diff options
authorRepository mirror & CI <>2020-06-17 07:35:10 +0000
committerRepository mirror & CI <>2020-06-17 07:35:10 +0000
commit303e1254696b040eb98fcb277c846cc6baf53680 (patch)
parent2020-06-17 07:05:23 UTC (diff)
parentdev-lang/elixir: take src_test and src_install more verbose (diff)
Merge updates from master
11 files changed, 718 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/app-text/djvu/djvu-3.5.27-r2.ebuild b/app-text/djvu/djvu-3.5.27-r2.ebuild
index b47bdae9f2a5..7d5cff193fd3 100644
--- a/app-text/djvu/djvu-3.5.27-r2.ebuild
+++ b/app-text/djvu/djvu-3.5.27-r2.ebuild
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ SRC_URI="
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-solaris"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-solaris"
IUSE="debug doc jpeg tiff xml"
RDEPEND="jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
diff --git a/dev-cpp/yaml-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.6.3-r2.ebuild b/dev-cpp/yaml-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.6.3-r2.ebuild
index 5dd5c5e5e7a0..fb698430c412 100644
--- a/dev-cpp/yaml-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.6.3-r2.ebuild
+++ b/dev-cpp/yaml-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.6.3-r2.ebuild
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ppc ppc64 sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ppc ppc64 sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
# test breaks build
diff --git a/dev-lang/elixir/elixir-1.10.3.ebuild b/dev-lang/elixir/elixir-1.10.3.ebuild
index 12dc7c530fe1..47f8a8ca0780 100644
--- a/dev-lang/elixir/elixir-1.10.3.ebuild
+++ b/dev-lang/elixir/elixir-1.10.3.ebuild
@@ -27,12 +27,9 @@ DEPEND+="
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.10.3-no-Q.patch
-src_compile() {
- emake Q=""
src_install() {
emake DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" PREFIX="${EPREFIX}/usr" install
diff --git a/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.10.3-no-Q.patch b/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.10.3-no-Q.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3f55785839b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/elixir/files/elixir-1.10.3-no-Q.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Enable verbose builds by default.
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ERLC := erlc -I lib/elixir/include $(ERLC_OPTS)
+ ERL := erl -I lib/elixir/include -noshell -pa lib/elixir/ebin
+ GENERATE_APP := $(CURDIR)/lib/elixir/generate_app.escript
+ VERSION := $(strip $(shell cat VERSION))
+-Q := @
++Q :=
+ LIBDIR := lib
+ BINDIR := bin
+ INSTALL = install
diff --git a/dev-python/waitress/waitress-1.4.3.ebuild b/dev-python/waitress/waitress-1.4.3.ebuild
index 6b4f9b34a57e..8e2c18f679ae 100644
--- a/dev-python/waitress/waitress-1.4.3.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/waitress/waitress-1.4.3.ebuild
@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://pypi/${PN:0:1}/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 s390 sparc ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 s390 sparc ~x86"
distutils_enable_tests nose
diff --git a/games-board/gnuchess/gnuchess-6.2.7.ebuild b/games-board/gnuchess/gnuchess-6.2.7.ebuild
index fcc6d93607ca..e6d89be95c87 100644
--- a/games-board/gnuchess/gnuchess-6.2.7.ebuild
+++ b/games-board/gnuchess/gnuchess-6.2.7.ebuild
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/chess/${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ppc64 ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ppc64 ~x86"
src_configure() {
econf --without-readline # bug 491088
diff --git a/net-analyzer/zabbix/Manifest b/net-analyzer/zabbix/Manifest
index 66d2cc80bf27..9909011d7cae 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/zabbix/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/zabbix/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
DIST zabbix-3.0.31.tar.gz 14698394 BLAKE2B b8b5f94fe7fe08385b1b358c628b2047b437e6068dab8c3dbdab03e55e95e27f1b77ede4a1a57c4f79bf4a629d9dc5671bd144c002ace7c915f2fed382ac13b2 SHA512 35fec45667cdf217c2be21a164181f92f8f11ef9bcfb0c8dad914726e7c436bae5f8a97aebc3af82499e37125f4d1896ef74ad061a1ee3cbb674562c22a832b1
DIST zabbix-4.0.20.tar.gz 17215217 BLAKE2B 144b334e78b121d0ba01b285590a6d354ed54be8dcebc12216b51f9829dba98c76d122bb329efbf67931237636fe178ecf5dfd141954fe37d1063c24c3c6dcda SHA512 5f761ba8bd3eac67de9f8d3614ebf437a6a4cdad8f0bf961c8b4cbe39f13bafe64bdb58b6ba56f1a27304ebdaa32109447bd3328fd3e2fcc1aacde056fb1d5dd
+DIST zabbix-4.0.21.tar.gz 17300931 BLAKE2B c4063b4f8f58191837e48c1cf27be1cc0c2e020813724b236490e8f73c73404d55c34247cb145bd4fbad3537398a4a061e2de350c8f81f1c2ea5d1ff2cc9edeb SHA512 d5eac5474dcad005466200868fa4fab86abdd41eb9cf49bf6e7f52ae1e9fab82757d5a96f373154edd275bfa22461a8f7f2bbf70b419b2918e8dcf872818aa76
DIST zabbix-4.4.8.tar.gz 19457802 BLAKE2B 4cc566b744d500c5f3a95eeaebe5418ff58cf3852318f474991706b0f81d1a9b0a1b3793e3e28b99fc45f4a6bfb9281c4d42acb5bb8fc49c37802d3c245dd853 SHA512 bd850d4ec8f30b9bcd531d84606c900692be5b91424cb06f66cde24ed4634a93d25476010e4387b51933406c2552a611e2e7ec4691b57ca6c38fc874c4b1aef1
+DIST zabbix-4.4.9.tar.gz 19562839 BLAKE2B 04737c2b49eb1091359336339f2d2ad43c7d2df2aa6995f56fa91864beea95081f1b7981eff9aba2b9e75fc8208bdabeb57cc947c37a334ccd7dd6d91b908e3b SHA512 41ad54a57c7b4bfe467bb0dca16dabc609427b723aa0cbc988575f828fe8edcfbebda0a201a944f37e028afd9002da48bb6e32806dd215df9716e797926dea01
DIST zabbix-5.0.0.tar.gz 18519888 BLAKE2B 028fc41d4ce250c558130a631aaf385b0a944885a820f63aa3052738f767092ce71dfd65e52750dd61276b6171caa739eee5a5dea0002828a12035cc51a6f2d7 SHA512 056aee99d19def2f673813e29bb7869fa7906abe6956fddbeac359195167abe06add21ef08baf68a5ad6e256323a797e604cdd7828f34be2762daf7b31923984
DIST zabbix-5.0.1.tar.gz 18623104 BLAKE2B 3f2afcbf22f306e007ee1550de2bbd4c31b481b892bf490b21de22de96f66a568e0eaefe187400d1850f66bd10e622bd90e821974e61c3d750d86b8a6f2e5601 SHA512 66d16d6c8e0bac235b23bab9d6f5f5c29d96b508fd4834c16f82b7ca33591e36e44cd982e918c1c4736331d3f8c93535616c64be5596724842b1af5621508490
diff --git a/net-analyzer/zabbix/zabbix-4.0.21.ebuild b/net-analyzer/zabbix/zabbix-4.0.21.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..844a2e68741e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/zabbix/zabbix-4.0.21.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# needed to make webapp-config dep optional
+inherit flag-o-matic webapp java-pkg-opt-2 user systemd toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="+agent java curl frontend ipv6 xmpp ldap libxml2 mysql openipmi oracle +postgres proxy server ssh ssl snmp sqlite odbc static"
+REQUIRED_USE="|| ( agent frontend proxy server )
+ proxy? ( ^^ ( mysql oracle postgres sqlite odbc ) )
+ server? ( ^^ ( mysql oracle postgres odbc ) )
+ static? ( !oracle !snmp )"
+ curl? ( net-misc/curl )
+ java? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.8:* )
+ ldap? (
+ =dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2*
+ net-libs/gnutls
+ net-nds/openldap
+ )
+ libxml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+ openipmi? ( sys-libs/openipmi )
+ oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:* )
+ proxy? ( sys-libs/zlib )
+ server? (
+ dev-libs/libevent
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ )
+ snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite )
+ ssh? ( net-libs/libssh2 )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[-bindist] )
+ xmpp? ( dev-libs/iksemel )
+ java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.8:* )
+ mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ proxy? ( net-analyzer/fping[suid] )
+ server? (
+ app-admin/webapp-config
+ dev-libs/libevent
+ dev-libs/libpcre
+ net-analyzer/fping[suid]
+ )
+ frontend? (
+ app-admin/webapp-config
+ dev-lang/php:*[bcmath,ctype,sockets,gd,truetype,xml,session,xmlreader,xmlwriter,nls,sysvipc,unicode]
+ media-libs/gd[png]
+ virtual/httpd-php:*
+ mysql? ( dev-lang/php[mysqli] )
+ odbc? ( dev-lang/php[odbc] )
+ oracle? ( dev-lang/php[oci8-instant-client] )
+ postgres? ( dev-lang/php[postgres] )
+ sqlite? ( dev-lang/php[sqlite] )
+ )
+ static? (
+ curl? ( net-misc/curl[static-libs] )
+ ldap? (
+ =dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2*[static-libs]
+ net-libs/gnutls[static-libs]
+ net-nds/openldap[static-libs]
+ )
+ libxml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2[static-libs] )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c[static-libs] )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC[static-libs] )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:*[static-libs] )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite[static-libs] )
+ ssh? ( net-libs/libssh2 )
+ )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.0.18-modulepathfix.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.0.30-security-disable-PidFile.patch"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use oracle; then
+ if [ -z "${ORACLE_HOME}" ]; then
+ eerror
+ eerror "The environment variable ORACLE_HOME must be set"
+ eerror "and point to the correct location."
+ eerror "It looks like you don't have Oracle installed."
+ eerror
+ die "Environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not set"
+ fi
+ if has_version 'dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic'; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Please ensure you have a full install of the Oracle client."
+ ewarn "dev-db/oracle-instantclient* is NOT sufficient."
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use frontend; then
+ webapp_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ enewgroup zabbix
+ enewuser zabbix -1 -1 /var/lib/zabbix/home zabbix
+ java-pkg-opt-2_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable agent) \
+ $(use_enable ipv6) \
+ $(use_enable java) \
+ $(use_enable proxy) \
+ $(use_enable server) \
+ $(use_enable static) \
+ $(use_with curl libcurl) \
+ $(use_with ldap) \
+ $(use_with libxml2) \
+ $(use_with mysql) \
+ $(use_with odbc unixodbc) \
+ $(use_with openipmi openipmi) \
+ $(use_with oracle) \
+ $(use_with postgres postgresql) \
+ $(use_with snmp net-snmp) \
+ $(use_with sqlite sqlite3) \
+ $(use_with ssh ssh2) \
+ $(use_with ssl openssl) \
+ $(use_with xmpp jabber)
+src_compile() {
+ if [ -f Makefile ] || [ -f GNUmakefile ] || [ -f makefile ]; then
+ emake AR="$(tc-getAR)" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ local dirs=(
+ /etc/zabbix
+ /var/lib/zabbix
+ /var/lib/zabbix/home
+ /var/lib/zabbix/scripts
+ /var/lib/zabbix/alertscripts
+ /var/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
+ /var/log/zabbix
+ )
+ for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do
+ dodir "${dir}"
+ keepdir "${dir}"
+ done
+ if use server; then
+ insinto /etc/zabbix
+ doins "${S}"/conf/zabbix_server.conf
+ fperms 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-server.init zabbix-server
+ dosbin src/zabbix_server/zabbix_server
+ insinto /usr/share/zabbix
+ doins -r "${S}"/database/
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-server.service
+ systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-server.tmpfiles zabbix-server.conf
+ fi
+ if use proxy; then
+ insinto /etc/zabbix
+ doins "${S}"/conf/zabbix_proxy.conf
+ fperms 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-proxy.init zabbix-proxy
+ dosbin src/zabbix_proxy/zabbix_proxy
+ insinto /usr/share/zabbix
+ doins -r "${S}"/database/
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-proxy.service
+ systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-proxy.tmpfiles zabbix-proxy.conf
+ fi
+ if use agent; then
+ insinto /etc/zabbix
+ doins "${S}"/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf
+ fperms 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-agentd.init zabbix-agentd
+ dosbin src/zabbix_agent/zabbix_agentd
+ dobin \
+ src/zabbix_sender/zabbix_sender \
+ src/zabbix_get/zabbix_get
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-agentd.service
+ systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-agentd.tmpfiles zabbix-agentd.conf
+ fi
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix
+ fowners zabbix:zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/home \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/scripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/alertscripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/externalscripts \
+ /var/log/zabbix
+ fperms 0750 \
+ /etc/zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/home \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/scripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/alertscripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/externalscripts \
+ /var/log/zabbix
+ dodoc README INSTALL NEWS ChangeLog \
+ conf/zabbix_agentd.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_proxy.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_agentd/userparameter_examples.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_agentd/userparameter_mysql.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_server.conf
+ if use frontend; then
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ cp -R frontends/php/* "${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
+ webapp_configfile \
+ "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/include/ \
+ "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/include/
+ webapp_src_install
+ fi
+ if use java; then
+ dodir \
+ keepdir /${ZABBIXJAVA_BASE}
+ exeinto /${ZABBIXJAVA_BASE}/bin
+ doexe src/zabbix_java/bin/zabbix-java-gateway-${MY_PV}.jar
+ exeinto /${ZABBIXJAVA_BASE}/lib
+ doexe \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback-classic-0.9.27.jar \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback-console.xml \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback-core-0.9.27.jar \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback.xml \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/android-json-4.3_r3.1.jar \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-jmx-proxy.init zabbix-jmx-proxy
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-jmx-proxy.conf zabbix-jmx-proxy
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use server || use proxy ; then
+ elog
+ elog "You may need to configure your database for Zabbix"
+ elog "if you have not already done so."
+ elog
+ zabbix_homedir=$(egethome zabbix)
+ if [ -n "${zabbix_homedir}" ] && \
+ [ "${zabbix_homedir}" != "/var/lib/zabbix/home" ]; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "The user 'zabbix' should have his homedir changed"
+ ewarn "to /var/lib/zabbix/home if you want to use"
+ ewarn "custom alert scripts."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "A real homedir might be needed for configfiles"
+ ewarn "for custom alert scripts (e.g. ~/.sendxmpprc when"
+ ewarn "using sendxmpp for Jabber alerts)."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "To change the homedir use:"
+ ewarn " usermod -d /var/lib/zabbix/home zabbix"
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use server; then
+ elog
+ elog "For distributed monitoring you have to run:"
+ elog
+ elog "zabbix_server -n <nodeid>"
+ elog
+ elog "This will convert database data for use with Node ID"
+ elog "and also adds a local node."
+ elog
+ fi
+ elog "--"
+ elog
+ elog "You may need to add these lines to /etc/services:"
+ elog
+ elog "zabbix-agent 10050/tcp Zabbix Agent"
+ elog "zabbix-agent 10050/udp Zabbix Agent"
+ elog "zabbix-trapper 10051/tcp Zabbix Trapper"
+ elog "zabbix-trapper 10051/udp Zabbix Trapper"
+ elog
+ if use server || use proxy ; then
+ # check for fping
+ fping_perms=$(stat -c %a /usr/sbin/fping 2>/dev/null)
+ case "${fping_perms}" in
+ 4[157][157][157])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "If you want to use the checks 'icmpping' and 'icmppingsec',"
+ ewarn "you have to make /usr/sbin/fping setuid root and executable"
+ ewarn "by everyone. Run the following command to fix it:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " chmod u=rwsx,g=rx,o=rx /usr/sbin/fping"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Please be aware that this might impose a security risk,"
+ ewarn "depending on the code quality of fping."
+ ewarn
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
diff --git a/net-analyzer/zabbix/zabbix-4.4.9.ebuild b/net-analyzer/zabbix/zabbix-4.4.9.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3d4726270762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/zabbix/zabbix-4.4.9.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# needed to make webapp-config dep optional
+inherit flag-o-matic webapp java-pkg-opt-2 user systemd toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="ZABBIX is software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="+agent java curl frontend ipv6 ldap libxml2 mysql openipmi oracle +postgres proxy server ssh ssl snmp sqlite odbc static"
+REQUIRED_USE="|| ( agent frontend proxy server )
+ proxy? ( ^^ ( mysql oracle postgres sqlite odbc ) )
+ server? ( ^^ ( mysql oracle postgres odbc ) )
+ static? ( !oracle !snmp )"
+ curl? ( net-misc/curl )
+ java? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.8:* )
+ ldap? (
+ =dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2*
+ net-libs/gnutls
+ net-nds/openldap
+ )
+ libxml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC )
+ openipmi? ( sys-libs/openipmi )
+ oracle? ( dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:* )
+ proxy? ( sys-libs/zlib )
+ server? (
+ dev-libs/libevent
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ )
+ snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite )
+ ssh? ( net-libs/libssh2 )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[-bindist] )
+ java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.8:* )
+ mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ proxy? ( net-analyzer/fping[suid] )
+ server? (
+ app-admin/webapp-config
+ dev-libs/libevent
+ dev-libs/libpcre
+ net-analyzer/fping[suid]
+ )
+ frontend? (
+ app-admin/webapp-config
+ dev-lang/php:*[bcmath,ctype,sockets,gd,truetype,xml,session,xmlreader,xmlwriter,nls,sysvipc,unicode]
+ media-libs/gd[png]
+ virtual/httpd-php:*
+ mysql? ( dev-lang/php[mysqli] )
+ odbc? ( dev-lang/php[odbc] )
+ oracle? ( dev-lang/php[oci8-instant-client] )
+ postgres? ( dev-lang/php[postgres] )
+ sqlite? ( dev-lang/php[sqlite] )
+ )
+ static? (
+ curl? ( net-misc/curl[static-libs] )
+ ldap? (
+ =dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2*[static-libs]
+ net-libs/gnutls[static-libs]
+ net-nds/openldap[static-libs]
+ )
+ libxml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2[static-libs] )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c[static-libs] )
+ odbc? ( dev-db/unixODBC[static-libs] )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:*[static-libs] )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite[static-libs] )
+ ssh? ( net-libs/libssh2 )
+ )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4.0.18-modulepathfix.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.0.30-security-disable-PidFile.patch"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use oracle; then
+ if [ -z "${ORACLE_HOME}" ]; then
+ eerror
+ eerror "The environment variable ORACLE_HOME must be set"
+ eerror "and point to the correct location."
+ eerror "It looks like you don't have Oracle installed."
+ eerror
+ die "Environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not set"
+ fi
+ if has_version 'dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic'; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Please ensure you have a full install of the Oracle client."
+ ewarn "dev-db/oracle-instantclient* is NOT sufficient."
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use frontend; then
+ webapp_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ enewgroup zabbix
+ enewuser zabbix -1 -1 /var/lib/zabbix/home zabbix
+ java-pkg-opt-2_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable agent) \
+ $(use_enable ipv6) \
+ $(use_enable java) \
+ $(use_enable proxy) \
+ $(use_enable server) \
+ $(use_enable static) \
+ $(use_with curl libcurl) \
+ $(use_with ldap) \
+ $(use_with libxml2) \
+ $(use_with mysql) \
+ $(use_with odbc unixodbc) \
+ $(use_with openipmi openipmi) \
+ $(use_with oracle) \
+ $(use_with postgres postgresql) \
+ $(use_with snmp net-snmp) \
+ $(use_with sqlite sqlite3) \
+ $(use_with ssh ssh2) \
+ $(use_with ssl openssl)
+src_compile() {
+ if [ -f Makefile ] || [ -f GNUmakefile ] || [ -f makefile ]; then
+ emake AR="$(tc-getAR)" RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ local dirs=(
+ /etc/zabbix
+ /var/lib/zabbix
+ /var/lib/zabbix/home
+ /var/lib/zabbix/scripts
+ /var/lib/zabbix/alertscripts
+ /var/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
+ /var/log/zabbix
+ )
+ for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do
+ dodir "${dir}"
+ keepdir "${dir}"
+ done
+ if use server; then
+ insinto /etc/zabbix
+ doins "${S}"/conf/zabbix_server.conf
+ fperms 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-server.init zabbix-server
+ dosbin src/zabbix_server/zabbix_server
+ insinto /usr/share/zabbix
+ doins -r "${S}"/database/
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-server.service
+ systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-server.tmpfiles zabbix-server.conf
+ fi
+ if use proxy; then
+ insinto /etc/zabbix
+ doins "${S}"/conf/zabbix_proxy.conf
+ fperms 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-proxy.init zabbix-proxy
+ dosbin src/zabbix_proxy/zabbix_proxy
+ insinto /usr/share/zabbix
+ doins -r "${S}"/database/
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-proxy.service
+ systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-proxy.tmpfiles zabbix-proxy.conf
+ fi
+ if use agent; then
+ insinto /etc/zabbix
+ doins "${S}"/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf
+ fperms 0640 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-agentd.init zabbix-agentd
+ dosbin src/zabbix_agent/zabbix_agentd
+ dobin \
+ src/zabbix_sender/zabbix_sender \
+ src/zabbix_get/zabbix_get
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-agentd.service
+ systemd_newtmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-agentd.tmpfiles zabbix-agentd.conf
+ fi
+ fowners root:zabbix /etc/zabbix
+ fowners zabbix:zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/home \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/scripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/alertscripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/externalscripts \
+ /var/log/zabbix
+ fperms 0750 \
+ /etc/zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/home \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/scripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/alertscripts \
+ /var/lib/zabbix/externalscripts \
+ /var/log/zabbix
+ dodoc README INSTALL NEWS ChangeLog \
+ conf/zabbix_agentd.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_proxy.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_agentd/userparameter_examples.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_agentd/userparameter_mysql.conf \
+ conf/zabbix_server.conf
+ if use frontend; then
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ cp -R frontends/php/* "${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
+ webapp_configfile \
+ "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/include/ \
+ "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/include/
+ webapp_src_install
+ fi
+ if use java; then
+ dodir \
+ keepdir /${ZABBIXJAVA_BASE}
+ exeinto /${ZABBIXJAVA_BASE}/bin
+ doexe src/zabbix_java/bin/zabbix-java-gateway-${MY_PV}.jar
+ exeinto /${ZABBIXJAVA_BASE}/lib
+ doexe \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback-classic-0.9.27.jar \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback-console.xml \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback-core-0.9.27.jar \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/logback.xml \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/android-json-4.3_r3.1.jar \
+ src/zabbix_java/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-jmx-proxy.init zabbix-jmx-proxy
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/zabbix-jmx-proxy.conf zabbix-jmx-proxy
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use server || use proxy ; then
+ elog
+ elog "You may need to configure your database for Zabbix"
+ elog "if you have not already done so."
+ elog
+ zabbix_homedir=$(egethome zabbix)
+ if [ -n "${zabbix_homedir}" ] && \
+ [ "${zabbix_homedir}" != "/var/lib/zabbix/home" ]; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "The user 'zabbix' should have his homedir changed"
+ ewarn "to /var/lib/zabbix/home if you want to use"
+ ewarn "custom alert scripts."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "A real homedir might be needed for configfiles"
+ ewarn "for custom alert scripts."
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "To change the homedir use:"
+ ewarn " usermod -d /var/lib/zabbix/home zabbix"
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use server; then
+ elog
+ elog "For distributed monitoring you have to run:"
+ elog
+ elog "zabbix_server -n <nodeid>"
+ elog
+ elog "This will convert database data for use with Node ID"
+ elog "and also adds a local node."
+ elog
+ fi
+ elog "--"
+ elog
+ elog "You may need to add these lines to /etc/services:"
+ elog
+ elog "zabbix-agent 10050/tcp Zabbix Agent"
+ elog "zabbix-agent 10050/udp Zabbix Agent"
+ elog "zabbix-trapper 10051/tcp Zabbix Trapper"
+ elog "zabbix-trapper 10051/udp Zabbix Trapper"
+ elog
+ if use server || use proxy ; then
+ # check for fping
+ fping_perms=$(stat -c %a /usr/sbin/fping 2>/dev/null)
+ case "${fping_perms}" in
+ 4[157][157][157])
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "If you want to use the checks 'icmpping' and 'icmppingsec',"
+ ewarn "you have to make /usr/sbin/fping setuid root and executable"
+ ewarn "by everyone. Run the following command to fix it:"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn " chmod u=rwsx,g=rx,o=rx /usr/sbin/fping"
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "Please be aware that this might impose a security risk,"
+ ewarn "depending on the code quality of fping."
+ ewarn
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
diff --git a/net-misc/lldpd/lldpd-1.0.5-r1.ebuild b/net-misc/lldpd/lldpd-1.0.5-r1.ebuild
index 1223cf5d1a01..78bc6d770a65 100644
--- a/net-misc/lldpd/lldpd-1.0.5-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-misc/lldpd/lldpd-1.0.5-r1.ebuild
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
IUSE="cdp doc +dot1 +dot3 edp fdp graph +lldpmed old-kernel sanitizers
seccomp sonmp snmp static-libs test readline xml zsh-completion"
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
diff --git a/www-client/chromium/chromium-83.0.4103.106.ebuild b/www-client/chromium/chromium-83.0.4103.106.ebuild
index c2f3a8ec890a..2a4c9b76532c 100644
--- a/www-client/chromium/chromium-83.0.4103.106.ebuild
+++ b/www-client/chromium/chromium-83.0.4103.106.ebuild
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ SRC_URI="${P}
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~x86"
IUSE="+closure-compile component-build cups cpu_flags_arm_neon +hangouts kerberos pic +proprietary-codecs pulseaudio selinux +suid +system-ffmpeg +system-icu +system-libvpx +tcmalloc widevine"
RESTRICT="!system-ffmpeg? ( proprietary-codecs? ( bindist ) )"
REQUIRED_USE="component-build? ( !suid )"