diff options
authorPeter Alfredsen <>2009-04-17 00:36:08 +0000
committerPeter Alfredsen <>2009-04-17 00:36:08 +0000
commit1d5ca9595905acf2b626db30c60505042cd3e373 (patch)
tree9f02009954251f4a782beb9a8388021ea06f61f5 /app-text/poppler
parentRemove stupid evdev checks. Never die cuz a kernel.src does not exist. linux-... (diff)
Bump w.r.t. bug 263028.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc28/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'app-text/poppler')
4 files changed, 842 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/app-text/poppler/ChangeLog b/app-text/poppler/ChangeLog
index 3c732b7903c5..6d621700e371 100644
--- a/app-text/poppler/ChangeLog
+++ b/app-text/poppler/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for app-text/poppler
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/poppler/ChangeLog,v 1.195 2009/04/01 14:42:17 loki_val Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/poppler/ChangeLog,v 1.196 2009/04/17 00:36:08 loki_val Exp $
+*poppler-0.10.5-r1 (17 Apr 2009)
+ 17 Apr 2009; Peter Alfredsen <>
+ +files/poppler-0.10.5-xpdf-3.02pl3.patch,
+ +files/poppler-CVE-2009-1188.patch, +poppler-0.10.5-r1.ebuild:
+ Bump w.r.t. bug 263028.
01 Apr 2009; Peter Alfredsen <> poppler-0.8.7.ebuild,
poppler-0.10.4.ebuild, poppler-0.10.5.ebuild:
diff --git a/app-text/poppler/files/poppler-0.10.5-xpdf-3.02pl3.patch b/app-text/poppler/files/poppler-0.10.5-xpdf-3.02pl3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8957c429f8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/poppler/files/poppler-0.10.5-xpdf-3.02pl3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+diff --git a/poppler/ b/poppler/
+index 938927e..33cd427 100644
+--- a/poppler/
++++ b/poppler/
+@@ -438,12 +438,14 @@ void JBIG2HuffmanDecoder::buildTable(JBIG2HuffmanTable *table, Guint len) {
+ table[i] = table[len];
+ // assign prefixes
+- i = 0;
+- prefix = 0;
+- table[i++].prefix = prefix++;
+- for (; table[i].rangeLen != jbig2HuffmanEOT; ++i) {
+- prefix <<= table[i].prefixLen - table[i-1].prefixLen;
+- table[i].prefix = prefix++;
++ if (table[0].rangeLen != jbig2HuffmanEOT) {
++ i = 0;
++ prefix = 0;
++ table[i++].prefix = prefix++;
++ for (; table[i].rangeLen != jbig2HuffmanEOT; ++i) {
++ prefix <<= table[i].prefixLen - table[i-1].prefixLen;
++ table[i].prefix = prefix++;
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -507,7 +509,7 @@ int JBIG2MMRDecoder::get2DCode() {
+ }
+ if (p->bits < 0) {
+ error(str->getPos(), "Bad two dim code in JBIG2 MMR stream");
+- return 0;
++ return EOF;
+ }
+ bufLen -= p->bits;
+ return p->n;
+@@ -779,6 +781,8 @@ void JBIG2Bitmap::clearToOne() {
+ inline void JBIG2Bitmap::getPixelPtr(int x, int y, JBIG2BitmapPtr *ptr) {
+ if (y < 0 || y >= h || x >= w) {
+ ptr->p = NULL;
++ ptr->shift = 0; // make gcc happy
++ ptr->x = 0; // make gcc happy
+ } else if (x < 0) {
+ ptr->p = &data[y * line];
+ ptr->shift = 7;
+@@ -823,6 +827,10 @@ void JBIG2Bitmap::combine(JBIG2Bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y,
+ Guint src0, src1, src, dest, s1, s2, m1, m2, m3;
+ GBool oneByte;
++ // check for the pathological case where y = -2^31
++ if (y < -0x7fffffff) {
++ return;
++ }
+ if (y < 0) {
+ y0 = -y;
+ } else {
+@@ -1325,6 +1333,13 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readSegments() {
+ // keep track of the start of the segment data
+ segDataPos = getPos();
++ // check for missing page information segment
++ if (!pageBitmap && ((segType >= 4 && segType <= 7) ||
++ (segType >= 20 && segType <= 43))) {
++ error(getPos(), "First JBIG2 segment associated with a page must be a page information segment");
++ goto syntaxError;
++ }
+ // read the segment data
+ switch (segType) {
+ case 0:
+@@ -1479,6 +1494,8 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ Guint i, j, k;
+ Guchar *p;
++ symWidths = NULL;
+ // symbol dictionary flags
+ if (!readUWord(&flags)) {
+ goto eofError;
+@@ -1539,7 +1556,13 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ // part of it
+ if ((seg = findSegment(refSegs[i]))) {
+ if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegSymbolDict) {
+- numInputSyms += ((JBIG2SymbolDict *)seg)->getSize();
++ j = ((JBIG2SymbolDict *)seg)->getSize();
++ if (numInputSyms > UINT_MAX - j) {
++ error(getPos(), "Too many input symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ delete codeTables;
++ goto eofError;
++ }
++ numInputSyms += j;
+ } else if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegCodeTable) {
+ codeTables->append(seg);
+ }
+@@ -1548,13 +1571,18 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ return gFalse;
+ }
+ }
++ if (numInputSyms > UINT_MAX - numNewSyms) {
++ error(getPos(), "Too many input symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ delete codeTables;
++ goto eofError;
++ }
+ // compute symbol code length
+- symCodeLen = 0;
+- i = 1;
+- while (i < numInputSyms + numNewSyms) {
++ symCodeLen = 1;
++ i = (numInputSyms + numNewSyms) >> 1;
++ while (i) {
+ ++symCodeLen;
+- i <<= 1;
++ i >>= 1;
+ }
+ // get the input symbol bitmaps
+@@ -1585,6 +1613,9 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ } else if (huffDH == 1) {
+ huffDHTable = huffTableE;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffDHTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffDW == 0) {
+@@ -1592,17 +1623,26 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ } else if (huffDW == 1) {
+ huffDWTable = huffTableC;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffDWTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffBMSize == 0) {
+ huffBMSizeTable = huffTableA;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffBMSizeTable =
+ ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffAggInst == 0) {
+ huffAggInstTable = huffTableA;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffAggInstTable =
+ ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+@@ -1635,7 +1675,6 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ }
+ // allocate symbol widths storage
+- symWidths = NULL;
+ if (huff && !refAgg) {
+ symWidths = (Guint *)gmallocn(numNewSyms, sizeof(Guint));
+ }
+@@ -1677,6 +1716,10 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ goto syntaxError;
+ }
+ symWidth += dw;
++ if (i >= numNewSyms) {
++ error(getPos(), "Too many symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ goto syntaxError;
++ }
+ // using a collective bitmap, so don't read a bitmap here
+ if (huff && !refAgg) {
+@@ -1713,6 +1756,10 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ arithDecoder->decodeInt(&refDX, iardxStats);
+ arithDecoder->decodeInt(&refDY, iardyStats);
+ }
++ if (symID >= numInputSyms + i) {
++ error(getPos(), "Invalid symbol ID in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ goto syntaxError;
++ }
+ refBitmap = bitmaps[symID];
+ bitmaps[numInputSyms + i] =
+ readGenericRefinementRegion(symWidth, symHeight,
+@@ -1779,6 +1826,13 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ } else {
+ arithDecoder->decodeInt(&run, iaexStats);
+ }
++ if (i + run > numInputSyms + numNewSyms ||
++ (ex && j + run > numExSyms)) {
++ error(getPos(), "Too many exported symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ for ( ; j < numExSyms; ++j) symbolDict->setBitmap(j, NULL);
++ delete symbolDict;
++ goto syntaxError;
++ }
+ if (ex) {
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < run; ++cnt) {
+ symbolDict->setBitmap(j++, bitmaps[i++]->copy());
+@@ -1788,10 +1842,11 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ }
+ ex = !ex;
+ }
+- for ( ; j < numExSyms; ++j) {
+- // this should never happen but happens on PDF we don't parse
+- // correctly like bug #19702
+- symbolDict->setBitmap(j, NULL);
++ if (j != numExSyms) {
++ error(getPos(), "Too few symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ for ( ; j < numExSyms; ++j) symbolDict->setBitmap(j, NULL);
++ delete symbolDict;
++ goto syntaxError;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < numNewSyms; ++i) {
+@@ -1815,6 +1870,10 @@ GBool JBIG2Stream::readSymbolDictSeg(Guint segNum, Guint length,
+ return gTrue;
++ codeTableError:
++ error(getPos(), "Missing code table in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ delete codeTables;
+ syntaxError:
+ for (i = 0; i < numNewSyms; ++i) {
+ if (bitmaps[numInputSyms + i]) {
+@@ -1917,6 +1976,8 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ }
+ } else {
+ error(getPos(), "Invalid segment reference in JBIG2 text region");
++ delete codeTables;
++ return;
+ }
+ }
+ symCodeLen = 0;
+@@ -1951,6 +2012,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffFS == 1) {
+ huffFSTable = huffTableG;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffFSTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffDS == 0) {
+@@ -1960,6 +2024,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffDS == 2) {
+ huffDSTable = huffTableJ;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffDSTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffDT == 0) {
+@@ -1969,6 +2036,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffDT == 2) {
+ huffDTTable = huffTableM;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffDTTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffRDW == 0) {
+@@ -1976,6 +2046,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffRDW == 1) {
+ huffRDWTable = huffTableO;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffRDWTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffRDH == 0) {
+@@ -1983,6 +2056,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffRDH == 1) {
+ huffRDHTable = huffTableO;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffRDHTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffRDX == 0) {
+@@ -1990,6 +2066,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffRDX == 1) {
+ huffRDXTable = huffTableO;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffRDXTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffRDY == 0) {
+@@ -1997,11 +2076,17 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ } else if (huffRDY == 1) {
+ huffRDYTable = huffTableO;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffRDYTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+ if (huffRSize == 0) {
+ huffRSizeTable = huffTableA;
+ } else {
++ if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ goto codeTableError;
++ }
+ huffRSizeTable =
+ ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+ }
+@@ -2098,8 +2183,15 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readTextRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ return;
++ codeTableError:
++ error(getPos(), "Missing code table in JBIG2 text region");
++ gfree(codeTables);
++ delete syms;
++ return;
+ eofError:
+ error(getPos(), "Unexpected EOF in JBIG2 stream");
++ return;
+ }
+ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readTextRegion(GBool huff, GBool refine,
+@@ -2134,6 +2226,10 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readTextRegion(GBool huff, GBool refine,
+ // allocate the bitmap
+ bitmap = new JBIG2Bitmap(0, w, h);
++ if (!bitmap->isOk()) {
++ delete bitmap;
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ if (defPixel) {
+ bitmap->clearToOne();
+ } else {
+@@ -2226,7 +2322,7 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readTextRegion(GBool huff, GBool refine,
+ decodeSuccess = decodeSuccess && arithDecoder->decodeInt(&rdy, iardyStats);
+ }
+- if (decodeSuccess)
++ if (decodeSuccess && syms[symID])
+ {
+ refDX = ((rdw >= 0) ? rdw : rdw - 1) / 2 + rdx;
+ refDY = ((rdh >= 0) ? rdh : rdh - 1) / 2 + rdy;
+@@ -2577,7 +2673,9 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readGenericRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ // read the bitmap
+ bitmap = readGenericBitmap(mmr, w, h, templ, tpgdOn, gFalse,
+- NULL, atx, aty, mmr ? 0 : length - 18);
++ NULL, atx, aty, mmr ? length - 18 : 0);
++ if (!bitmap)
++ return;
+ // combine the region bitmap into the page bitmap
+ if (imm) {
+@@ -2599,6 +2697,43 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readGenericRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ error(getPos(), "Unexpected EOF in JBIG2 stream");
+ }
++inline void JBIG2Stream::mmrAddPixels(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w) {
++ if (a1 > codingLine[*a0i]) {
++ if (a1 > w) {
++ error(getPos(), "JBIG2 MMR row is wrong length ({0:d})", a1);
++ a1 = w;
++ }
++ if ((*a0i & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
++ ++*a0i;
++ }
++ codingLine[*a0i] = a1;
++ }
++inline void JBIG2Stream::mmrAddPixelsNeg(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w) {
++ if (a1 > codingLine[*a0i]) {
++ if (a1 > w) {
++ error(getPos(), "JBIG2 MMR row is wrong length ({0:d})", a1);
++ a1 = w;
++ }
++ if ((*a0i & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
++ ++*a0i;
++ }
++ codingLine[*a0i] = a1;
++ } else if (a1 < codingLine[*a0i]) {
++ if (a1 < 0) {
++ error(getPos(), "Invalid JBIG2 MMR code");
++ a1 = 0;
++ }
++ while (*a0i > 0 && a1 <= codingLine[*a0i - 1]) {
++ --*a0i;
++ }
++ codingLine[*a0i] = a1;
++ }
+ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+ int templ, GBool tpgdOn,
+ GBool useSkip, JBIG2Bitmap *skip,
+@@ -2611,9 +2746,13 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+ JBIG2BitmapPtr atPtr0 = {0}, atPtr1 = {0}, atPtr2 = {0}, atPtr3 = {0};
+ int *refLine, *codingLine;
+ int code1, code2, code3;
+- int x, y, a0, pix, i, refI, codingI;
++ int x, y, a0i, b1i, blackPixels, pix, i;
+ bitmap = new JBIG2Bitmap(0, w, h);
++ if (!bitmap->isOk()) {
++ delete bitmap;
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ bitmap->clearToZero();
+ //----- MMR decode
+@@ -2621,9 +2760,18 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+ if (mmr) {
+ mmrDecoder->reset();
++ if (w > INT_MAX - 2) {
++ error(getPos(), "Bad width in JBIG2 generic bitmap");
++ // force a call to gmalloc(-1), which will throw an exception
++ w = -3;
++ }
++ // 0 <= codingLine[0] < codingLine[1] < ... < codingLine[n] = w
++ // ---> max codingLine size = w + 1
++ // refLine has one extra guard entry at the end
++ // ---> max refLine size = w + 2
++ codingLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 1, sizeof(int));
+ refLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 2, sizeof(int));
+- codingLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 2, sizeof(int));
+- codingLine[0] = codingLine[1] = w;
++ codingLine[0] = w;
+ for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
+@@ -2631,128 +2779,157 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+ for (i = 0; codingLine[i] < w; ++i) {
+ refLine[i] = codingLine[i];
+ }
+- refLine[i] = refLine[i + 1] = w;
++ refLine[i++] = w;
++ refLine[i] = w;
+ // decode a line
+- refI = 0; // b1 = refLine[refI]
+- codingI = 0; // a1 = codingLine[codingI]
+- a0 = 0;
+- do {
++ codingLine[0] = 0;
++ a0i = 0;
++ b1i = 0;
++ blackPixels = 0;
++ // invariant:
++ // refLine[b1i-1] <= codingLine[a0i] < refLine[b1i] < refLine[b1i+1] <= w
++ // exception at left edge:
++ // codingLine[a0i = 0] = refLine[b1i = 0] = 0 is possible
++ // exception at right edge:
++ // refLine[b1i] = refLine[b1i+1] = w is possible
++ while (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+ code1 = mmrDecoder->get2DCode();
+ switch (code1) {
+ case twoDimPass:
+- if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+- a0 = refLine[refI + 1];
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- break;
++ mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i + 1], blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ if (refLine[b1i + 1] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ break;
+ case twoDimHoriz:
+- if (codingI & 1) {
+- code1 = 0;
+- do {
+- code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
+- } while (code3 >= 64);
+- code2 = 0;
+- do {
+- code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
+- } while (code3 >= 64);
+- } else {
+- code1 = 0;
+- do {
+- code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
+- } while (code3 >= 64);
+- code2 = 0;
+- do {
+- code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
+- } while (code3 >= 64);
+- }
+- if (code1 > 0 || code2 > 0) {
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = a0 + code1;
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = a0 + code2;
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- }
+- break;
+- case twoDimVert0:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI];
+- if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+- ++refI;
+- }
+- break;
+- case twoDimVertR1:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] + 1;
+- if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+- ++refI;
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- }
+- break;
+- case twoDimVertR2:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] + 2;
+- if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+- ++refI;
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- }
+- break;
++ code1 = code2 = 0;
++ if (blackPixels) {
++ do {
++ code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
++ } while (code3 >= 64);
++ do {
++ code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
++ } while (code3 >= 64);
++ } else {
++ do {
++ code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
++ } while (code3 >= 64);
++ do {
++ code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
++ } while (code3 >= 64);
++ }
++ mmrAddPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code1, blackPixels,
++ codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ mmrAddPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code2, blackPixels ^ 1,
++ codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ }
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ break;
+ case twoDimVertR3:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] + 3;
+- if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+- ++refI;
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- }
+- break;
+- case twoDimVertL1:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] - 1;
+- if (refI > 0) {
+- --refI;
+- } else {
+- ++refI;
+- }
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- break;
+- case twoDimVertL2:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] - 2;
+- if (refI > 0) {
+- --refI;
+- } else {
+- ++refI;
+- }
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- break;
++ mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i] + 3, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ ++b1i;
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case twoDimVertR2:
++ mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i] + 2, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ ++b1i;
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case twoDimVertR1:
++ mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i] + 1, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ ++b1i;
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case twoDimVert0:
++ mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i], blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ ++b1i;
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
+ case twoDimVertL3:
+- a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] - 3;
+- if (refI > 0) {
+- --refI;
+- } else {
+- ++refI;
+- }
+- while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+- refI += 2;
+- }
+- break;
++ mmrAddPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 3, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ if (b1i > 0) {
++ --b1i;
++ } else {
++ ++b1i;
++ }
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case twoDimVertL2:
++ mmrAddPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 2, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ if (b1i > 0) {
++ --b1i;
++ } else {
++ ++b1i;
++ }
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case twoDimVertL1:
++ mmrAddPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 1, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ blackPixels ^= 1;
++ if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
++ if (b1i > 0) {
++ --b1i;
++ } else {
++ ++b1i;
++ }
++ while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
++ b1i += 2;
++ }
++ }
++ break;
++ case EOF:
++ mmrAddPixels(w, 0, codingLine, &a0i, w);
++ break;
+ default:
+ error(getPos(), "Illegal code in JBIG2 MMR bitmap data");
++ mmrAddPixels(w, 0, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+ break;
+ }
+- } while (a0 < w);
+- codingLine[codingI++] = w;
++ }
+ // convert the run lengths to a bitmap line
+ i = 0;
+- while (codingLine[i] < w) {
++ while (1) {
+ for (x = codingLine[i]; x < codingLine[i+1]; ++x) {
+ bitmap->setPixel(x, y);
+ }
++ if (codingLine[i+1] >= w || codingLine[i+2] >= w) {
++ break;
++ }
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2800,7 +2977,9 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+ ltp = !ltp;
+ }
+ if (ltp) {
+- bitmap->duplicateRow(y, y-1);
++ if (y > 0) {
++ bitmap->duplicateRow(y, y-1);
++ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3111,6 +3290,10 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericRefinementRegion(int w, int h,
+ tpgrCX2 = refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+ tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+ tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
++ } else {
++ tpgrCXPtr0.p = tpgrCXPtr1.p = tpgrCXPtr2.p = NULL; // make gcc happy
++ tpgrCXPtr0.shift = tpgrCXPtr1.shift = tpgrCXPtr2.shift = 0;
++ tpgrCXPtr0.x = tpgrCXPtr1.x = tpgrCXPtr2.x = 0;
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+@@ -3182,6 +3365,10 @@ JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericRefinementRegion(int w, int h,
+ tpgrCX2 = refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+ tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+ tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
++ } else {
++ tpgrCXPtr0.p = tpgrCXPtr1.p = tpgrCXPtr2.p = NULL; // make gcc happy
++ tpgrCXPtr0.shift = tpgrCXPtr1.shift = tpgrCXPtr2.shift = 0;
++ tpgrCXPtr0.x = tpgrCXPtr1.x = tpgrCXPtr2.x = 0;
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+@@ -3247,6 +3434,12 @@ void JBIG2Stream::readPageInfoSeg(Guint length) {
+ }
+ pageBitmap = new JBIG2Bitmap(0, pageW, curPageH);
++ if (!pageBitmap->isOk()) {
++ delete pageBitmap;
++ pageBitmap = NULL;
++ return;
++ }
+ // default pixel value
+ if (pageDefPixel) {
+ pageBitmap->clearToOne();
+diff --git a/poppler/JBIG2Stream.h b/poppler/JBIG2Stream.h
+index 7a73938..ca1fee7 100644
+--- a/poppler/JBIG2Stream.h
++++ b/poppler/JBIG2Stream.h
+@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ private:
+ Guint *refSegs, Guint nRefSegs);
+ void readGenericRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+ GBool lossless, Guint length);
++ void mmrAddPixels(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w);
++ void mmrAddPixelsNeg(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w);
+ JBIG2Bitmap *readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+ int templ, GBool tpgdOn,
+ GBool useSkip, JBIG2Bitmap *skip,
diff --git a/app-text/poppler/files/poppler-CVE-2009-1188.patch b/app-text/poppler/files/poppler-CVE-2009-1188.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..70f98a0f5723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/poppler/files/poppler-CVE-2009-1188.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/splash/
++++ b/splash/
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ SplashBitmap::SplashBitmap(int widthA, int heightA, int rowPad,
+ }
+ rowSize += rowPad - 1;
+ rowSize -= rowSize % rowPad;
+- data = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc(rowSize * height);
++ data = (SplashColorPtr)gmallocn(rowSize, height);
+ if (!topDown) {
+ data += (height - 1) * rowSize;
+ rowSize = -rowSize;
diff --git a/app-text/poppler/poppler-0.10.5-r1.ebuild b/app-text/poppler/poppler-0.10.5-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..086ab1bef91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-text/poppler/poppler-0.10.5-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-text/poppler/poppler-0.10.5-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/04/17 00:36:08 loki_val Exp $
+inherit libtool eutils
+DESCRIPTION="PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+ >=media-libs/freetype-2.1.8
+ >=media-libs/fontconfig-2
+ app-text/poppler-data
+ >=media-libs/jpeg-6b
+ media-libs/openjpeg
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ dev-libs/libxml2
+ !app-text/pdftohtml
+ !dev-libs/poppler-qt3
+ !dev-libs/poppler-qt4
+ !dev-libs/poppler
+ !dev-libs/poppler-glib
+ !app-text/poppler-utils
+ "
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ doc? ( >=dev-util/gtk-doc-1.0 )
+ "
+src_prepare () {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/poppler-0.10.5-xpdf-3.02pl3.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/poppler-CVE-2009-1188.patch"
+src_configure() {
+ econf --disable-static \
+ --disable-poppler-qt4 \
+ --disable-poppler-glib \
+ --disable-poppler-qt \
+ --disable-gtk-test \
+ --disable-cairo-output \
+ --enable-xpdf-headers \
+ --enable-libjpeg \
+ --enable-libopenjpeg \
+ --enable-zlib \
+ $(use_enable doc gtk-doc) \
+ || die "configuration failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
+ rm -f $(find "${D}" -name '*.la')