diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics/scilab/scilab-2.7-r3.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/scilab/scilab-2.7-r3.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/scilab/scilab-2.7-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d8c40549aab8..000000000000
--- a/sci-mathematics/scilab/scilab-2.7-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-mathematics/scilab/scilab-2.7-r3.ebuild,v 1.4 2006/04/25 13:51:34 markusle Exp $
-inherit virtualx eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Scientific software package for numerical computations, Matlab lookalike"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64 ~ppc"
-IUSE="tcltk gtk ifc"
- sys-libs/ncurses
- tcltk? ( dev-lang/tk )
- x86? ( ifc? ( dev-lang/ifc ) )
- gtk? ( =x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*
- >=gnome-base/gnome-libs-1.4.2
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.2
- media-libs/jpeg
- media-libs/libpng
- sys-libs/zlib )"
-pkg_setup() {
- local SCLB
- SCLB=`which scilab`
- if [ -e "${SCLB}" ]; then
- ewarn "Previous version of scilab was detected on your system"
- ewarn "Unfortunately these versions cause problems for newer ones during update"
- ewarn 'Please uninstall it with "emerge unmerge scilab" before continuig'
- die
- fi
- if ! use ifc && [ -z `which g77` ]; then
- #if ifc is defined then the dep was already checked
- eerror "No fortran compiler found on the system!"
- eerror "Please add fortran to your USE flags and reemerge gcc!"
- die
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S} && unpack ${DISTFILES}/patch_browsehelp.tar.gz
- if [ ${ARCH} = "amd64" ]; then
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-configure.patch
- cd ${S}
- autoconf
- fi
-src_compile() {
- local myopts
- use tcltk || myopts="${myopts} --without-tk"
- use gtk && myopts="${myopts} --with-gtk" || myopts="${myopts} --without-gtk"
- econf ${myopts} || die "./configure failed"
- export HOME=${S}
- make all || die
-src_install() {
- ${P}/pvm3/Readme \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/pvm \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/pvmd \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/pvmtmparch \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/pvmgetarch \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/LINUX/pvmd3 \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/LINUX/pvmgs \
- ${P}/pvm3/lib/LINUX/pvm \
- ${P}/pvm3/bin/LINUX/*"
- ${P}/.binary \
- ${P}/.pvmd.conf \
- ${P}/CHANGES \
- ${P}/Makefile \
- ${P}/Makefile.OBJ \
- ${P}/Makefile.incl \
- ${P}/Makemex \
- ${P}/Path.incl \
- ${P}/README_Unix \
- ${P}/Version.incl \
- ${P}/configure \
- ${P}/libtool \
- ${P}/license.txt \
- ${P}/licence.txt \
- ${P}/scilab.quit \
- ${P}/ \
- ${P}/X11_defaults \
- ${P}/bin \
- ${P}/config \
- ${P}/contrib \
- ${P}/demos \
- ${P}/examples \
- ${P}/imp/ \
- ${P}/imp/giffonts \
- ${P}/macros \
- ${P}/man/eng/*.htm \
- ${P}/man/eng/*/*.htm \
- ${P}/man/fr/*/*.htm \
- ${P}/man/fr/*.htm \
- ${P}/man/*.dtd \
- ${P}/man/*/*.xsl \
- ${P}/maple \
- ${P}/routines/*.h \
- ${P}/routines/Make.lib \
- ${P}/routines/default/FCreate \
- ${P}/routines/default/Flist \
- ${P}/routines/default/README \
- ${P}/routines/default/fundef \
- ${P}/routines/default/*.c \
- ${P}/routines/default/*.f \
- ${P}/routines/default/*.h \
- ${P}/routines/graphics/Math.h \
- ${P}/routines/graphics/Graphics.h \
- ${P}/routines/graphics/Entities.h \
- ${P}/routines/interf/*.h \
- ${P}/routines/intersci/sparse.h \
- ${P}/routines/menusX/*.h \
- ${P}/routines/scicos/scicos.h \
- ${P}/routines/sun/*.h \
- ${P}/routines/xsci/*.h \
- ${P}/scripts \
- ${P}/tcl \
- ${P}/tests \
- ${P}/util"
- touch .binary
- strip bin/scilex
- cd ${S}/tests && make distclean
- cd ${S}/examples && make distclean
- dodir /usr/lib
- (cd ${S}/..; tar cf - ${BINDISTFILES} ${PVMBINDISTFILES} | (cd ${D}/usr/lib; tar xf -))
- rm .binary
- dodir /usr/bin
- dosym /usr/lib/${P}/bin/scilab /usr/bin/scilab
- dosym /usr/lib/${P}/bin/intersci /usr/bin/intersci
- dosym /usr/lib/${P}/bin/intersci-n /usr/bin/intersci-n
- #now scilab wants to create some wrappers, and we will need to adjust the paths
- cd ${D}/usr/lib/${P}
- make || die "wrapper creation failed"
- cd macros && make && cd .. || die macros creation failed
- grep -rle "${D}" * | xargs sed -i -e "s:${D}:/:g"