diff options
authorJohn Mylchreest <>2003-05-09 17:38:11 +0000
committerJohn Mylchreest <>2003-05-09 17:38:11 +0000
commit50a1fd594c502b7a6335f516562dee09fdfdfc0e (patch)
parentAdded /usr/src/linux symlink check for bug #20703. (diff)
re-write, and removed perl deps
4 files changed, 128 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/mirrorselect/ChangeLog b/app-admin/mirrorselect/ChangeLog
index 8db1d78415e5..b0877f0f8cd1 100644
--- a/app-admin/mirrorselect/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-admin/mirrorselect/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
# ChangeLog for app-admin/mirrorselect
# Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/mirrorselect/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2003/02/27 21:44:26 gerk Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/mirrorselect/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2003/05/09 17:38:11 johnm Exp $
+*mirrorselect-0.3 (9 May 2003)
+ 9 May 2003; John Mylchreest <> mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild files/mirrorselect :
+ added the option of a -o, so it wont write, but print the line
+ 9 May 2003; John Mylchreest <> mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild files/mirrorselect :
+ Removed static lists, in favour of all dynamic ones
+ 9 May 2003; John Mylchreest <> mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild files/mirrorselect :
+ Re-write. removed perl requirements, and sped up usage.
*mirrorselect-0.2-r1 (27 Feb 2003)
diff --git a/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/digest-mirrorselect-0.3 b/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/digest-mirrorselect-0.3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e69de29bb2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/digest-mirrorselect-0.3
diff --git a/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/mirrorselect b/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/mirrorselect
index 510e63e2aacc..12dbae736111 100644
--- a/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/mirrorselect
+++ b/app-admin/mirrorselect/files/mirrorselect
@@ -1,48 +1,67 @@
-# Gentoo Mirror Selection tool
+# Gentoo Mirror Selection Tool
# Copyright 2003 Mark Guertin <>
# Distributed under the GPL v2
# Jan 30, 2003
-# for now it has a static list of mirrors, but will move to a more
-# dynamic setup once the lists are in place to pull from
-if [ -z "${MIRROR_LIST}" ] ; then
- (USA)
- (USA)
- (USA)
- (USA/ftp)
- (Denmark)
- (Denmark/ftp)
- (Norway)
- (Norway/ftp)
- (Germany)
- (Germany/ftp)
- (South_Korea)
- (South_Korea)
- (Romania/ftp)
- (Netherlands)
- (Netherlands/ftp)
- (France/ftp)
- (USA)
+# Re-Written May 9, 2003
+# John Mylchreest <>
-# if auto mode is set run netselect
-if [ "${1}" = "-a" ] ; then
- echo "Fetching server list from web"
- # nastiness, but it should work for now
- MIRROR_LIST=$((echo -e "GET /main/en/mirrors.xml HTTP/0.9\r\n\r\n" 1>&3 & cat 0<&3) 3<> /dev/tcp/ | \
- (read i; while [ "$(echo $i | tr -d '\r')" != "" ]; do read i; done; cat) | \
- perl -nle'print $1 if /\s{5}<a href="((htt|ft)p[^"]+)/' | grep -v "MIRRORS")
- for i in $MIRROR_LIST
- do
- CHECKLIST="${CHECKLIST} `echo $i | grep -v "("`"
- done
+grab_list() {
+ if [ -z "${MIRROR_LIST}" ] ; then
+ # Grab mirrorlist into:
+ # URL>Description (Location)
+ # we will cut whichever neccessary later
+ MIRROR_LIST=$(wget -O - "" 2>/dev/null | \
+ (read i; while [ "$(echo $i | tr -d '\r')" != "" ]; do read i; done; cat) | \
+ awk '/<a href=\".*tp:.*\".*\(.*\)/ { print $0 }' | grep -v "MIRRORS" | \
+ sed 's:<a href="::' | sed 's:"::g' | sed 's:</a><br>::g' | sed 's:\t::g' )
+ fi
+write_config() {
+ echo "Found: ${MIRRORS}"
+ echo "Updating /etc/make.conf..."
+ # If we dont have any mirrors, we should probably give up :)
+ if [ ! "`echo $MIRRORS`" ] ; then
+ echo "no mirrors selected, exiting"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # never seen this before - keeping it in because its obviously caused problems.
+ if [ "`echo $MIRRORS | grep \"Can't make\"`" ] ; then
+ echo "Error, screen too small. Please use at least 80x24 terminal"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # adjust settings in make.conf, all in one command to avoid complaints of make.conf being moved
+ mv /etc/make.conf /etc/make.conf.old && cat /etc/make.conf.old | \
+ egrep -e "^[^#]*GENTOO_MIRRORS=[^ \t\n]" -v > /etc/make.conf && \
+ echo "GENTOO_MIRRORS=\"$MIRRORS\"" >> /etc/make.conf
+ # triple check, it make.conf doesn't exist and make.conf.old doesn, replace it and warn user that
+ # something didn't work
- if [ "`echo ${2} | grep -e "^-s[01234567890]"`" ] ; then
+ if [ ! -s /etc/make.conf ] ; then
+ echo "make.conf didn't get remade, something is wrong, reverting to old one"
+ mv /etc/make.conf.old /etc/make.conf
+ else
+ if [ "`grep GENTOO_MIRRORS /etc/make.conf`" ] ; then
+ echo "Mirrors set successfully"
+ rm /etc/make.conf.old
+ else
+ echo "Failed updating make.conf"
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ "${1}" = "-a" ] ; then
+ # Check we have <num>
+ if [ "`echo ${2} | grep -e "^-s[0-9]"`" ] ; then
if [ "${2}" ] ; then
@@ -51,94 +70,52 @@ if [ "${1}" = "-a" ] ; then
- #pick the mirror from list
- echo "Running netselect on serverlist, this may take a moment"
+ # Ok now we grab the list
+ if [ "${3}" != "-o" ] ; then
+ echo "Downloading a list of mirrors..."
+ fi
+ grab_list
+ # Format list properly
+ # we want just URI's
+ CHECKLIST="`echo $MIRROR_LIST | sed 's:http\::\nhttp\::g' | sed 's:ftp\::\nftp\::g' | cut -f1 -d">"`"
+ # Pick the mirror from list
+ if [ "${3}" != "-o" ] ; then
+ echo "Running netselect on the serverlist, this may take a moment..."
+ fi
CHOSEN=`netselect $SERVERS ${CHECKLIST} | awk -F" " '{ print $2 }'`
for i in $CHOSEN
-elif [ "${1}" = "-i" ] ; then
- # not auto mode, we'll run dialog based selection tool
- # change "mirror (loc)" to "mirror(loc)" for bash loop below
- MIRROR_LOCS=`echo $MIRROR_LIST | sed -e "s/ (/(/g"`
- # grab the current GENTOO_MIRRORS from /etc/make.conf and remove "'s
- DEF_MIRROR_LOCS=`egrep -e "^[ \t]*GENTOO_MIRRORS=[^ \t\n]" /etc/make.conf | sed -e "s/.*GENTOO_MIRRORS=\"//" | sed -e "s/[\" ]/\n/g"`
- for entry in `echo $MIRROR_LOCS`
- do
- found="0"
- for defentry in `echo $DEF_MIRROR_LOCS`
- do
- if [ `echo $entry | egrep $defentry` ]
- then
- found="1"
- fi
- done
- # split entries back into "mirror (loc)"
- entry=`echo $entry | sed -e "s/(/ (/"`
- if [ "${found}" = "1" ]
- then
- else
- fi
- done
- MIRRORS=`dialog --title "GENTOO MIRRORS LIST" \
- --checklist "Please select your desired mirror(s):" 20 80 12 \
- $MIRROR_LIST 2>&1 | sed "s:\"::g"`
-echo "mirrorselect usage (updated):"
-echo "-i : interactive mode, dialog based and static mirrorlist"
-echo "-a (-s<num>) : auto mode, will retrieve live mirror list from web,"
-echo " run netselect and choose the server(s) with best response times."
-echo " You can optionally add -s<num> where <num> = number of server choices "
-echo " you want, i.e. mirrorselect -a -s3 will select top 3 netselect choices "
-echo " and set them in make.conf. Note: -s only works with -a option"
-if [ ! "`echo $MIRRORS`" ] ; then
- echo "no mirrors selected, exiting"
- exit 1
-# sanity check if screen is too small, thanks SpanKY
-if [ "`echo $MIRRORS | grep \"Can't make\"`" ] ; then
- echo "Error, screen too small. Please use at least 80x24 terminal"
- exit 1
+ if [ "${3}" != "-o" ] ; then
+ write_config
+ else
+ fi
-echo "Selected: $MIRRORS"
+elif [ "${1}" = "-i" ] ; then
+ echo "Downloading a list of mirrors"
+ grab_list
-# adjust settings in make.conf, all in one command to avoid complaints of make.conf being moved
-mv /etc/make.conf /etc/make.conf.old && cat /etc/make.conf.old | egrep -e "^[^#]*GENTOO_MIRRORS=[^ \t\n]" -v > /etc/make.conf && \
-echo "GENTOO_MIRRORS=\"$MIRRORS\"" >> /etc/make.conf
+ # Format list properly
+ # we want Name (Loc)
+ CHECKLIST="`echo $MIRROR_LIST | sed 's:http\::\nhttp\::g' | sed 's:ftp\::\nftp\::g' | sed 's:>:(:g' | cut -f1,3 -d"(" | sed 's: ::g' | sed 's:(: (:g' | sed 's:):) OFF:g' | sed 's:/ftp)::g' | sort`"
-# triple check, it make.conf doesn't exist and make.conf.old doesn, replace it and warn user that
-# something didn't work
+ MIRRORS=`dialog --title "GENTOO MIRRORS LIST" \
+ --checklist "Please select your desired mirror(s):" 20 80 14 \
+ $CHECKLIST 2>&1 | sed "s:\"::g"`
-if [ ! -s /etc/make.conf ] ; then
- echo "make.conf didn't get remade, something is wrong, reverting to old one"
- mv /etc/make.conf.old /etc/make.conf
+ write_config
- # all is well, rm the make.conf.old
- if [ "`grep GENTOO_MIRRORS /etc/make.conf`" ] ; then
- echo "Mirrors set successfully"
- rm /etc/make.conf.old
- else
- echo "no mirrors set!"
- fi
+ echo "mirrorselect usage:"
+ echo "-------------------"
+ echo " -a [-s<num>] [-o] : Automatically pick the top performing <num> servers."
+ echo " if -s was not specified, it returns the top 1."
+ echo " if -o is present it outputs only the GENTOO_MIRRORS line"
+ echo " -i : Interactive mode. This downloads a list of mirrors"
+ echo " and presents them in a checklist"
diff --git a/app-admin/mirrorselect/mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild b/app-admin/mirrorselect/mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..848bb19fa2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-admin/mirrorselect/mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/mirrorselect/mirrorselect-0.3.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/05/09 17:38:11 johnm Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="Tool to help select distfiles mirrors for Gentoo"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ppc sparc ~alpha ~mips hppa"
+ sys-apps/grep
+ sys-apps/sed
+ sys-apps/gawk
+ net-misc/wget
+ net-analyzer/netselect"
+src_install() {
+ dosbin ${FILESDIR}/mirrorselect