diff options
authorConrad Kostecki <>2022-03-27 21:03:49 +0200
committerConrad Kostecki <>2022-04-02 20:34:41 +0200
commit39f5d9ced3065c61e00feab102aee122055e5b21 (patch)
parentacct-user/partimag: initial import (diff)
sys-block/partimage: update EAPI 6 -> 8
Also migrating to GLEP-81, fixing compilation with clang and correcting license. Closes: Closes: Closes: Signed-off-by: Conrad Kostecki <>
3 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-block/partimage/files/partimage-0.6.9-clang.patch b/sys-block/partimage/files/partimage-0.6.9-clang.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b6df8868d16e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-block/partimage/files/partimage-0.6.9-clang.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+--- a/src/client/gui_text.cpp
++++ b/src/client/gui_text.cpp
+@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
+ m_labelSplit = newtLabel(1, 12, i18n("Image split mode"));
+ m_radioSplitAuto = newtRadiobutton(1, 13, i18n("Automatic split (when no space left)"), !options.qwSplitSize, NULL);
+ m_radioSplitSize = newtRadiobutton(1, 14, i18n("Into files whose size is:............"), !!options.qwSplitSize, m_radioSplitAuto);
+- SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%"PRIu64"", (!!options.qwSplitSize) ? (options.qwSplitSize/1024/1024) : 2048);
++ SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%" PRIu64 "", (!!options.qwSplitSize) ? (options.qwSplitSize/1024/1024) : 2048);
+ m_editSplitSize = newtEntry(43, 14, szTemp, 8, NULL, 0);
+ m_labelSplitSizeKB = newtLabel(52, 14, i18n("MiB"));
+ m_checkSplitWait = newtCheckbox(1, 15, i18n("Wait after each volume change"), (!!options.bSplitWait ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL);
+@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
+ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Partition to save:...........%s"), szDevice);
+ m_labelPartition = newtLabel(1, 0, szTemp);
+- SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Size of the Partition:.......%s = %"PRIu64" bytes"), formatSize(qwPartSize, szTemp2), qwPartSize);
++ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Size of the Partition:.......%s = %" PRIu64 " bytes"), formatSize(qwPartSize, szTemp2), qwPartSize);
+ m_labelPartitionSize = newtLabel(1, 1, szTemp);
+ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Image file to create:........%s"), szImageFile);
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+ newtLabelSetText(m_labelImageFileSize, szTemp);
+ }
+- SNPRINTF (szTemp, i18n("Available space for image:...%s = %"PRIu64" bytes"), formatSize(qwFreeSpace, szTemp2), qwFreeSpace);
++ SNPRINTF (szTemp, i18n("Available space for image:...%s = %" PRIu64 " bytes"), formatSize(qwFreeSpace, szTemp2), qwFreeSpace);
+ newtLabelSetText(m_labelFreeSpace, szTemp);
+ //option -B gui=no
+@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@
+ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Partition to restore:.............%s"), szDevice);
+ m_labelPartition = newtLabel(1, 0, szTemp);
+- SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Size of partition to restore:.....%s = %"PRIu64" bytes"), formatSize(qwCurPartSize, szTemp2), qwCurPartSize);
++ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Size of partition to restore:.....%s = %" PRIu64 " bytes"), formatSize(qwCurPartSize, szTemp2), qwCurPartSize);
+ m_labelPartitionSize = newtLabel(1, 1, szTemp);
+ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Image file to use:................%s"), szImageFile);
+@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
+ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Image created on:.................%s\n"), asctime_portable(&dateCreate));
+ m_labelDate = newtLabel(1, 6, szTemp);
+- SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Size of the original partition:...%s = %"PRIu64" bytes"), formatSize(qwOrigPartSize, szTemp2), qwOrigPartSize);
++ SNPRINTF(szTemp, i18n("Size of the original partition:...%s = %" PRIu64 " bytes"), formatSize(qwOrigPartSize, szTemp2), qwOrigPartSize);
+ m_labelOriginalPartitionSize = newtLabel(1, 7, szTemp);
+ // stats
+--- a/src/client/imginfo.cpp
++++ b/src/client/imginfo.cpp
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+ {
+ snprintf(szText, nMaxTextLen, i18n("-------------------- MBR %.3d -------------------\n"
+ "Device:................%s\n"
+- "Device blocks count:...%"PRIu64"\n"
++ "Device blocks count:...%" PRIu64 "\n"
+ "Device model:..........%s\n\n"),
+ i, mbr->szDevice, mbr->qwBlocksCount, mbr->szDescModel);
+ }
+@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
+ snprintf(szText, nMaxTextLen, i18n("Volume number:.........%u\n"
+ "Volume size:...........%s\n"
+ "Compression level: ....%d -> %s\n"
+- "Identificator:.........%"PRIu64"=%"PRIX64"\n\n"),
++ "Identificator:.........%" PRIu64 "=%" PRIX64 "\n\n"),
+ head->dwVolumeNumber, formatSize(qwImageSize, cTemp), dwCompression,
+ szCompression, head->qwIdentificator, head->qwIdentificator);
+ }
+--- a/src/client/main.cpp
++++ b/src/client/main.cpp
+@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
+ case 'V': // split image into multiple files
+ options.qwSplitSize = (QWORD)atol(optarg) * 1024 * 1024;
+- fprintf (stderr, i18n("Volume size: %"PRIu64" bytes (%ld MiB)\n"),
++ fprintf (stderr, i18n("Volume size: %" PRIu64 " bytes (%ld MiB)\n"),
+ options.qwSplitSize, atol(optarg));
+ break;
+--- a/src/client/misc.cpp
++++ b/src/client/misc.cpp
+@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
+ image.closeReading(true);
+ throw excep;
+ }
+- SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%.3u: %s [%"PRIu64" blocks]", i, mbrOriginal[i].szDevice, mbrOriginal[i].qwBlocksCount);
++ SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%.3u: %s [%" PRIu64 " blocks]", i, mbrOriginal[i].szDevice, mbrOriginal[i].qwBlocksCount);
+ if (options->bBatchMode == false)
+ optGui.addMbr(szTemp, i);
+--- a/src/client/fs/fs_base.cpp
++++ b/src/client/fs/fs_base.cpp
+@@ -730,10 +730,10 @@
+ if (bShowBlocksInfo)
+ {
+- SNPRINTF(szBlocksInfo, i18n("Block size:...................%"PRIu64" bytes\n"
+- "Total blocks count:...........%"PRIu64"\n"
+- "Used blocks count:............%"PRIu64"\n"
+- "Free blocks count:............%"PRIu64"\n"),
++ SNPRINTF(szBlocksInfo, i18n("Block size:...................%" PRIu64 " bytes\n"
++ "Total blocks count:...........%" PRIu64 "\n"
++ "Used blocks count:............%" PRIu64 "\n"
++ "Free blocks count:............%" PRIu64 "\n"),
+ m_header.qwBlockSize,
+ m_header.qwBlocksCount,
+ m_header.qwUsedBlocks,
+@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
+ }
+ snprintf(szDest, nMaxLen, i18n("%s" // Blocks infos
+- "Space usage:..................%"PRIu64" %%\n"
++ "Space usage:..................%" PRIu64 " %%\n"
+ "Used space:...................%s\n"
+ "Free space:...................%s\n"
+ "Bitmap size:..................%s\n"
+--- a/src/client/fs/fs_hfs.cpp
++++ b/src/client/fs/fs_hfs.cpp
+@@ -142,10 +142,10 @@
+ getStdInfos(szText, sizeof(szText), true);
+ SNPRINTF(szFullText, i18n("%s" // standard infos
+- "Allocation Group count:.......%"PRIu64"\n"
++ "Allocation Group count:.......%" PRIu64 "\n"
+ "Blocks per Allocation Group:..%u\n"
+ "Allocation Group size:........%s\n"
+- "First allocation block:.......%"PRIu64"\n"),
++ "First allocation block:.......%" PRIu64 "\n"),
+ szText, m_info.qwAllocCount, m_info.dwBlocksPerAlloc,
+ formatSize(m_info.dwAllocSize,szTemp1), m_info.qwFirstAllocBlock);
+--- a/src/client/fs/fs_ntfs.cpp
++++ b/src/client/fs/fs_ntfs.cpp
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
+ "Bytes per sector:.............%u\n"
+ "Sectors per cluster:..........%u\n"
+ "File record size:.............%u\n"
+- "LCN of MFT Data attrib:.......%"PRIu64"\n"),
++ "LCN of MFT Data attrib:.......%" PRIu64 "\n"),
+ szText, m_info.nBytesPerSector, m_info.cSectorsPerCluster,
+ m_info.dwFileRecordSize, m_info.qwLCNOfMftDataAttrib);
+@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
+ QWORD i;
+ for (i=0L; i < m_qwClustersCount; i++)
+- fprintf(stderr, "cluster[%llu] = %"PRIu64"\n", (long long unsigned int)i, m_qwOffset[i]);
++ fprintf(stderr, "cluster[%llu] = %" PRIu64 "\n", (long long unsigned int)i, m_qwOffset[i]);
+ }
+--- a/src/client/fs/fs_ufs.cpp
++++ b/src/client/fs/fs_ufs.cpp
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
+ "Cylinder group size:..........%s\n"
+ "Basic blocks per CG:..........%u\n"
+ "Basic block size:.............%u\n"
+- "Data frags count:.............%"PRIu64"\n"),
++ "Data frags count:.............%" PRIu64 "\n"),
+ szText, m_info.dwCylinderGroupsCount,
+ formatSize(m_info.dwCylinderGroupSize*m_info.dwBasicBlockSize,szTemp1),
+ m_info.dwCylinderGroupSize, m_info.dwBasicBlockSize, m_info.qwDataFrags);
+--- a/src/shared/common.cpp
++++ b/src/shared/common.cpp
+@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
+ if (qwSize < llKiloB) // In Bytes
+ {
+- snprintf(szText, nMaxLen, i18n("%"PRId64" bytes"), qwSize);
++ snprintf(szText, nMaxLen, i18n("%" PRId64 " bytes"), qwSize);
+ }
+ else if (qwSize < llMegaB) // In KiloBytes
+ {
+@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
+ if (qwSize < llKiloB) // In Bytes
+ {
+- snprintf(szText, nMaxLen, i18n("%"PRId64" Bytes"), qwSize);
++ snprintf(szText, nMaxLen, i18n("%" PRId64 " Bytes"), qwSize);
+ }
+ else if (qwSize < llMegaB) // In KiloBytes
+ {
diff --git a/sys-block/partimage/files/partimage-0.6.9-zlib- b/sys-block/partimage/files/partimage-0.6.9-zlib-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05150e131e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-block/partimage/files/partimage-0.6.9-zlib-
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+--- a/src/client/imagefile.cpp
++++ b/src/client/imagefile.cpp
+@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
+ else if (m_options.dwCompression == COMPRESS_GZIP) // Gzip compression
+ {
+ showDebug(1, "open gzip\n");
+- m_gzImageFile = (gzFile *) gzdopen(m_nFdImage, "wb"); //"wb1h");
++ m_gzImageFile = gzdopen(m_nFdImage, "wb"); //"wb1h");
+ if (m_gzImageFile == NULL)
+ {
+ showDebug(1, "error:%d %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@
+ }
+ else if (m_options.dwCompression == COMPRESS_GZIP) // Gzip compression
+ {
+- m_gzImageFile = (gzFile *) gzdopen(m_nFdImage, "rb");
++ m_gzImageFile = gzdopen(m_nFdImage, "rb");
+ if (m_gzImageFile == NULL)
+ THROW(ERR_ERRNO, errno);
+ else
+--- a/src/client/imagefile.h
++++ b/src/client/imagefile.h
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ COptions m_options;
+ FILE *m_fImageFile;
+- gzFile *m_gzImageFile;
++ gzFile m_gzImageFile;
+ BZFILE *m_bzImageFile;
+ int m_nFdImage;
diff --git a/sys-block/partimage/partimage-0.6.9-r3.ebuild b/sys-block/partimage/partimage-0.6.9-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..acd0d0f68be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-block/partimage/partimage-0.6.9-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools flag-o-matic pam
+DESCRIPTION="Console-based application to efficiently save raw partition data to image file"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="nls nologin pam ssl static"
+REQUIRED_USE="static? ( !pam )"
+ acct-group/partimag
+ acct-user/partimag
+ app-arch/bzip2
+ >=dev-libs/newt-0.52
+ >=sys-libs/slang-2
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ !nologin? ( virtual/libcrypt:= )
+ ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
+PAM_DEPEND="pam? ( sys-libs/pam )"
+ !static? ( ${LIBS_DEPEND} )
+ nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.9-zlib- #405323
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.9-minor-typo.patch #580290
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.9-openssl-1.1-compatibility.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.9-missing-includes.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.6.9-clang.patch
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ # XXX: Do we still need these?
+ filter-flags -fno-exceptions
+ use ppc && append-flags -fsigned-char
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(usex nologin '--disable-login' '')
+ $(use_enable pam)
+ $(use_enable ssl)
+ $(use_enable static all-static)
+ --with-log-dir="${EPREFIX}"/var/log/partimage
+ )
+ econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ keepdir /var/lib/partimage
+ keepdir /var/log/partimage
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/partimaged.init.2 partimaged
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/partimaged.conf partimaged
+ if use pam; then
+ newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/partimaged.pam.2 partimaged
+ fi
+ if use ssl; then
+ insinto /etc/partimaged
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/servercert.cnf
+ fi
+ fowners partimag:root /etc/partimaged/partimagedusers
+pkg_config() {
+ if use ssl; then
+ local confdir="${EROOT}"/etc/partimaged
+ local privkey="${confdir}"/partimaged.key
+ local cnf="${confdir}"/servercert.cnf
+ local csr="${confdir}"/partimaged.csr
+ local cert="${confdir}"/partimaged.cert
+ ewarn "Please customize /etc/partimaged/servercert.cnf before you continue!"
+ ewarn "Press Ctrl-C to break now for it, or press enter to continue."
+ read
+ if [ ! -f "${privkey}" ]; then
+ einfo "Generating unencrypted private key: ${privkey}"
+ openssl genrsa -out "${privkey}" 2048 || die
+ else
+ einfo "Private key already exists: ${privkey}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${csr}" ]; then
+ einfo "Generating certificate request: ${csr}"
+ openssl req -new -x509 -outform PEM -out "${csr}" -key "${privkey}" -config "${cnf}" || die
+ else
+ einfo "Certificate request already exists: ${csr}"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f "${cert}" ]; then
+ einfo "Generating self-signed certificate: ${cert}"
+ openssl x509 -in "${csr}" -out "${cert}" -signkey "${privkey}" || die
+ else
+ einfo "Self-signed certifcate already exists: ${cert}"
+ fi
+ einfo "Setting permissions"
+ chmod 600 "${privkey}" || die
+ chown partimag:root "${privkey}" || die
+ chmod 644 "${cert}" "${csr}" || die
+ chown root:root "${cert}" "${csr}" || die
+ einfo "Done"
+ else
+ einfo "SSL is disabled, not building certificates"
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use ssl; then
+ einfo "To create the required SSL certificates, please do:"
+ einfo "emerge --config =${PF}"
+ fi