diff options
authorJoseph Jezak <>2006-10-03 04:08:47 +0000
committerJoseph Jezak <>2006-10-03 04:08:47 +0000
commit17fad9580864e601c01e16db7d23f9d5af120b2f (patch)
tree4bd5c32100578889e976a837ece18079c7caad03 /app-emulation
parentRemoved _pre9 and _pre8, added 0.9.71. (diff)
Removed _pre9 and _pre8, added 0.9.71.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.2_pre2-r1
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation')
6 files changed, 16 insertions, 619 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/mol/Manifest b/app-emulation/mol/Manifest
index d01b83b6c93a..02040cea56ec 100644
--- a/app-emulation/mol/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/mol/Manifest
@@ -1,43 +1,36 @@
+AUX mol-0.9.71-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668 RMD160 0f32a833c55adbe82f3745b5855b9de8d1205670 SHA1 f939b8c8a554c46546d514d9bef169d3b247441d SHA256 8349d4681f7dbcfa01398e1d76a067f9c213297423353a7ac9713bdbc182a9c9
+MD5 37b329ebb045f9ee45431f79efe89751 files/mol-0.9.71-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668
+RMD160 0f32a833c55adbe82f3745b5855b9de8d1205670 files/mol-0.9.71-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668
+SHA256 8349d4681f7dbcfa01398e1d76a067f9c213297423353a7ac9713bdbc182a9c9 files/mol-0.9.71-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668
AUX mol-0.9.71_pre8-to-pre9.patch 5637 RMD160 b33bcc44eeb4bc51b787dcd48b2cc07a1bb50927 SHA1 22277d7f0dede0314e7ad162d204c6d2da9ee2f0 SHA256 d62e16ce75c4b63fea3b3f5bf79c90b251a9d94810be3f48f772465c94396180
MD5 eaf1e858d57017df4eb671112a53cf07 files/mol-0.9.71_pre8-to-pre9.patch 5637
RMD160 b33bcc44eeb4bc51b787dcd48b2cc07a1bb50927 files/mol-0.9.71_pre8-to-pre9.patch 5637
SHA256 d62e16ce75c4b63fea3b3f5bf79c90b251a9d94810be3f48f772465c94396180 files/mol-0.9.71_pre8-to-pre9.patch 5637
-AUX mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668 RMD160 0f32a833c55adbe82f3745b5855b9de8d1205670 SHA1 f939b8c8a554c46546d514d9bef169d3b247441d SHA256 8349d4681f7dbcfa01398e1d76a067f9c213297423353a7ac9713bdbc182a9c9
-MD5 37b329ebb045f9ee45431f79efe89751 files/mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668
-RMD160 0f32a833c55adbe82f3745b5855b9de8d1205670 files/mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668
-SHA256 8349d4681f7dbcfa01398e1d76a067f9c213297423353a7ac9713bdbc182a9c9 files/mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch 8668
AUX mol-pciproxy-dump.patch 8603 RMD160 efe5e1889b040f531ce57d11d5f56753780c1bd5 SHA1 39961bcdafd31559d70c2d650863959e2292d42d SHA256 881df3036bd257250526c8c507d84542fe89648e2345e9f830ba7a1f6617fafe
MD5 7f5de70ffe0bddda1e6ea19faaacddfe files/mol-pciproxy-dump.patch 8603
RMD160 efe5e1889b040f531ce57d11d5f56753780c1bd5 files/mol-pciproxy-dump.patch 8603
SHA256 881df3036bd257250526c8c507d84542fe89648e2345e9f830ba7a1f6617fafe files/mol-pciproxy-dump.patch 8603
+DIST mol-0.9.71.tar.bz2 2045466 RMD160 ec696f43ea984f31940a10ef3bdd3bf11b1b3598 SHA1 0ec09d7553612961ce9fe4f9b73bb92595ab9a3b SHA256 1e2d2bfec748a0bc05a9cc510553075cf33432173165485576825c8077d35caf
DIST mol-0.9.71_pre8.tar.bz2 1933742 RMD160 b21ebffe2cd10bea2a7ced1f77a0ab8a5b65802d SHA1 8d38e54377f88e5831044467fe4de33e4e405838 SHA256 3831a38668141adbdc1b56f3c684e23ddefe7bbffe7c2f603b051b41678bd019
-DIST mol-0.9.71_pre9.tar.bz2 2045253 RMD160 3d90fcd484ea4b892781b5713cf1d3b84b417842 SHA1 6d2a1f2dc7dfc552cf7ce0afa8be98c63f8cb42d SHA256 48ef2e31adaaee115a6a8001e0fd0a1f7c02bb307de357ff90f03c5a125dc571
+EBUILD mol-0.9.71.ebuild 4556 RMD160 35575cb61f2e69515c4f3034cf2ac81be3e0fbdc SHA1 66255b442fdab34068b09744903c83598f4acb40 SHA256 d587c233878dc7d03ae0db9f9ad27ac91579d3151b668549eda97b6bf6d9e40a
+MD5 5986434f70bbe7a7effe0aa0485e4ca4 mol-0.9.71.ebuild 4556
+RMD160 35575cb61f2e69515c4f3034cf2ac81be3e0fbdc mol-0.9.71.ebuild 4556
+SHA256 d587c233878dc7d03ae0db9f9ad27ac91579d3151b668549eda97b6bf6d9e40a mol-0.9.71.ebuild 4556
EBUILD mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1.ebuild 4605 RMD160 7c229ada0ec39324a30c75a18a74ec74d5963f50 SHA1 32357310c7ca348201deb468ec69466e872715c5 SHA256 a51306bd32d5d1c02d215be726b3b7c4dfbf9a2241d677eb65e417bedacdceff
MD5 5d9eed7cb2c60a4049925f32acf7b1e0 mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1.ebuild 4605
RMD160 7c229ada0ec39324a30c75a18a74ec74d5963f50 mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1.ebuild 4605
SHA256 a51306bd32d5d1c02d215be726b3b7c4dfbf9a2241d677eb65e417bedacdceff mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1.ebuild 4605
-EBUILD mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild 4562 RMD160 59b100fca9f8aeb9829762b97ae304e3c5c3b5ab SHA1 07cb315f09b8056c55b12a754fdfc566b015829e SHA256 3a5720a1d1c6b6a8a0c193bf287510b8e17e0e7bcf59c87e255ab9fafbc50812
-MD5 76ce7ee9e79d1d27063825da2ced451f mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild 4562
-RMD160 59b100fca9f8aeb9829762b97ae304e3c5c3b5ab mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild 4562
-SHA256 3a5720a1d1c6b6a8a0c193bf287510b8e17e0e7bcf59c87e255ab9fafbc50812 mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild 4562
-EBUILD mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild 4561 RMD160 09142d392259a3dd382b85bda26b589bca450926 SHA1 8e6e4a50c8cdfdfc53afe88d9c0e9bd44ae5d410 SHA256 7e4e7ef5b3f23d491037acbaaea39ade7dd890000dec04194041b6088bb7c701
-MD5 4fc2d5ae1ede91cb009fbab3105c51bc mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild 4561
-RMD160 09142d392259a3dd382b85bda26b589bca450926 mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild 4561
-SHA256 7e4e7ef5b3f23d491037acbaaea39ade7dd890000dec04194041b6088bb7c701 mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild 4561
-MISC ChangeLog 12690 RMD160 2080c4af81a3188c8a9cb0b195f1d8bc2b5c90a8 SHA1 b6684f4b733af0f3a8acb0e7a0ef29941e9690ab SHA256 61d3737687cafa14bd9003469b0f7e751a9635e5bdbedb0812cd75eab071ee4b
-MD5 26da45998e0ad1d2423a4d4fc056deec ChangeLog 12690
-RMD160 2080c4af81a3188c8a9cb0b195f1d8bc2b5c90a8 ChangeLog 12690
-SHA256 61d3737687cafa14bd9003469b0f7e751a9635e5bdbedb0812cd75eab071ee4b ChangeLog 12690
+MISC ChangeLog 12966 RMD160 bec2cd41cd6290f752b91ad02ef1b43ae19b5e1a SHA1 0d331e7c11ccc2b5d5266a7538018940bb5bf3c9 SHA256 cbd80bb90d92fdc8dfb4d1b06d151d39765fbc0790067ea0177c4e28c650eab1
+MD5 d196fb7192931c119a3a10e289f08a66 ChangeLog 12966
+RMD160 bec2cd41cd6290f752b91ad02ef1b43ae19b5e1a ChangeLog 12966
+SHA256 cbd80bb90d92fdc8dfb4d1b06d151d39765fbc0790067ea0177c4e28c650eab1 ChangeLog 12966
MISC metadata.xml 335 RMD160 20286061649b257bae65b6a1513c92a3f4f89ca9 SHA1 2a73cee7918db262edc6ff25930096231e3a58d9 SHA256 20d16a117e25aec778679695ff92e2b743d948d0cdc0baa12cc985d06b8a0eb2
MD5 42a59a63ebfdade59067060f1fab37ac metadata.xml 335
RMD160 20286061649b257bae65b6a1513c92a3f4f89ca9 metadata.xml 335
SHA256 20d16a117e25aec778679695ff92e2b743d948d0cdc0baa12cc985d06b8a0eb2 metadata.xml 335
-MD5 b96d73d75a36b9b5145e1138a92b52b4 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8 253
-RMD160 ff0d78754328a0afaf14450c917c16d5552312e6 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8 253
-SHA256 c8c50fd80ac9092beeb95c2d09625aea2352252cc63c8dd8973b6b66d407aa26 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8 253
+MD5 c48d2cf6534851ffc49a13a32f7c7218 files/digest-mol-0.9.71 238
+RMD160 488e5a54985340d9ded3eb1cc543fd6cb1696734 files/digest-mol-0.9.71 238
+SHA256 ddf3ebd4a627976972b04b93218f1ac88d79db216dcddb8ac3fb24ad97ad04a3 files/digest-mol-0.9.71 238
MD5 b96d73d75a36b9b5145e1138a92b52b4 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1 253
RMD160 ff0d78754328a0afaf14450c917c16d5552312e6 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1 253
SHA256 c8c50fd80ac9092beeb95c2d09625aea2352252cc63c8dd8973b6b66d407aa26 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8-r1 253
-MD5 5927309de29709f3425d693548bc4687 files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre9 253
-RMD160 42972f7a5608cb5e0d309f5717681c26429a2e1d files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre9 253
-SHA256 2eabdae51fbd8ddcb74b4dacd7c6910e3d9a04136bd2a5d0a5f610c020be822c files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre9 253
diff --git a/app-emulation/mol/files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8 b/app-emulation/mol/files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8
deleted file mode 100644
index 6180f10fbae2..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/mol/files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 9afd248b681d1ca67c7a28d392ad32fd mol-0.9.71_pre8.tar.bz2 1933742
-RMD160 b21ebffe2cd10bea2a7ced1f77a0ab8a5b65802d mol-0.9.71_pre8.tar.bz2 1933742
-SHA256 3831a38668141adbdc1b56f3c684e23ddefe7bbffe7c2f603b051b41678bd019 mol-0.9.71_pre8.tar.bz2 1933742
diff --git a/app-emulation/mol/files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre9 b/app-emulation/mol/files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre9
deleted file mode 100644
index 924b3f9118e9..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/mol/files/digest-mol-0.9.71_pre9
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 d52087b3765a09b54e2b5e506b4fd477 mol-0.9.71_pre9.tar.bz2 2045253
-RMD160 3d90fcd484ea4b892781b5713cf1d3b84b417842 mol-0.9.71_pre9.tar.bz2 2045253
-SHA256 48ef2e31adaaee115a6a8001e0fd0a1f7c02bb307de357ff90f03c5a125dc571 mol-0.9.71_pre9.tar.bz2 2045253
diff --git a/app-emulation/mol/files/mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch b/app-emulation/mol/files/mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index aee33ec0ff9c..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/mol/files/mol-0.9.71_pre9-pciproxy-dump.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
---- src/drivers/hostirq.c 2005-07-21 14:26:58.035942148 +0200
-+++ src/drivers/hostirq.c 2005-07-21 01:26:22.964756669 +0200
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
- #include "thread.h"
- #include "molcpu.h"
- #include "driver_mgr.h"
-+#include "plain-dump.h"
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <string.h>
-@@ -151,6 +152,7 @@
- for (i = first_mapping; i != -1; i = hostirq_mapping[i].next) {
- if (hostirq_check_bit(i, irq_state->irqs)) {
- // printm("update: raising %d\n", i);
-+ pdump_write_pkt(0, 0, 1, hostirq_mapping[i].vmirq, "int");
- irq_line_hi(hostirq_mapping[i].vmirq);
- } else {
- // printm("update: lowering %d\n", i);
---- src/drivers/include/pci.h 2005-07-21 14:26:58.063944350 +0200
-+++ src/drivers/include/pci.h 2005-07-21 14:20:43.312479454 +0200
-@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
- /* config space read/write hooks. the char * argument points to data to be read/written
- * and may be overwritten by the hook.
- */
-- void (*read_config)(void *, int, char *);
-- void (*write_config)(void *, int, char *);
-+ void (*read_config)(void *, int, int, char *);
-+ void (*write_config)(void *, int, int, char *);
- } pci_dev_hooks_t;
- typedef int pci_addr_t; /* 00 domain bus devfn */
---- src/drivers/Makefile 2005-07-21 14:26:58.005939789 +0200
-+++ src/drivers/Makefile 2005-07-20 18:39:54.523735183 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- drivers-OBJS = $(obj-y)
- obj-y += driver_mgr.o ioports.o keycodes.o kbd.o via-cuda.o \
- adb.o gc.o pic.o osi_pic.o nvram.o escc.o dbdma.o pci.o \
-- pci-bridges.o osi_mouse.o osi_driver.o usb.o rtas.o hostirq.o
-+ pci-bridges.o osi_mouse.o osi_driver.o usb.o rtas.o hostirq.o plain-dump.o
- obj-$(LINUX) += console.o
---- src/drivers/pci.c 2005-07-21 14:26:58.093946709 +0200
-+++ src/drivers/pci.c 2005-07-21 14:37:21.326948507 +0200
-@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
- static void
--do_write_config( pci_device_t *dev, int offs, unsigned char val )
-+do_write_config( pci_device_t *dev, int offs, int last, unsigned char val )
- {
- int rr = offs >>2;
-@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
- /* indeed we now call a hook here ;-) */
- if (dev->hooks.write_config != NULL)
-- (*(dev->hooks.write_config))(dev->usr, offs, (char *) &val);
-+ (*(dev->hooks.write_config))(dev->usr, offs, last, (char *) &val);
- /* Base registers & rom */
- if( rr >= (PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0 >> 2) && rr <= (PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_5 >> 2) ) {
-@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
- }
- static unsigned char
--do_read_config( pci_device_t *dev, int offs )
-+do_read_config( pci_device_t *dev, int offs, int last )
- {
- int rr = offs >>2;
- basereg_t *bp = NULL;
-@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
- /* call hook */
- if (dev->hooks.read_config != NULL)
-- (*(dev->hooks.read_config))(dev->usr, offs, &val);
-+ (*(dev->hooks.read_config))(dev->usr, offs, last, &val);
- #if 0
- if( offs == PCI_INTERRUPT_LINE ) {
-@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
- * alignment problems.
- */
- for( i=len-1; i>=0; i--, val=val>>8 )
-- do_write_config( dev, offs+i, val & 0xff );
-+ do_write_config( dev, offs+i, i==0, val & 0xff );
- /* Handle value written */
- if( (offs & ~3) != ((offs+len-1)&~3 ))
-@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
- for( val=0, i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
- val=val<<8;
-- val |= do_read_config( dev, offs+i ) & 0xff;
-+ val |= do_read_config( dev, offs+i, i==(len-1) ) & 0xff;
- }
- VPRINT("config-read [%d] %04x+%02x: %08lx\n", len, addr, offs, val );
---- src/drivers/pciproxy.c 2005-07-21 14:26:58.125949225 +0200
-+++ src/drivers/pciproxy.c 2005-07-21 14:34:32.137645970 +0200
-@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <sys/poll.h>
-+#include "plain-dump.h"
- #define PPLOG(format, args...) LOG(format "\n", ##args)
-@@ -164,8 +166,11 @@
- /* config space read/write hooks */
- static void
--pciproxy_config_read(void *usr, int offset, char *val)
-+pciproxy_config_read(void *usr, int offset, int last, char *val)
- {
-+ static int saved_value = 0;
-+ static int saved_len = 0;
- pciproxy_device_t *pdev = (pciproxy_device_t *) usr;
- DPRINT("config_read: off %d val %d", offset, *val);
-@@ -188,13 +193,24 @@
- } else {
- /* default: pass it through to the physical device */
- pciproxy_do_read_config(pdev->fd_config, offset, val, 1);
-+ saved_value = saved_value | (*val << 8*saved_len);
-+ saved_len++;
-+ if (last) {
-+ pdump_write_pkt(offset-saved_len+1, 1, saved_len, saved_value, "pci");
-+ saved_len = 0;
-+ saved_value = 0;
-+ }
- return;
- }
- }
- static void
--pciproxy_config_write(void *usr, int offset, char *val)
-+pciproxy_config_write(void *usr, int offset, int last, char *val)
- {
-+ static int saved_value = 0;
-+ static int saved_len = 0;
- pciproxy_device_t *pdev = (pciproxy_device_t *) usr;
- DPRINT("config_write: off %d val %d", offset, *val);
-@@ -231,6 +247,14 @@
- /* if we are still there, pass the value to our device */
- pciproxy_do_write_config(pdev->fd_config, offset, val, 1);
-+ saved_len++;
-+ saved_value = (saved_value << 8) | *val;
-+ if (last) {
-+ pdump_write_pkt(offset, 0, saved_len, saved_value, "pci");
-+ saved_len = 0;
-+ saved_value = 0;
-+ }
- }
- /* hook table */
-@@ -240,7 +264,7 @@
- pciproxy_config_write,
- };
- static inline int
-@@ -263,6 +287,8 @@
- {
- pciproxy_device_t *pdev = (pciproxy_device_t *) usr;
- ulong res = 0;
-+ ulong r_int, r_pass;
-+ ushort r_short;
- char *lvaddr;
- int ind;
-@@ -278,6 +304,12 @@
- res = read_mem(lvaddr, len);
- DPRINT("read mem @ 0x%lx: 0x%lx", addr, res);
-+ r_int = res;
-+ r_short = res;
-+ r_pass = res;
-+ if (len == 2) r_pass = le16_to_cpu(r_short);
-+ else if (len == 4) r_pass = le32_to_cpu(r_int);
-+ pdump_write_pkt(addr - pdev->bars[ind].mmum.mbase, 1, len, r_pass, "mem");
- return res;
- }
-@@ -288,6 +320,8 @@
- pciproxy_device_t *pdev = (pciproxy_device_t *) usr;
- char *lvaddr;
- int ind;
-+ ulong r_int, r_pass;
-+ ushort r_short;
- DPRINT("write mem @ 0x%lx: 0x%lx", addr, data);
-@@ -300,6 +334,12 @@
- }
- lvaddr = (char *)pdev->bars[ind].lvbase + (addr - pdev->bars[ind].mmum.mbase);
-+ r_int = data;
-+ r_short = data;
-+ r_pass = data;
-+ if (len == 2) r_pass = le16_to_cpu(r_short);
-+ else if (len == 4) r_pass = le32_to_cpu(r_int);
-+ pdump_write_pkt(addr - pdev->bars[ind].mmum.mbase, 0, len, r_pass, "mem");
- write_mem(lvaddr, data, len);
- }
-@@ -961,6 +1001,8 @@
- pciproxy_check_device(devspec, node_file, pci_node);
- }
-+ pdump_initialise();
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -1012,6 +1054,7 @@
- free(temp);
- }
-+ pdump_deinit();
- }
- driver_interface_t pciproxy_driver =
---- src/drivers/plain-dump.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/drivers/plain-dump.c 2005-07-20 21:58:39.656827024 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <sys/stat.h>
-+#include <fcntl.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <sys/time.h>
-+#include <time.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include "molcpu.h"
-+#include "plain-dump.h"
-+static int pdump_fd = -1;
-+pdump_write_pkt(short offset, int in, int datalen, int data, const char * type) {
-+ if (pdump_fd == -1) return;
-+ struct timeval t;
-+ u_char buf[256];
-+ int len = 0;
-+ if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL))
-+ fprintf(stderr, "gettimeofday error\n");
-+ len = snprintf((char *)buf, sizeof(buf), "%.8ld.%.6ld 0x%.8x %s %s 0x%.4x %d %*dx%.*x\n",
-+ t.tv_sec, t.tv_usec, (unsigned int) mregs->nip, type, (in?"r":"w"), offset, datalen, 9-2*datalen, 0, 2*datalen, data);
-+ if (len > 0)
-+ write(pdump_fd, buf, len);
-+pdump_initialise(void) {
-+ if (pdump_fd != -1) return;
-+ pdump_fd = open("/tmp/test.dump", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644);
-+pdump_deinit(void) {
-+ close(pdump_fd);
---- src/drivers/plain-dump.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ src/drivers/plain-dump.h 2005-07-20 18:41:35.651686385 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-+#ifndef __plain_dump_h
-+#define __plain_dump_h
-+void pdump_write_pkt(short offset, int in, int datalen, int data, const char * type);
-+void pdump_initialise(void);
-+void pdump_deinit(void);
---- src/kmod/Linux/alloc.h 2005-07-21 14:26:24.979343068 +0200
-+++ src/kmod/Linux/alloc.h 2005-07-21 14:39:34.721436670 +0200
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/io.h>
- #ifdef LINUX_26
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
---- util/ofdump/Makefile 2005-07-21 14:26:25.188359502 +0200
-+++ util/ofdump/Makefile 2005-07-20 11:20:48.921882497 +0200
-@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
- #
--include ../../
-+include ../../config/
- PROGRAMS = ofdump
- ofdump-OBJS = main.o
--include $(top_srcdir)/Rules.make
-+include $(top_srcdir)/config/Rules.make
diff --git a/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild b/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 45c3c5a2076b..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre8.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/01/27 19:20:48 josejx Exp $
-inherit flag-o-matic eutils linux-mod
-DESCRIPTION="MOL (Mac-on-Linux) lets PPC users run MacOS (X) under Linux (rsync snapshot)"
-KEYWORDS="-* ppc"
-IUSE="vnc alsa oss fbcon X oldworld sheep debug dga usb pci"
- net-firewall/iptables
- alsa? ( virtual/alsa )
- vnc? ( net-misc/vnc )
- X? ( || ( ( x11-libs/libXext
- dga? ( x11-libs/libXxf86dga )
- )
- virtual/x11
- )
- )"
- X? ( || ( ( x11-libs/libXt
- x11-proto/xextproto
- dga? ( x11-proto/xf86dgaproto )
- )
- virtual/x11
- )
- )"
- sheep(net:${S}/src/netdriver)"
-pkg_setup() {
- echo
- einfo "If you want to use MOL fullscreen on a virtual console"
- einfo "be sure to have the USE-flag \"fbcon\" set!"
- echo
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- # PCI Debugging Patch
- if use debug; then
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-pciproxy-dump.patch
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -fsigned-char
- append-flags -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
- append-flags -D_LARGE_FILES
- export KERNEL_SOURCE="/usr/src/${FK}"
- export LDFLAGS=""
- # initialize all needed build-files
- ./
- ./configure --prefix="/usr" || die "Configure failed."
- # workaround for proper module-building
- emake defconfig || die "Make failed."
- sed -i "s:CONFIG_XDGA=y:# CONFIG_XDGA is not set:" .config-ppc
- sed -i "s:CONFIG_TAP=y:# CONFIG_TAP is not set:" .config-ppc
- sed -i "s:CONFIG_TUN=y:# CONFIG_TUN is not set:" .config-ppc
- use alsa || sed -i "s:CONFIG_ALSA=y:# CONFIG_ALSA is not set:" .config-ppc
- use debug && sed -i "s:# CONFIG_DEBUGGER is not set:CONFIG_DEBUGGER=y:" .config-ppc
- use oss || sed -i "s:CONFIG_OSS=y:# CONFIG_OSS is not set:" .config-ppc
- use oldworld || sed -i "s:CONFIG_OLDWORLD=y:# CONFIG_OLDWORLD is not set:" .config-ppc
- use sheep || sed -i "s:CONFIG_SHEEP=y:# CONFIG_SHEEP is not set:" .config-ppc
- use X || sed -i "s:CONFIG_X11=y:# CONFIG_X11 is not set:" .config-ppc
- use fbcon || sed -i "s:CONFIG_FBDEV=y:# CONFIG_FBDEV is not set:" .config-ppc
- use vnc || sed -i "s:CONFIG_VNC=y:# CONFIG_VNC is not set:" .config-ppc
- use dga || sed -i "s:CONFIG_XDGA=y:# CONFIG_XDGA is not set:" .config-ppc
- use usb || sed -i "s:CONFIG_USBDEV=y:# CONFIG_USBDEV is not set:" .config-ppc
- use pci || sed -i "s:CONFIG_PCIPROXY=y:# CONFIG_PCIPROXY is not set:" .config-ppc
- einfo "The configuration has been altered according to your USE-flags."
- # reinitialize our changed configuration
- emake oldconfig
- cd ${S}
- emake BUILD_MODS=n || die "Build failed."
- # Build the modules too!
- linux-mod_src_compile
-src_install() {
- #linux-mod_src_install
- cd ${S}
- emake DESTDIR=${D} install || die "Failed to install"
- dodoc CREDITS Doc/Boot-ROM Doc/NewWorld-ROM Doc/Sound Doc/Video
- dodoc Doc/Networking Doc/Dev/Debugger Doc/Dev/Addresses
- dodoc Doc/man/molvconfig.1 Doc/man/startmol.1 Doc/man/molrc.5
- insinto /var/lib/mol
- doins ${S}/mollib/nvram/nvram.x
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- einfo "Mac-on-Linux is now installed. To run, use the command startmol."
- einfo "You might want to configure video modes first with molvconfig."
- einfo "Other configuration is in /etc/molrc. For more info see:"
- einfo ""
- einfo "Also try man molrc, man molvconfig, man startmol"
- echo
- ewarn "For networking and sound you might install the drivers in the"
- ewarn "folder \"MOL-Install\" on your Mac OS X-Desktop."
- echo
- ewarn "If errors with networking occur, make sure you have the following"
- ewarn "kernel functions enabled:"
- einfo "For connecting to Linux:"
- einfo " Universal TUN/TAP device driver support (CONFIG_TUN)"
- einfo "For the dhcp server:"
- einfo " Packet Socket (CONFIG_PACKET)"
- einfo "For NAT:"
- einfo " Network packet filtering (CONFIG_NETFILTER)"
- einfo " Connection tracking (CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK)"
- einfo " IP tables support (CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES)"
- einfo " Packet filtering (CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER)"
- einfo " Full NAT (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT)"
- echo
diff --git a/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild b/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index cccfcaad7c7f..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/mol/mol-0.9.71_pre9.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/09/05 14:32:21 josejx Exp $
-inherit flag-o-matic eutils linux-mod
-DESCRIPTION="MOL (Mac-on-Linux) lets PPC users run MacOS (X) under Linux (rsync snapshot)"
-KEYWORDS="-* ppc"
-IUSE="vnc alsa oss fbcon X oldworld sheep debug dga usb pci"
- net-firewall/iptables
- alsa? ( virtual/alsa )
- vnc? ( net-misc/vnc )
- X? ( || ( ( x11-libs/libXext
- dga? ( x11-libs/libXxf86dga )
- )
- virtual/x11
- )
- )"
- X? ( || ( ( x11-libs/libXt
- x11-proto/xextproto
- dga? ( x11-proto/xf86dgaproto )
- )
- virtual/x11
- )
- )"
- sheep(net:${S}/src/netdriver)"
-pkg_setup() {
- echo
- einfo "If you want to use MOL fullscreen on a virtual console"
- einfo "be sure to have the USE-flag \"fbcon\" set!"
- echo
- linux-mod_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- # PCI Debugging Patch
- if use debug; then
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-pciproxy-dump.patch
- fi
-src_compile() {
- filter-flags -fsigned-char
- append-flags -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
- append-flags -D_LARGE_FILES
- export KERNEL_SOURCE="/usr/src/${FK}"
- export LDFLAGS=""
- # initialize all needed build-files
- ./
- ./configure --prefix="/usr" || die "Configure failed."
- # workaround for proper module-building
- emake defconfig || die "Make failed."
- sed -i "s:CONFIG_XDGA=y:# CONFIG_XDGA is not set:" .config-ppc
- sed -i "s:CONFIG_TAP=y:# CONFIG_TAP is not set:" .config-ppc
- sed -i "s:CONFIG_TUN=y:# CONFIG_TUN is not set:" .config-ppc
- use alsa || sed -i "s:CONFIG_ALSA=y:# CONFIG_ALSA is not set:" .config-ppc
- use debug && sed -i "s:# CONFIG_DEBUGGER is not set:CONFIG_DEBUGGER=y:" .config-ppc
- use oss || sed -i "s:CONFIG_OSS=y:# CONFIG_OSS is not set:" .config-ppc
- use oldworld || sed -i "s:CONFIG_OLDWORLD=y:# CONFIG_OLDWORLD is not set:" .config-ppc
- use sheep || sed -i "s:CONFIG_SHEEP=y:# CONFIG_SHEEP is not set:" .config-ppc
- use X || sed -i "s:CONFIG_X11=y:# CONFIG_X11 is not set:" .config-ppc
- use fbcon || sed -i "s:CONFIG_FBDEV=y:# CONFIG_FBDEV is not set:" .config-ppc
- use vnc || sed -i "s:CONFIG_VNC=y:# CONFIG_VNC is not set:" .config-ppc
- use dga || sed -i "s:CONFIG_XDGA=y:# CONFIG_XDGA is not set:" .config-ppc
- use usb || sed -i "s:CONFIG_USBDEV=y:# CONFIG_USBDEV is not set:" .config-ppc
- use pci || sed -i "s:CONFIG_PCIPROXY=y:# CONFIG_PCIPROXY is not set:" .config-ppc
- einfo "The configuration has been altered according to your USE-flags."
- # reinitialize our changed configuration
- emake oldconfig
- cd ${S}
- emake BUILD_MODS=n || die "Build failed."
- # Build the modules too!
- linux-mod_src_compile
-src_install() {
- #linux-mod_src_install
- cd ${S}
- emake DESTDIR=${D} install || die "Failed to install"
- dodoc CREDITS Doc/Boot-ROM Doc/NewWorld-ROM Doc/Sound Doc/Video
- dodoc Doc/Networking Doc/Dev/Debugger Doc/Dev/Addresses
- dodoc Doc/man/molvconfig.1 Doc/man/startmol.1 Doc/man/molrc.5
- insinto /var/lib/mol
- doins ${S}/mollib/nvram/nvram.x
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- einfo "Mac-on-Linux is now installed. To run, use the command startmol."
- einfo "You might want to configure video modes first with molvconfig."
- einfo "Other configuration is in /etc/molrc. For more info see:"
- einfo ""
- einfo "Also try man molrc, man molvconfig, man startmol"
- echo
- ewarn "For networking and sound you might install the drivers in the"
- ewarn "folder \"MOL-Install\" on your Mac OS X-Desktop."
- echo
- ewarn "If errors with networking occur, make sure you have the following"
- ewarn "kernel functions enabled:"
- einfo "For connecting to Linux:"
- einfo " Universal TUN/TAP device driver support (CONFIG_TUN)"
- einfo "For the dhcp server:"
- einfo " Packet Socket (CONFIG_PACKET)"
- einfo "For NAT:"
- einfo " Network packet filtering (CONFIG_NETFILTER)"
- einfo " Connection tracking (CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK)"
- einfo " IP tables support (CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES)"
- einfo " Packet filtering (CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER)"
- einfo " Full NAT (CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT)"
- echo