diff options
authorSebastien Fabbro <>2007-10-15 18:46:46 +0000
committerSebastien Fabbro <>2007-10-15 18:46:46 +0000
commit1e8837dbdb64f7a9f6a913c212427f4c09ac6be7 (patch)
tree930f4a407c02bec5c6e60421365fe9a7bf5d7e6d /dev-python
parentBump xen-tools to version 3.1.1 (diff)
use new virtual/cblas. added an (incomplete) patch for python-2.5. some cleanup.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python')
4 files changed, 97 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/numarray/ChangeLog b/dev-python/numarray/ChangeLog
index 273041542b41..b6eabc4798ef 100644
--- a/dev-python/numarray/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-python/numarray/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-python/numarray
# Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/numarray/ChangeLog,v 1.27 2007/06/07 22:49:44 lavajoe Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/numarray/ChangeLog,v 1.28 2007/10/15 18:46:45 bicatali Exp $
+ 15 Oct 2007; SĂ©bastien Fabbro <>
+ +files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch, numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild:
+ use new virtual/cblas. added an (incomplete) patch for python-2.5. some
+ cleanup.
07 Jun 2007; Joe Peterson <> numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild:
Add ~x86-fbsd keyword (bug #178368)
diff --git a/dev-python/numarray/Manifest b/dev-python/numarray/Manifest
index f477a2e5bd88..21a07aeb0e10 100644
--- a/dev-python/numarray/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/numarray/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Hash: SHA1
AUX numarray-1.5.2-freebsd.patch 805 RMD160 48813fe9590f7dadbe808c58dcc2095fde0f63c4 SHA1 2440851910c70d368da3ebffe038e8f3dc8afaf0 SHA256 03704871fe9dfcfe7dea85814bafaacfe35524084c9233f50c7e1398202b771f
MD5 b22c487ddb2b299b22ca70be56bc37ba files/numarray-1.5.2-freebsd.patch 805
RMD160 48813fe9590f7dadbe808c58dcc2095fde0f63c4 files/numarray-1.5.2-freebsd.patch 805
@@ -6,6 +9,10 @@ AUX numarray-1.5.2-includes.patch 1763 RMD160 24bb7992e8e898b00ab90b7e82120eb7c7
MD5 98e007f8a6b5d0805b02bd2de59b7749 files/numarray-1.5.2-includes.patch 1763
RMD160 24bb7992e8e898b00ab90b7e82120eb7c7b2ba4c files/numarray-1.5.2-includes.patch 1763
SHA256 02016cf4b2038aff9cd8a6bc388da7dd2e461ef28b869c47f642a8a31033c6d5 files/numarray-1.5.2-includes.patch 1763
+AUX numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch 1407 RMD160 194398ab45b27f476a0056ffe4e1789f1f09743d SHA1 447837cb9f79115a95c1678c36baa87e962868a2 SHA256 3eae38202551209ef1c1d647aa03ba4eef85bf9330ddd6693035342ba688e765
+MD5 3823c11b11479da6872f86ecc2b2bf14 files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch 1407
+RMD160 194398ab45b27f476a0056ffe4e1789f1f09743d files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch 1407
+SHA256 3eae38202551209ef1c1d647aa03ba4eef85bf9330ddd6693035342ba688e765 files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch 1407
AUX numarray-1.5.2-refcount.patch 289 RMD160 b8a0f68560881aa08fd0e93bc9086b1b0b97acad SHA1 e3ee147d59ea164db7912ad8e6a3f76409ca6031 SHA256 775d401415a8509e00d064b4323986aa1083aa4331094e94027799f8c1f2768f
MD5 9c5dfe77fd316676d570647bba4c36a6 files/numarray-1.5.2-refcount.patch 289
RMD160 b8a0f68560881aa08fd0e93bc9086b1b0b97acad files/numarray-1.5.2-refcount.patch 289
@@ -32,14 +39,14 @@ EBUILD numarray-1.5.1.ebuild 743 RMD160 a811282e45cc70c1f50e0d584b5a0af22f0eaebe
MD5 98cbace5be171cac68af3f20539fab0a numarray-1.5.1.ebuild 743
RMD160 a811282e45cc70c1f50e0d584b5a0af22f0eaebe numarray-1.5.1.ebuild 743
SHA256 d4616f0eff2db1d0081d9bb321e6557bc858527a7bea931ed73ad66d7bc44c1e numarray-1.5.1.ebuild 743
-EBUILD numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 3603 RMD160 c3ad4cdfea3ede651d37055f93028ae2f18796f5 SHA1 a04f76c5d0124ec1d7accabd8aeebde2e26d0733 SHA256 ce6ea2853c3c5f2d3f89f01e8f92aa4e55dbe011416da147849d9d96bfc9ce8d
-MD5 e1cefd409bb92e9e4802c859594a6be4 numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 3603
-RMD160 c3ad4cdfea3ede651d37055f93028ae2f18796f5 numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 3603
-SHA256 ce6ea2853c3c5f2d3f89f01e8f92aa4e55dbe011416da147849d9d96bfc9ce8d numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 3603
-MISC ChangeLog 4217 RMD160 6efd5d3aa35f2641b581c84da6937d4d9f0585b1 SHA1 a86a908259dce7e3ec44c034f85153ee54d68fd7 SHA256 45c54ad39a05646f3567989ebafd53dc1b204787199dace3d15fcf1ee2f78b08
-MD5 271853d6c9be9d4ccbab29d9f840747d ChangeLog 4217
-RMD160 6efd5d3aa35f2641b581c84da6937d4d9f0585b1 ChangeLog 4217
-SHA256 45c54ad39a05646f3567989ebafd53dc1b204787199dace3d15fcf1ee2f78b08 ChangeLog 4217
+EBUILD numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 2850 RMD160 4cd6f77365df34c47ce467a073bbbc983633a271 SHA1 52606b0bf520465fc6c184a4af50cbe578d259d2 SHA256 7241ba1fcdda11224e867bf3f072919fd207d9c9e656c60764f2294bd6a61a2a
+MD5 8434b9c499ae352b507dd30e4d3b6f49 numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 2850
+RMD160 4cd6f77365df34c47ce467a073bbbc983633a271 numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 2850
+SHA256 7241ba1fcdda11224e867bf3f072919fd207d9c9e656c60764f2294bd6a61a2a numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild 2850
+MISC ChangeLog 4425 RMD160 d27a15a04639eab13bf310eb52765099daa79721 SHA1 a2712acefa9998082c8975330b62c78969152c56 SHA256 1d2df8e5aea53689b38a53d460732b35b5e4f379baf28910b530fbabf0a8c946
+MD5 532fc52a0fa01454076a93eb05903c74 ChangeLog 4425
+RMD160 d27a15a04639eab13bf310eb52765099daa79721 ChangeLog 4425
+SHA256 1d2df8e5aea53689b38a53d460732b35b5e4f379baf28910b530fbabf0a8c946 ChangeLog 4425
MISC metadata.xml 950 RMD160 678f238a25e95981f6668360be4f564a84eafba8 SHA1 5b2721eab57bd7bb4946400354edd4d162930fc3 SHA256 1e4851dd9530a0ee08781b710b138653904b195fdb4d2e62152ad4f2534acaf8
MD5 a97691f0d19210f3741485b1ca4dcf37 metadata.xml 950
RMD160 678f238a25e95981f6668360be4f564a84eafba8 metadata.xml 950
@@ -59,3 +66,10 @@ SHA256 6e1fe18b9b0d4130d9bcae570114c298324519ee06a5eccd64d2a7acd3c1dbc2 files/di
MD5 8156150213bcbcb20722f62a1981476e files/digest-numarray-1.5.2-r1 500
RMD160 08839452392d78160290d8ce7baffbd114f7d18e files/digest-numarray-1.5.2-r1 500
SHA256 4527949b921e98437b3d48fec263d3180b6a2ff67b4f9da18082310d07a3a312 files/digest-numarray-1.5.2-r1 500
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/dev-python/numarray/files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch b/dev-python/numarray/files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d7621984a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/numarray/files/numarray-1.5.2-python25.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--- Src/_ndarraymodule.c.orig 2007-09-05 09:54:58.759967037 +0100
++++ Src/_ndarraymodule.c 2007-09-05 09:54:36.098675644 +0100
+@@ -596,12 +596,12 @@
+ /* Copied from Python-2.3.3 Objects/sliceobject.c */
+ int
+-_GetIndicesEx(PySliceObject *r, int length,
+- int *start, int *stop, int *step, int *slicelength)
++_GetIndicesEx(PySliceObject *r, Py_ssize_t length,
++ Py_ssize_t *start, Py_ssize_t *stop, Py_ssize_t *step, Py_ssize_t *slicelength)
+ {
+ /* this is harder to get right than you might think */
+- int defstart, defstop;
++ Py_ssize_t defstart, defstop;
+ if (r->step == Py_None) {
+ *step = 1;
+@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
+ self->nd = _snip( self->nd, self->dimensions, dim);
+ self->nstrides = _snip( self->nstrides, self->strides, dim);
+ } else if (PySlice_Check(slice)) {
+- int start, stop, step, strided;
++ Py_ssize_t start, stop, step, strided;
+ if (_GetIndicesEx( (PySliceObject *) slice,
+ self->dimensions[dim],
+ &start, &stop, &step, &strided) < 0)
+@@ -718,9 +718,9 @@
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+- self->byteoffset += self->strides[dim] * start;
+- self->dimensions[dim] = strided;
+- self->strides[dim] *= step;
++ self->byteoffset += (maybelong) (self->strides[dim] * start);
++ self->dimensions[dim] = (maybelong) strided;
++ self->strides[dim] *= (maybelong) step;
+ ++ dim;
+ } else {
+ Py_DECREF(rest);
diff --git a/dev-python/numarray/numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild b/dev-python/numarray/numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild
index fcf1dc335d3e..20df4ee5aee1 100644
--- a/dev-python/numarray/numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/numarray/numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/numarray/numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.7 2007/06/07 22:49:44 lavajoe Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-python/numarray/numarray-1.5.2-r1.ebuild,v 1.8 2007/10/15 18:46:45 bicatali Exp $
-inherit distutils fortran
+inherit distutils
DESCRIPTION="Large array processing extension module for Python"
@@ -12,13 +12,10 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/numpy/${P}.tar.gz
doc? ( mirror://sourceforge/numpy/${PN}-${DOC_PV}.html.tar.gz )"
-# numarray does not work yet with other cblas implementations
-# than cblas-reference or blas-atlas
-RDEPEND="lapack? ( || ( >=sci-libs/blas-atlas-3.7.11-r1
- >=sci-libs/cblas-reference-20030223-r3 )
- virtual/lapack )"
+RDEPEND="lapack? ( virtual/cblas virtual/lapack )"
- lapack? ( app-admin/eselect-cblas )"
+ lapack? ( dev-util/pkgconfig )"
IUSE="doc lapack"
@@ -28,28 +25,21 @@ LICENSE="BSD"
DOCS="LICENSE.txt Doc/*.txt Doc/release_notes/ANNOUNCE-${PV:0:3}"
# test with lapack buggy on amd64 (at least)
-RESTRICT="amd64? ( lapack? ( test ) )"
+#RESTRICT="amd64? ( lapack? ( test ) )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use lapack; then
- FORTRAN="gfortran g77"
- fortran_pkg_setup
- for d in $(eselect cblas show); do mycblas=${d}; done
- if [[ -z "${mycblas/reference/}" ]] && [[ -z "${mycblas/atlas/}" ]]; then
- ewarn "You need to set cblas to atlas or reference. Do:"
- ewarn " eselect cblas set <impl>"
- ewarn "where <impl> is atlas, threaded-atlas or reference"
- die "setup failed"
- fi
- fi
+use lapack && unset LDFLAGS
+# ex usage: pkgconf_cfg --libs-only-l cblas: ['cblas','atlas']
+pkgconf_cfg() {
+ local cfg="["
+ for i in $(pkg-config "$@"); do
+ cfg="${cfg}'${i:2}'"
+ done
+ echo "${cfg//\'\'/','}]"
src_unpack() {
- if use lapack; then
- fortran_src_unpack
- else
- unpack ${A}
- fi
+ unpack ${A}
cd "${S}"
# include Python.h from header files using the PyObject_HEAD macro.
@@ -62,51 +52,34 @@ src_unpack() {
# (i.e. need to include "__FreeBSD__" in pre-processor conditionals)
epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-freebsd.patch
- # fix array_protocol tests with numpy
- #sed -i \
- # -e 's/True/ True/g' \
- # Lib/ || die "sed array_protocol failed"
+ # fix only for python-2.5 (fix still uncomplete, see bug #191240)
+ distutils_python_version
+ [[ "${PYVER}" == 2.5 ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-python25.patch
# array_protocol tests are buggy with various numeric/numpy versions
sed -i \
-e '/array_protocol/d' \
Lib/ || die "sed testall failed"
- # fix hard-coded path in numinclude
- sed -i \
- -e "s:/home/jmiller/work/debug/include/python2.5:/usr/include/python${PYVER}:" \
- Lib/ || die "sed numinclude failed"
# configure for lapack
if use lapack; then
sed -i \
- -e '/^if USE_LAPACK:/iUSE_LAPACK=True' \
- -e 's:/usr/local/include/atlas:/usr/include/atlas:g' \
- -e "s:/usr/local/lib/atlas:/usr/$(get_libdir):g" \
- -e 's:f77blas:blas:g' \
+ -e '/^if USE_LAPACK:/iUSE_LAPACK = True' \
+ -e "s:\['/usr/local/lib/atlas'\]:$(pkgconf_cfg --libs-only-L cblas lapack):g" \
+ -e "s:\[\"/usr/local/include/atlas\"\]:$(pkgconf_cfg --cflags-only-I cblas lapack):g" \
+ -e "s:\['lapack', 'cblas', 'f77blas', 'atlas', 'g2c', 'm'\]:$(pkgconf_cfg --libs-only-l cblas lapack):g" \ || die "sed for lapack failed"
- # fix gfortran for > gcc-4
- if [[ "${FORTRANC}" == gfortran ]]; then
- sed -i \
- -e "s:g2c:gfortran:g" \
- || die "sed for gfortran failed"
- fi
- if [[ "${mycblas}" == reference ]]; then
- sed -i \
- -e "s:'atlas',::g" \
- -e "s:include/atlas:include/cblas:g" \
- || die "sed for reference lapack failed"
- fi
- ${python} config --gencode || die "API code generation failed"
+ "${python}" config --gencode || die "API code generation failed"
src_test() {
cd build/lib*
cp "${S}"/Lib/testdata.fits numarray
PYTHONPATH=. "${python}" -c \
- "from numarray.testall import test;import sys;sys.exit(test())" \
- > test.log
+ "from numarray.testall import test;import sys;sys.exit(test())" 2>&1 \
+ | tee test.log
grep -q -i failed test.log && die "failed tests in ${PWD}/test.log"
rm -f numarray/testdata.fits test*.*
@@ -115,7 +88,7 @@ src_install() {
if use doc; then
insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
- doins -r Examples
- dohtml ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${DOC_PV}/* || die "dohtml failed"
+ doins -r Examples || die "install examples failed"
+ dohtml "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${DOC_PV}/* || die "dohtml failed"