This will individually package the keymaps folder found in genkernel to
allow for easier conversion to using the Distribution Kernel in the
official live media.
Also due to recent events with regards to Xz and potential concerns
about adding binary files, the following command will verify the
checksums of the keymaps to the ones found in genkernel:
diff <(sha256sum lib/keymaps/* | awk '{print $1}') \
<(sha256sum path/to/genkernel/defaults/keymaps/* | awk '{print $1}')
There should be no output and an exit code of 0.
Genkernel commit tested on: 361810b23acd9452218368acecc7cc5262f00c74
Signed-off-by: Christopher Fore <csfore@posteo.net>
Closes: https://github.com/gentoo/livecd-tools/pull/1
Signed-off-by: Ben Kohler <bkohler@gentoo.org>