path: root/config
diff options
authorBrian Harring <ferringb@gmail.com>2012-10-13 17:49:44 -0700
committerBrian Harring <ferringb@google.com>2012-10-16 13:27:24 -0700
commit2919cf0d03b37050c6624d97547653d1fffa033d (patch)
tree76003db257539a345620e1fec369e92a3a69be4b /config
import of content;
note rcsparse has had my old http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/64/rcparse_redundant_work.patch patch applied.
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
1 files changed, 588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config b/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94c17d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+# (Be in -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- mode.)
+# ====================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
+# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
+# newer version instead, at your option.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
+# ====================================================================
+# #####################
+# ## PLEASE READ ME! ##
+# #####################
+# This is a template for an options file that can be used to configure
+# cvs2svn to convert to git rather than to Subversion. See
+# www/cvs2git.html and www/cvs2svn.html for general information, and
+# see the comments in this file for information about what options are
+# available and how they can be set.
+# The program that is run to convert from CVS to git is called
+# cvs2git. Run it with the --options option, passing it this file
+# like this:
+# cvs2git --options=cvs2git-example.options
+# The output of cvs2git is a blob file and a dump file that can be
+# loaded into git using the "git fast-import" command. Please read
+# www/cvs2git.html for more information.
+# Many options do not have defaults, so it is easier to copy this file
+# and modify what you need rather than creating a new options file
+# from scratch. This file is in Python syntax, but you don't need to
+# know Python to modify it. But if you *do* know Python, then you
+# will be happy to know that you can use arbitary Python constructs to
+# do fancy configuration tricks.
+# But please be aware of the following:
+# * In many places, leading whitespace is significant in Python (it is
+# used instead of curly braces to group statements together).
+# Therefore, if you don't know what you are doing, it is best to
+# leave the whitespace as it is.
+# * In normal strings, Python treats a backslash ("\") as an escape
+# character. Therefore, if you want to specify a string that
+# contains a backslash, you need either to escape the backslash with
+# another backslash ("\\"), or use a "raw string", as in one if the
+# following equivalent examples:
+# ctx.sort_executable = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\sort.exe'
+# ctx.sort_executable = r'c:\windows\system32\sort.exe'
+# See http://docs.python.org/tutorial/introduction.html#strings for
+# more information.
+# Two identifiers will have been defined before this file is executed,
+# and can be used freely within this file:
+# ctx -- a Ctx object (see cvs2svn_lib/context.py), which holds
+# many configuration options
+# run_options -- an instance of the GitRunOptions class (see
+# cvs2svn_lib/git_run_options.py), which holds some variables
+# governing how cvs2git is run
+# Import some modules that are used in setting the options:
+import re
+from cvs2svn_lib import config
+from cvs2svn_lib import changeset_database
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import CVSTextDecoder
+from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log
+from cvs2svn_lib.project import Project
+from cvs2svn_lib.git_revision_recorder import GitRevisionRecorder
+from cvs2svn_lib.git_output_option import GitRevisionMarkWriter
+from cvs2svn_lib.git_output_option import GitOutputOption
+from cvs2svn_lib.revision_manager import NullRevisionRecorder
+from cvs2svn_lib.revision_manager import NullRevisionExcluder
+from cvs2svn_lib.fulltext_revision_recorder \
+ import SimpleFulltextRevisionRecorderAdapter
+from cvs2svn_lib.rcs_revision_manager import RCSRevisionReader
+from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_revision_manager import CVSRevisionReader
+from cvs2svn_lib.checkout_internal import InternalRevisionRecorder
+from cvs2svn_lib.checkout_internal import InternalRevisionExcluder
+from cvs2svn_lib.checkout_internal import InternalRevisionReader
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import AllBranchRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import AllTagRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import BranchIfCommitsRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import ExcludeRegexpStrategyRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import ForceBranchRegexpStrategyRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import ForceTagRegexpStrategyRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import ExcludeTrivialImportBranchRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import ExcludeVendorBranchRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import HeuristicStrategyRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import UnambiguousUsageRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import HeuristicPreferredParentRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy import SymbolHintsFileRule
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_transform import ReplaceSubstringsSymbolTransform
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_transform import RegexpSymbolTransform
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_transform import IgnoreSymbolTransform
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_transform import NormalizePathsSymbolTransform
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import AutoPropsPropertySetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import CVSBinaryFileDefaultMimeTypeSetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import CVSBinaryFileEOLStyleSetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import CVSRevisionNumberSetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import DefaultEOLStyleSetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import EOLStyleFromMimeTypeSetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import ExecutablePropertySetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import KeywordsPropertySetter
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import MimeMapper
+from cvs2svn_lib.property_setters import SVNBinaryFileKeywordsPropertySetter
+# To choose the level of logging output, uncomment one of the
+# following lines:
+#Log().log_level = Log.WARN
+#Log().log_level = Log.QUIET
+#Log().log_level = Log.NORMAL
+#Log().log_level = Log.VERBOSE
+Log().log_level = Log.DEBUG
+# During CollectRevsPass, cvs2git records the contents of file
+# revisions into a "blob" file in git-fast-import format. This option
+# configures that process:
+ctx.revision_recorder = SimpleFulltextRevisionRecorderAdapter(
+ # The following option specifies how the revision contents of the RCS
+ # files should be read.
+ #
+ # RCSRevisionReader uses RCS's "co" program to extract the revision
+ # contents of the RCS files during CollectRevsPass. The constructor
+ # argument specifies how to invoke the "co" executable.
+ #
+ # CVSRevisionReader uses the "cvs" program to extract the revision
+ # contents out of the RCS files during OutputPass. This option is
+ # considerably slower than RCSRevisionReader because "cvs" is
+ # considerably slower than "co". However, it works in some situations
+ # where RCSRevisionReader fails; see the HTML documentation of the
+ # "--use-cvs" option for details. The constructor argument specifies
+ # how to invoke the "co" executable.
+ #
+ # Uncomment one of the two following lines:
+ RCSRevisionReader(co_executable=r'co'),
+ #CVSRevisionReader(cvs_executable=r'cvs'),
+ # The file in which to write the git-fast-import stream that
+ # contains the file revision contents:
+ GitRevisionRecorder('cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat'),
+ )
+# cvs2git does not need to keep track of what revisions will be
+# excluded, so leave this option unchanged:
+ctx.revision_excluder = NullRevisionExcluder()
+# cvs2git doesn't need a revision reader because OutputPass only
+# refers to blobs that were output during CollectRevsPass, so leave
+# this option set to None.
+ctx.revision_reader = None
+# Set the name (and optionally the path) of some other executables
+# required by cvs2svn:
+ctx.sort_executable = r'sort'
+# Change the following line to True if the conversion should only
+# include the trunk of the repository (i.e., all branches and tags
+# should be omitted from the conversion):
+ctx.trunk_only = False
+# How to convert CVS author names, log messages, and filenames to
+# Unicode. The first argument to CVSTextDecoder is a list of encoders
+# that are tried in order in 'strict' mode until one of them succeeds.
+# If none of those succeeds, then fallback_encoder (if it is
+# specified) is used in lossy 'replace' mode. Setting a fallback
+# encoder ensures that the encoder always succeeds, but it can cause
+# information loss.
+ctx.cvs_author_decoder = CVSTextDecoder(
+ [
+ #'latin1',
+ #'utf8',
+ 'ascii',
+ ],
+ fallback_encoding='latin1'
+ )
+ctx.cvs_log_decoder = CVSTextDecoder(
+ [
+ #'latin1',
+ #'utf8',
+ 'ascii',
+ ],
+ fallback_encoding='latin1'
+ )
+# You might want to be especially strict when converting filenames to
+# Unicode (e.g., maybe not specify a fallback_encoding).
+ctx.cvs_filename_decoder = CVSTextDecoder(
+ [
+ #'latin1',
+ #'utf8',
+ 'ascii',
+ ],
+ #fallback_encoding='ascii'
+ )
+# Template for the commit message to be used for initial project
+# commits.
+ctx.initial_project_commit_message = (
+ 'Standard project directories initialized by cvs2svn.'
+ )
+# Template for the commit message to be used for post commits, in
+# which modifications to a vendor branch are copied back to trunk.
+# This message can use '%(revnum)d' to include the SVN revision number
+# of the revision that included the change to the vendor branch
+# (admittedly rather pointless in a cvs2git conversion).
+ctx.post_commit_message = (
+ 'This commit was generated by cvs2svn to track changes on a CVS '
+ 'vendor branch.'
+ )
+# Template for the commit message to be used for commits in which
+# symbols are created. This message can use '%(symbol_type)d' to
+# include the type of the symbol ('branch' or 'tag') or
+# '%(symbol_name)' to include the name of the symbol.
+ctx.symbol_commit_message = (
+ "This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create %(symbol_type)s "
+ "'%(symbol_name)s'."
+ )
+# Some CVS clients for MacOS store resource fork data into CVS along
+# with the file contents itself by wrapping it all up in a container
+# format called "AppleSingle". Subversion currently does not support
+# MacOS resource forks. Nevertheless, sometimes the resource fork
+# information is not necessary and can be discarded. Set the
+# following option to True if you would like cvs2svn to identify files
+# whose contents are encoded in AppleSingle format, and discard all
+# but the data fork for such files before committing them to
+# Subversion. (Please note that AppleSingle contents are identified
+# by the AppleSingle magic number as the first four bytes of the file.
+# This check is not failproof, so only set this option if you think
+# you need it.)
+ctx.decode_apple_single = False
+# This option can be set to the name of a filename to which are stored
+# statistics and conversion decisions about the CVS symbols.
+ctx.symbol_info_filename = None
+#ctx.symbol_info_filename = 'symbol-info.txt'
+# cvs2svn uses "symbol strategy rules" to help decide how to handle
+# CVS symbols. The rules in a project's symbol_strategy_rules are
+# applied in order, and each rule is allowed to modify the symbol.
+# The result (after each of the rules has been applied) is used for
+# the conversion.
+# 1. A CVS symbol might be used as a tag in one file and as a branch
+# in another file. cvs2svn has to decide whether to convert such a
+# symbol as a tag or as a branch. cvs2svn uses a series of
+# heuristic rules to decide how to convert a symbol. The user can
+# override the default rules for specific symbols or symbols
+# matching regular expressions.
+# 2. cvs2svn is also capable of excluding symbols from the conversion
+# (provided no other symbols depend on them.
+# 3. CVS does not record unambiguously the line of development from
+# which a symbol sprouted. cvs2svn uses a heuristic to choose a
+# symbol's "preferred parents".
+# The standard branch/tag/exclude StrategyRules do not change a symbol
+# that has already been processed by an earlier rule, so in effect the
+# first matching rule is the one that is used.
+global_symbol_strategy_rules = [
+ # It is possible to specify manually exactly how symbols should be
+ # converted and what line of development should be used as the
+ # preferred parent. To do so, create a file containing the symbol
+ # hints and enable the following option.
+ #
+ # The format of the hints file is described in the documentation
+ # for the --symbol-hints command-line option. The file output by
+ # the --write-symbol-info (i.e., ctx.symbol_info_filename) option
+ # is in the same format. The simplest way to use this option is
+ # to run the conversion through CollateSymbolsPass with
+ # --write-symbol-info option, copy the symbol info and edit it to
+ # create a hints file, then re-start the conversion at
+ # CollateSymbolsPass with this option enabled.
+ #SymbolHintsFileRule('symbol-hints.txt'),
+ # To force all symbols matching a regular expression to be
+ # converted as branches, add rules like the following:
+ #ForceBranchRegexpStrategyRule(r'branch.*'),
+ # To force all symbols matching a regular expression to be
+ # converted as tags, add rules like the following:
+ #ForceTagRegexpStrategyRule(r'tag.*'),
+ # To force all symbols matching a regular expression to be
+ # excluded from the conversion, add rules like the following:
+ #ExcludeRegexpStrategyRule(r'unknown-.*'),
+ # Sometimes people use "cvs import" to get their own source code
+ # into CVS. This practice creates a vendor branch 1.1.1 and
+ # imports the code onto the vendor branch as, then copies
+ # the same content to the trunk as version 1.1. Normally, such
+ # vendor branches are useless and they complicate the SVN history
+ # unnecessarily. The following rule excludes any branches that
+ # only existed as a vendor branch with a single import (leaving
+ # only the 1.1 revision). If you want to retain such branches,
+ # comment out the following line. (Please note that this rule
+ # does not exclude vendor *tags*, as they are not so easy to
+ # identify.)
+ ExcludeTrivialImportBranchRule(),
+ # To exclude all vendor branches (branches that had "cvs import"s
+ # on them bug no other kinds of commits), uncomment the following
+ # line:
+ #ExcludeVendorBranchRule(),
+ # Usually you want this rule, to convert unambiguous symbols
+ # (symbols that were only ever used as tags or only ever used as
+ # branches in CVS) the same way they were used in CVS:
+ UnambiguousUsageRule(),
+ # If there was ever a commit on a symbol, then it cannot be
+ # converted as a tag. This rule causes all such symbols to be
+ # converted as branches. If you would like to resolve such
+ # ambiguities manually, comment out the following line:
+ BranchIfCommitsRule(),
+ # Last in the list can be a catch-all rule that is used for
+ # symbols that were not matched by any of the more specific rules
+ # above. (Assuming that BranchIfCommitsRule() was included above,
+ # then the symbols that are still indeterminate at this point can
+ # sensibly be converted as branches or tags.) Include at most one
+ # of these lines. If none of these catch-all rules are included,
+ # then the presence of any ambiguous symbols (that haven't been
+ # disambiguated above) is an error:
+ # Convert ambiguous symbols based on whether they were used more
+ # often as branches or as tags:
+ HeuristicStrategyRule(),
+ # Convert all ambiguous symbols as branches:
+ #AllBranchRule(),
+ # Convert all ambiguous symbols as tags:
+ #AllTagRule(),
+ # The last rule is here to choose the preferred parent of branches
+ # and tags, that is, the line of development from which the symbol
+ # sprouts.
+ HeuristicPreferredParentRule(),
+ ]
+# Specify a username to be used for commits for which CVS doesn't
+# record the original author (for example, the creation of a branch).
+# This should be a simple (unix-style) username, but it can be
+# translated into a git-style name by the author_transforms map.
+ctx.username = 'cvs2svn'
+# ctx.svn_property_setters contains a list of rules used to set the
+# svn properties on files in the converted archive. For each file,
+# the rules are tried one by one. Any rule can add or suppress one or
+# more svn properties. Typically the rules will not overwrite
+# properties set by a previous rule (though they are free to do so).
+# Obviously, SVN properties per se are not interesting for a cvs2git
+# conversion, but some of these properties have side-effects that do
+# affect the git output. FIXME: Document this in more detail.
+ # To read auto-props rules from a file, uncomment the following line
+ # and specify a filename. The boolean argument specifies whether
+ # case should be ignored when matching filenames to the filename
+ # patterns found in the auto-props file:
+ #AutoPropsPropertySetter(
+ # r'/home/username/.subversion/config',
+ # ignore_case=True,
+ # ),
+ # To read mime types from a file, uncomment the following line and
+ # specify a filename:
+ #MimeMapper(r'/etc/mime.types'),
+ # Omit the svn:eol-style property from any files that are listed
+ # as binary (i.e., mode '-kb') in CVS:
+ CVSBinaryFileEOLStyleSetter(),
+ # If the file is binary and its svn:mime-type property is not yet
+ # set, set svn:mime-type to 'application/octet-stream'.
+ CVSBinaryFileDefaultMimeTypeSetter(),
+ # To try to determine the eol-style from the mime type, uncomment
+ # the following line:
+ #EOLStyleFromMimeTypeSetter(),
+ # Choose one of the following lines to set the default
+ # svn:eol-style if none of the above rules applied. The argument
+ # is the svn:eol-style that should be applied, or None if no
+ # svn:eol-style should be set (i.e., the file should be treated as
+ # binary).
+ #
+ # The default is to treat all files as binary unless one of the
+ # previous rules has determined otherwise, because this is the
+ # safest approach. However, if you have been diligent about
+ # marking binary files with -kb in CVS and/or you have used the
+ # above rules to definitely mark binary files as binary, then you
+ # might prefer to use 'native' as the default, as it is usually
+ # the most convenient setting for text files. Other possible
+ # options: 'CRLF', 'CR', 'LF'.
+ DefaultEOLStyleSetter(None),
+ #DefaultEOLStyleSetter('native'),
+ # Prevent svn:keywords from being set on files that have
+ # svn:eol-style unset.
+ SVNBinaryFileKeywordsPropertySetter(),
+ # If svn:keywords has not been set yet, set it based on the file's
+ # CVS mode:
+ KeywordsPropertySetter(config.SVN_KEYWORDS_VALUE),
+ # Set the svn:executable flag on any files that are marked in CVS as
+ # being executable:
+ ExecutablePropertySetter(),
+ ])
+# The directory to use for temporary files:
+ctx.tmpdir = r'cvs2svn-tmp'
+# To skip the cleanup of temporary files, uncomment the following
+# option:
+#ctx.skip_cleanup = True
+# In CVS, it is perfectly possible to make a single commit that
+# affects more than one project or more than one branch of a single
+# project. Subversion also allows such commits. Therefore, by
+# default, when cvs2svn sees what looks like a cross-project or
+# cross-branch CVS commit, it converts it into a
+# cross-project/cross-branch Subversion commit.
+# However, other tools and SCMs have trouble representing
+# cross-project or cross-branch commits. (For example, Trac's Revtree
+# plugin, http://www.trac-hacks.org/wiki/RevtreePlugin is confused by
+# such commits.) Therefore, we provide the following two options to
+# allow cross-project/cross-branch commits to be suppressed.
+# cvs2git only supports single-project conversions (multiple-project
+# conversions wouldn't really make sense for git anyway). So this
+# option must be set to False:
+ctx.cross_project_commits = False
+# git itself doesn't allow commits that affect more than one branch,
+# so this option must be set to False:
+ctx.cross_branch_commits = False
+# cvs2git does not yet handle translating .cvsignore files into
+# .gitignore files, so by default, the .cvsignore files are included
+# in the conversion output. If you would like to omit the .cvsignore
+# files from the output, set this option to False:
+ctx.keep_cvsignore = True
+# By default, it is a fatal error for a CVS ",v" file to appear both
+# inside and outside of an "Attic" subdirectory (this should never
+# happen, but frequently occurs due to botched repository
+# administration). If you would like to retain both versions of such
+# files, change the following option to True, and the attic version of
+# the file will be written to a subdirectory called "Attic" in the
+# output repository:
+ctx.retain_conflicting_attic_files = False
+# CVS uses unix login names as author names whereas git requires
+# author names to be of the form "foo <bar>". The default is to set
+# the git author to "cvsauthor <cvsauthor>". author_transforms can be
+# used to map cvsauthor names (e.g., "jrandom") to a true name and
+# email address (e.g., "J. Random <jrandom@example.com>" for the
+# example shown). All values should be either Unicode strings (i.e.,
+# with "u" as a prefix) or 8-bit strings in the utf-8 encoding.
+# Please substitute your own project's usernames here to use with the
+# author_transforms option of GitOutputOption below.
+ 'jrandom' : ('J. Random', 'jrandom@example.com'),
+ 'mhagger' : ('Michael Haggerty', 'mhagger@alum.mit.edu'),
+ 'brane' : (u'Branko Čibej', 'brane@xbc.nu'),
+ 'ringstrom' : ('Tobias Ringström', 'tobias@ringstrom.mine.nu'),
+ 'dionisos' : (u'Erik Hülsmann', 'e.huelsmann@gmx.net'),
+ # This one will be used for commits for which CVS doesn't record
+ # the original author, as explained above.
+ 'cvs2svn' : ('cvs2svn', 'admin@example.com'),
+ }
+# This is the main option that causes cvs2svn to output to a
+# "fastimport"-format dumpfile rather than to Subversion:
+ctx.output_option = GitOutputOption(
+ # The file in which to write the git-fast-import stream that
+ # contains the changesets and branch/tag information:
+ 'cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat',
+ # The blobs will be written via the revision recorder, so in
+ # OutputPass we only have to emit references to the blob marks:
+ GitRevisionMarkWriter(),
+ # This option can be set to an integer to limit the number of
+ # revisions that are merged with the main parent in any commit.
+ # For git output, this can be set to None (unlimited), though due
+ # to the limitations of other tools you might want to set it to a
+ # smaller number (e.g., 16). For Mercurial output, this should be
+ # set to 1.
+ max_merges=None,
+ #max_merges=1,
+ # Optional map from CVS author names to git author names:
+ author_transforms=author_transforms,
+ )
+# Change this option to True to turn on profiling of cvs2svn (for
+# debugging purposes):
+run_options.profiling = False
+# Should CVSItem -> Changeset database files be memory mapped? In
+# some tests, using memory mapping speeded up the overall conversion
+# by about 5%. But this option can cause the conversion to fail with
+# an out of memory error if the conversion computer runs out of
+# virtual address space (e.g., when running a very large conversion on
+# a 32-bit operating system). Therefore it is disabled by default.
+# Uncomment the following line to allow these database files to be
+# memory mapped.
+changeset_database.use_mmap_for_cvs_item_to_changeset_table = True
+# Now set the project to be converted to git. cvs2git only supports
+# single-project conversions, so this method must only be called
+# once:
+ # The filesystem path to the part of the CVS repository (*not* a
+ # CVS working copy) that should be converted. This may be a
+ # subdirectory (i.e., a module) within a larger CVS repository.
+ r'cvs-repo',
+ # A list of symbol transformations that can be used to rename
+ # symbols in this project.
+ symbol_transforms=[
+ # Use IgnoreSymbolTransforms like the following to completely
+ # ignore symbols matching a regular expression when parsing
+ # the CVS repository, for example to avoid warnings about
+ # branches with two names and to choose the preferred name.
+ # It is *not* recommended to use this instead of
+ # ExcludeRegexpStrategyRule; though more efficient,
+ # IgnoreSymbolTransforms are less flexible and don't exclude
+ # branches correctly. The argument is a Python-style regular
+ # expression that has to match the *whole* CVS symbol name:
+ #IgnoreSymbolTransform(r'nightly-build-tag-.*')
+ # RegexpSymbolTransforms transform symbols textually using a
+ # regular expression. The first argument is a Python regular
+ # expression pattern and the second is a replacement pattern.
+ # The pattern is matched against each symbol name. If it
+ # matches the whole symbol name, then the symbol name is
+ # replaced with the corresponding replacement text. The
+ # replacement can include substitution patterns (e.g., r'\1'
+ # or r'\g<name>'). Typically you will want to use raw strings
+ # (strings with a preceding 'r', like shown in the examples)
+ # for the regexp and its replacement to avoid backslash
+ # substitution within those strings.
+ #RegexpSymbolTransform(r'release-(\d+)_(\d+)',
+ # r'release-\1.\2'),
+ #RegexpSymbolTransform(r'release-(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)',
+ # r'release-\1.\2.\3'),
+ # Simple 1:1 character replacements can also be done. The
+ # following transform, which converts backslashes into forward
+ # slashes, should usually be included:
+ ReplaceSubstringsSymbolTransform('\\','/'),
+ # This last rule eliminates leading, trailing, and repeated
+ # slashes within the output symbol names:
+ NormalizePathsSymbolTransform(),
+ ],
+ # See the definition of global_symbol_strategy_rules above for a
+ # description of this option:
+ symbol_strategy_rules=global_symbol_strategy_rules,
+ )