diff options
authorRepository mirror & CI <>2022-07-24 17:31:32 +0000
committerRepository mirror & CI <>2022-07-24 17:31:32 +0000
commit29919b8f18434a845fd11413f2dac2d332c6c174 (patch)
parent2022-07-24 17:16:40 UTC (diff)
parentdev-db/phpmyadmin: removed obsolete 4.9.6, 5.0.3 & 5.1.0 (all unsupported by ... (diff)
Merge updates from master
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/Manifest b/dev-db/phpmyadmin/Manifest
index 4a40b03ccce1..2ce0ee673fcd 100644
--- a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/Manifest
+++ b/dev-db/phpmyadmin/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
-DIST phpMyAdmin-4.9.6-all-languages.tar.xz 4978288 BLAKE2B 73f7cf5da8ec55fb39d5ea1c007d640f521c9b4490c820ef3f2660000f37af751d7e9a9d08d04405497b9e69642c53f6b28f5f84b5401e437bcf3419c2d2323b SHA512 4aa35ae627edfcf99af83a30e328b8b9ccdfa129ae9d16c2672ace234aa8a416ad8840af5bc9998e44b9e26b07abd195cfba1b4c784b0bc6509f5e8e548e62f1
-DIST phpMyAdmin-5.0.3-all-languages.tar.xz 6786864 BLAKE2B 737df7cc7c2bdeda89f81d2d5d61857f5f9c0f1e69c4679df6f728c0df8d50fde589971e5e4cd371f2f33d766cdd17cca5580ccb7b75cecb0122ce49dcf52a05 SHA512 e03b0fcd1998570c243a41bcb9e1bf46c1da8fdb99b8e54ba4de3e7e22ff0d847468f16137b011f22eb2ee58d92debd66f2f0ec1b403775aef879a3f8978ebf1
-DIST phpMyAdmin-5.1.0-all-languages.tar.xz 7902416 BLAKE2B 0b3e8f359e4b528474da8fe15b64f0dc5f82e3366402495c3ba65115852db8041bacdf274ae9e93d9ed9e4edba6c396031cc6f5684ca5a0f270ac1ca7e4d424d SHA512 b49f0c722ef3ea763d9a0eb1fa269717a81affbaf207b108f1cb085a44eae97d690da83fd18ea54477cfb08a646557285d24cd0568aa148b0207f78d17754192
DIST phpMyAdmin-5.1.1-all-languages.tar.xz 7751820 BLAKE2B 95d54893b7a7d8743769c0a91ef79c4fd22eb69acf2573f781295f20a39e7e667ff0623c900b68705f6fc9852f3b665adc3689c4c7d596c6cbcb78468d36e7e1 SHA512 22586bf9e37224f4a307564e8da73384cdc55d705063a487c17b3a02ab0a0454371d1349aad96b136395a72dff38409f8eac21ab9a7f3e5835ad85fc7854d59b
DIST phpMyAdmin-5.2.0-all-languages.tar.xz 7078212 BLAKE2B 184c5f1ca0d9fee4812d7f7847f7142887f39103cc629acd08183986f71a3069bfb89750c0e03f4a3a20d2ee767d37a281b14ec8d0ad50f44321620b0735023a SHA512 69658f94908e279e80f7cb76ac108090d704f27bc3f3206ff7d69c0aac4119ee42696ce66f98be6bc11e3532ca0d47916c1a2a8c915c3af6d1e5be6aa1d925a5
diff --git a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-4.9.6.ebuild b/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-4.9.6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 163c9511f454..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-4.9.6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit webapp
-DESCRIPTION="Web-based administration for MySQL database in PHP"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos"
- dev-lang/php[ctype,filter,json(+),session,unicode]
- || (
- dev-lang/php[mysqli]
- dev-lang/php[mysql]
- )
- virtual/httpd-php:*
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- dodoc README RELEASE-DATE-${MY_PV} ChangeLog
- if ! use setup; then
- rm -rf setup || die "Cannot remove setup utility"
- elog "The phpMyAdmin setup utility has been removed."
- elog "It is a regular target of various exploits. If you need it, set USE=setup."
- else
- elog "You should consider disabling the setup USE flag"
- elog "to exclude the setup utility if you don't use it."
- elog "It regularly is the target of various exploits."
- fi
- insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
- doins -r .
- webapp_configfile "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/libraries/config.default.php
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/libraries/config.default.php
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en-3.1.txt
- webapp_src_install
diff --git a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-5.0.3.ebuild b/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-5.0.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb21b3ed999..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-5.0.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit webapp
-DESCRIPTION="Web-based administration for MySQL database in PHP"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos"
- >=dev-lang/php-7.1[ctype,filter,json(+),session,unicode]
- || (
- dev-lang/php[mysqli]
- dev-lang/php[mysql]
- )
- virtual/httpd-php:*
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- dodoc README RELEASE-DATE-${MY_PV} ChangeLog
- if ! use setup; then
- rm -rf setup || die "Cannot remove setup utility"
- elog "The phpMyAdmin setup utility has been removed."
- elog "It is a regular target of various exploits. If you need it, set USE=setup."
- else
- elog "You should consider disabling the setup USE flag"
- elog "to exclude the setup utility if you don't use it."
- elog "It regularly is the target of various exploits."
- fi
- insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
- doins -r .
- webapp_configfile "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/libraries/config.default.php
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/libraries/config.default.php
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en-3.1.txt
- webapp_src_install
diff --git a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-5.1.0.ebuild b/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-5.1.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb21b3ed999..000000000000
--- a/dev-db/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin-5.1.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit webapp
-DESCRIPTION="Web-based administration for MySQL database in PHP"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos"
- >=dev-lang/php-7.1[ctype,filter,json(+),session,unicode]
- || (
- dev-lang/php[mysqli]
- dev-lang/php[mysql]
- )
- virtual/httpd-php:*
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- dodoc README RELEASE-DATE-${MY_PV} ChangeLog
- if ! use setup; then
- rm -rf setup || die "Cannot remove setup utility"
- elog "The phpMyAdmin setup utility has been removed."
- elog "It is a regular target of various exploits. If you need it, set USE=setup."
- else
- elog "You should consider disabling the setup USE flag"
- elog "to exclude the setup utility if you don't use it."
- elog "It regularly is the target of various exploits."
- fi
- insinto "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
- doins -r .
- webapp_configfile "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/libraries/config.default.php
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HTDOCSDIR#${EPREFIX}}"/libraries/config.default.php
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en-3.1.txt
- webapp_src_install