rfile:10}" ]] ||
+ [[ ${opath} != ${rpath} ]]; then
+ if [[ "${EU_AUTOMERGE}" == "yes" ]]; then
+ if [ ! -e "${rpath}/${rfile}" ] || [ ! -e "${rpath}/${rfile:10}" ]; then
+ else
+ diff -Bbua ${rpath}/${rfile} ${rpath}/${rfile:10} | egrep '^[+-]' | egrep -v '^[+-][\t ]*#|^--- |^\+\+\+ ' | egrep -qv '^[-+][\t ]*$'
+ fi
+ elif [[ -z $(diff -Nua ${rpath}/${rfile} ${rpath}/${rfile:10}|
+ grep "^[+-][^+-]"|grep -v '# .Header:.*') ]]; then
+ fi
+ if [[ "${MATCHES}" == "1" ]]; then
+ echo "Automerging trivial changes in: ${rpath}/${rfile:10}"
+ mv ${rpath}/${rfile} ${rpath}/${rfile:10}
+ continue
+ else
+ count=${count}+1
+ echo "${rpath}/${rfile:10}" > ${TMP}/files/${count}
+ echo "${rpath}/${rfile}" >> ${TMP}/files/${count}
+ ofile="${rfile}"
+ opath="${rpath}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $(diff -Nua ${rpath}/${rfile} ${rpath}/${ofile}|
+ grep "^[+-][^+-]"|grep -v '# .Header:.*') ]]; then
+ mv ${rpath}/${rfile} ${rpath}/${ofile}
+ continue
+ else
+ echo "${rpath}/${rfile}" >> ${TMP}/files/${count}
+ ofile="${rfile}"
+ opath="${rpath}"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+sel_file() {
+ local -i isfirst=0
+ until [[ -f ${TMP}/files/${input} ]] || \
+ [[ ${input} == -1 ]] || \
+ [[ ${input} == -3 ]]
+ do
+ local numfiles=$(ls ${TMP}/files|wc -l)
+ local numwidth=${#numfiles}
+ for file in $(ls ${TMP}/files|sort -n); do
+ if [[ ${isfirst} == 0 ]] ; then
+ isfirst=${file}
+ fi
+ numshow=$(printf "%${numwidth}i${PAR} " ${file})
+ numupdates=$(( $(wc -l <${TMP}/files/${file}) - 1 ))
+ echo -n "${numshow}"
+ if [[ ${mode} == 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "$(head -n1 ${TMP}/files/${file}) (${numupdates})"
+ else
+ head -n1 ${TMP}/files/${file}
+ fi
+ done > ${TMP}/menuitems
+ if [ "${OVERWRITE_ALL}" == "yes" ]; then
+ input=0
+ elif [ "${DELETE_ALL}" == "yes" ]; then
+ input=0
+ else
+ [[ $CLEAR_TERM == yes ]] && clear
+ if [[ ${mode} == 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "The following is the list of files which need updating, each
+configuration file is followed by a list of possible replacement files."
+ else
+ local my_title="Please select a file to update"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${mode} == 0 ]] ; then
+ cat ${TMP}/menuitems
+ echo "Please select a file to edit by entering the corresponding number."
+ echo " (don't use -3, -5, -7 or -9 if you're unsure what to do)"
+ echo " (-1 to exit) (-3 to auto merge all remaining files)"
+ echo " (-5 to auto-merge AND not use 'mv -i')"
+ echo " (-7 to discard all updates)"
+ echo -n " (-9 to discard all updates AND not use 'rm -i'): "
+ input=$(read_int)
+ else
+ dialog --title "${title}" --menu "${my_title}" \
+ 0 0 0 $(echo -e "-1 Exit\n$(<${TMP}/menuitems)") \
+ 2> ${TMP}/input || die "User termination!" 0
+ input=$(<${TMP}/input)
+ fi
+ if [[ ${input} == -9 ]]; then
+ read -p "Are you sure that you want to delete all updates (type YES):" reply
+ if [[ ${reply} != "YES" ]]; then
+ continue
+ else
+ input=-7
+ export rm_opts=""
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${input} == -7 ]]; then
+ input=0
+ export DELETE_ALL="yes"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${input} == -5 ]] ; then
+ input=-3
+ export mv_opts=" ${mv_opts} "
+ mv_opts="${mv_opts// -i / }"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${input} == -3 ]] ; then
+ input=0
+ export OVERWRITE_ALL="yes"
+ fi
+ fi # -3 automerge
+ if [[ -z ${input} ]] || [[ ${input} == 0 ]] ; then
+ input=${isfirst}
+ fi
+ done
+user_special() {
+ if [ -r ${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT}etc/etc-update.special ]; then
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: user_special() called without arguments"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ while read -r pat; do
+ echo ${1} | grep "${pat}" > /dev/null && return 0
+ done < ${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT}etc/etc-update.special
+ fi
+ return 1
+read_int() {
+ # Read an integer from stdin. Continously loops until a valid integer is
+ # read. This is a workaround for odd behavior of bash when an attempt is
+ # made to store a value such as "1y" into an integer-only variable.
+ local my_input
+ while true; do
+ read my_input
+ # failed integer conversions will break a loop unless they're enclosed
+ # in a subshell.
+ echo "${my_input}" | ( declare -i x; read x) 2>/dev/null && break
+ echo -n "Value '$my_input' is not valid. Please enter an integer value:" >&2
+ done
+ echo ${my_input}
+do_file() {
+ interactive_echo() { [ "${OVERWRITE_ALL}" != "yes" ] && [ "${DELETE_ALL}" != "yes" ] && echo; }
+ interactive_echo
+ local -i my_input
+ local -i fcount=0
+ until (( $(wc -l < ${TMP}/files/${input}) < 2 )); do
+ my_input=0
+ if (( $(wc -l < ${TMP}/files/${input}) == 2 )); then
+ my_input=1
+ fi
+ until (( ${my_input} > 0 )) && (( ${my_input} < $(wc -l < ${TMP}/files/${input}) )); do
+ fcount=0
+ if [ "${OVERWRITE_ALL}" == "yes" ]; then
+ my_input=0
+ elif [ "${DELETE_ALL}" == "yes" ]; then
+ my_input=0
+ else
+ for line in $(<${TMP}/files/${input}); do
+ if (( ${fcount} > 0 )); then
+ echo -n "${fcount}${PAR} "
+ echo "${line}"
+ else
+ if [[ ${mode} == 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Below are the new config files for ${line}:"
+ else
+ local my_title="Please select a file to process for ${line}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fcount=${fcount}+1
+ done > ${TMP}/menuitems
+ if [[ ${mode} == 0 ]] ; then
+ cat ${TMP}/menuitems
+ echo -n "Please select a file to process (-1 to exit this file): "
+ my_input=$(read_int)
+ else
+ dialog --title "${title}" --menu "${my_title}" \
+ 0 0 0 $(echo -e "$(<${TMP}/menuitems)\n${fcount} Exit") \
+ 2> ${TMP}/input || die "User termination!" 0
+ my_input=$(<${TMP}/input)
+ fi
+ if [[ ${my_input} == 0 ]] ; then
+ my_input=1
+ elif [[ ${my_input} == -1 ]] ; then
+ input=0
+ return
+ elif [[ ${my_input} == ${fcount} ]] ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ${my_input} == ${fcount} ]] ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ fcount=${my_input}+1
+ file=$(sed -e "${fcount}p;d" ${TMP}/files/${input})
+ ofile=$(head -n1 ${TMP}/files/${input})
+ do_cfg "${file}" "${ofile}"
+ sed -e "${fcount}!p;d" ${TMP}/files/${input} > ${TMP}/files/sed
+ mv ${TMP}/files/sed ${TMP}/files/${input}
+ if [[ ${my_input} == -1 ]] ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ interactive_echo
+ rm ${TMP}/files/${input}
+ count=${count}-1
+do_cfg() {
+ local file="${1}"
+ local ofile="${2}"
+ local -i my_input=0
+ until (( ${my_input} == -1 )) || [ ! -f ${file} ]; do
+ if [[ "${OVERWRITE_ALL}" == "yes" ]] && ! user_special "${ofile}"; then
+ my_input=1
+ elif [[ "${DELETE_ALL}" == "yes" ]] && ! user_special "${ofile}"; then
+ my_input=2
+ else
+ [[ $CLEAR_TERM == yes ]] && clear
+ if [ "${using_editor}" == 0 ]; then
+ (
+ echo "Showing differences between ${ofile} and ${file}"
+ diff_command "${ofile}" "${file}"
+ ) | ${pager}
+ else
+ echo "Beginning of differences between ${ofile} and ${file}"
+ diff_command "${ofile}" "${file}"
+ echo "End of differences between ${ofile} and ${file}"
+ fi
+ if [ -L "${file}" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "NOTE: File is a symlink to another file. REPLACE recommended."
+ echo " The original file may simply have moved. Please review."
+ echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo
+ fi
+ echo -n "File: ${file}
+1) Replace original with update
+2) Delete update, keeping original as is
+3) Interactively merge original with update
+4) Show differences again
+5) Save update as example config
+Please select from the menu above (-1 to ignore this update): "
+ my_input=$(read_int)
+ fi
+ case ${my_input} in
+ 1) echo "Replacing ${ofile} with ${file}"
+ mv ${mv_opts} ${file} ${ofile}
+ [ -n "${OVERWRITE_ALL}" ] && my_input=-1
+ continue
+ ;;
+ 2) echo "Deleting ${file}"
+ rm ${rm_opts} ${file}
+ [ -n "${DELETE_ALL}" ] && my_input=-1
+ continue
+ ;;
+ 3) do_merge "${file}" "${ofile}"
+ my_input=${?}
+# [ ${my_input} == 255 ] && my_input=-1
+ continue
+ ;;
+ 4) continue
+ ;;
+ 5) do_distconf "${file}" "${ofile}"
+ ;;
+ *) continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+do_merge() {
+ # make sure we keep the merged file in the secure tempdir
+ # so we dont leak any information contained in said file
+ # (think of case where the file has 0600 perms; during the
+ # merging process, the temp file gets umask perms!)
+ local file="${1}"
+ local ofile="${2}"
+ local mfile="${TMP}/${2}.merged"
+ local -i my_input=0
+ echo "${file} ${ofile} ${mfile}"
+ if [[ -e ${mfile} ]] ; then
+ echo "A previous version of the merged file exists, cleaning..."
+ rm ${rm_opts} "${mfile}"
+ fi
+ # since mfile will be like $TMP/path/to/original-file.merged, we
+ # need to make sure the full /path/to/ exists ahead of time
+ mkdir -p "${mfile%/*}"
+ until (( ${my_input} == -1 )); do
+ echo "Merging ${file} and ${ofile}"
+ $(echo "${merge_command}" |
+ sed -e "s:%merged:${mfile}:g" \
+ -e "s:%orig:${ofile}:g" \
+ -e "s:%new:${file}:g")
+ until (( ${my_input} == -1 )); do
+ echo -n "1) Replace ${ofile} with merged file
+2) Show differences between merged file and original
+3) Remerge original with update
+4) Edit merged file
+5) Return to the previous menu
+Please select from the menu above (-1 to exit, losing this merge): "
+ my_input=$(read_int)
+ case ${my_input} in
+ 1) echo "Replacing ${ofile} with ${mfile}"
+ if [[ ${USERLAND} == BSD ]] ; then
+ chown "$(stat -f %Su:%Sg "${ofile}")" "${mfile}"
+ chmod $(stat -f %Mp%Lp "${ofile}") "${mfile}"
+ else
+ chown --reference="${ofile}" "${mfile}"
+ chmod --reference="${ofile}" "${mfile}"
+ fi
+ mv ${mv_opts} "${mfile}" "${ofile}"
+ rm ${rm_opts} "${file}"
+ return 255
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ [[ $CLEAR_TERM == yes ]] && clear
+ if [ "${using_editor}" == 0 ]; then
+ (
+ echo "Showing differences between ${ofile} and ${mfile}"
+ diff_command "${ofile}" "${mfile}"
+ ) | ${pager}
+ else
+ echo "Beginning of differences between ${ofile} and ${mfile}"
+ diff_command "${ofile}" "${mfile}"
+ echo "End of differences between ${ofile} and ${mfile}"
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ 3) break
+ ;;
+ 4) ${EDITOR:-nano -w} "${mfile}"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ 5) rm ${rm_opts} "${mfile}"
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ *) continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ done
+ rm ${rm_opts} "${mfile}"
+ return 255
+do_distconf() {
+ # search for any previously saved distribution config
+ # files and number the current one accordingly
+ local file="${1}"
+ local ofile="${2}"
+ local -i count
+ local -i fill
+ local suffix
+ local efile
+ for ((count = 0; count <= 9999; count++)); do
+ suffix=".dist_"
+ for ((fill = 4 - ${#count}; fill > 0; fill--)); do
+ suffix+="0"
+ done
+ suffix+="${count}"
+ efile="${ofile}${suffix}"
+ if [[ ! -f ${efile} ]]; then
+ mv ${mv_opts} "${file}" "${efile}"
+ break
+ elif diff_command "${file}" "${efile}" &> /dev/null; then
+ # replace identical copy
+ mv "${file}" "${efile}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+die() {
+ trap SIGTERM
+ trap SIGINT
+ if [ "$2" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Exiting: ${1}"
+ scan > /dev/null
+ [ ${count} -gt 0 ] && echo "NOTE: ${count} updates remaining"
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: ${1}"
+ fi
+ rm -rf "${TMP}"
+ exit ${2}
+usage() {
+ cat <<-EOF
+ etc-update: Handle configuration file updates
+ Usage: etc-update [options]
+ Options:
+ -d, --debug Enable shell debugging
+ -h, --help Show help and run away
+ -V, --version Show version and trundle away
+ [[ -n ${*:2} ]] && printf "\nError: %s\n" "${*:2}" 1>&2
+ exit ${1:-0}
+# Run the script
+while [[ -n $1 ]] ; do
+ case $1 in
+ -d|--debug) SET_X=true;;
+ -h|--help) usage;;
+ -V|--version) emerge --version ; exit 0;;
+ *) usage 1 "Invalid option '$1'";;
+ esac
+ shift
+${SET_X} && set -x
+type portageq > /dev/null || exit $?
+eval $(portageq envvar -v CONFIG_PROTECT \
+trap "die terminated 1" SIGTERM
+trap "die interrupted 1" SIGINT
+[ -w ${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT}etc ] || die "Need write access to ${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT}etc" 1
+#export PORTAGE_TMPDIR=$(/usr/lib/portage/bin/portageq envvar PORTAGE_TMPDIR)
+rm -rf "${TMP}" 2> /dev/null
+mkdir "${TMP}" || die "failed to create temp dir" 1
+# make sure we have a secure directory to work in
+chmod 0700 "${TMP}" || die "failed to set perms on temp dir" 1
+chown ${UID:-0}:${GID:-0} "${TMP}" || die "failed to set ownership on temp dir" 1
+# I need the CONFIG_PROTECT value
+#CONFIG_PROTECT=$(/usr/lib/portage/bin/portageq envvar CONFIG_PROTECT)
+#CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK=$(/usr/lib/portage/bin/portageq envvar CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK)
+# load etc-config's configuration
+CLEAR_TERM=$(get_config clear_term)
+EU_AUTOMERGE=$(get_config eu_automerge)
+rm_opts=$(get_config rm_opts)
+mv_opts=$(get_config mv_opts)
+cp_opts=$(get_config cp_opts)
+pager=$(get_config pager)
+diff_command=$(get_config diff_command)
+using_editor=$(get_config using_editor)
+merge_command=$(get_config merge_command)
+declare -i mode=$(get_config mode)
+[[ -z ${mode} ]] && mode=0
+[[ -z ${pager} ]] && pager="cat"
+if [ "${using_editor}" == 0 ]; then
+ # Sanity check to make sure diff exists and works
+ echo > "${TMP}"/.diff-test-1
+ echo > "${TMP}"/.diff-test-2
+ if ! diff_command "${TMP}"/.diff-test-1 "${TMP}"/.diff-test-2 ; then
+ die "'${diff_command}' does not seem to work, aborting" 1
+ fi
+ if ! type ${diff_command%% *} >/dev/null; then
+ die "'${diff_command}' does not seem to work, aborting" 1
+ fi
+if [[ ${mode} == "1" ]] ; then
+ if ! type dialog >/dev/null || ! dialog --help >/dev/null ; then
+ die "mode=1 and 'dialog' not found or not executable, aborting" 1
+ fi
+#echo "rm_opts: $rm_opts, mv_opts: $mv_opts, cp_opts: $cp_opts"
+#echo "pager: $pager, diff_command: $diff_command, merge_command: $merge_command"
+if (( ${mode} == 0 )); then
+ PAR=")"
+ PAR=""
+declare -i count=0
+declare input=0
+declare title="Gentoo's etc-update tool!"
+until (( ${input} == -1 )); do
+ if (( ${count} == 0 )); then
+ die "Nothing left to do; exiting. :)" 0
+ fi
+ sel_file
+ if (( ${input} != -1 )); then
+ do_file
+ fi
+die "User termination!" 0