diff options
authorBrian Harring <ferringb@gmail.com>2012-10-13 17:49:44 -0700
committerBrian Harring <ferringb@google.com>2012-10-16 13:27:24 -0700
commit2919cf0d03b37050c6624d97547653d1fffa033d (patch)
tree76003db257539a345620e1fec369e92a3a69be4b /cvs2svn_lib/svn_output_option.py
import of content;
note rcsparse has had my old http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/64/rcparse_redundant_work.patch patch applied.
Diffstat (limited to 'cvs2svn_lib/svn_output_option.py')
1 files changed, 753 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/svn_output_option.py b/cvs2svn_lib/svn_output_option.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d1ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cvs2svn_lib/svn_output_option.py
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
+# ====================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
+# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
+# newer version instead, at your option.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
+# ====================================================================
+"""Classes for outputting the converted repository to SVN."""
+import os
+from cvs2svn_lib import config
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import InternalError
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import FatalError
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import FatalException
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import error_prefix
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import format_date
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import PathsNotDisjointException
+from cvs2svn_lib.common import verify_paths_disjoint
+from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log
+from cvs2svn_lib.context import Ctx
+from cvs2svn_lib.artifact_manager import artifact_manager
+from cvs2svn_lib.process import CommandFailedException
+from cvs2svn_lib.process import check_command_runs
+from cvs2svn_lib.process import call_command
+from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_file import CVSDirectory
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Trunk
+from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import LineOfDevelopment
+from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_item import CVSRevisionAdd
+from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_item import CVSRevisionChange
+from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_item import CVSRevisionDelete
+from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_item import CVSRevisionNoop
+from cvs2svn_lib.repository_mirror import RepositoryMirror
+from cvs2svn_lib.repository_mirror import PathExistsError
+from cvs2svn_lib.svn_commit_item import SVNCommitItem
+from cvs2svn_lib.openings_closings import SymbolingsReader
+from cvs2svn_lib.fill_source import get_source_set
+from cvs2svn_lib.stdout_delegate import StdoutDelegate
+from cvs2svn_lib.dumpfile_delegate import DumpfileDelegate
+from cvs2svn_lib.repository_delegate import RepositoryDelegate
+from cvs2svn_lib.output_option import OutputOption
+class SVNOutputOption(OutputOption):
+ """An OutputOption appropriate for output to Subversion."""
+ class ParentMissingError(Exception):
+ """The parent of a path is missing.
+ Exception raised if an attempt is made to add a path to the
+ repository mirror but the parent's path doesn't exist in the
+ youngest revision of the repository."""
+ pass
+ class ExpectedDirectoryError(Exception):
+ """A file was found where a directory was expected."""
+ pass
+ def __init__(self, author_transforms=None):
+ self._mirror = RepositoryMirror()
+ def to_utf8(s):
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ return s.encode('utf8')
+ else:
+ return s
+ self.author_transforms = {}
+ if author_transforms is not None:
+ for (cvsauthor, name) in author_transforms.iteritems():
+ cvsauthor = to_utf8(cvsauthor)
+ name = to_utf8(name)
+ self.author_transforms[cvsauthor] = name
+ def register_artifacts(self, which_pass):
+ # These artifacts are needed for SymbolingsReader:
+ artifact_manager.register_temp_file_needed(
+ )
+ artifact_manager.register_temp_file_needed(
+ config.SYMBOL_OFFSETS_DB, which_pass
+ )
+ self._mirror.register_artifacts(which_pass)
+ Ctx().revision_reader.register_artifacts(which_pass)
+ def check_symbols(self, symbol_map):
+ """Check that the paths of all included LODs are set and disjoint."""
+ error_found = False
+ # Check that all included LODs have their base paths set, and
+ # collect the paths into a list:
+ paths = []
+ for lod in symbol_map.itervalues():
+ if isinstance(lod, LineOfDevelopment):
+ if lod.base_path is None:
+ Log().error('%s: No path was set for %r\n' % (error_prefix, lod,))
+ error_found = True
+ else:
+ paths.append(lod.base_path)
+ # Check that the SVN paths of all LODS are disjoint:
+ try:
+ verify_paths_disjoint(*paths)
+ except PathsNotDisjointException, e:
+ Log().error(str(e))
+ error_found = True
+ if error_found:
+ raise FatalException(
+ 'Please fix the above errors and restart CollateSymbolsPass'
+ )
+ def setup(self, svn_rev_count):
+ self._symbolings_reader = SymbolingsReader()
+ self._mirror.open()
+ self._delegates = []
+ Ctx().revision_reader.start()
+ self.add_delegate(StdoutDelegate(svn_rev_count))
+ def _get_author(self, svn_commit):
+ author = svn_commit.get_author()
+ name = self.author_transforms.get(author, author)
+ return name
+ def _get_revprops(self, svn_commit):
+ """Return the Subversion revprops for this SVNCommit."""
+ return {
+ 'svn:author' : self._get_author(svn_commit),
+ 'svn:log' : svn_commit.get_log_msg(),
+ 'svn:date' : format_date(svn_commit.date),
+ }
+ def start_commit(self, revnum, revprops):
+ """Start a new commit."""
+ self._mirror.start_commit(revnum)
+ self._invoke_delegates('start_commit', revnum, revprops)
+ def end_commit(self):
+ """Called at the end of each commit.
+ This method copies the newly created nodes to the on-disk nodes
+ db."""
+ self._mirror.end_commit()
+ self._invoke_delegates('end_commit')
+ def delete_lod(self, lod):
+ """Delete the main path for LOD from the tree.
+ The path must currently exist. Silently refuse to delete trunk
+ paths."""
+ if isinstance(lod, Trunk):
+ # Never delete a Trunk path.
+ return
+ self._mirror.get_current_lod_directory(lod).delete()
+ self._invoke_delegates('delete_lod', lod)
+ def delete_path(self, cvs_path, lod, should_prune=False):
+ """Delete CVS_PATH from LOD."""
+ if cvs_path.parent_directory is None:
+ self.delete_lod(lod)
+ return
+ parent_node = self._mirror.get_current_path(
+ cvs_path.parent_directory, lod
+ )
+ del parent_node[cvs_path]
+ self._invoke_delegates('delete_path', lod, cvs_path)
+ if should_prune:
+ while parent_node is not None and len(parent_node) == 0:
+ # A drawback of this code is that we issue a delete for each
+ # path and not just a single delete for the topmost directory
+ # pruned.
+ node = parent_node
+ cvs_path = node.cvs_path
+ if cvs_path.parent_directory is None:
+ parent_node = None
+ self.delete_lod(lod)
+ else:
+ parent_node = node.parent_mirror_dir
+ node.delete()
+ self._invoke_delegates('delete_path', lod, cvs_path)
+ def initialize_project(self, project):
+ """Create the basic structure for PROJECT."""
+ self._invoke_delegates('initialize_project', project)
+ # Don't invoke delegates.
+ self._mirror.add_lod(project.get_trunk())
+ def change_path(self, cvs_rev):
+ """Register a change in self._youngest for the CVS_REV's svn_path."""
+ # We do not have to update the nodes because our mirror is only
+ # concerned with the presence or absence of paths, and a file
+ # content change does not cause any path changes.
+ self._invoke_delegates('change_path', SVNCommitItem(cvs_rev, False))
+ def _mkdir_p(self, cvs_directory, lod):
+ """Make sure that CVS_DIRECTORY exists in LOD.
+ If not, create it, calling delegates. Return the node for
+ try:
+ node = self._mirror.get_current_lod_directory(lod)
+ except KeyError:
+ node = self._mirror.add_lod(lod)
+ self._invoke_delegates('initialize_lod', lod)
+ for sub_path in cvs_directory.get_ancestry()[1:]:
+ try:
+ node = node[sub_path]
+ except KeyError:
+ node = node.mkdir(sub_path)
+ self._invoke_delegates('mkdir', lod, sub_path)
+ if node is None:
+ raise self.ExpectedDirectoryError(
+ 'File found at \'%s\' where directory was expected.' % (sub_path,)
+ )
+ return node
+ def add_path(self, cvs_rev):
+ """Add the CVS_REV's svn_path to the repository mirror.
+ Create any missing intermediate paths."""
+ cvs_file = cvs_rev.cvs_file
+ parent_path = cvs_file.parent_directory
+ lod = cvs_rev.lod
+ parent_node = self._mkdir_p(parent_path, lod)
+ parent_node.add_file(cvs_file)
+ self._invoke_delegates('add_path', SVNCommitItem(cvs_rev, True))
+ def copy_lod(self, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum):
+ """Copy all of SRC_LOD at SRC_REVNUM to DST_LOD.
+ In the youngest revision of the repository, the destination LOD
+ *must not* already exist.
+ Return the new node at DEST_LOD. Note that this node is not
+ necessarily writable, though its parent node necessarily is."""
+ node = self._mirror.copy_lod(src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum)
+ self._invoke_delegates('copy_lod', src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum)
+ return node
+ def copy_path(
+ self, cvs_path, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum, create_parent=False
+ ):
+ In the youngest revision of the repository, the destination's
+ parent *must* exist unless CREATE_PARENT is specified. But the
+ destination itself *must not* exist.
+ Return the new node at (CVS_PATH, DEST_LOD), as a
+ CurrentMirrorDirectory."""
+ if cvs_path.parent_directory is None:
+ return self.copy_lod(src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum)
+ # Get the node of our source, or None if it is a file:
+ src_node = self._mirror.get_old_path(cvs_path, src_lod, src_revnum)
+ # Get the parent path of the destination:
+ if create_parent:
+ dest_parent_node = self._mkdir_p(cvs_path.parent_directory, dest_lod)
+ else:
+ try:
+ dest_parent_node = self._mirror.get_current_path(
+ cvs_path.parent_directory, dest_lod
+ )
+ except KeyError:
+ raise self.ParentMissingError(
+ 'Attempt to add path \'%s\' to repository mirror, '
+ 'but its parent directory doesn\'t exist in the mirror.'
+ % (dest_lod.get_path(cvs_path.cvs_path),)
+ )
+ if cvs_path in dest_parent_node:
+ raise PathExistsError(
+ 'Attempt to add path \'%s\' to repository mirror '
+ 'when it already exists in the mirror.'
+ % (dest_lod.get_path(cvs_path.cvs_path),)
+ )
+ dest_parent_node[cvs_path] = src_node
+ self._invoke_delegates(
+ 'copy_path',
+ cvs_path, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum
+ )
+ return dest_parent_node[cvs_path]
+ def fill_symbol(self, svn_symbol_commit, fill_source):
+ """Perform all copies for the CVSSymbols in SVN_SYMBOL_COMMIT.
+ The symbolic name is guaranteed to exist in the Subversion
+ repository by the end of this call, even if there are no paths
+ under it."""
+ symbol = svn_symbol_commit.symbol
+ try:
+ dest_node = self._mirror.get_current_lod_directory(symbol)
+ except KeyError:
+ self._fill_directory(symbol, None, fill_source, None)
+ else:
+ self._fill_directory(symbol, dest_node, fill_source, None)
+ def _fill_directory(self, symbol, dest_node, fill_source, parent_source):
+ """Fill the tag or branch SYMBOL at the path indicated by FILL_SOURCE.
+ Use items from FILL_SOURCE, and recurse into the child items.
+ Fill SYMBOL starting at the path FILL_SOURCE.cvs_path. DEST_NODE
+ is the node of this destination path, or None if the destination
+ does not yet exist. All directories above this path have already
+ been filled. FILL_SOURCE is a FillSource instance describing the
+ items within a subtree of the repository that still need to be
+ copied to the destination.
+ PARENT_SOURCE is the SVNRevisionRange that was used to copy the
+ parent directory, if it was copied in this commit. We prefer to
+ copy from the same source as was used for the parent, since it
+ typically requires less touching-up. If PARENT_SOURCE is None,
+ then the parent directory was not copied in this commit, so no
+ revision is preferable to any other."""
+ copy_source = fill_source.compute_best_source(parent_source)
+ # Figure out if we shall copy to this destination and delete any
+ # destination path that is in the way.
+ if dest_node is None:
+ # The destination does not exist at all, so it definitely has to
+ # be copied:
+ dest_node = self.copy_path(
+ fill_source.cvs_path, copy_source.source_lod,
+ symbol, copy_source.opening_revnum
+ )
+ elif (parent_source is not None) and (
+ copy_source.source_lod != parent_source.source_lod
+ or copy_source.opening_revnum != parent_source.opening_revnum
+ ):
+ # The parent path was copied from a different source than we
+ # need to use, so we have to delete the version that was copied
+ # with the parent then re-copy from the correct source:
+ self.delete_path(fill_source.cvs_path, symbol)
+ dest_node = self.copy_path(
+ fill_source.cvs_path, copy_source.source_lod,
+ symbol, copy_source.opening_revnum
+ )
+ else:
+ copy_source = parent_source
+ # The map {CVSPath : FillSource} of entries within this directory
+ # that need filling:
+ src_entries = fill_source.get_subsource_map()
+ if copy_source is not None:
+ self._prune_extra_entries(
+ fill_source.cvs_path, symbol, dest_node, src_entries
+ )
+ return self._cleanup_filled_directory(
+ symbol, dest_node, src_entries, copy_source
+ )
+ def _cleanup_filled_directory(
+ self, symbol, dest_node, src_entries, copy_source
+ ):
+ """The directory at DEST_NODE has been filled and pruned; recurse.
+ Recurse into the SRC_ENTRIES, in alphabetical order. If DEST_NODE
+ was copied in this revision, COPY_SOURCE should indicate where it
+ was copied from; otherwise, COPY_SOURCE should be None."""
+ cvs_paths = src_entries.keys()
+ cvs_paths.sort()
+ for cvs_path in cvs_paths:
+ if isinstance(cvs_path, CVSDirectory):
+ # Path is a CVSDirectory:
+ try:
+ dest_subnode = dest_node[cvs_path]
+ except KeyError:
+ # Path doesn't exist yet; it has to be created:
+ dest_node = self._fill_directory(
+ symbol, None, src_entries[cvs_path], None
+ ).parent_mirror_dir
+ else:
+ # Path already exists, but might have to be cleaned up:
+ dest_node = self._fill_directory(
+ symbol, dest_subnode, src_entries[cvs_path], copy_source
+ ).parent_mirror_dir
+ else:
+ # Path is a CVSFile:
+ self._fill_file(
+ symbol, cvs_path in dest_node, src_entries[cvs_path], copy_source
+ )
+ # Reread dest_node since the call to _fill_file() might have
+ # made it writable:
+ dest_node = self._mirror.get_current_path(
+ dest_node.cvs_path, dest_node.lod
+ )
+ return dest_node
+ def _fill_file(self, symbol, dest_existed, fill_source, parent_source):
+ """Fill the tag or branch SYMBOL at the path indicated by FILL_SOURCE.
+ Use items from FILL_SOURCE.
+ Fill SYMBOL at path FILL_SOURCE.cvs_path. DEST_NODE is the node
+ of this destination path, or None if the destination does not yet
+ exist. All directories above this path have already been filled
+ as needed. FILL_SOURCE is a FillSource instance describing the
+ item that needs to be copied to the destination.
+ PARENT_SOURCE is the source from which the parent directory was
+ copied, or None if the parent directory was not copied during this
+ commit. We prefer to copy from PARENT_SOURCE, since it typically
+ requires less touching-up. If PARENT_SOURCE is None, then the
+ parent directory was not copied in this commit, so no revision is
+ preferable to any other."""
+ copy_source = fill_source.compute_best_source(parent_source)
+ # Figure out if we shall copy to this destination and delete any
+ # destination path that is in the way.
+ if not dest_existed:
+ # The destination does not exist at all, so it definitely has to
+ # be copied:
+ self.copy_path(
+ fill_source.cvs_path, copy_source.source_lod,
+ symbol, copy_source.opening_revnum
+ )
+ elif (parent_source is not None) and (
+ copy_source.source_lod != parent_source.source_lod
+ or copy_source.opening_revnum != parent_source.opening_revnum
+ ):
+ # The parent path was copied from a different source than we
+ # need to use, so we have to delete the version that was copied
+ # with the parent and then re-copy from the correct source:
+ self.delete_path(fill_source.cvs_path, symbol)
+ self.copy_path(
+ fill_source.cvs_path, copy_source.source_lod,
+ symbol, copy_source.opening_revnum
+ )
+ def _prune_extra_entries(
+ self, dest_cvs_path, symbol, dest_node, src_entries
+ ):
+ """Delete any entries in DEST_NODE that are not in SRC_ENTRIES."""
+ delete_list = [
+ cvs_path
+ for cvs_path in dest_node
+ if cvs_path not in src_entries
+ ]
+ # Sort the delete list so that the output is in a consistent
+ # order:
+ delete_list.sort()
+ for cvs_path in delete_list:
+ del dest_node[cvs_path]
+ self._invoke_delegates('delete_path', symbol, cvs_path)
+ def add_delegate(self, delegate):
+ """Adds DELEGATE to self._delegates.
+ For every delegate you add, whenever a repository action method is
+ performed, delegate's corresponding repository action method is
+ called. Multiple delegates will be called in the order that they
+ are added. See SVNRepositoryDelegate for more information."""
+ self._delegates.append(delegate)
+ def _invoke_delegates(self, method, *args):
+ """Invoke a method on each delegate.
+ Iterate through each of our delegates, in the order that they were
+ added, and call the delegate's method named METHOD with the
+ arguments in ARGS."""
+ for delegate in self._delegates:
+ getattr(delegate, method)(*args)
+ def process_initial_project_commit(self, svn_commit):
+ self.start_commit(svn_commit.revnum, self._get_revprops(svn_commit))
+ for project in svn_commit.projects:
+ self.initialize_project(project)
+ self.end_commit()
+ def process_primary_commit(self, svn_commit):
+ self.start_commit(svn_commit.revnum, self._get_revprops(svn_commit))
+ # This actually commits CVSRevisions
+ if len(svn_commit.cvs_revs) > 1:
+ plural = "s"
+ else:
+ plural = ""
+ Log().verbose("Committing %d CVSRevision%s"
+ % (len(svn_commit.cvs_revs), plural))
+ for cvs_rev in svn_commit.cvs_revs:
+ if isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionNoop):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionDelete):
+ self.delete_path(cvs_rev.cvs_file, cvs_rev.lod, Ctx().prune)
+ elif isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionAdd):
+ self.add_path(cvs_rev)
+ elif isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionChange):
+ self.change_path(cvs_rev)
+ self.end_commit()
+ def process_post_commit(self, svn_commit):
+ self.start_commit(svn_commit.revnum, self._get_revprops(svn_commit))
+ Log().verbose(
+ 'Synchronizing default branch motivated by %d'
+ % (svn_commit.motivating_revnum,)
+ )
+ for cvs_rev in svn_commit.cvs_revs:
+ trunk = cvs_rev.cvs_file.project.get_trunk()
+ if isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionAdd):
+ # Copy from branch to trunk:
+ self.copy_path(
+ cvs_rev.cvs_file, cvs_rev.lod, trunk,
+ svn_commit.motivating_revnum, True
+ )
+ elif isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionChange):
+ # Delete old version of the path on trunk...
+ self.delete_path(cvs_rev.cvs_file, trunk)
+ # ...and copy the new version over from branch:
+ self.copy_path(
+ cvs_rev.cvs_file, cvs_rev.lod, trunk,
+ svn_commit.motivating_revnum, True
+ )
+ elif isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionDelete):
+ # Delete trunk path:
+ self.delete_path(cvs_rev.cvs_file, trunk)
+ elif isinstance(cvs_rev, CVSRevisionNoop):
+ # Do nothing
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise InternalError('Unexpected CVSRevision type: %s' % (cvs_rev,))
+ self.end_commit()
+ def process_branch_commit(self, svn_commit):
+ self.start_commit(svn_commit.revnum, self._get_revprops(svn_commit))
+ Log().verbose('Filling branch:', svn_commit.symbol.name)
+ # Get the set of sources for the symbolic name:
+ source_set = get_source_set(
+ svn_commit.symbol,
+ self._symbolings_reader.get_range_map(svn_commit),
+ )
+ self.fill_symbol(svn_commit, source_set)
+ self.end_commit()
+ def process_tag_commit(self, svn_commit):
+ self.start_commit(svn_commit.revnum, self._get_revprops(svn_commit))
+ Log().verbose('Filling tag:', svn_commit.symbol.name)
+ # Get the set of sources for the symbolic name:
+ source_set = get_source_set(
+ svn_commit.symbol,
+ self._symbolings_reader.get_range_map(svn_commit),
+ )
+ self.fill_symbol(svn_commit, source_set)
+ self.end_commit()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ self._invoke_delegates('finish')
+ self._mirror.close()
+ self._mirror = None
+ Ctx().revision_reader.finish()
+ self._symbolings_reader.close()
+ del self._symbolings_reader
+class DumpfileOutputOption(SVNOutputOption):
+ """Output the result of the conversion into a dumpfile."""
+ def __init__(self, dumpfile_path, author_transforms=None):
+ SVNOutputOption.__init__(self, author_transforms)
+ self.dumpfile_path = dumpfile_path
+ def check(self):
+ pass
+ def setup(self, svn_rev_count):
+ Log().quiet("Starting Subversion Dumpfile.")
+ SVNOutputOption.setup(self, svn_rev_count)
+ if not Ctx().dry_run:
+ self.add_delegate(
+ DumpfileDelegate(Ctx().revision_reader, self.dumpfile_path)
+ )
+class RepositoryOutputOption(SVNOutputOption):
+ """Output the result of the conversion into an SVN repository."""
+ def __init__(self, target, author_transforms=None):
+ SVNOutputOption.__init__(self, author_transforms)
+ self.target = target
+ def check(self):
+ if not Ctx().dry_run:
+ # Verify that svnadmin can be executed. The 'help' subcommand
+ # should be harmless.
+ try:
+ check_command_runs([Ctx().svnadmin_executable, 'help'], 'svnadmin')
+ except CommandFailedException, e:
+ raise FatalError(
+ '%s\n'
+ 'svnadmin could not be executed. Please ensure that it is\n'
+ 'installed and/or use the --svnadmin option.' % (e,))
+ def setup(self, svn_rev_count):
+ Log().quiet("Starting Subversion Repository.")
+ SVNOutputOption.setup(self, svn_rev_count)
+ if not Ctx().dry_run:
+ self.add_delegate(
+ RepositoryDelegate(Ctx().revision_reader, self.target)
+ )
+class NewRepositoryOutputOption(RepositoryOutputOption):
+ """Output the result of the conversion into a new SVN repository."""
+ def __init__(
+ self, target, fs_type=None, bdb_txn_nosync=None, author_transforms=None, create_options=[]
+ ):
+ RepositoryOutputOption.__init__(self, target, author_transforms)
+ self.bdb_txn_nosync = bdb_txn_nosync
+ # Determine the options to be passed to "svnadmin create":
+ if not fs_type:
+ # User didn't say what kind repository (bdb, fsfs, etc). We
+ # still pass --bdb-txn-nosync. It's a no-op if the default
+ # repository type doesn't support it, but we definitely want it
+ # if BDB is the default.
+ self.create_options = ['--bdb-txn-nosync']
+ elif fs_type == 'bdb':
+ # User explicitly specified bdb.
+ #
+ # Since this is a BDB repository, pass --bdb-txn-nosync, because
+ # it gives us a 4-5x speed boost (if cvs2svn is creating the
+ # repository, cvs2svn should be the only program accessing the
+ # svn repository until cvs2svn is done). But we'll turn no-sync
+ # off in self.finish(), unless instructed otherwise.
+ self.create_options = ['--fs-type=bdb', '--bdb-txn-nosync']
+ else:
+ # User specified something other than bdb.
+ self.create_options = ['--fs-type=%s' % fs_type]
+ # Now append the user's explicitly-set create options:
+ self.create_options += create_options
+ def check(self):
+ RepositoryOutputOption.check(self)
+ if not Ctx().dry_run and os.path.exists(self.target):
+ raise FatalError("the svn-repos-path '%s' exists.\n"
+ "Remove it, or pass '--existing-svnrepos'."
+ % self.target)
+ def setup(self, svn_rev_count):
+ Log().normal("Creating new repository '%s'" % (self.target))
+ if Ctx().dry_run:
+ # Do not actually create repository:
+ pass
+ else:
+ call_command([
+ Ctx().svnadmin_executable, 'create',
+ ] + self.create_options + [
+ self.target
+ ])
+ RepositoryOutputOption.setup(self, svn_rev_count)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ RepositoryOutputOption.cleanup(self)
+ # If this is a BDB repository, and we created the repository, and
+ # --bdb-no-sync wasn't passed, then comment out the DB_TXN_NOSYNC
+ # line in the DB_CONFIG file, because txn syncing should be on by
+ # default in BDB repositories.
+ #
+ # We determine if this is a BDB repository by looking for the
+ # DB_CONFIG file, which doesn't exist in FSFS, rather than by
+ # checking self.fs_type. That way this code will Do The Right
+ # Thing in all circumstances.
+ db_config = os.path.join(self.target, "db/DB_CONFIG")
+ if Ctx().dry_run:
+ # Do not change repository:
+ pass
+ elif not self.bdb_txn_nosync and os.path.exists(db_config):
+ no_sync = 'set_flags DB_TXN_NOSYNC\n'
+ contents = open(db_config, 'r').readlines()
+ index = contents.index(no_sync)
+ contents[index] = '# ' + no_sync
+ open(db_config, 'w').writelines(contents)
+class ExistingRepositoryOutputOption(RepositoryOutputOption):
+ """Output the result of the conversion into an existing SVN repository."""
+ def __init__(self, target, author_transforms=None):
+ RepositoryOutputOption.__init__(self, target, author_transforms)
+ def check(self):
+ RepositoryOutputOption.check(self)
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.target):
+ raise FatalError("the svn-repos-path '%s' is not an "
+ "existing directory." % self.target)