diff options
authorChí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>2013-05-15 18:05:19 +0000
committerChí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>2013-05-15 18:05:19 +0000
commit9d54527809154d0a37702a62cac629e175fded48 (patch)
treeae414ca0dc402d1a9c381566d0a2a75a6d6fd41a /media-libs/mesa
parentrevbump 4.2.1-r3; updated security patches, bump 4.2.2; updated security patches (diff)
New snapshot.
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'media-libs/mesa')
-rw-r--r--media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130515.ebuild (renamed from media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130427.ebuild)2
5 files changed, 12 insertions, 849 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/ChangeLog b/media-libs/mesa/ChangeLog
index 24a2502316a1..5f307d9be94d 100644
--- a/media-libs/mesa/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-libs/mesa/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for media-libs/mesa
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/ChangeLog,v 1.472 2013/05/14 15:25:31 chithanh Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/ChangeLog,v 1.473 2013/05/15 18:05:08 chithanh Exp $
+*mesa-9.2_pre20130515 (15 May 2013)
+ 15 May 2013; Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>
+ +mesa-9.2_pre20130515.ebuild, -mesa-9.2_pre20130404.ebuild,
+ -mesa-9.2_pre20130427.ebuild, -mesa-9.2_pre20130509.ebuild:
+ New snapshot.
14 May 2013; Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <>
diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/Manifest b/media-libs/mesa/Manifest
index 3d033b3bc7f0..63ee38133d9a 100644
--- a/media-libs/mesa/Manifest
+++ b/media-libs/mesa/Manifest
@@ -21,10 +21,7 @@ DIST mesa-8.0.4-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2 2380 SHA256 bad7443e7163b87b3c14f8f565
DIST mesa-9.1-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2 1162 SHA256 f068c3ee3a97da8107ee1f96801e92076ad87224086c97c42ebca2cb0b7407ac SHA512 cc55fa3eb4ec66eaba8f441687942520304556d5ead6cf08cdbf0d23efbc271c71ab728de803aa992a1ee5f0f9c231ebc638a09782a49b738e52b89a8468981a WHIRLPOOL 1483eccaeb918bdb68ec493ac925d21c366d26ad7a222d9fe4f7fa44724fd7183079e42f42ba8e85cb7f4fd15b3a0c091cd477954e85071b5f562f4fe0356113
DIST mesa-9.1-gentoo-patches-03.tar.bz2 2416 SHA256 0d149d6f414c3b632e6903a11aee9fa1e626f76c94901d16cf2d8b4e6a0be748 SHA512 f35b8f2ed3c71d35e6ccdcf1e7184016e46fcb634730472a4303b37c6e749dac5ff157cb3a49dc74506f6843b0c882ede18e12593b9abfb0ff79e9dcc4964a6e WHIRLPOOL 10ceb792987307a3fcd2a4a98dacd5caeeb9e2eadd82e839b6e3e0479f653f36f464f0553f4cd64bd8369f38f342a937b1a84cf6ad6ef77bb7eac13ba9c20a2c
DIST mesa-9.1-gentoo-patches-05.tar.bz2 3301 SHA256 975ff594dc1eb2aa46f8079b3bd3e2e34d08c47c6c76c66ece6c967c40278d63 SHA512 5f4393d09108d520130e7bc5e0513a73581b16682ad9826f7828a1aa052ca0f2841f9b1fcae43cc108f0ba6c54ae131504603f2e422ca3b71aceb337019a2256 WHIRLPOOL 6e640d2d660e9dd669497f378810c12913e64a2623a66a31e73cdf3e55a3d71c94a039f7e3c4ab8aaf23720ab85e7dbf7649cac7d64ab9cd5ff2f24840d31b02
-DIST mesa-9.2_pre20130404-gentoo-patches-01.tar.bz2 14890 SHA256 0e9d0c707494ae96a39e028659c4a013d11110d19ecb791a0a999222ee49885f SHA512 1eec47fc3a7b3511d64634350b51cb646fd3272e3b713c0e59a4a09dfa9cd8d56fe3a75423e6b31b69b6b0c73f86ac3a444e9a296296e2cb2608bfd3cb96a7fd WHIRLPOOL d01f6c022693aa308b7376092fd5f6f119cb182ee8fa15e8cf6b3035a6a292a9ee676b8f545f8fdfa5674625a9cfe5b86c25a3936b6c82c9c08627d424aa7b7f
-DIST mesa-9.2_pre20130404.tar.xz 4655504 SHA256 59fd8b0ab0adf35949a8111d5d535969b9d741b0a9bcaab3a8b73c59a51652b2 SHA512 f82bcaf5aad872666061029ee098c553784f868ec24612acb362337d3e5174323edff975886b5ee9517d50f2df08c9ebccbafad11850bdad95115725a9beeec5 WHIRLPOOL bbc423dcbe3a4ebdd1fe381a526f3aff5bd609b2d50354ff0f8b957f4d66c12cd108f1becf7a9f1d0a3d836ce5379bae3eae3882d6877f0c29d78898bcfee379
-DIST mesa-9.2_pre20130427.tar.xz 4793628 SHA256 288e2f284c6933240654ef70a1957e515bb5d0b58f73add52e3487c19c180f7a SHA512 653cadd8003a1345b19485a24b8cd01f99f327dc34722e81827d7d67e0d79995ed390e20524b29dab43581d7feea5bbb8562b0f77addf9384c0634b1150d619a WHIRLPOOL ad0a8b2215869c3de0fcccaf9396dda3179eea7a8fa70e5d656b8e2a5b5cfff8c1c097706036ec9a9b84a73989458c3589da6cf7038560d5144ba96bd321136f
-DIST mesa-9.2_pre20130509.tar.xz 4875084 SHA256 b315050b90aa68d0ffdcab4094b254b9a7029ccc4487b564e8502d417fe67131 SHA512 a40aa105ab46ddbb4aad46025e35ca496286e9a120d54db212945aaf60bf4502834447c62670f1da4ad3b833ca03bf3a421466188d3c66aeda50a75cf6f8f761 WHIRLPOOL 2c056458a84cac1f5d8d3e4a37a162e54851bf4d6d7369ab08dcea4a93ee6b02d21a34f744b0367e1df056b780935c3d380a94caf13cce3da7c89bc07d9df09e
+DIST mesa-9.2_pre20130515.tar.xz 4880352 SHA256 bf563bbc93f03e4912268d403c040c4213f7ab4b4628198400d90f13dc84945c SHA512 a98c03fd3801dbfef1551821a9e837731dfce75158fd852d3ae8313dd5e38da3977b603d287e8128caa84518aec0a46104fd643338f60797572397177489fd85 WHIRLPOOL 7bbaba58fec30e55d050e7a7ea08a479d4ccc3befa6ca4bb2532134000eac45079fe5aae293b36c02d1ae5b7398fd6e0ad0cb3be759596c6321e76eae498b6b4
EBUILD mesa-7.10.3.ebuild 9838 SHA256 f88db0ff29bc43c9f51249306a3fc0eae5f6209b7bdff15cae8d0286906e4811 SHA512 4ab516b5150eb4e1dd4845c92c1e0473c4343cfd00627a8ee4061e391e5419de4e5229b57b2443d8ae38bc7a3cb51819d3628b7c7aeab35bd70d08e2009c6435 WHIRLPOOL 6a55bf7e5f09b18df524923f263db04c55f61714696ce3981a145b0d61e06cd2b94e83b94b6aa359dbafea381e2c58a4f5f4e3fa9515876967c3ab609e3db116
EBUILD mesa-7.11.2.ebuild 9988 SHA256 e50e8ef022edd0a19b6463be04be8bd2e91859bf4c064003681faeb94ab2e438 SHA512 936df08a1fbfddcf13c33a9c2cf762644d0b8fc18136fa59840b5c50657ba2177397b6ee53329a3009abb8270e7c725011231fc45724b158cba078899705cc27 WHIRLPOOL 594f01c08f8488054a1ce886e518b2feec0b542914289193967b64d77cacb8c5664d4225408c353e26eec6655107be53071370a04cfa0ddef33775f93fe5b55d
EBUILD mesa-8.0.4-r1.ebuild 10866 SHA256 5c32dea8910a194a5f68fd6cbbd67a2b2228d4b8d9566e4e69fe843c1a4e24c8 SHA512 81cbf5cf54519d725054466315284bc00bf1d66b12f32449c10f97f6f3d10fbbc7209929103982e8c438376d438093e52a4ee19ea7f8e3bc026bafbf3e355893 WHIRLPOOL 0b6c6e9d4f9ed99684f3a9113eefee06e0af0832350dd6a664dc723703178047611404081fcf968322e5e34cb3d724bf5cdba9dc2fca43ff1e941b14395141cc
@@ -35,8 +32,6 @@ EBUILD mesa-9.1.1.ebuild 10990 SHA256 95e5c318bde526b82c419737bc73d451be47357a16
EBUILD mesa-9.1.2-r1.ebuild 11003 SHA256 59395fee2e217f55a5fa72ad52e0854ddf02e6484191fd2de387a2396fb648bb SHA512 54a148d0d07d771f00804da6c5793195723d1d041d574a5ac95e7ad3fb35ed3a692ffe67e9c27eadd97f795def85fcc7464f02bf0baef97bc2f6790c4eaaa2e7 WHIRLPOOL 4e2c72b08d7c3e66a88ed703ae8701a61c3ab479acc81a69898bce5823783c3d71efc66babc98e79a89d19282fd9bd051a6c56fcf191cc6e21d3e560879626e7
EBUILD mesa-9.1.2.ebuild 11000 SHA256 a6ffe032d225f5e0c4c437dbf3dde3fdfdbc73ba183ba69e88e75fb9a470e07a SHA512 f6104ec1c8a897f1b09bece843a13533c2dcd9971100e104d619bd39f23d89d2a1fcf5fc7bbb569c68557d0d98aafd9fd59dfab1dae48cfb3a68a16b0784f74e WHIRLPOOL 100625331ff49721407ced8b0e69dbfc282850319a0e7fffbc1833ccfc2a776348872bee2c597ff83c474b5051e3d51a0718473e108293963f0cf6a990f7a2ac
EBUILD mesa-9.1.ebuild 10988 SHA256 97e819e9c0b614157c773b9d0209ff66b1a3af4a28a7437f4eb5b1feb44e981f SHA512 71c1654787e4b6cdc925eea13901687c8ca7333766c629e236ba3deb46eb0ff063dc8621a0d3fe164f5d3b80381efaa2ff8ccf40268b4ca346da115d903a1516 WHIRLPOOL b6e8fe21ed317b23e24b2c9e2693820906e74c3593f1b1d0f9f65cb3154a2d6dac96555616be629be8ad3a059ea955198703fa91c1dfb676187bae173351f8a9
-EBUILD mesa-9.2_pre20130404.ebuild 11003 SHA256 895e15b0a070ea1929d2336d8b6da3877d63468a47f0f57316ed4652c67c7d9d SHA512 0ba8c8232ed32080db4145f96460dd5897bdc59816eeea4d2526e16aa8aa1f56593276cf6e16e4ace9b5980ece46faf89473451153b2ee1201125d75c0c28d13 WHIRLPOOL 5f7bd3f515b2e9d8a05e981380f8f9dea1d8fc6a1692e06e70e0a4ea114a3b7f09e1408d7f6919ee3413b2d2f7ec72d2ddfb2204123cf7868c713db86ea240e8
-EBUILD mesa-9.2_pre20130427.ebuild 11022 SHA256 8816a73fa8ce96564cf744daf3ecebf95deff70cd942db467eb004fffc494edf SHA512 6b3e510d32fe496cf5e884031e6a0861a542dcd1275a6057fa58487377ee66e00de2123ac162ce73885ea7376d972f5756a472607c74659a1fbf40b1acb15c49 WHIRLPOOL 46e17f573d7107bdca2d2d46ad30abec509b838ef9f26f0bcbffc6792e59da7d7aeb98b422415afe392020c33a3b26be662b40474048aa6742fa32c2ba449123
-EBUILD mesa-9.2_pre20130509.ebuild 11022 SHA256 1623500462a03fdc91996ff838d7450efd11de07788a8f96e25c4fe33ffce997 SHA512 dc9daf3fef0583b4179cc395510cd74c8ff82c2035ad862c51da92fb683547d7bf0e8fd2c0efbe9eb992bbbdab13c6c0c2828f3bc083cf21f129115e30b860e6 WHIRLPOOL f67ec074d51c1d2a88aad68579eb65a97818c19c47b6371d8c660f3f14bd23f351f5351516de364b63d84b778e044cb94ea682a22f83dca47ec1b13b53687f67
-MISC ChangeLog 76936 SHA256 285e2707d5daf8cfc4b9f87a423c86e2cb9c2a5a9ca6ea6cb0fd9cd06d9df83c SHA512 62c64c3d9eb63a764c8b6936daa1a2e634f3998a487bcb473d520420ec383bd7c0046c71bade9327b76af99dd3e49795e38eacd7c45a181e2ee0a15bbba2675b WHIRLPOOL d180d392ba39f9da134639c0484db7e50e29b565c70af7e2a95780d61cb2a2d821c60086d68935316b3655cc4f0e2a7a4ac3e182a961236b1a31143b1ef669c9
+EBUILD mesa-9.2_pre20130515.ebuild 11022 SHA256 8a6c728eb4814762511c095133693c67e6cdb4d8a660df1ff3c6eef117baf412 SHA512 c48bdeedf222ce0478456272747711fcb8093f0163638018e7d211413d6e2d16c152dc5234cb3ff778ba6426f9596c53722a175ae754f152121a77bdb0a7ea89 WHIRLPOOL 97853466baa061a6a291aca8ec09bed14dd9c29c5c70f2341f5af1dd3d1605cbd861ea1eca86028429bbe1122318dc2936cd4dc406fdabbb7d8739b9df8903e5
+MISC ChangeLog 77183 SHA256 5a3909d7ee93e1154b581bf88ef7a2c905cc6d03821239f7aeaf843bd7646335 SHA512 ebd43a34b7f6c93d91f73d6fd57fb236a29e9b705d866385cdb41a377caf204fa987d85b93f8a3ca40f1e36532101dc75996557eb6f32060de2c622f319c4ebf WHIRLPOOL d394fc60e28ead0067d6dfbb89830cd96eb17e97e0b751bb4a2d5904f6cd3746162c736f54f07e076f3c4c39147b1b2af0c411902a2caeafb99d798fa01050d0
MISC metadata.xml 1986 SHA256 7a518f3eb77d4b51d4dc5c5cd347bebdc2c849e43d17d1057afeae6be2dc13ad SHA512 1dccfd236b8b8e39560d5056281e774979cd8e2299623b34c2e0f0d9e1ae84906932cfbc0ab15bdd1effc1d82cb484ca4d23acf7cd8d849a33a82f9ee2c60b90 WHIRLPOOL 14e19a3782775f7ca600526f1bf852ed55e328585b7e095a8ab239697ca351f812bf914205166faf714420d179ac7e36b6d1b10fe74188a028c580d40640e31c
diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130404.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130404.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f2e3fec9fa9..000000000000
--- a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130404.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130404.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/04/05 22:02:10 chithanh Exp $
-if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then
- GIT_ECLASS="git-2"
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
-inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS}
-DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux"
-if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz
-# The code is MIT/X11.
-# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel"
-RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi"
-for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do
- IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}"
- bindist +classic debug +egl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl
- openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau
- wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD"
- llvm? ( gallium )
- openvg? ( egl gallium )
- gbm? ( shared-glapi )
- gles1? ( egl )
- gles2? ( egl )
- r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) )
- xa? ( gallium )
- xorg? ( gallium )
- video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_i965? ( classic )
- video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_r100? ( classic )
- video_cards_r200? ( classic )
- video_cards_r300? ( gallium )
- video_cards_r600? ( gallium )
- video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm )
- video_cards_vmware? ( gallium )
-# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep
-# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg
- !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7
- !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3
- classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa )
- gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa )
- >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.7
- dev-libs/expat
- gbm? ( virtual/udev )
- >=x11-libs/libX11-
- x11-libs/libXdamage
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXxf86vm
- >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8.1
- vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 )
- wayland? ( >=dev-libs/wayland-1.0.3 )
- xorg? (
- x11-base/xorg-server:=
- x11-libs/libdrm[libkms]
- )
- xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 )
- ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?]
-for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do
- video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] )
- "
-for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do
- video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] )
- "
- llvm? (
- >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9
- r600-llvm-compiler? ( sys-devel/llvm[video_cards_radeon] )
- video_cards_radeonsi? ( sys-devel/llvm[video_cards_radeon] )
- )
- dev-libs/libxml2[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- virtual/pkgconfig
- >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6
- >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1
- >=x11-proto/xextproto-
- x11-proto/xf86driproto
- x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
-# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow
-# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot
-# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs
-pkg_setup() {
- # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545
- use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- default
- [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-* "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" || die
-src_prepare() {
- # apply patches
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then
- EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
- EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- epatch
- fi
- # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch
- # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956
- [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch
- # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then
- sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" || die
- fi
- # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887
- sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die
- base_src_prepare
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if use classic; then
- # Configurable DRI drivers
- driver_enable swrast
- # Intel code
- driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915
- driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965
- if ! use video_cards_i915 && \
- ! use video_cards_i965; then
- driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965
- fi
- # Nouveau code
- driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau
- # ATI code
- driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon
- driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200
- if ! use video_cards_r100 && \
- ! use video_cards_r200; then
- driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200
- fi
- fi
- if use egl; then
- myconf+="
- --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm")
- $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl)
- "
- fi
- if use gallium; then
- myconf+="
- $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm)
- $(use_enable openvg)
- $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler)
- $(use_enable vdpau)
- $(use_enable xvmc)
- "
- gallium_enable swrast
- gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga
- gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau
- gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915
- if ! use video_cards_i915; then
- gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915
- fi
- gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300
- gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600
- gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi
- if ! use video_cards_r300 && \
- ! use video_cards_r600; then
- gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600
- fi
- fi
- # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956
- if use pax_kernel; then
- myconf+="
- $(use_enable x86 glx-rts)
- "
- fi
- # build fails with BSD indent, bug #428112
- use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat
- econf \
- --enable-dri \
- --enable-glx \
- $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable egl) \
- $(use_enable gbm) \
- $(use_enable gles1) \
- $(use_enable gles2) \
- $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \
- $(use_enable osmesa) \
- $(use_enable !pic asm) \
- $(use_enable shared-glapi) \
- $(use_enable xa) \
- $(use_enable xorg) \
- --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \
- --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- base_src_install
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die
- if use !bindist; then
- dodoc docs/patents.txt
- fi
- # Install config file for eselect mesa
- insinto /usr/share/mesa
- newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf
- # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib
- # because user can eselect desired GL provider.
- ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching"
- local x
- local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/"
- dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL}
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do
- if [ -d ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- eend $?
- if use classic || use gallium; then
- ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching"
- local gallium_drivers=( )
- keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa
- for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do
- if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then
- mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/}" \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/"
- if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then
- insopts -m0755
- doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed"
- ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed"
- # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect
- for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}"
- fi
- done
- popd
- eend $?
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Switch to the xorg implementation.
- echo
- eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR}
- # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11
- OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)"
- if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then
- eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR}
- eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM}
- fi
- # Select classic/gallium drivers
- if use classic || use gallium; then
- eselect mesa set --auto
- fi
- # warn about patent encumbered texture-float
- if use !bindist; then
- elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was"
- elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation."
- fi
- local using_radeon r_flag
- for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do
- if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then
- using_radeon=1
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then
- elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install"
- elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice"
- elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run."
- fi
-# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag
-# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable
-# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation
-driver_enable() {
- case $# in
- # for enabling unconditionally
- 1)
- DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1"
- ;;
- *)
- if use $1; then
- shift
- for i in $@; do
- DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}"
- done
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-gallium_enable() {
- case $# in
- # for enabling unconditionally
- 1)
- ;;
- *)
- if use $1; then
- shift
- for i in $@; do
- done
- fi
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130509.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130509.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b5ef18300818..000000000000
--- a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130509.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130509.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/05/09 20:15:10 chithanh Exp $
-if [[ ${PV} = 9999* ]]; then
- GIT_ECLASS="git-2"
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_6,2_7} )
-inherit base autotools multilib flag-o-matic python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs ${GIT_ECLASS}
-DESCRIPTION="OpenGL-like graphic library for Linux"
-if [[ $PV = 9999* ]]; then
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz
-# The code is MIT/X11.
-# GLES[2]/gl[2]{,ext,platform}.h are SGI-B-2.0
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~ia64-linux ~x86-linux ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-INTEL_CARDS="i915 i965 intel"
-RADEON_CARDS="r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon radeonsi"
-for card in ${VIDEO_CARDS}; do
- IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS+=" video_cards_${card}"
- bindist +classic debug +egl +gallium gbm gles1 gles2 +llvm +nptl
- openvg osmesa pax_kernel pic r600-llvm-compiler selinux +shared-glapi vdpau
- wayland xvmc xa xorg kernel_FreeBSD"
- llvm? ( gallium )
- openvg? ( egl gallium )
- gbm? ( shared-glapi )
- gles1? ( egl )
- gles2? ( egl )
- r600-llvm-compiler? ( gallium llvm || ( video_cards_r600 video_cards_radeon ) )
- wayland? ( egl )
- xa? ( gallium )
- xorg? ( gallium )
- video_cards_intel? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_i915? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_i965? ( classic )
- video_cards_nouveau? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_radeon? ( || ( classic gallium ) )
- video_cards_r100? ( classic )
- video_cards_r200? ( classic )
- video_cards_r300? ( gallium )
- video_cards_r600? ( gallium )
- video_cards_radeonsi? ( gallium llvm )
- video_cards_vmware? ( gallium )
-# keep correct libdrm and dri2proto dep
-# keep blocks in rdepend for binpkg
- !<x11-base/xorg-server-1.7
- !<=x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3
- classic? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa )
- gallium? ( app-admin/eselect-mesa )
- >=app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.2.7
- dev-libs/expat
- gbm? ( virtual/udev )
- >=x11-libs/libX11-
- x11-libs/libXdamage
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXxf86vm
- >=x11-libs/libxcb-1.8.1
- vdpau? ( >=x11-libs/libvdpau-0.4.1 )
- wayland? ( >=dev-libs/wayland-1.0.3 )
- xorg? (
- x11-base/xorg-server:=
- x11-libs/libdrm[libkms]
- )
- xvmc? ( >=x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.6 )
- ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_nouveau?,video_cards_vmware?]
-for card in ${INTEL_CARDS}; do
- video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_intel] )
- "
-for card in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do
- video_cards_${card}? ( ${LIBDRM_DEPSTRING}[video_cards_radeon] )
- "
- llvm? (
- >=sys-devel/llvm-2.9
- r600-llvm-compiler? ( sys-devel/llvm[video_cards_radeon] )
- video_cards_radeonsi? ( sys-devel/llvm[video_cards_radeon] )
- )
- dev-libs/libxml2[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- virtual/pkgconfig
- >=x11-proto/dri2proto-2.6
- >=x11-proto/glproto-1.4.15-r1
- >=x11-proto/xextproto-
- x11-proto/xf86driproto
- x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto
-# It is slow without texrels, if someone wants slow
-# mesa without texrels +pic use is worth the shot
-# Think about: ggi, fbcon, no-X configs
-pkg_setup() {
- # workaround toc-issue wrt #386545
- use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- default
- [[ $PV = 9999* ]] && git-2_src_unpack
- mv "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-* "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}" || die
-src_prepare() {
- # apply patches
- if [[ ${PV} != 9999* && -n ${SRC_PATCHES} ]]; then
- EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
- EPATCH_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/patches" \
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- epatch
- fi
- # relax the requirement that r300 must have llvm, bug 380303
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.1-dont-require-llvm-for-r300.patch
- # fix for hardened pax_kernel, bug 240956
- [[ ${PV} != 9999* ]] && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/glx_ro_text_segm.patch
- # Solaris needs some recent POSIX stuff in our case
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] ; then
- sed -i -e "s/-DSVR4/-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L/" || die
- fi
- # Tests fail against python-3, bug #407887
- sed -i 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python2|' src/glsl/tests/compare_ir || die
- base_src_prepare
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if use classic; then
- # Configurable DRI drivers
- driver_enable swrast
- # Intel code
- driver_enable video_cards_i915 i915
- driver_enable video_cards_i965 i965
- if ! use video_cards_i915 && \
- ! use video_cards_i965; then
- driver_enable video_cards_intel i915 i965
- fi
- # Nouveau code
- driver_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau
- # ATI code
- driver_enable video_cards_r100 radeon
- driver_enable video_cards_r200 r200
- if ! use video_cards_r100 && \
- ! use video_cards_r200; then
- driver_enable video_cards_radeon radeon r200
- fi
- fi
- if use egl; then
- myconf+="
- --with-egl-platforms=x11$(use wayland && echo ",wayland")$(use gbm && echo ",drm")
- $(use_enable gallium gallium-egl)
- "
- fi
- if use gallium; then
- myconf+="
- $(use_enable llvm gallium-llvm)
- $(use_enable openvg)
- $(use_enable r600-llvm-compiler)
- $(use_enable vdpau)
- $(use_enable xvmc)
- "
- gallium_enable swrast
- gallium_enable video_cards_vmware svga
- gallium_enable video_cards_nouveau nouveau
- gallium_enable video_cards_i915 i915
- if ! use video_cards_i915; then
- gallium_enable video_cards_intel i915
- fi
- gallium_enable video_cards_r300 r300
- gallium_enable video_cards_r600 r600
- gallium_enable video_cards_radeonsi radeonsi
- if ! use video_cards_r300 && \
- ! use video_cards_r600; then
- gallium_enable video_cards_radeon r300 r600
- fi
- fi
- # x86 hardened pax_kernel needs glx-rts, bug 240956
- if use pax_kernel; then
- myconf+="
- $(use_enable x86 glx-rts)
- "
- fi
- # build fails with BSD indent, bug #428112
- use userland_GNU || export INDENT=cat
- econf \
- --enable-dri \
- --enable-glx \
- $(use_enable !bindist texture-float) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable egl) \
- $(use_enable gbm) \
- $(use_enable gles1) \
- $(use_enable gles2) \
- $(use_enable nptl glx-tls) \
- $(use_enable osmesa) \
- $(use_enable !pic asm) \
- $(use_enable shared-glapi) \
- $(use_enable xa) \
- $(use_enable xorg) \
- --with-dri-drivers=${DRI_DRIVERS} \
- --with-gallium-drivers=${GALLIUM_DRIVERS} \
- ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- base_src_install
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} + || die
- if use !bindist; then
- dodoc docs/patents.txt
- fi
- # Install config file for eselect mesa
- insinto /usr/share/mesa
- newins "${FILESDIR}/eselect-mesa.conf.8.1" eselect-mesa.conf
- # Move libGL and others from /usr/lib to /usr/lib/opengl/blah/lib
- # because user can eselect desired GL provider.
- ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching"
- local x
- local gl_dir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${OPENGL_DIR}/"
- dodir ${gl_dir}/{lib,extensions,include/GL}
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/lib{EGL,GL*,OpenVG}.{la,a,so*}; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/lib \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glext.h,glxext.h}; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include/GL \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/include/{EGL,GLES*,VG,KHR}; do
- if [ -d ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${ED}${gl_dir}"/include \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- eend $?
- if use classic || use gallium; then
- ebegin "Moving DRI/Gallium drivers for dynamic switching"
- local gallium_drivers=( )
- keepdir /usr/$(get_libdir)/dri
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/mesa
- for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do
- if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/gallium/${x}" ]; then
- mv -f "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x}" "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/${x/}" \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- insinto "/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/"
- if [ -f "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}" ]; then
- insopts -m0755
- doins "${S}/$(get_libdir)/${x}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- for x in "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri/*.so; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- mv -f "${x}" "${x/dri/mesa}" \
- || die "Failed to move ${x}"
- fi
- done
- pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/dri || die "pushd failed"
- ln -s ../mesa/*.so . || die "Creating symlink failed"
- # remove symlinks to drivers known to eselect
- for x in ${gallium_drivers[@]}; do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]; then
- rm "${x}" || die "Failed to remove ${x}"
- fi
- done
- popd
- eend $?
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Switch to the xorg implementation.
- echo
- eselect opengl set --use-old ${OPENGL_DIR}
- # switch to xorg-x11 and back if necessary, bug #374647 comment 11
- OLD_IMPLEM="$(eselect opengl show)"
- if [[ ${OPENGL_DIR}x != ${OLD_IMPLEM}x ]]; then
- eselect opengl set ${OPENGL_DIR}
- eselect opengl set ${OLD_IMPLEM}
- fi
- # Select classic/gallium drivers
- if use classic || use gallium; then
- eselect mesa set --auto
- fi
- # warn about patent encumbered texture-float
- if use !bindist; then
- elog "USE=\"bindist\" was not set. Potentially patent encumbered code was"
- elog "enabled. Please see patents.txt for an explanation."
- fi
- local using_radeon r_flag
- for r_flag in ${RADEON_CARDS}; do
- if use video_cards_${r_flag}; then
- using_radeon=1
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ ${using_radeon} = 1 ]] && ! has_version media-libs/libtxc_dxtn; then
- elog "Note that in order to have full S3TC support, it is necessary to install"
- elog "media-libs/libtxc_dxtn as well. This may be necessary to get nice"
- elog "textures in some apps, and some others even require this to run."
- fi
-# $1 - VIDEO_CARDS flag
-# other args - names of DRI drivers to enable
-# TODO: avoid code duplication for a more elegant implementation
-driver_enable() {
- case $# in
- # for enabling unconditionally
- 1)
- DRI_DRIVERS+=",$1"
- ;;
- *)
- if use $1; then
- shift
- for i in $@; do
- DRI_DRIVERS+=",${i}"
- done
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-gallium_enable() {
- case $# in
- # for enabling unconditionally
- 1)
- ;;
- *)
- if use $1; then
- shift
- for i in $@; do
- done
- fi
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130427.ebuild b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130515.ebuild
index e71c9162b9bf..d26f24ce66ea 100644
--- a/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130427.ebuild
+++ b/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130515.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130427.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/04/28 13:47:45 chithanh Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/mesa/mesa-9.2_pre20130515.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/05/15 18:05:08 chithanh Exp $