diff options
authorLars Wendler <>2015-10-20 23:42:01 +0200
committerLars Wendler <>2015-10-20 23:42:24 +0200
commit26d40d4304fa227c9965166f4115cbc86fb6b15c (patch)
tree9f760a631a259b27b576d7e2b1e445462fbf911f /app-emulation/virtualbox
parentvirtualbox packages: Bump to version 5.0.8 (diff)
virtualbox packages: Removed old.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.23 Signed-off-by: Lars Wendler <>
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation/virtualbox')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 866 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/virtualbox/Manifest b/app-emulation/virtualbox/Manifest
index 68535b7638fb..81ba2ddede7d 100644
--- a/app-emulation/virtualbox/Manifest
+++ b/app-emulation/virtualbox/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
DIST VirtualBox-4.3.28.tar.bz2 100092002 SHA256 e157ab76d1958ae2c56b2a3875194fbff3de82486ad0e30032fd5bd772297c31 SHA512 b6e849a1420515b6dbda8cee0ab64940dd93296ec58cde76676ac257ff3dad0459aa1fd0bda7e1d0abc751d2d59f055465b198a546fdbb4e70e934a78654a8fc WHIRLPOOL 1b739f1f989032e07829a23ffadadd49e31109d70b0effbc44126a48a165218ff3ebafa576fa0e4f2af76a404033b60e5c9804ac43db5dd3024f1eca25ca70da
DIST VirtualBox-4.3.30.tar.bz2 97428942 SHA256 ea9569ec16cd6202ee61bcadb2506d31ac12fd343adb91565773a05eaaea9a36 SHA512 d0817335cf4bd196da93b91ede6bc9e48ca0d471166ab2790dbf508a4574e4ace54a86053932abf3b4e804c583e80a713d2ab2e556dc15bee6ef3a62f88b95fc WHIRLPOOL 47cbd702e83cc737e04b5862cc6c52e32be244dc1dc0145f582f57b2f19bb898f0f4b200576a28f10a3290691f1ffd43c256e8c8eb5545a9723be8eefca88a38
-DIST VirtualBox-5.0.4.tar.bz2 109865904 SHA256 b19e23fc8e71f38aef7c059f44e59fcbff3bb2ce85baa8de81f1629b85f68fcf SHA512 4349792390f0a236faef0bdb06806dde604373dcccf83351f805508a2fdcae9f729a5e793ac53c4d134c50e48c0624b340328a7bb21ddcf15ed69a08365eb2b5 WHIRLPOOL cacf3193231a8500a3b475ede2d0f0458a656d87d3d97b78ccb743c1606f7f6ec58f6d56cb1bc0a40e9eb279d4cbeeab3318d1e71be3dead07fe4ccff6bdfbcf
DIST VirtualBox-5.0.6.tar.bz2 109863328 SHA256 22d63f28c43165a31dcccdec1c65f376f46d7e09555c47611cfaafb5576a5843 SHA512 3e51c9476c29a3ba79adda2d3b0c0b516459f58c8aa5e7b795be1aa2468b8e61241bbe5615787d7302a5f95230a446377bd8698f801c2114b26a471ae8bbbc11 WHIRLPOOL 11603c9aa14acac87032b5d8fc1f8d0a567632ca591230e0cc5c1d9a1ae9b39ebccb1a3bb85e1845abc01b04da550a2ef889e1bf91da0bb82df1fafa384f88b4
DIST VirtualBox-5.0.8.tar.bz2 110540476 SHA256 e043518b7ab150e478c00b622360a5feb95f4e5b19e72bfcc71174356e2dacb3 SHA512 2a8e0f3e5fbb4b45786aa48cb408cf712cd968af65b25219eb39d54274612978704359b620179d751e828783950eb29d4cf330ac408a84dd65edbd0d98e25aa4 WHIRLPOOL 2b054cdb5c7c39008e876f0703e154509f4a79183aa85c4998717ae07a72e015a71bd22dc0427c8a464b3e16db92ebe9d731971f9788fbe56c8cc936669496fe
DIST virtualbox-4.3.16-patches-01.tar.xz 4288 SHA256 270c4f01b2c13c4133987b3acc073dfbf78840212cf09f083dbf8fc80407ce6f SHA512 595f88c4b388b4807347c15c1750ec73aceba1c82ad993e9a05c7b78dfece7b679aff0338b3a48e2ccee7911fb5ed0dba803052332a270230078551f747052bc WHIRLPOOL 2157ee3fb9beed906cff28647c869e37d62551ad8c93801c0f0ec6893675f11786aa6d92acf11c348d30aa58b6e03a3faa879c664dddac6e5b8525035986c9ca
diff --git a/app-emulation/virtualbox/virtualbox-5.0.4.ebuild b/app-emulation/virtualbox/virtualbox-5.0.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3151d9e3878a..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/virtualbox/virtualbox-5.0.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils fdo-mime flag-o-matic java-pkg-opt-2 linux-info multilib pax-utils python-single-r1 qt4-r2 toolchain-funcs udev
-DESCRIPTION="Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa doc headless java pam pulseaudio +opengl python +qt4 +sdk +udev vboxwebsrv vnc"
- ~app-emulation/virtualbox-modules-${PV}
- dev-libs/libIDL
- >=dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.19
- net-misc/curl
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-libs/libxml2
- media-libs/libpng:0=
- media-libs/libvpx
- sys-libs/zlib
- !headless? (
- qt4? (
- dev-qt/qtgui:4
- dev-qt/qtcore:4
- opengl? ( dev-qt/qtopengl:4 )
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- )
- opengl? ( virtual/opengl media-libs/freeglut )
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXmu
- x11-libs/libXt
- media-libs/libsdl:0[X,video]
- )
- java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6:= )
- udev? ( >=virtual/udev-171 )
- vnc? ( >=net-libs/libvncserver-0.9.9 )"
- >=dev-util/kbuild-0.1.9998_pre20131130
- >=dev-lang/yasm-0.6.2
- sys-devel/bin86
- sys-power/iasl
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- sys-libs/libcap
- doc? (
- dev-texlive/texlive-basic
- dev-texlive/texlive-latex
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexrecommended
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
- dev-texlive/texlive-fontsrecommended
- dev-texlive/texlive-fontsextra
- )
- java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6:= )
- virtual/pkgconfig
- alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.13 )
- !headless? ( x11-libs/libXinerama )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- vboxwebsrv? ( net-libs/gsoap[-gnutls(-)] )
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/"
- java? ( sdk )
- python? (
- ( sdk )
- )
- vboxwebsrv? ( java )
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use headless && ! use qt4 ; then
- einfo "No USE=\"qt4\" selected, this build will not include"
- einfo "any Qt frontend."
- elif use headless && use qt4 ; then
- einfo "You selected USE=\"headless qt4\", defaulting to"
- einfo "USE=\"headless\", this build will not include any X11/Qt frontend."
- fi
- if ! use opengl ; then
- einfo "No USE=\"opengl\" selected, this build will lack"
- einfo "the OpenGL feature."
- fi
- if ! use python ; then
- einfo "You have disabled the \"python\" USE flag. This will only"
- einfo "disable the python bindings being installed."
- fi
- java-pkg-opt-2_pkg_setup
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # Remove shipped binaries (kBuild,yasm), see bug #232775
- rm -rf kBuild/bin tools
- # Disable things unused or split into separate ebuilds
- sed -e "s@MY_LIBDIR@$(get_libdir)@" \
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5-localconfig > LocalConfig.kmk || die
- # Respect LDFLAGS
- sed -e "s@_LDFLAGS\.${ARCH}*.*=@& ${LDFLAGS}@g" \
- -i Config.kmk src/libs/xpcom18a4/Config.kmk || die
- # Use PAM only when pam USE flag is enbaled (bug #376531)
- if ! use pam ; then
- elog "Disabling PAM removes the possibility to use the VRDP features."
- sed -i 's@^.*VBOX_WITH_PAM@#VBOX_WITH_PAM@' Config.kmk || die
- sed -i 's@\(.*/auth/Makefile.kmk.*\)@#\1@' \
- src/VBox/HostServices/Makefile.kmk || die
- fi
- # add correct java path
- if use java ; then
- sed "s@/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun@$(java-config -O)@" \
- -i "${S}"/Config.kmk || die
- java-pkg-opt-2_src_prepare
- fi
- if ! gcc-specs-pie ; then
- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="050_${PN}-5.0.2-nopie.patch"
- fi
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patches"
- # x86 build fixes (#561758)
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-x86_buildfix_{1,2}.patch
- epatch_user
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- use alsa || myconf+=" --disable-alsa"
- use doc || myconf+=" --disable-docs"
- use java || myconf+=" --disable-java"
- use opengl || myconf+=" --disable-opengl"
- use pulseaudio || myconf+=" --disable-pulse"
- use python || myconf+=" --disable-python"
- use vboxwebsrv && myconf+=" --enable-webservice"
- use vnc && myconf+=" --enable-vnc"
- if ! use headless ; then
- use qt4 || myconf+=" --disable-qt4"
- else
- myconf+=" --build-headless --disable-opengl"
- fi
- if use amd64 && ! has_multilib_profile ; then
- myconf+=" --disable-vmmraw"
- fi
- # not an autoconf script
- ./configure \
- --with-gcc="$(tc-getCC)" \
- --with-g++="$(tc-getCXX)" \
- --disable-kmods \
- --disable-dbus \
- --disable-devmapper \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
- source ./
- # Force kBuild to respect C[XX]FLAGS and MAKEOPTS (bug #178529)
- # and strip all flags
- # strip-flags
- MAKEJOBS=$(echo ${MAKEOPTS} | egrep -o '(\-j|\-\-jobs)(=?|[[:space:]]*)[[:digit:]]+')
- MAKELOAD=$(echo ${MAKEOPTS} | egrep -o '(\-l|\-\-load-average)(=?|[[:space:]]*)[[:digit:]]+')
- MAKE="kmk" emake \
- TOOL_GCC3_CC="$(tc-getCC)" TOOL_GCC3_CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" \
- TOOL_GCC3_AS="$(tc-getCC)" TOOL_GCC3_AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
- TOOL_GCC3_LD="$(tc-getCXX)" TOOL_GCC3_LD_SYSMOD="$(tc-getLD)" \
- all
-src_install() {
- cd "${S}"/out/linux.${ARCH}/release/bin || die
- # Create configuration files
- insinto /etc/vbox
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4-config" vbox.cfg
- # Set the right libdir
- sed -i \
- -e "s@MY_LIBDIR@$(get_libdir)@" \
- "${D}"/etc/vbox/vbox.cfg || die "vbox.cfg sed failed"
- # Symlink binaries to the shipped wrapper
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ose-3-wrapper" "VBox"
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxManage
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTunctl /usr/bin/VBoxTunctl
- # Install binaries and libraries
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doins -r components
- if use sdk ; then
- doins -r sdk
- fi
- if use vboxwebsrv ; then
- doins vboxwebsrv
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/vboxwebsrv
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/vboxwebsrv
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/vboxwebsrv-initd vboxwebsrv
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/vboxwebsrv-confd vboxwebsrv
- fi
- local rcfiles="*.rc"
- if use amd64 && ! has_multilib_profile ; then
- rcfiles=""
- fi
- for each in VBox{Manage,SVC,XPCOMIPCD,Tunctl,ExtPackHelperApp} *so *r0 ${rcfiles} ; do
- doins ${each}
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- done
- # VBoxNetAdpCtl and VBoxNetDHCP binaries need to be suid root in any case..
- for each in VBoxNet{AdpCtl,DHCP,NAT} ; do
- doins ${each}
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- done
- # VBoxSVC and VBoxManage need to be pax-marked (bug #403453)
- # VBoxXPCOMIPCD (bug #524202)
- for each in VBox{Manage,SVC,XPCOMIPCD} ; do
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each} ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}"
- fi
- done
- if ! use headless ; then
- doins VBoxSDL
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL"
- fi
- if use opengl && use qt4 ; then
- doins VBoxTestOGL
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL"
- fi
- fi
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxSDL
- if use qt4 ; then
- doins VirtualBox
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox"
- fi
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VirtualBox
- newmenu "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-ose.desktop-2 ${PN}.desktop
- fi
- pushd "${S}"/src/VBox/Artwork/OSE &>/dev/null || die
- for size in 16 32 48 64 128 ; do
- newicon -s ${size} ${PN}-${size}px.png ${PN}.png
- done
- newicon ${PN}-48px.png ${PN}.png
- doicon -s scalable ${PN}.svg
- popd &>/dev/null || die
- fi
- doins VBoxHeadless
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless"
- fi
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- # Install EFI Firmware files (bug #320757)
- pushd "${S}"/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/FirmwareBin &>/dev/null || die
- for fwfile in VBoxEFI{32,64}.fd ; do
- doins ${fwfile}
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${fwfile}
- done
- popd &>/dev/null || die
- if use udev ; then
- # New way of handling USB device nodes for VBox (bug #356215)
- local udevdir="$(get_udevdir)"
- insinto ${udevdir}
- doins
- fowners root:vboxusers ${udevdir}/
- fperms 0750 ${udevdir}/
- insinto ${udevdir}/rules.d
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/10-virtualbox.rules
- sed "s@%UDEVDIR%@${udevdir}@" \
- -i "${D}"${udevdir}/rules.d/10-virtualbox.rules || die
- fi
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}
- if ! use headless && use qt4 ; then
- doins -r nls
- fi
- # VRDPAuth only works with this (bug #351949)
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/
- # set an env-variable for 3rd party tools
- echo -n "VBOX_APP_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" > "${T}/90virtualbox"
- doenvd "${T}/90virtualbox"
- if use java ; then
- java-pkg_regjar "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/sdk/bindings/xpcom/java/vboxjxpcom.jar"
- java-pkg_regso "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/"
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
- if use udev ; then
- udevadm control --reload-rules \
- && udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=usb
- fi
- if ! use headless && use qt4 ; then
- elog "To launch VirtualBox just type: \"VirtualBox\"."
- fi
- elog "You must be in the vboxusers group to use VirtualBox."
- elog ""
- elog "The latest user manual is available for download at:"
- elog "${PV}/UserManual.pdf"
- elog ""
- elog "For advanced networking setups you should emerge:"
- elog "net-misc/bridge-utils and sys-apps/usermode-utilities"
- elog ""
- elog "IMPORTANT!"
- elog "If you upgrade from app-emulation/virtualbox-ose make sure to run"
- elog "\"env-update\" as root and logout and relogin as the user you wish"
- elog "to run ${PN} as."
- elog ""
- elog "Starting with version 4.0.0, ${PN} has USB-1 support."
- elog "For USB-2 support, PXE-boot ability and VRDP support please emerge"
- elog " app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle"
- elog "package."
- elog "Starting with version 5.0.0, ${PN} no longer has the \"additions\" and"
- elog "the \"extension\" USE flag. For installation of the guest additions ISO"
- elog "image, please emerge"
- elog " app-emulation/virtualbox-additions"
- elog "and for the USB2, USB3, VRDP and PXE boot ROM modules, please emerge"
- elog " app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle"
- if ! use udev ; then
- elog ""
- elog "WARNING!"
- elog "Without USE=udev, USB devices will likely not work in ${PN}."
- elif [ -e "${ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/10-virtualbox.rules" ] ; then
- elog ""
- elog "Please remove \"${ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/10-virtualbox.rules\""
- elog "or else USB in ${PN} won't work."
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/app-emulation/virtualbox/virtualbox-5.0.6.ebuild b/app-emulation/virtualbox/virtualbox-5.0.6.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b10c46121722..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/virtualbox/virtualbox-5.0.6.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils fdo-mime flag-o-matic java-pkg-opt-2 linux-info multilib pax-utils python-single-r1 qt4-r2 toolchain-funcs udev
-DESCRIPTION="Family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="alsa doc headless java pam pulseaudio +opengl python +qt4 +sdk +udev vboxwebsrv vnc"
- ~app-emulation/virtualbox-modules-${PV}
- dev-libs/libIDL
- >=dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.19
- net-misc/curl
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- dev-libs/libxml2
- media-libs/libpng:0=
- media-libs/libvpx
- sys-libs/zlib
- !headless? (
- qt4? (
- dev-qt/qtgui:4
- dev-qt/qtcore:4
- opengl? ( dev-qt/qtopengl:4 )
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- )
- opengl? ( virtual/opengl media-libs/freeglut )
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXmu
- x11-libs/libXt
- media-libs/libsdl:0[X,video]
- )
- java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6:= )
- udev? ( >=virtual/udev-171 )
- vnc? ( >=net-libs/libvncserver-0.9.9 )"
- >=dev-util/kbuild-0.1.9998_pre20131130
- >=dev-lang/yasm-0.6.2
- sys-devel/bin86
- sys-power/iasl
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- sys-libs/libcap
- doc? (
- dev-texlive/texlive-basic
- dev-texlive/texlive-latex
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexrecommended
- dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
- dev-texlive/texlive-fontsrecommended
- dev-texlive/texlive-fontsextra
- )
- java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6:= )
- virtual/pkgconfig
- alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.13 )
- !headless? ( x11-libs/libXinerama )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- vboxwebsrv? ( net-libs/gsoap[-gnutls(-)] )
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/components/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/
- usr/lib/virtualbox/"
- java? ( sdk )
- python? (
- ( sdk )
- )
- vboxwebsrv? ( java )
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! use headless && ! use qt4 ; then
- einfo "No USE=\"qt4\" selected, this build will not include"
- einfo "any Qt frontend."
- elif use headless && use qt4 ; then
- einfo "You selected USE=\"headless qt4\", defaulting to"
- einfo "USE=\"headless\", this build will not include any X11/Qt frontend."
- fi
- if ! use opengl ; then
- einfo "No USE=\"opengl\" selected, this build will lack"
- einfo "the OpenGL feature."
- fi
- if ! use python ; then
- einfo "You have disabled the \"python\" USE flag. This will only"
- einfo "disable the python bindings being installed."
- fi
- java-pkg-opt-2_pkg_setup
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- # Remove shipped binaries (kBuild,yasm), see bug #232775
- rm -rf kBuild/bin tools
- # Disable things unused or split into separate ebuilds
- sed -e "s@MY_LIBDIR@$(get_libdir)@" \
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-5-localconfig > LocalConfig.kmk || die
- # Respect LDFLAGS
- sed -e "s@_LDFLAGS\.${ARCH}*.*=@& ${LDFLAGS}@g" \
- -i Config.kmk src/libs/xpcom18a4/Config.kmk || die
- # Use PAM only when pam USE flag is enbaled (bug #376531)
- if ! use pam ; then
- elog "Disabling PAM removes the possibility to use the VRDP features."
- sed -i 's@^.*VBOX_WITH_PAM@#VBOX_WITH_PAM@' Config.kmk || die
- sed -i 's@\(.*/auth/Makefile.kmk.*\)@#\1@' \
- src/VBox/HostServices/Makefile.kmk || die
- fi
- # add correct java path
- if use java ; then
- sed "s@/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun@$(java-config -O)@" \
- -i "${S}"/Config.kmk || die
- java-pkg-opt-2_src_prepare
- fi
- if ! gcc-specs-pie ; then
- EPATCH_EXCLUDE="050_${PN}-5.0.2-nopie.patch"
- fi
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/patches"
- epatch_user
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- use alsa || myconf+=" --disable-alsa"
- use doc || myconf+=" --disable-docs"
- use java || myconf+=" --disable-java"
- use opengl || myconf+=" --disable-opengl"
- use pulseaudio || myconf+=" --disable-pulse"
- use python || myconf+=" --disable-python"
- use vboxwebsrv && myconf+=" --enable-webservice"
- use vnc && myconf+=" --enable-vnc"
- if ! use headless ; then
- use qt4 || myconf+=" --disable-qt4"
- else
- myconf+=" --build-headless --disable-opengl"
- fi
- if use amd64 && ! has_multilib_profile ; then
- myconf+=" --disable-vmmraw"
- fi
- # not an autoconf script
- ./configure \
- --with-gcc="$(tc-getCC)" \
- --with-g++="$(tc-getCXX)" \
- --disable-kmods \
- --disable-dbus \
- --disable-devmapper \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "configure failed"
-src_compile() {
- source ./
- # Force kBuild to respect C[XX]FLAGS and MAKEOPTS (bug #178529)
- # and strip all flags
- # strip-flags
- MAKEJOBS=$(echo ${MAKEOPTS} | egrep -o '(\-j|\-\-jobs)(=?|[[:space:]]*)[[:digit:]]+')
- MAKELOAD=$(echo ${MAKEOPTS} | egrep -o '(\-l|\-\-load-average)(=?|[[:space:]]*)[[:digit:]]+')
- MAKE="kmk" emake \
- TOOL_GCC3_CC="$(tc-getCC)" TOOL_GCC3_CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" \
- TOOL_GCC3_AS="$(tc-getCC)" TOOL_GCC3_AR="$(tc-getAR)" \
- TOOL_GCC3_LD="$(tc-getCXX)" TOOL_GCC3_LD_SYSMOD="$(tc-getLD)" \
- all
-src_install() {
- cd "${S}"/out/linux.${ARCH}/release/bin || die
- # Create configuration files
- insinto /etc/vbox
- newins "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-4-config" vbox.cfg
- # Set the right libdir
- sed -i \
- -e "s@MY_LIBDIR@$(get_libdir)@" \
- "${D}"/etc/vbox/vbox.cfg || die "vbox.cfg sed failed"
- # Symlink binaries to the shipped wrapper
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- newexe "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ose-3-wrapper" "VBox"
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxManage
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTunctl /usr/bin/VBoxTunctl
- # Install binaries and libraries
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doins -r components
- if use sdk ; then
- doins -r sdk
- fi
- if use vboxwebsrv ; then
- doins vboxwebsrv
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/vboxwebsrv
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/vboxwebsrv
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/vboxwebsrv-initd vboxwebsrv
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/vboxwebsrv-confd vboxwebsrv
- fi
- local rcfiles="*.rc"
- if use amd64 && ! has_multilib_profile ; then
- rcfiles=""
- fi
- for each in VBox{Manage,SVC,XPCOMIPCD,Tunctl,ExtPackHelperApp} *so *r0 ${rcfiles} ; do
- doins ${each}
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- done
- # VBoxNetAdpCtl and VBoxNetDHCP binaries need to be suid root in any case..
- for each in VBoxNet{AdpCtl,DHCP,NAT} ; do
- doins ${each}
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}
- done
- # VBoxSVC and VBoxManage need to be pax-marked (bug #403453)
- # VBoxXPCOMIPCD (bug #524202)
- for each in VBox{Manage,SVC,XPCOMIPCD} ; do
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each} ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${each}"
- fi
- done
- if ! use headless ; then
- doins VBoxSDL
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxSDL"
- fi
- if use opengl && use qt4 ; then
- doins VBoxTestOGL
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL
- fperms 0750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxTestOGL"
- fi
- fi
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VBoxSDL
- if use qt4 ; then
- doins VirtualBox
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VirtualBox"
- fi
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBox /usr/bin/VirtualBox
- newmenu "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-ose.desktop-2 ${PN}.desktop
- fi
- pushd "${S}"/src/VBox/Artwork/OSE &>/dev/null || die
- for size in 16 32 48 64 128 ; do
- newicon -s ${size} ${PN}-${size}px.png ${PN}.png
- done
- newicon ${PN}-48px.png ${PN}.png
- doicon -s scalable ${PN}.svg
- popd &>/dev/null || die
- fi
- doins VBoxHeadless
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless
- fperms 4750 /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless
- if ! pax-mark -m "${D}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless ; then
- ewarn "Couldn't pax-mark /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/VBoxHeadless"
- fi
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- # Install EFI Firmware files (bug #320757)
- pushd "${S}"/src/VBox/Devices/EFI/FirmwareBin &>/dev/null || die
- for fwfile in VBoxEFI{32,64}.fd ; do
- doins ${fwfile}
- fowners root:vboxusers /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${fwfile}
- done
- popd &>/dev/null || die
- if use udev ; then
- # New way of handling USB device nodes for VBox (bug #356215)
- local udevdir="$(get_udevdir)"
- insinto ${udevdir}
- doins
- fowners root:vboxusers ${udevdir}/
- fperms 0750 ${udevdir}/
- insinto ${udevdir}/rules.d
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/10-virtualbox.rules
- sed "s@%UDEVDIR%@${udevdir}@" \
- -i "${D}"${udevdir}/rules.d/10-virtualbox.rules || die
- fi
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}
- if ! use headless && use qt4 ; then
- doins -r nls
- fi
- # VRDPAuth only works with this (bug #351949)
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/
- # set an env-variable for 3rd party tools
- echo -n "VBOX_APP_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}" > "${T}/90virtualbox"
- doenvd "${T}/90virtualbox"
- if use java ; then
- java-pkg_regjar "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/sdk/bindings/xpcom/java/vboxjxpcom.jar"
- java-pkg_regso "${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/"
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
- if use udev ; then
- udevadm control --reload-rules \
- && udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=usb
- fi
- if ! use headless && use qt4 ; then
- elog "To launch VirtualBox just type: \"VirtualBox\"."
- fi
- elog "You must be in the vboxusers group to use VirtualBox."
- elog ""
- elog "The latest user manual is available for download at:"
- elog "${PV}/UserManual.pdf"
- elog ""
- elog "For advanced networking setups you should emerge:"
- elog "net-misc/bridge-utils and sys-apps/usermode-utilities"
- elog ""
- elog "IMPORTANT!"
- elog "If you upgrade from app-emulation/virtualbox-ose make sure to run"
- elog "\"env-update\" as root and logout and relogin as the user you wish"
- elog "to run ${PN} as."
- elog ""
- elog "Starting with version 4.0.0, ${PN} has USB-1 support."
- elog "For USB-2 support, PXE-boot ability and VRDP support please emerge"
- elog " app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle"
- elog "package."
- elog "Starting with version 5.0.0, ${PN} no longer has the \"additions\" and"
- elog "the \"extension\" USE flag. For installation of the guest additions ISO"
- elog "image, please emerge"
- elog " app-emulation/virtualbox-additions"
- elog "and for the USB2, USB3, VRDP and PXE boot ROM modules, please emerge"
- elog " app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle"
- if ! use udev ; then
- elog ""
- elog "WARNING!"
- elog "Without USE=udev, USB devices will likely not work in ${PN}."
- elif [ -e "${ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/10-virtualbox.rules" ] ; then
- elog ""
- elog "Please remove \"${ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/10-virtualbox.rules\""
- elog "or else USB in ${PN} won't work."
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- fdo-mime_desktop_database_update