diff options
authorMike Pagano <>2024-03-21 18:42:04 -0400
committerMike Pagano <>2024-03-21 18:42:04 -0400
commita857206892519d72a4c0e711fdba40cacd5e8a5f (patch)
parentnet-misc/openssh-contrib: add 9.7_p1 (diff)
dev-util/idea-community: add 2023.3.6
Signed-off-by: Mike Pagano <>
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/idea-community/Manifest b/dev-util/idea-community/Manifest
index 67c7826a85c7..8ed660c98558 100644
--- a/dev-util/idea-community/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/idea-community/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
DIST idea-community-2023.3.5-aarch64.tar.gz 817137782 BLAKE2B 20d5d3b147b15cdbba6564a42828357e69e5a965a88007f049a2da84713c2b153d66b43d62135422e1c303bf297cfa1bfe877b42652173b3c6b4ee14c9faab71 SHA512 0e8709bc80d731ba6e2d601e288dc03d4bf0af3219a214e76ae4b7fb44a8405d07f800148283ce7c517f5de8ca98fecbdd2dfc28f75122b01352a5cbb6d2893d
DIST idea-community-2023.3.5-amd64.tar.gz 815949614 BLAKE2B c1b5b39c7589ff268137ff12317a6c223755868de12eda5fd5e2a16963b52b40697744c8e7da7aabb9b41442062f056463fca09d5d1bfdaec4232c1ff1fe9d5e SHA512 7543aae6aacacd86b52ff6fcc9e151238f3904d678a7870acf38d19ff14508bed17f46fab06b2cb78dd20dae5a1c1a027e8d01bf1f738f02e11703808fa290b7
+DIST idea-community-2023.3.6-aarch64.tar.gz 817116538 BLAKE2B a5c5d3218c09eae98ca8ecd3d076d4ea6f8115e9958bd581ebda7884746366b81e627ef36bb4ec33e0ce27548a65cc7e8b86e940780406b7b5dd7e2c06a459d0 SHA512 cc94a51804edab5255da60984c07af20d0310f1f72f21388b198ce903253fc14f86b3769f5a024f8585f1af06e44de45ba8b0d81573377776e2a2e22300a3ee1
+DIST idea-community-2023.3.6-amd64.tar.gz 815924011 BLAKE2B 28b1e35cfb517920550b69073038adeb75a578ff50a7e37b3c4841f2e7c046a77557223e29a19ce1f5c99468deafdfd2fbcbc0fc8fc326ad1ff876db8009a9f1 SHA512 298b79f171a40d71d1d0d8bfbb0d4f68fd8ad2ec66f21d69ff2208c4c00698b6c6e75205255c37a4694617e18bc2ea590bc1ef79710e86281b3fb3c00d6d5f3b
diff --git a/dev-util/idea-community/idea-community-2023.3.6.ebuild b/dev-util/idea-community/idea-community-2023.3.6.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6dccef36ed45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/idea-community/idea-community-2023.3.6.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit desktop wrapper
+DESCRIPTION="A complete toolset for web, mobile and enterprise development"
+ amd64? (${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}-amd64.tar.gz )
+ arm64? (${PV}-aarch64.tar.gz -> ${P}-aarch64.tar.gz )
+ "
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 CC0-1.0 CC-BY-2.5 CDDL-1.1
+ codehaus-classworlds CPL-1.0 EPL-1.0 EPL-2.0
+ GPL-2 GPL-2-with-classpath-exception ISC
+ JDOM LGPL-2.1 LGPL-2.1+ LGPL-3-with-linking-exception MIT
+ MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 OFL ZLIB"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64"
+ || (
+ >=dev-java/openjdk-
+ >=dev-java/openjdk-bin-
+ )"
+ sys-libs/glibc
+ media-libs/harfbuzz
+ dev-java/jansi-native
+ dev-libs/libdbusmenu"
+src_unpack() {
+ default_src_unpack
+ if [ ! -d "$S" ]; then
+ einfo "Renaming source directory to predictable name..."
+ mv $(ls "${WORKDIR}") "idea-IC-${PV}" || die
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ default_src_prepare
+ if use amd64; then
+ JRE_DIR=jre64
+ rm -vf "${S}"/plugins/cwm-plugin/quiche-native/linux-aarch64/
+ else
+ JRE_DIR=jre
+ rm -vf "${S}"/plugins/cwm-plugin/quiche-native/linux-x86-64/
+ fi
+ PLUGIN_DIR="${S}/${JRE_DIR}/lib/"
+ # rm LLDBFrontEnd after licensing questions with Gentoo License Team
+ rm -vf "${S}"/plugins/Kotlin/bin/linux/LLDBFrontend
+ rm -vf ${PLUGIN_DIR}/libavplugin*
+ rm -vf "${S}"/plugins/maven/lib/maven3/lib/jansi-native/*/libjansi*
+ rm -vrf "${S}"/lib/pty4j-native/linux/ppc64le
+ rm -vf "${S}"/bin/libdbm64*
+ rm -vf "${S}"/lib/pty4j-native/linux/mips64el/
+ if [[ -d "${S}"/"${JRE_DIR}" ]]; then
+ for file in "${PLUGIN_DIR}"/{,}
+ do
+ if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
+ patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' $file || die
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ rm -vf "${S}"/lib/pty4j-native/linux/x86-64/
+ sed -i \
+ -e "\$a\\\\" \
+ -e "\$a#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" \
+ -e "\$a# Disable automatic updates as these are handled through Gentoo's" \
+ -e "\$a# package manager. See bug #704494" \
+ -e "\$a#-----------------------------------------------------------------------" \
+ -e "\$" bin/
+ eapply_user
+src_install() {
+ local dir="/opt/${PN}"
+ local dst="${D}${dir}"
+ insinto "${dir}"
+ doins -r *
+ fperms 755 "${dir}"/bin/{,,,restarter,fsnotifier}
+ if use amd64; then
+ JRE_DIR=jre64
+ else
+ JRE_DIR=jre
+ fi
+ JRE_BINARIES="jaotc java javapackager jjs jrunscript keytool pack200 rmid rmiregistry unpack200"
+ if [[ -d ${JRE_DIR} ]]; then
+ for jrebin in $JRE_BINARIES; do
+ fperms 755 "${dir}"/"${JRE_DIR}"/bin/"${jrebin}"
+ done
+ fi
+ # bundled script is always lowercase, and doesn't have -ultimate, -professional suffix.
+ local bundled_script_name="${PN%-*}.sh"
+ make_wrapper "${PN}" "${dir}/bin/$bundled_script_name" || die
+ local pngfile="$(find ${dst}/bin -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.png')"
+ newicon $pngfile "${PN}.png" || die "we died"
+ make_desktop_entry "${PN}" "IntelliJ Idea Community Edition" "${PN}" "Development;IDE;"
+ # recommended by:
+ mkdir -p "${D}/etc/sysctl.d/" || die
+ echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288" > "${D}/etc/sysctl.d/30-idea-inotify-watches.conf" || die
+ # remove bundled harfbuzz
+ rm -f "${D}"/lib/ || die "Unable to remove bundled harfbuzz"
+ # remove bundled java
+ rm -r ${dst}/jbr || die "Unable to remove bundled java"