diff options
authorHans de Graaff <>2009-05-31 09:54:31 +0000
committerHans de Graaff <>2009-05-31 09:54:31 +0000
commit56abda09a97efce1e49f1653c2cc691cdb124dbd (patch)
treeb15727ccfbceab963772724b3f5ec533df15552e /gnome-extra
parentUpdate linguas detection code to work as expected. (diff)
Fix Twitter API. Remove unused amarok USE flag.
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'gnome-extra')
5 files changed, 200 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/ChangeLog b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/ChangeLog
index 1f2c8074b671..9bd3c62b952a 100644
--- a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/ChangeLog
+++ b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/ChangeLog,v 1.10 2009/05/31 09:34:26 graaff Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2009/05/31 09:54:31 graaff Exp $
+*gnome-do-plugins- (31 May 2009)
+ 31 May 2009; Hans de Graaff <>
+ metadata.xml, +gnome-do-plugins-,
+ +files/gnome-do-plugins-
+ Fix usage of Twitter API. Remove unused amarok USE flag.
31 May 2009; Hans de Graaff <>
-gnome-do-plugins-0.4.0.ebuild, -gnome-do-plugins-0.8.0.ebuild:
diff --git a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/Manifest b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/Manifest
index 27c1b97037f5..8a7ee75620c2 100644
--- a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/Manifest
+++ b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/Manifest
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@ Hash: SHA1
AUX do-plugins-optional-ext-dep.patch 2966 RMD160 009b31e113a0391526e57b9633480556a5c20c1c SHA1 7d86df9c49a1ec158d79a0122964407b4225e749 SHA256 673aee913e0feb7c1f95589cb191adcfde334f76ef9b6ade8d9cd9433a8374a6
AUX gnome-do-plugins- 1326 RMD160 280fe89320ed294e2515cdbdfd7a90c6928ae70c SHA1 65becdb772dbfd55705205de60baeb4dadb4bebe SHA256 3ff3578c86c9af745ebcb028b57f20605ca24da797a058cd9a5dbb0b284d17dc
+AUX gnome-do-plugins- 5382 RMD160 8b0bace5f586fca0b0de923db316ed24fed2f583 SHA1 c397c25d6d51db46e14dd0054894d8244c33c65e SHA256 6c3c7ac12f1234f002b48bad6fe2a1ac5a81ddfdb56251429820d4f16d860f97
DIST gnome-do-plugins- 5622684 RMD160 041b558902cba9702d27555968946cdad56a55e7 SHA1 2f315b5afff36e85fe60cafe380bee78b7f6cb72 SHA256 f17c13622188d7d2b54d20fddbb92476627f5bbf57b86402fdbe9ce78048bd5c
+EBUILD gnome-do-plugins- 2247 RMD160 a251ce257fdcad5f52d72ac0e5b8fb9ffe24ccf7 SHA1 af5bfe28a4140c74e33aa58004b4ec719ead09b2 SHA256 6b85609b25a1462a029a12433b1acdd0c864f4ba72d2f3694e73c82f711f4362
EBUILD gnome-do-plugins- 1844 RMD160 161ff99451aea16144f36659b5e0005bb57b88f6 SHA1 71b30dc129b91b4cf3a8a1564dbbfb2cbe963889 SHA256 ac94a2fd02210c294143b9fb8a07d7d0bd16d7416e95ff96453c48bbae4a0e5a
-MISC ChangeLog 2238 RMD160 1017d6a42c9835c2a1ceaa0f59a14611f069e123 SHA1 ec0e6bf32958b45908f994d71f7e1c2bb4b63e8b SHA256 09d9c150e6c35088ede6c6dd7ce58b76c471bc6033b74375c716ff32832cb0d5
-MISC metadata.xml 432 RMD160 2209c0aa07908d300cad5c0d8e24150aae5fe34e SHA1 2774874fdada592b2f663d395f0bebb9e9530310 SHA256 9615f6c89c73b63329efdc9816efb9190ad650b3c939bb8f318f05961f1973b9
+MISC ChangeLog 2505 RMD160 b107583f7e54c5c984682a5ede4eee8235b9ca22 SHA1 bd3f313d4b579d2f766549548c2f61ee3303f849 SHA256 d1a4dd37ceff942253b1b3c3e2a107980b0501305a1bde3b0bfe12943b000caf
+MISC metadata.xml 342 RMD160 38bba7429f28f3e746e88f1de9b7853ef524fed6 SHA1 76e8b7b08c918e90c0d75ed0eaa218ee92dea74d SHA256 4d00c07e0d1f11f18ca92b628e2044be07c26ebbb0cb6dd13fcdd291e5591959
Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/files/gnome-do-plugins- b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/files/gnome-do-plugins-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d286c49aba04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/files/gnome-do-plugins-
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Patch taken from upstream bug report to fix twitter by using the new API.
+=== modified file 'Microblogging/src/MicroblogClient.cs'
+--- Microblogging/src/MicroblogClient.cs 2009-02-28 19:53:07 +0000
++++ Microblogging/src/MicroblogClient.cs 2009-04-13 04:10:11 +0000
+@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
+ readonly string FailedPostMsg = Catalog.GetString ("Unable to post tweet. Check your login settings. If you "
+ + "are behind a proxy make sure that the settings in /system/http_proxy are correct.");
+- const int UpdateTimelineTimeout = 30 * 1000;
+- const int UpdateContactsTimeout = 10 * 60 * 1000;
+- const int CheckForMessagesTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000;
++ const int UpdateTimelineTimeout = 60 * 1000; // every 60 seconds
++ const int UpdateContactsTimeout = 30 * 1000 * 60; // every 30 minutes
++ const int CheckForMessagesTimeout = 5 * 1000 * 60; // every 5 minutespr
+ #endregion
+@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
+ static MicroblogClient ()
+ {
++ Log<MicroblogClient>.Debug ("Using limited version!!!~~~~~");
+ PhotoDirectory = new [] { Services.Paths.UserDataDirectory, "Microblogging", "photos"}.Aggregate (Path.Combine);
+ }
+@@ -121,11 +122,13 @@
+ newContacts = new List<FriendItem> ();
+ friends = blog.User.Friends ();
+ } catch (TwitterizerException e) {
++ Log.Error("{0} {1}", e.RequestData.ResponseException.Message, e.RequestData.ResponseException.StackTrace);
+ Log<MicroblogClient>.Debug (GenericErrorMsg, "UpdateContacts", e.Message);
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (TwitterUser friend in friends) {
++ Log<MicroblogClient>.Error ("we had friendzzz");
+ if (friend.Status != null) {
+ status = new MicroblogStatus (friend.Status.ID, friend.Status.Text, friend.ScreenName, friend.Status.Created);
+ newContact = new FriendItem (friend.ID, friend.ScreenName, status);
+=== modified file 'Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/MethodClasses/TwitterStatusMethods.cs'
+--- Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/MethodClasses/TwitterStatusMethods.cs 2009-02-28 16:16:48 +0000
++++ Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/MethodClasses/TwitterStatusMethods.cs 2009-04-13 04:10:11 +0000
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
+ string actionUri = (Parameters == null ? Twitter.Urls.FriendsTimelineUrl : Parameters.BuildActionUri(Twitter.Urls.FriendsTimelineUrl));
+ Data.ActionUri = new Uri(actionUri);
+ Data = Request.PerformWebRequest(Data);
+ return Data.Statuses;
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
+ Data.ActionUri = new Uri(
+ string.Format(Twitter.Urls.UpdateUrl, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Status), InReplyToStatusID));
+- Data = Request.PerformWebRequest(Data);
++ Data = Request.PerformWebRequest(Data, "POST");
+ return Data.Statuses[0];
+ }
+=== modified file 'Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/MethodClasses/TwitterUserMethods.cs'
+--- Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/MethodClasses/TwitterUserMethods.cs 2008-12-11 04:16:01 +0000
++++ Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/MethodClasses/TwitterUserMethods.cs 2009-04-13 04:10:11 +0000
+@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public TwitterUserCollection Friends(TwitterParameters Parameters)
+ {
++ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Goona get friends");
+ // page 0 == page 1 is the start
+ TwitterRequest Request = new TwitterRequest();
+ TwitterRequestData Data = new TwitterRequestData();
+@@ -95,9 +96,9 @@
+ string actionUri = (Parameters == null ? Twitter.Urls.FriendsUrl : Parameters.BuildActionUri(Twitter.Urls.FriendsUrl));
+ Data.ActionUri = new Uri(actionUri);
++ Console.Error.WriteLine ("GOING TO GET EM");
+ Data = Request.PerformWebRequest(Data);
++ Console.Error.WriteLine ("I have {0} frienz", Data.Users.Count);
+ return Data.Users;
+ }
+ }
+=== modified file 'Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/TwitterRequest.cs'
+--- Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/TwitterRequest.cs 2008-12-11 04:16:01 +0000
++++ Microblogging/src/Twitterizer/Twitterizer.Framework/TwitterRequest.cs 2009-04-13 04:10:11 +0000
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ {
+ public TwitterRequestData PerformWebRequest(TwitterRequestData Data)
+ {
+- PerformWebRequest(Data, "POST");
++ PerformWebRequest(Data, "GET");
+ return (Data);
+@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
+ public TwitterRequestData PerformWebRequest(TwitterRequestData Data, string HTTPMethod)
+ {
+- HttpWebRequest Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Data.ActionUri);
++ Console.Error.WriteLine ("Posting {0} via {1}", Data.ActionUri, HTTPMethod);
++ HttpWebRequest Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Data.ActionUri);
+ Request.Method = HTTPMethod;
+@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@
+ {
+ XmlDocument ResultXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
+ ResultXmlDocument.LoadXml(Data.Response);
+ if (ResultXmlDocument.DocumentElement != null)
+ switch (ResultXmlDocument.DocumentElement.Name.ToLower())
+ {
diff --git a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/gnome-do-plugins- b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/gnome-do-plugins-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b7c120edde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/gnome-do-plugins-
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/gnome-do-plugins-,v 1.1 2009/05/31 09:54:31 graaff Exp $
+inherit eutils autotools gnome2 mono versionator
+PVC=$(get_version_component_range 1-3)
+DESCRIPTION="Plugins to put the Do in Gnome Do"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="banshee evo"
+ dev-dotnet/wnck-sharp
+ banshee? ( >=media-sound/banshee-1.4.2 )
+ evo? ( dev-dotnet/evolution-sharp )"
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ dev-util/monodevelop"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # Fix use of Twitter API in Microblogging plugin.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-update-twitter-api.patch"
+ sed -i -r -e "/(FLICKR|Flickr)/d"
+ use banshee || sed -i -r -e "/(BANSHEE|Banshee)/d"
+ use evo || sed -i -r -e "/(EVOLUTION|Evolution)/d"
+ eautoreconf
+ econf --enable-debug=no --enable-release=yes || die "configure failed"
+ # The make system is unfortunately broken for parallel builds and
+ # upstream indicated on IRC that they have no intention to fix
+ # that.
+ emake -j1 || die "make failed"
+ ewarn "Plugin handling has changed since gnome-do 0.4."
+ ewarn "If you install the gnome-do-plugins package you will have local copies"
+ ewarn "of the plugins, but you still need to manually enable them in Preferences."
+ ewarn "Also note that plugins installed from upstream may not be compatible with"
+ ewarn "your system. When in doubt check the output from gnome-do itself".
+ ewarn "Old plugins may not be compatible either."
+ ewarn "Check ~/.local/share/gnome-do/ if you have problems with plugins."
+ # To be removed when bumping from
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "This revision contains an update for the Microblogging.dll plugin."
+ ewarn "You will need to copy the updated version from /usr/share/gnome-do/plugins"
+ ewarn "to ~/.local/share/gnome-do/plugins-${PV}/addins/Do.Microblog.1.0/ manually"
diff --git a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/metadata.xml b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/metadata.xml
index 1fbbfe71e8c1..c23c14f98950 100644
--- a/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/metadata.xml
+++ b/gnome-extra/gnome-do-plugins/metadata.xml
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
- <flag name='amarok'>Enables the Amarok (<pkg>media-sound/amarok</pkg>)
- plugin</flag>
<flag name="banshee">Enables the Banshee (<pkg>media-sound/banshee</pkg>) plugin</flag>