diff options
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 560 deletions
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/ChangeLog b/app-accessibility/julius/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 243e4c278..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for app-accessibility/julius
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
-*julius-4.1-r1 (08 Mar 2013)
- 08 Mar 2013; Patrick Lauer <> -julius-4.1.ebuild,
- +julius-4.1-r1.ebuild:
- Adding ~amd64 keyword, bump EAPI
- 17 Apr 2009; Justin Lecher (jlec) <> julius-4.1.ebuild:
- QA quotes around EAPI version
- 26 Mar 2009; Tiago Cunha <> julius-4.1.ebuild:
- Add missing die to emake.
- 19 Jan 2009; Thomas Sachau (Tommy[D]) <>
- julius-4.1.ebuild:
- Add suggested RDEPEND=${DEPEND}
- 30 Dec 2008; Erik Hahn (a_b) <> julius-4.1.ebuild:
- Install japanese docs, remove USE flags with no matching configure switch
- and dependencies on gtk-1 and glibc
- 14 Nov 2008; Daniel Pinto dos Santos (danielpi) <>
- +julius-4.1.ebuild, +files/julius-4.1-makefile.patch,
- +files/julius-4.1-mkfacrash.patch, +files/julius-4.1-newParam.patch,
- +metadata.xml:
- New ebuild for julius, see bug #245475. Thanks to idl0r and Tommy.
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/Manifest b/app-accessibility/julius/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index ad1d18a96..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-AUX julius-4.1-makefile.patch 10908 SHA256 8fa76475548cde8133c398a6dbaccee3d0be2d797746adb6e2126ef709f9d467 SHA512 035ce9db36c55de3f9be8066c9487bc8d5cc6cb702275a928629cf428ef0a770552428e6fefc32fc40d801c41eb5e9ad08384d1e2662b14c97a1c465aa18d8ca WHIRLPOOL 034eece4214e853a0be7cc43d272fb104a17c752b2cc68613258371e2425af77fac91fb3d089da058b3ed7322176e7adf37f0478542c1d6b76670aca3ad1fd3f
-AUX julius-4.1-mkfacrash.patch 578 SHA256 9f596306b82478cd33c749760865165da2aacc3289b81fb0ea252b83625ba3bf SHA512 a04660173a97e12f488575bb5009501a00d8494f1740d8b2aa420cc58b424d1370e90b743a985044079819171e280100b254b9457b66336db0692843a74913b9 WHIRLPOOL 5c21018d4c9675c4f075f2b291960ef18a93ffa4ebbd54b4508a9b0959d71e17a15a202c02a004aeaa595d815daa1ccbe4f1d83054e734734ebf6a5c605d3a51
-AUX julius-4.1-newParam.patch 3687 SHA256 c594e947b49555d53fe8c27f82df1cc7eda32882df706c34cf20e3a7810f8c23 SHA512 ff7371271dd7ebcbf3344a1d6a9f25724bd35443a4ca0e3d21d77d4062ecd8fa2de57c96b3acf6b9c4de114d140e025cc8d0969e6eab243cf61594ce13d52d16 WHIRLPOOL 619e42d196802edc14b6131d287186c8e4c7b0a39903695ee36e7f9fe89d5c150423b2bd5eea12da54eba66e185bf936fb1b643d72517d05a29344f01ca4ee99
-DIST julius-4.1.tar.gz 1133938 SHA256 56e12b556946027962ba2706bf84286cac9ab417b79bcbf5b2b19cf31020f418
-EBUILD julius-4.1-r1.ebuild 958 SHA256 e5cb35e240e4d09d01021a3d23960aa3e90065033239991e0bb6eb3f70a6f2e3 SHA512 124ebbe4eda09bea4efccd15e711b43f7bfb6ffb32d39e7de771f94270b23acba4f308900fe359ce201b53221525391bdc0deab71c96d31e26c81be1e5f4e0e1 WHIRLPOOL 09c2ebf0ee1cab5ab628d4d7f9aed5994aa9e955c655c9d13c74ef70d65d420c848ea4978d2a01403decb5f27caad3ccc5045bd6444df5567d3d8c8c700290b6
-MISC ChangeLog 1072 SHA256 21494a1c800e472323e6f8db377c7e39f057b6c6b2037c7d9ad61ad6410aa646 SHA512 358d98f0c2ab63a224ecd54de0e5be4b337c9d474195e5b6a11ab0eb905051c3eecc82c8d497c2ff4d47edb650e01c1ca40afbbb3ee4323d76c962fbe3881ef0 WHIRLPOOL 4b89f39344231db5b40b77a1c40dee2d93b6720d0a9d615bd00797a0d98489487b97865e43fc470da9895644a20cb251456ec3beac7c876394d01c04a0f90e1f
-MISC metadata.xml 209 SHA256 b0f0595f625235a62d9d40753827ae160e42156371fd9568bd2779042517f5e8 SHA512 b4b2f6e8c78cd47f34de9d26846f1d974cf3f921b1fcbe76ebca4b20781fbd652a39ee58bd338d99751bde5b8cad668409e862e04532b903b46f74323228d3ac WHIRLPOOL 6d5e1c1d48881ade87d470269ed9f5c3435a9afd8248d5a966aa7762036a1ddb496a49a6e108041c57578f7897182127383ddaa4d5fc5245d2378e0159b8b43c
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-makefile.patch b/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de5f31b0..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/adinrec/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/adinrec/
---- adinrec/ 2008-10-02 21:57:01.000000000 +1300
-+++ adinrec/ 2008-11-10 15:27:34.000000000 +1300
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/adintool/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/adintool/
---- adintool/ 2008-10-02 21:57:01.000000000 +1300
-+++ adintool/ 2008-11-10 15:27:52.000000000 +1300
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/generate-ngram/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/generate-ngram/
---- generate-ngram/ 2008-10-02 21:57:01.000000000 +1300
-+++ generate-ngram/ 2008-11-10 15:28:13.000000000 +1300
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- $(RM) $(OBJ) *~ core
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/accept_check/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/accept_check/
---- gramtools/accept_check/ 2008-10-02 21:57:02.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/accept_check/ 2008-11-10 15:28:35.000000000 +1300
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/dfa_determinize/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/dfa_determinize/
---- gramtools/dfa_determinize/ 2008-10-02 21:57:02.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/dfa_determinize/ 2008-11-10 15:28:53.000000000 +1300
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/dfa_minimize/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/dfa_minimize/
---- gramtools/dfa_minimize/ 2008-10-02 21:57:02.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/dfa_minimize/ 2008-11-10 15:29:15.000000000 +1300
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/generate/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/generate/
---- gramtools/generate/ 2008-10-02 21:57:02.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/generate/ 2008-11-10 15:29:35.000000000 +1300
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/gram2sapixml/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/gram2sapixml/
---- gramtools/gram2sapixml/ 2007-12-18 21:45:47.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/gram2sapixml/ 2008-11-10 15:29:55.000000000 +1300
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- install.bin:
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- echo nothing to do
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/mkdfa/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/mkdfa/
---- gramtools/mkdfa/ 2007-12-18 21:45:47.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/mkdfa/ 2008-11-10 15:30:26.000000000 +1300
-@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
- install:
- (cd $(SUBDIR); $(MAKE) install)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- install.bin:
- (cd $(SUBDIR); $(MAKE) install.bin)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- (cd $(SUBDIR); $(MAKE) clean)
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/
---- gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/ 2007-12-18 21:45:47.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/ 2008-11-10 15:30:47.000000000 +1300
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- install.bin:
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- $(RM) *.o *~ core
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/nextword/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/nextword/
---- gramtools/nextword/ 2008-10-02 21:57:02.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/nextword/ 2008-11-10 15:31:09.000000000 +1300
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/yomi2voca/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/gramtools/yomi2voca/
---- gramtools/yomi2voca/ 2007-12-18 21:45:48.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/yomi2voca/ 2008-11-10 15:31:25.000000000 +1300
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- install.bin:
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- echo nothing to do
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/jclient-perl/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/jclient-perl/
---- jclient-perl/ 2008-10-02 21:57:03.000000000 +1300
-+++ jclient-perl/ 2008-11-10 15:31:57.000000000 +1300
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- install.bin:
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- echo nothing to do
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/jcontrol/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/jcontrol/
---- jcontrol/ 2008-10-02 21:57:03.000000000 +1300
-+++ jcontrol/ 2008-11-10 15:32:12.000000000 +1300
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- $(RM) $(OBJ)
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/julius/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/julius/
---- julius/ 2008-10-02 21:57:03.000000000 +1300
-+++ julius/ 2008-11-10 15:32:37.000000000 +1300
-@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
- ## install
- prefix=@prefix@
- exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/libjulius/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/libjulius/
---- libjulius/ 2008-10-03 04:01:59.000000000 +1300
-+++ libjulius/ 2008-11-10 15:33:17.000000000 +1300
-@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
- ## install
- prefix=@prefix@
- exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/libsent/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/libsent/
---- libsent/ 2008-10-03 04:01:59.000000000 +1300
-+++ libsent/ 2008-11-10 15:33:37.000000000 +1300
-@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
- ## install
- prefix=@prefix@
- exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/man/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/man/
---- man/ 2008-10-03 04:01:59.000000000 +1300
-+++ man/ 2008-11-10 15:48:22.000000000 +1300
-@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
- install:
-- ${INSTALL} -d @mandir@/man1
-+ ${INSTALL} -d $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1
- for f in *.1; do \
-- @INSTALL_DATA@ $$f @mandir@/man1/$$f; \
-+ @INSTALL_DATA@ $$f $(DESTDIR)/@mandir@/man1/$$f; \
- done
-- ${INSTALL} -d @mandir@/man1/ja
-+ ${INSTALL} -d $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/ja
- cd ja;
- for f in *.1; do \
-- @INSTALL_DATA@ $$f @mandir@/man1/ja/$$f; \
-+ @INSTALL_DATA@ $$f $(DESTDIR)/@mandir@/man1/ja/$$f; \
- done
- cd ..
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/mkbingram/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/mkbingram/
---- mkbingram/ 2008-10-02 21:57:03.000000000 +1300
-+++ mkbingram/ 2008-11-10 15:34:25.000000000 +1300
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- clean:
- $(RM) $(OBJ)
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/mkbinhmm/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/mkbinhmm/
---- mkbinhmm/ 2008-10-02 21:57:04.000000000 +1300
-+++ mkbinhmm/ 2008-11-10 15:34:43.000000000 +1300
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- install.bin: mkbinhmm mkbinhmmlist
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
-- @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ mkbinhmm mkbinhmmlist @bindir@
-+ @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ mkbinhmm mkbinhmmlist $(DESTDIR)/@bindir@
- clean:
- $(RM) mkbinhmm.o mkbinhmmlist.o
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/mkgshmm/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/mkgshmm/
---- mkgshmm/ 2008-10-02 21:57:04.000000000 +1300
-+++ mkgshmm/ 2008-11-10 15:35:07.000000000 +1300
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/mkss/ working/dists/julius-4.1_mod/mkss/
---- mkss/ 2008-10-02 21:57:04.000000000 +1300
-+++ mkss/ 2008-11-10 15:35:22.000000000 +1300
-@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- install.bin: $(TARGET)
- ${INSTALL} -d @bindir@
- ############################################################
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-mkfacrash.patch b/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-mkfacrash.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 906e79367..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-mkfacrash.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur working/dists/julius-4.1/gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/triplet.c working/dists/julius-4.1_mod2/gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/triplet.c
---- gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/triplet.c 2007-12-18 21:45:47.000000000 +1300
-+++ gramtools/mkdfa/mkfa-1.44-flex/triplet.c 2008-11-10 15:40:09.000000000 +1300
-@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
- FAQ *newFAQ;
- if( fa != NULL ){
-- if( (newFAQ = malloc( sizeof(newFAQ) )) == NULL ){
-+ if( (newFAQ = malloc( sizeof(FAQ) )) == NULL ){
- errMes( "Can't malloc queue for breadth-first search of triplet list" );
- }
- newFAQ->fa = fa;
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-newParam.patch b/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-newParam.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f545ee76..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/files/julius-4.1-newParam.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur julius-4.1/libjulius/include/julius/extern.h julius-4.1_new/libjulius/include/julius/extern.h
---- libjulius/include/julius/extern.h 2008-09-25 07:00:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ libjulius/include/julius/extern.h 2008-11-03 10:22:19.000000000 +0100
-@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
- void malloc_wordtrellis(RecogProcess *r);
- void free_wordtrellis(StackDecode *dwrk);
- void scan_word(NODE *now, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
--void next_word(NODE *now, NODE *new, NEXTWORD *nword, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
--void start_word(NODE *new, NEXTWORD *nword, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
--void last_next_word(NODE *now, NODE *new, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
-+void next_word(NODE *now, NODE *newParam, NEXTWORD *nword, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
-+void start_word(NODE *newParam, NEXTWORD *nword, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
-+void last_next_word(NODE *now, NODE *newParam, HTK_Param *param, RecogProcess *r);
- /* wav2mfcc.c */
- boolean wav2mfcc(SP16 speech[], int speechlen, Recog *recog);
-diff -Naur julius-4.1/libsent/include/sent/htk_hmm.h julius-4.1_new/libsent/include/sent/htk_hmm.h
---- libsent/include/sent/htk_hmm.h 2008-09-30 05:58:18.000000000 +0200
-+++ libsent/include/sent/htk_hmm.h 2008-11-03 10:22:19.000000000 +0100
-@@ -428,16 +428,16 @@
- char *get_cov_str(short covtype);
- char *get_dur_str(short durtype);
- /* rdhmmdef_trans.c */
--void trans_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Trans *new);
-+void trans_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Trans *newParam);
- HTK_HMM_Trans *get_trans_data(FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- void def_trans_macro(char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- /* rdhmmdef_state.c */
- HTK_HMM_State *get_state_data(FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- void def_state_macro(char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- HTK_HMM_State *state_lookup(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, char *keyname);
--void state_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_State *new);
-+void state_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_State *newParam);
- /* rdhmmdef_mpdf.c */
--void mpdf_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_PDF *new);
-+void mpdf_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_PDF *newParam);
- HTK_HMM_PDF *mpdf_lookup(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, char *keyname);
- HTK_HMM_PDF *get_mpdf_data(FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, int mix_num, short stream_id);
- void def_mpdf_macro(char *name, FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm);
- -445,22 +445,22 @@
- HTK_HMM_Dens *get_dens_data(FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- void def_dens_macro(char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- HTK_HMM_Dens *dens_lookup(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, char *keyname);
--void dens_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Dens *new);
-+void dens_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Dens *newParam);
- /* rdhmmdef_var.c */
- HTK_HMM_Var *get_var_data(FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- void def_var_macro(char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
--void var_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Var *new);
-+void var_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Var *newParam);
- /* rdhmmdef_streamweight.c */
- HTK_HMM_StreamWeight *get_streamweight_data(FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm);
- void def_streamweight_macro(char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
--void sw_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_StreamWeight *new);
-+void sw_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_StreamWeight *newParam);
- /* rdhmmdef_data.c */
- void def_HMM(char *, FILE *, HTK_HMM_INFO *);
- HTK_HMM_Data *htk_hmmdata_new(HTK_HMM_INFO *);
--void htk_hmmdata_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Data *new);
-+void htk_hmmdata_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, HTK_HMM_Data *newParam);
- /* rdhmmdef_tiedmix.c */
- void tmix_read(FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_PDF *mpdf, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm);
--void codebook_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, GCODEBOOK *new);
-+void codebook_add(HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm, GCODEBOOK *newParam);
- /* rdhmmdef_regtree.c */
- void def_regtree_macro(char *name, FILE *fp, HTK_HMM_INFO *hmm);
- /* rdhmmdef_hmmlist.c */ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/julius-4.1-r1.ebuild b/app-accessibility/julius/julius-4.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d196db4..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/julius-4.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="High-performance, two-pass large vocabulary continuous speech recognition"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-for LNG in ${LANGS}; do
- IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${LNG}"
- media-libs/alsa-lib
- media-libs/libsndfile
- sys-libs/zlib"
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/julius-4.1-makefile.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/julius-4.1-newParam.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/julius-4.1-mkfacrash.patch
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
- dodoc 00readme.txt Release.txt || die
- for LNG in ${LINGUAS}; do
- dodoc 00readme-${LNG}.txt Release-${LNG}.txt || die
- done
diff --git a/app-accessibility/julius/metadata.xml b/app-accessibility/julius/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d4a986f..000000000
--- a/app-accessibility/julius/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer><email></email></maintainer>
diff --git a/licenses/julius b/licenses/julius
deleted file mode 100644
index 9334dd875..000000000
--- a/licenses/julius
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-*** This is English translation of the Japanese original for reference ***
- Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine Julius
- Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
- Copyright (c) 1991-2008 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
- Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
-"Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine Julius",
-including Julian, is being developed at Kawahara Lab., Kyoto
-University, Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
-and Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology (collectively
-referred to herein as the "Licensers"). Julius was funded by the
-Advanced Information Technology Program Project of
-Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan for three years
-since 1997.
-The Licensers reserve the copyright thereto. However, as long as you
-accept and remain in strict compliance with the terms and conditions
-of the license set forth herein, you are hereby granted a royalty-free
-license to use "Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
-Julius" including the source code thereof and the documentation
-thereto (collectively referred to herein as the "Software"). Use by
-you of the Software shall constitute acceptance by you of all terms
-and conditions of the license set forth herein.
-1. So long as you accept and strictly comply with the terms and
-conditions of the license set forth herein, the Licensers will not
-enforce the copyright or moral rights in respect of the Software, in
-connection with the use, copying, duplication, adaptation,
-modification, preparation of a derivative work, aggregation with
-another program, or insertion into another program of the Software or
-the distribution or transmission of the Software. However, in the
-event you or any other user of the Software revises all or any portion
-of the Software, and such revision is distributed, then, in addition
-to the notice required to be affixed pursuant to paragraph 2 below, a
-notice shall be affixed indicating that the Software has been revised,
-and indicating the date of such revision and the name of the person or
-entity that made the revision.
-2. In the event you provide to any third party all or any portion of
-the Software, whether for copying, duplication, adaptation,
-modification, preparation of a derivative work, aggregation with
-another program, insertion into another program, or other use, you
-shall affix the following copyright notice and all terms and
-conditions of this license (both the Japanese original and English
-translation) as set forth herein, without any revision or change
- Form of copyright notice:
- Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan
- Copyright (c) 1991-2008 Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University
- Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Shikano Lab., Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology
-3. When you publish or present any results by using the Software, you
-must explicitly mention your use of "Large Vocabulary Continuous
-Speech Recognition Engine Julius".
-4. The Licensers are licensing the Software, which is the trial
-product of research and project, on an "as is" and royalty-free basis,
-and makes no warranty or guaranty whatsoever with respect to the
-Software, whether express or implied, irrespective of the nation where
-used, and whether or not arising out of statute or otherwise,
-including but not limited to any warranty or guaranty with respect to
-quality, performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular
-purpose, absence of defects, or absence of infringement of copyright,
-patent rights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights,
-trade secrets or proprietary rights of any third party. You and every
-other user of the Software hereby acknowledge that the Software is
-licensed without any warranty or guaranty, and assume all risks
-arising out of the absence of any warranty or guaranty. In the event
-the terms and conditions of this license are inconsistent with the
-obligations imposed upon you by judgment of a court or for any other
-reason, you may not use the Software.
-The Licensers shall not have any liability to you or to any third
-party for damages or liabilities of any nature whatsoever arising out
-of your use of or inability to use the Software, whether of an
-ordinary, special, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental
-nature (including without limitation lost profits) or otherwise, and
-whether arising out of contract, negligence, tortuous conduct, product
-liability or any other legal theory or reason whatsoever of any nation
-or jurisdiction.
-5. This license of use of the Software shall be governed by the laws
-of Japan, and the Kyoto District Court shall have exclusive primary
-jurisdiction with respect to all disputes arising with respect
-6. Inquiries for support or maintenance of the Software, or inquiries
-concerning this license of use besides the conditions above, may be
-sent to Julius project team, Nagoya Institute of Technology, or
-Kawahara Lab., Kyoto University.