diff options
authorPatrick Lauer <>2009-05-22 21:14:48 +0000
committerPatrick Lauer <>2009-05-22 21:14:48 +0000
commitbaad07980b55ab9f00dd0b91652ccf5fd44a7017 (patch)
tree22f6631806ed97797a003f33e869adbc5c789913 /net-irc
parentSRC_URI fix for 2.3.2, fixes #269086 (diff)
Bump to 0.4.2
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc33/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'net-irc')
3 files changed, 131 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/net-irc/quassel/ChangeLog b/net-irc/quassel/ChangeLog
index 5db0473003b3..d1669e2c4e91 100644
--- a/net-irc/quassel/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-irc/quassel/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-irc/quassel
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-irc/quassel/ChangeLog,v 1.50 2009/04/27 20:34:51 scarabeus Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-irc/quassel/ChangeLog,v 1.51 2009/05/22 21:14:48 patrick Exp $
+*quassel-0.4.2 (22 May 2009)
+ 22 May 2009; Patrick Lauer <> +quassel-0.4.2.ebuild:
+ Bump to 0.4.2
27 Apr 2009; Tomas Chvatal <> quassel-9999:
Introduce italian translation for live ebuild. Lovercase local var.
diff --git a/net-irc/quassel/Manifest b/net-irc/quassel/Manifest
index e022cf5b90e8..2aeb4db7dcaa 100644
--- a/net-irc/quassel/Manifest
+++ b/net-irc/quassel/Manifest
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ AUX quasselcore.conf 386 RMD160 01ce00964866419ea2b11c4f23d09a6542d32ccd SHA1 13
AUX quasselcore.init 1521 RMD160 f43a3c29f97cc44a6348d9ebf378d0531342cb05 SHA1 a7acf78a66a048a6cdc4cac54dae1f7e7d3d5b3f SHA256 eae2f4d8fb0a13f1bd449ea21d0493b9dcbed1df3417039ebf7b8c999f9a4a51
DIST quassel-0.4.0.tar.bz2 3012967 RMD160 1529bdde49f05b2f9da0bcef6c4605da28074b7c SHA1 2f4f272d6e532ad0cee313ad089fe67b182ad466 SHA256 5703cc0e5d28e2eddffaf885087b34c8df2431a3ab590f8f79b5199759115487
DIST quassel-0.4.1.tar.bz2 3046742 RMD160 d7405d1ecec662e5a1323946f6a9b5761a39f6e1 SHA1 95705e4d09b34435d47328c4ac947102aef34751 SHA256 d79491906995b420da3c86fc9bf4370a2deec907560f66e8e33e540b14703ce2
+DIST quassel-0.4.2.tar.bz2 2997205 RMD160 d03f1b7d97d20e4c6f285e0c74ab354073c7f2e8 SHA1 7765f6318498b1607672a3f0e73ef6267be68a8e SHA256 60197b435c44d2c5fb5d07d7d3ece65b4f1162b4bcd9178af16fb0789dc0bbe9
EBUILD quassel-0.4.0-r1.ebuild 3590 RMD160 ee3288b5f2ed2b162b792e1df7556e960cc60a33 SHA1 6d8c741b3946644a799aeba81c64746184c9c62a SHA256 c75b47473b96a9cab9b96ee8ed84771c57f0527b94117e42812c754dba1306c2
EBUILD quassel-0.4.0-r2.ebuild 3647 RMD160 5b6fdf8898f3893c766df1520a16dbd5a5717e9b SHA1 4f9d3a5cfb4114651053b93dcdfa8ecc28bf8083 SHA256 9ee431dc1cb7f08d4869defff1cc6a6e7cb4b1f6f0c509f1697c543411b358d0
EBUILD quassel-0.4.1.ebuild 3629 RMD160 04df9163a4d1d6414cb9d7040739ecc6a5432ac0 SHA1 cae298870e395412ed0a7fb7d9940b9a8c43c7fe SHA256 be571411aa873e66910895564d1504d491ef86863ab2ef4b50d0c11bf1d9ef1f
+EBUILD quassel-0.4.2.ebuild 3629 RMD160 d83cac3987dff5c33c17dfb4a771d585d539020d SHA1 566e1c1819390524061f553258e0d0356428f5c5 SHA256 d1236edfed51d0d3c9930645f8d3cad0994c58c5c948dbe9d0dd6ade1cf7cf62
EBUILD quassel-9999.ebuild 3160 RMD160 23ddf2efd11b60301a7c339f7a0d34c91076cf5a SHA1 29767ad821ba0a6b18ef0914f05426fe65f3700b SHA256 ce1c85e549a38af9062ebbd6890c5179a48ffa2562b28ac328f3ceadc72d6b19
-MISC ChangeLog 9736 RMD160 cec64b87d1618896d9cbe278bb92ffde7dd030b5 SHA1 fd68b3c8355890723b11d764e1d6a910ec5fa0a5 SHA256 7915ba606a48c796a911fc7c6cc1297815bfc1255126aa740bde6675d4f535b9
+MISC ChangeLog 9854 RMD160 971426a2e261c92603cbc96a1c976d13c98d57e2 SHA1 0a1d8db04ae7a441254765cd37f0835d2041f20c SHA256 bad2ced7e35e8005ad3913feb496340c159358be1ee6fa487f2789f45de0a186
MISC metadata.xml 1569 RMD160 13153e6baac0747a9c4b7606a12121c7e3aac326 SHA1 562f75d3fb7734fb0f0cb2566216bc552e0ece85 SHA256 e6be6532135d9a65f789159ff71dfe987dc8e7ea710e2668dbf741738b15f24c
diff --git a/net-irc/quassel/quassel-0.4.2.ebuild b/net-irc/quassel/quassel-0.4.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f3983188417a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-irc/quassel/quassel-0.4.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-irc/quassel/quassel-0.4.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/05/22 21:14:48 patrick Exp $
+inherit cmake-utils eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Qt4/KDE4 IRC client suppporting a remote daemon for 24/7 connectivity."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="dbus debug kde monolithic +oxygen phonon +server +ssl webkit +X"
+LANGS="cs da de fr hu nb_NO ru sl tr"
+for l in ${LANGS}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${l}"
+ dbus? ( x11-libs/qt-dbus:4 )
+ monolithic? (
+ dev-db/sqlite[threadsafe]
+ x11-libs/qt-sql:4[sqlite]
+ x11-libs/qt-script:4
+ x11-libs/qt-gui:4
+ kde? ( >=kde-base/kdelibs-4.1 )
+ phonon? ( || ( media-sound/phonon x11-libs/qt-phonon ) )
+ webkit? ( x11-libs/qt-webkit:4 )
+ )
+ !monolithic? (
+ server? (
+ dev-db/sqlite[threadsafe]
+ x11-libs/qt-sql:4[sqlite]
+ x11-libs/qt-script:4
+ )
+ X? (
+ x11-libs/qt-gui:4
+ kde? ( >=kde-base/kdelibs-4.1 )
+ phonon? ( || ( media-sound/phonon x11-libs/qt-phonon ) )
+ webkit? ( x11-libs/qt-webkit:4 )
+ )
+ )
+ ssl? ( x11-libs/qt-core:4[ssl] )
+ "
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! use monolithic && ! use server && ! use X ; then
+ eerror "You have to build at least one of the monolithic client (USE=monolithic),"
+ eerror "the quasselclient (USE=X) or the quasselcore (USE=server)."
+ die "monolithic, server and X flag unset."
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ local MY_LANGUAGES=""
+ for i in ${LINGUAS}; do
+ done
+ local mycmakeargs="
+ $(cmake-utils_use_want X QTCLIENT)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_want server CORE)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_want monolithic MONO)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_with webkit WEBKIT)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_with phonon PHONON)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_with kde KDE)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_with dbus DBUS)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_with ssl OPENSSL)
+ $(cmake-utils_use_with oxygen OXYGEN)
+ "
+ cmake-utils_src_configure
+src_install() {
+ cmake-utils_src_install
+ if use server ; then
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/quasselcore-2.init quasselcore || die "newinitd failed"
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/quasselcore-2.conf quasselcore || die "newconfd failed"
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}/quassel.logrotate" quassel
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ doins "${S}"/scripts/ || die "installing failed"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use server ; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "In order to use the quassel init script you must set the"
+ ewarn "QUASSEL_USER variable in ${ROOT%/}/etc/conf.d/quasselcore to your username."
+ ewarn "Note: This is the user who runs the quasselcore and is independent"
+ ewarn "from the users you set up in the quasselclient."
+ elog
+ elog "Adding more than one user or changing username/password is not"
+ elog "possible via the quasselclient yet. If you need to do these things"
+ elog "you have to use the script, which has been installed in"
+ elog "${ROOT%/}/usr/share/doc/${PF}".
+ elog " provides"
+ elog "some information on using the script."
+ elog "To be sure nothing bad will happen you need to stop the quasselcore"
+ elog "before adding more users."
+ fi
+ if ( use server || use monolithic ) && use ssl ; then
+ elog
+ elog "Information on how to enable SSL support for client/core connections"
+ elog "is available at"
+ fi