diff options
authorDenis Dupeyron <>2007-07-11 09:21:04 +0000
committerDenis Dupeyron <>2007-07-11 09:21:04 +0000
commita4ad2464d1b8d0286419df7478e49c876fad4aef (patch)
treeb9c42880e658fbffff767bb2f39df036eb173252 /sci-electronics
parentversion bump - security bug #184934 (diff)
Version bump with yet another wxGTK-2.6 fix.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1.3_rc6
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-electronics')
5 files changed, 163 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sci-electronics/kicad/ChangeLog b/sci-electronics/kicad/ChangeLog
index 052a6cfdb8d0..72af187735a8 100644
--- a/sci-electronics/kicad/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-electronics/kicad/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-electronics/kicad
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-electronics/kicad/ChangeLog,v 1.25 2007/07/07 08:44:26 calchan Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-electronics/kicad/ChangeLog,v 1.26 2007/07/11 09:21:04 calchan Exp $
+*kicad-20070702 (11 Jul 2007)
+ 11 Jul 2007; Denis Dupeyron <>
+ +files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch, +kicad-20070702.ebuild:
+ Version bump with yet another wxGTK-2.6 fix.
07 Jul 2007; Denis Dupeyron <> kicad-20070115.ebuild,
diff --git a/sci-electronics/kicad/Manifest b/sci-electronics/kicad/Manifest
index 5ad36ae99157..4c3ed4c7990d 100644
--- a/sci-electronics/kicad/Manifest
+++ b/sci-electronics/kicad/Manifest
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
+AUX kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch 1529 RMD160 c4d8a9c7f329382d5fc6a3cc61e19b94f377d0af SHA1 f3a7c106dd527ea276483718c219657d56d55204 SHA256 f6a65d072933fa01124314916511724ec1e49fb54c37e0f8c7d1dbed9ab5b442
+MD5 11182676729b800d1872dc3d9476e405 files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch 1529
+RMD160 c4d8a9c7f329382d5fc6a3cc61e19b94f377d0af files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch 1529
+SHA256 f6a65d072933fa01124314916511724ec1e49fb54c37e0f8c7d1dbed9ab5b442 files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch 1529
DIST kicad-2007-01-15.tgz 61333975 RMD160 122313a847ab78bc8e7c796956b7df84e8c789d7 SHA1 347324baf943efb8ea6c21a709fefa1119aa0119 SHA256 10a2ada595dd84d54fbe013f3230894999996660916698eae78773fd168b4ba1
DIST kicad-2007-05-25.tgz 61657926 RMD160 64c2cba01bd35bffb6e58174a05a536f70bf42a5 SHA1 a61ac54711fe4b993b3e6687e135aad9825eaa70 SHA256 82e3396fe405676471032997ffab10d054a5a731baf2c2e16921efeb4be65f90
+DIST kicad-2007-07-02.tgz 62664384 RMD160 7f80fc895ab8f737216d88a61100acb089869b96 SHA1 84dea077cbd82b03142e58ae7268a317fd8656f7 SHA256 374ce89ef6b1baf29d59fabc835e90a6aa8caa9042c25c21cc0fab2011a0cef3
DIST kicad-20070115.tar.bz2 11653448 RMD160 3ca516324aabb8fd7b6038fba34603298bf612de SHA1 21d2e865c064173d8b346386b4ba7c9800fd383d SHA256 0c9cfb0241714207498a71122570e453389d977ad33942bac68cec154cfbed35
DIST kicad-20070525.tar.bz2 11075020 RMD160 96c019dfb9437d967d001a5343bcae2c4e9dea11 SHA1 df7fb34bf0ee2358633479cc6c98319afe9c3901 SHA256 cc5e776671a293ab8b67843957ec35a3820803556e5ff778b636e841b390a2d1
+DIST kicad-20070702.tar.bz2 11115678 RMD160 af141117d233c91ae930b8839cbd3cf4a997c821 SHA1 6cbc4c7e9259210a49d5cc252e12e800aac59e62 SHA256 91238183d588164397579fd3ff4b5531ffcd82d7d5fd36dd4ef5b2172aafeabc
EBUILD kicad-20070115.ebuild 3453 RMD160 9d527faf9475f35dcdd8b391d855b704d2d0b397 SHA1 18057f4324e9403b46259b79ccbb0e2126cb2279 SHA256 349f9b6efc8b60098d3c972d48d1b91a40d84ce075c15d8ca62431581b45df2b
MD5 9188829e9841734738e0b32bbe4a6c0d kicad-20070115.ebuild 3453
RMD160 9d527faf9475f35dcdd8b391d855b704d2d0b397 kicad-20070115.ebuild 3453
@@ -10,10 +16,14 @@ EBUILD kicad-20070525.ebuild 3916 RMD160 a6e1937d5595638c50e613b5c75bbdac19740f1
MD5 3ef09ff60c5df431ded228f7c2daad9a kicad-20070525.ebuild 3916
RMD160 a6e1937d5595638c50e613b5c75bbdac19740f13 kicad-20070525.ebuild 3916
SHA256 a803dede76f71ab5e75dc42a9d0ae48aee5d20bacf045e9dafa6474d728a06b9 kicad-20070525.ebuild 3916
-MISC ChangeLog 3726 RMD160 0d5b8132c3ca3ef7ebb0a9eca5b0279c8aeefc89 SHA1 3eed7acd1f5db3c78e1bf16bf584141b16f907e8 SHA256 8b4b20765e39da81de40d0d57c78c9031100474138a36feff96ff271c5d313ed
-MD5 0553a05b4113281b1c7a36c23c83663a ChangeLog 3726
-RMD160 0d5b8132c3ca3ef7ebb0a9eca5b0279c8aeefc89 ChangeLog 3726
-SHA256 8b4b20765e39da81de40d0d57c78c9031100474138a36feff96ff271c5d313ed ChangeLog 3726
+EBUILD kicad-20070702.ebuild 3987 RMD160 b081f374b7fb9b60be3bbc76c76adc45b11c4b18 SHA1 83234c4ce4596a168e587d714dfe19094d87e8bc SHA256 653b20bcedd36be877e3bbe6b8a6b4648b0ff8bf3f63e6a5f79a796d55729bb5
+MD5 e9ce0621559b6eefbc1c16c43b1d994d kicad-20070702.ebuild 3987
+RMD160 b081f374b7fb9b60be3bbc76c76adc45b11c4b18 kicad-20070702.ebuild 3987
+SHA256 653b20bcedd36be877e3bbe6b8a6b4648b0ff8bf3f63e6a5f79a796d55729bb5 kicad-20070702.ebuild 3987
+MISC ChangeLog 3921 RMD160 eba6443100c98721d962cfecfcd620f5c3047ece SHA1 71efc146597f1cb2d8e3b52c799dbf74c98bad57 SHA256 9222af2bdf6223eb403c0604fcf5f6fd24ca7622e3f39b75fc512db7c6bb8a5d
+MD5 88a1cb239f01712bdc0d96f7511a3f2a ChangeLog 3921
+RMD160 eba6443100c98721d962cfecfcd620f5c3047ece ChangeLog 3921
+SHA256 9222af2bdf6223eb403c0604fcf5f6fd24ca7622e3f39b75fc512db7c6bb8a5d ChangeLog 3921
MISC metadata.xml 339 RMD160 edfadf44bb7c0a6049e40379258ccfbe89b74b5f SHA1 387abeb29f7e875057901f84b2bdb77c4f942c2e SHA256 311ce02a24351429c5d83af4292d0b8fa315ffde140ba06ac64e6bf3c233d173
MD5 cf9f0a7798ab8fd2681122e170b0674c metadata.xml 339
RMD160 edfadf44bb7c0a6049e40379258ccfbe89b74b5f metadata.xml 339
@@ -24,3 +34,6 @@ SHA256 dd8d5e13aa3cbfe4af25b49383984395d510a236d33e2c70c52a46ac406a1258 files/di
MD5 0459fde8ae4b534edfb95bfadd1262bd files/digest-kicad-20070525 500
RMD160 c2b26fd7824bab248ca2c0c75ffab2ce6c2fd909 files/digest-kicad-20070525 500
SHA256 8a2b5683bbe2c1acf965dd478121c24febd8672acffd5b02d267d38ca96f7d89 files/digest-kicad-20070525 500
+MD5 6adf1cdcbd2fa9df5d491b841bb6714a files/digest-kicad-20070702 500
+RMD160 a675763dd4bcbe758a9dae13dec3f171f6ec4956 files/digest-kicad-20070702 500
+SHA256 92aeadaa0ee4ab0ef747d2fff2dd11ad85fc554279af65060298ddd4dab970ca files/digest-kicad-20070702 500
diff --git a/sci-electronics/kicad/files/digest-kicad-20070702 b/sci-electronics/kicad/files/digest-kicad-20070702
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e6e8b8784d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-electronics/kicad/files/digest-kicad-20070702
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 d394986d81addf7542cb0deecf5eb0ae kicad-2007-07-02.tgz 62664384
+RMD160 7f80fc895ab8f737216d88a61100acb089869b96 kicad-2007-07-02.tgz 62664384
+SHA256 374ce89ef6b1baf29d59fabc835e90a6aa8caa9042c25c21cc0fab2011a0cef3 kicad-2007-07-02.tgz 62664384
+MD5 0e3549491b97c9412725a04dd71e1489 kicad-20070702.tar.bz2 11115678
+RMD160 af141117d233c91ae930b8839cbd3cf4a997c821 kicad-20070702.tar.bz2 11115678
+SHA256 91238183d588164397579fd3ff4b5531ffcd82d7d5fd36dd4ef5b2172aafeabc kicad-20070702.tar.bz2 11115678
diff --git a/sci-electronics/kicad/files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch b/sci-electronics/kicad/files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59e3a3928e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-electronics/kicad/files/kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+diff -Ndur kicad-20070702/pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6/pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp
+--- kicad-20070702/pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp 2007-07-02 15:53:38.000000000 +0200
++++ kicad-20070702-wxGTK-2.6/pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp 2007-07-07 11:11:53.000000000 +0200
+@@ -279,11 +279,6 @@
+ wxString attribut_list[3] = { _("Normal"), _("Normal+Insert"), _("Virtual") };
+ m_AttributsCtrl = new wxRadioBox( m_PanelProperties, -1, _("Attributs"), wxDefaultPosition,
+ wxSize(-1,-1), 3, attribut_list, 1);
+- m_AttributsCtrl->SetItemToolTip(0, _("Use this attribute for most non smd components"));
+- m_AttributsCtrl->SetItemToolTip(1,
+- _("Use this attribute for smd components.\nOnly components with this option are put in the footprint position list file"));
+- m_AttributsCtrl->SetItemToolTip(2,
+- _("Use this attribute for \"virtual\" components drawn on board (like a old ISA PC bus connector)"));
+ PropRightSizer->Add(m_AttributsCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+ switch (m_CurrentModule->m_Attributs & 255)
+@@ -311,8 +306,6 @@
+ wxSize(-1,-1), 2, properties_list, 1);
+ m_AutoPlaceCtrl->SetSelection(
+ (m_CurrentModule->m_ModuleStatus & MODULE_is_LOCKED) ? 1 : 0);
+- m_AutoPlaceCtrl->SetItemToolTip(0, _("Enable hotkey move commands and Auto Placement"));
+- m_AutoPlaceCtrl->SetItemToolTip(1, _("Disable hotkey move commands and Auto Placement"));
+ PropRightSizer->Add(m_AutoPlaceCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+ StaticText = new wxStaticText(m_PanelProperties, -1, _("Rot 90"));
diff --git a/sci-electronics/kicad/kicad-20070702.ebuild b/sci-electronics/kicad/kicad-20070702.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a1acb1148306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-electronics/kicad/kicad-20070702.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-electronics/kicad/kicad-20070702.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/07/11 09:21:04 calchan Exp $
+inherit eutils wxwidgets
+DESCRIPTION="Electronic schematic and PCB design tools."
+ !minimal? (${PN}-${UPSTREAM_PV}.tgz )"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+IUSE="doc examples minimal unicode"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Tell wxwidgets.eclass which version we need
+ WX_GTK_VER="2.6"
+ # Check for proper wxGTK USE flags.
+ if use unicode; then
+ need-wxwidgets unicode || die "You need to install wxGTK with unicode support."
+ else
+ need-wxwidgets gtk2 || die "You need to install wxGTK with gtk2 support."
+ fi
+ built_with_use "=x11-libs/wxGTK-${WX_GTK_VER}*" opengl || die "You need to install wxGTK with opengl support."
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A} || die "unpack failed"
+ cd ${S}
+ # Use the chosen wx-config executable
+ sed -i -e "s:wx-config:${WX_CONFIG}:" libs.* || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e "s:wx-config:${WX_CONFIG}:" */makefile.* || die "sed failed"
+ # Some patching is required for wxGTK-2.6
+ if WX_GTK_VER="2.6" ; then
+ sed -i -e "s:wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT:wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT:" kicad/treeprj_frame.cpp || die "sed failed"
+ sed -i -e "s:, false ): ):" kicad/treeprj_datas.cpp || die "sed failed"
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-wxGTK-2.6.patch || die "patch failed"
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ # Build the main executables
+ emake -f makefile.gtk || die "make failed (main)"
+ # Minizip needs to be built independently
+ cd kicad/minizip
+ emake -f makefile.unx || die "make failed (minizip)"
+src_install() {
+ # kicad doesn't use the autotools yet
+ exeinto /usr/lib/${PN}/linux
+ doexe eeschema/eeschema || die "Installation failed"
+ doexe pcbnew/pcbnew || die "Installation failed"
+ doexe cvpcb/cvpcb || die "Installation failed"
+ doexe kicad/kicad || die "Installation failed"
+ doexe kicad/minizip/minizip || die "Installation failed"
+ doexe gerbview/gerbview || die "Installation failed"
+ exeinto /usr/lib/${PN}/linux/plugins
+ doexe eeschema/plugins/netlist_form_pads-pcb || die "Installation failed"
+ newicon kicad_icon.png kicad.png
+ make_wrapper kicad "/usr/lib/${PN}/linux/kicad"
+ make_desktop_entry kicad Kicad kicad.png Electronics
+ # kicad requires everything to be in the same place
+ cp -pPR library ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ cp -pPR internat ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ cp -pPR template ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ cp -pPR help ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ if ! use minimal ; then
+ cp -pPR ${WORKDIR}/kicad/library ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ cp -pPR ${WORKDIR}/kicad/modules ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ cp -pPR ${WORKDIR}/kicad/template ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ if use doc ; then
+ cp -pPR ${WORKDIR}/kicad/help ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ fi
+ if use examples ; then
+ cp -pPR ${WORKDIR}/kicad/demos ${D}/usr/lib/${PN}
+ fi
+ fi
+ dodoc author.txt copyright.txt news.txt contrib.txt version.txt
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use minimal ; then
+ ewarn "If the schematic and/or board editors complain about missing libraries when you open old projects,"
+ ewarn "you will have to take one or more of the following actions :"
+ ewarn "- Install the missing libraries manually."
+ ewarn "- Remove the libraries from the 'Libs and Dir' preferences."
+ ewarn "- Fix the libraries' locations in the 'Libs and Dir' preferences."
+ ewarn "- Emerge kicad without the 'minimal' USE flag."
+ else
+ elog "Please note that the PDF datasheets that can be linked to components from the default libraries"
+ elog "cannot be mirrored by Gentoo for legal reasons."
+ elog "If you want them, you need to download them yourself from :"
+ elog "${HOMEPAGE}"
+ elog "and install them manually."
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "You may want to emerge media-gfx/wings if you want to create 3D models of components."