diff options
authormatoro <>2022-07-24 20:56:04 -0400
committerSam James <>2022-07-30 06:58:33 +0100
commite6fce1394f9b8ed2d9d2cde96c0ce1862fc18514 (patch)
tree5f9595e37bbe6ede33ff44a9096345ae0d31259d /dev-haskell/aws/files
parentdev-haskell/yesod-static: keyword for ~ppc64 (diff)
dev-haskell/aws: revbump 0.22-r5 Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-haskell/aws/files')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-haskell/aws/files/aws-0.22-aeson-2.patch b/dev-haskell/aws/files/aws-0.22-aeson-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25d5966ed0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-haskell/aws/files/aws-0.22-aeson-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+From 7af7586c5d244d07f77d49e5fdc739e6e8e54816 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Joey Hess <>
+Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 14:35:30 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] build with aeson 2
+ Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/Table.hs | 4 +--
+ Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/UpdateItem.hs | 5 ++--
+ Aws/DynamoDb/Core.hs | 39 +++++++++++++++--------------
+ aws.cabal | 2 +-
+ 4 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/Table.hs b/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/Table.hs
+index 5fb42e0..a5fe025 100644
+--- a/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/Table.hs
++++ b/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/Table.hs
+@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ module Aws.DynamoDb.Commands.Table
+ import Control.Applicative
+ import Data.Aeson ((.!=), (.:), (.:?), (.=))
+ import qualified Data.Aeson as A
++import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM
+ import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
+ import Data.Char (toUpper)
+-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
+ import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
+ import qualified Data.Text as T
+ import Data.Time
+@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ data TableDescription
+ instance A.FromJSON TableDescription where
+ parseJSON = A.withObject "Table must be an object" $ \o -> do
+- t <- case (M.lookup "Table" o, M.lookup "TableDescription" o) of
++ t <- case (KM.lookup "Table" o, KM.lookup "TableDescription" o) of
+ (Just (A.Object t), _) -> return t
+ (_, Just (A.Object t)) -> return t
+ _ -> fail "Table description must have key 'Table' or 'TableDescription'"
+diff --git a/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/UpdateItem.hs b/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/UpdateItem.hs
+index 0d94a59..1152b5a 100644
+--- a/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/UpdateItem.hs
++++ b/Aws/DynamoDb/Commands/UpdateItem.hs
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Aws.DynamoDb.Commands.UpdateItem
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ import Control.Applicative
+ import Data.Aeson
++import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as AK
+ import Data.Default
+ import qualified Data.Text as T
+ import Prelude
+@@ -91,9 +92,9 @@ instance ToJSON AttributeUpdates where
+ toJSON = object . map mk . getAttributeUpdates
+ where
+ mk AttributeUpdate { auAction = UDelete, auAttr = auAttr } =
+- (attrName auAttr) .= object
++ (AK.fromText (attrName auAttr)) .= object
+ ["Action" .= UDelete]
+- mk AttributeUpdate { .. } = (attrName auAttr) .= object
++ mk AttributeUpdate { .. } = AK.fromText (attrName auAttr) .= object
+ ["Value" .= (attrVal auAttr), "Action" .= auAction]
+diff --git a/Aws/DynamoDb/Core.hs b/Aws/DynamoDb/Core.hs
+index 1c116d3..b9a6cc4 100644
+--- a/Aws/DynamoDb/Core.hs
++++ b/Aws/DynamoDb/Core.hs
+@@ -128,6 +128,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (throwM)
+ import qualified Crypto.Hash as CH
+ import Data.Aeson
+ import qualified Data.Aeson as A
++import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as AK
++import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KM
+ import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, parseEither)
+ import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
+ import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AttoB (endOfInput)
+@@ -141,7 +143,6 @@ import Data.Conduit
+ import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (sinkParser)
+ import Data.Default
+ import Data.Function (on)
+-import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
+ import Data.Int
+ import Data.IORef
+ import Data.List
+@@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ instance ToJSON PrimaryKey where
+ toJSON (PrimaryKey h (Just r)) =
+ let Object p1 = toJSON h
+ Object p2 = toJSON r
+- in Object (p1 `HM.union` p2)
++ in Object (p1 `KM.union` p2)
+ instance FromJSON PrimaryKey where
+ parseJSON p = do
+@@ -544,8 +545,8 @@ instance FromJSON PrimaryKey where
+ case length l of
+ 1 -> return $ head l
+ _ -> fail "Unable to parse PrimaryKey"
+- where listPKey p'= map (\(txt,dval)-> hk txt dval)
+- . HM.toList <$> parseJSON p'
++ where listPKey p'= map (\(k,dval)-> hk (AK.toText k) dval)
++ . KM.toList <$> parseJSON p'
+ -- | A key-value pair
+@@ -661,9 +662,9 @@ instance ToJSON Attribute where
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | Parse a JSON object that contains attributes
+ parseAttributeJson :: Value -> A.Parser [Attribute]
+-parseAttributeJson (Object v) = mapM conv $ HM.toList v
++parseAttributeJson (Object v) = mapM conv $ KM.toList v
+ where
+- conv (k, o) = Attribute k <$> parseJSON o
++ conv (k, o) = Attribute (AK.toText k) <$> parseJSON o
+ parseAttributeJson _ = error "Attribute JSON must be an Object"
+@@ -674,7 +675,7 @@ attributesJson as = object $ map attributeJson as
+ -- | Convert into JSON pair
+ attributeJson :: Attribute -> Pair
+-attributeJson (Attribute nm v) = nm .= v
++attributeJson (Attribute nm v) = AK.fromText nm .= v
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -962,7 +963,7 @@ conditionsJson key (Conditions op es) = b ++ a
+ where
+ a = if null es
+ then []
+- else [key .= object (map conditionJson es)]
++ else [AK.fromText key .= object (map conditionJson es)]
+ b = if length (take 2 es) > 1
+ then ["ConditionalOperator" .= String (rendCondOp op) ]
+@@ -1046,7 +1047,7 @@ renderCondOp c = case c of
+ conditionJson :: Condition -> Pair
+-conditionJson Condition{..} = condAttr .= condOp
++conditionJson Condition{..} = AK.fromText condAttr .= condOp
+ instance ToJSON CondOp where
+@@ -1076,12 +1077,12 @@ data ConsumedCapacity = ConsumedCapacity {
+ instance FromJSON ConsumedCapacity where
+- parseJSON (Object v) = ConsumedCapacity
+- <$> v .: "CapacityUnits"
+- <*> (HM.toList <$> v .:? "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" .!= mempty)
+- <*> (HM.toList <$> v .:? "LocalSecondaryIndexes" .!= mempty)
+- <*> (v .:? "Table" >>= maybe (return Nothing) (.: "CapacityUnits"))
+- <*> v .: "TableName"
++ parseJSON (Object o) = ConsumedCapacity
++ <$> o .: "CapacityUnits"
++ <*> (map (\(k, v) -> (AK.toText k, v)) . KM.toList <$> o .:? "GlobalSecondaryIndexes" .!= mempty)
++ <*> (map (\(k, v) -> (AK.toText k, v)) . KM.toList <$> o .:? "LocalSecondaryIndexes" .!= mempty)
++ <*> (o .:? "Table" >>= maybe (return Nothing) (.: "CapacityUnits"))
++ <*> o .: "TableName"
+ parseJSON _ = fail "ConsumedCapacity must be an Object."
+@@ -1115,8 +1116,8 @@ data ItemCollectionMetrics = ItemCollectionMetrics {
+ instance FromJSON ItemCollectionMetrics where
+- parseJSON (Object v) = ItemCollectionMetrics
+- <$> (do m <- v .: "ItemCollectionKey"
+- return $ head $ HM.toList m)
+- <*> v .: "SizeEstimateRangeGB"
++ parseJSON (Object o) = ItemCollectionMetrics
++ <$> (do m <- o .: "ItemCollectionKey"
++ return $ (\(k, v) -> (AK.toText k, v)) $ head $ KM.toList m)
++ <*> o .: "SizeEstimateRangeGB"
+ parseJSON _ = fail "ItemCollectionMetrics must be an Object."
+--- a/aws.cabal 2022-07-25 08:47:06.270139909 +1000
++++ b/aws.cabal 2022-07-25 08:47:28.497479783 +1000
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+ Default: True
+ Library
+- build-depends: aeson <1.6
++ build-depends: aeson >= 2.0
+ Exposed-modules:
+ Aws