diff options
authorJames Le Cuirot <>2021-05-20 22:22:12 +0100
committerJames Le Cuirot <>2021-05-20 22:22:12 +0100
commit9031e022859acdbe2709b60451a0a6e4f797463d (patch)
tree821f2c0d01db871af7e4c20cab0e0f75986c445f /dev-libs/weston
parentmedia-libs/libsdl2: Add sndio support (diff)
dev-libs/weston: Patch 9.0.0 to build with pipewire 0.3
Closes: Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.18, Repoman-3.0.2 Signed-off-by: James Le Cuirot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs/weston')
2 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/weston/files/weston-pipewire-0.3.patch b/dev-libs/weston/files/weston-pipewire-0.3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a38250d8c8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/weston/files/weston-pipewire-0.3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+diff --git a/pipewire/ b/pipewire/
+index 67db61f0777325695864db2bc6cf94145ed5564d..944b2259f146e07abdbd4773223f4bdb76dfa45a 100644
+--- a/pipewire/
++++ b/pipewire/
+@@ -5,17 +5,25 @@ if get_option('pipewire')
+ error('Attempting to build the pipewire plugin without the required DRM backend. ' + user_hint)
+ endif
+- depnames = [
+- 'libpipewire-0.2', 'libspa-0.1'
+- ]
+ deps_pipewire = [ dep_libweston_private ]
+- foreach depname : depnames
+- dep = dependency(depname, required: false)
+- if not dep.found()
+- error('Pipewire plugin requires @0@ which was not found. '.format(depname) + user_hint)
+- endif
+- deps_pipewire += dep
+- endforeach
++ dep_libpipewire = dependency('libpipewire-0.3', required: false)
++ if not dep_libpipewire.found()
++ dep_libpipewire = dependency('libpipewire-0.2', required: false)
++ endif
++ if not dep_libpipewire.found()
++ error('Pipewire plugin requires libpipewire which was not found. ' + user_hint)
++ endif
++ deps_pipewire += dep_libpipewire
++ dep_libspa = dependency('libspa-0.2', required: false)
++ if not dep_libspa.found()
++ dep_libspa = dependency('libspa-0.1', required: false)
++ endif
++ if not dep_libspa.found()
++ error('Pipewire plugin requires libspa which was not found. ' + user_hint)
++ endif
++ deps_pipewire += dep_libspa
+ plugin_pipewire = shared_library(
+ 'pipewire-plugin',
+diff --git a/pipewire/pipewire-plugin.c b/pipewire/pipewire-plugin.c
+index fe7eb1d654d5ec67f7a3287532bb21c19ad9eac5..2c65f502c2917c23290a51bf1c24eac8d50129f1 100644
+--- a/pipewire/pipewire-plugin.c
++++ b/pipewire/pipewire-plugin.c
+@@ -34,20 +34,27 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
++#include <pipewire/pipewire.h>
+ #include <spa/param/format-utils.h>
+ #include <spa/param/video/format-utils.h>
+ #include <spa/utils/defs.h>
+-#include <pipewire/pipewire.h>
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++#include <spa/buffer/meta.h>
++#include <spa/utils/result.h>
+ #define PROP_RANGE(min, max) 2, (min), (max)
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ struct type {
+ struct spa_type_media_type media_type;
+ struct spa_type_media_subtype media_subtype;
+ struct spa_type_format_video format_video;
+ struct spa_type_video_format video_format;
+ };
+ struct weston_pipewire {
+ struct weston_compositor *compositor;
+@@ -60,12 +67,19 @@ struct weston_pipewire {
+ struct pw_loop *loop;
+ struct wl_event_source *loop_source;
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ struct pw_context *context;
+ struct pw_core *core;
+ struct pw_type *t;
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ struct spa_hook core_listener;
+ struct type type;
+ struct pw_remote *remote;
+ struct spa_hook remote_listener;
+ };
+ struct pipewire_output {
+@@ -100,6 +114,7 @@ struct pipewire_frame_data {
+ struct wl_event_source *fence_sync_event_source;
+ };
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ static inline void init_type(struct type *type, struct spa_type_map *map)
+ {
+ spa_type_media_type_map(map, &type->media_type);
+@@ -107,6 +122,7 @@ static inline void init_type(struct type *type, struct spa_type_map *map)
+ spa_type_format_video_map(map, &type->format_video);
+ spa_type_video_format_map(map, &type->video_format);
+ }
+ static void
+ pipewire_debug_impl(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire,
+@@ -141,6 +157,7 @@ pipewire_debug_impl(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire,
+ free(logstr);
+ }
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ static void
+ pipewire_debug(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire, const char *fmt, ...)
+ {
+@@ -150,6 +167,7 @@ pipewire_debug(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire, const char *fmt, ...)
+ pipewire_debug_impl(pipewire, NULL, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ }
+ static void
+ pipewire_output_debug(struct pipewire_output *output, const char *fmt, ...)
+@@ -185,7 +203,9 @@ pipewire_output_handle_frame(struct pipewire_output *output, int fd,
+ const struct weston_drm_virtual_output_api *api =
+ output->pipewire->virtual_output_api;
+ size_t size = output->output->height * stride;
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ struct pw_type *t = output->pipewire->t;
+ struct pw_buffer *buffer;
+ struct spa_buffer *spa_buffer;
+ struct spa_meta_header *h;
+@@ -203,7 +223,12 @@ pipewire_output_handle_frame(struct pipewire_output *output, int fd,
+ spa_buffer = buffer->buffer;
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ if ((h = spa_buffer_find_meta_data(spa_buffer, SPA_META_Header,
++ sizeof(struct spa_meta_header)))) {
+ if ((h = spa_buffer_find_meta(spa_buffer, t->meta.Header))) {
+ h->pts = -1;
+ h->flags = 0;
+ h->seq = output->seq++;
+@@ -375,18 +400,40 @@ pipewire_set_dpms(struct weston_output *base_output, enum dpms_enum level)
+ static int
+ pipewire_output_connect(struct pipewire_output *output)
+ {
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ struct weston_pipewire *pipewire = output->pipewire;
+ struct type *type = &pipewire->type;
+ uint8_t buffer[1024];
+ struct spa_pod_builder builder =
+ SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ const struct spa_pod *params[1];
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ struct pw_type *t = pipewire->t;
+ int frame_rate = output->output->current_mode->refresh / 1000;
+ int width = output->output->width;
+ int height = output->output->height;
+ int ret;
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ params[0] = spa_pod_builder_add_object(&builder,
++ SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_Format, SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat,
++ SPA_FORMAT_mediaType, SPA_POD_Id(SPA_MEDIA_TYPE_video),
++ SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_size, SPA_POD_Rectangle(&SPA_RECTANGLE(width, height)),
++ SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_framerate, SPA_POD_Fraction(&SPA_FRACTION (0, 1)),
++ SPA_FORMAT_VIDEO_maxFramerate,
++ SPA_POD_CHOICE_RANGE_Fraction(&SPA_FRACTION(frame_rate, 1),
++ &SPA_FRACTION(1, 1),
++ &SPA_FRACTION(frame_rate, 1)));
++ ret = pw_stream_connect(output->stream, PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT, SPA_ID_INVALID,
++ params, 1);
+ params[0] = spa_pod_builder_object(&builder,
+ t->param.idEnumFormat, t->spa_format,
+ "I", type->,
+@@ -406,6 +453,7 @@ pipewire_output_connect(struct pipewire_output *output)
+ params, 1);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ weston_log("Failed to connect pipewire stream: %s",
+ spa_strerror(ret));
+@@ -482,26 +530,42 @@ pipewire_output_stream_state_changed(void *data, enum pw_stream_state old,
+ }
+ static void
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++pipewire_output_stream_param_changed(void *data, uint32_t id, const struct spa_pod *format)
+ pipewire_output_stream_format_changed(void *data, const struct spa_pod *format)
+ {
+ struct pipewire_output *output = data;
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ struct weston_pipewire *pipewire = output->pipewire;
+ uint8_t buffer[1024];
+ struct spa_pod_builder builder =
+ SPA_POD_BUILDER_INIT(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+ const struct spa_pod *params[2];
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ struct pw_type *t = pipewire->t;
+ int32_t width, height, stride, size;
+ const int bpp = 4;
+ if (!format) {
+ pipewire_output_debug(output, "format = None");
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ pw_stream_update_params(output->stream, NULL, 0);
+ pw_stream_finish_format(output->stream, 0, NULL, 0);
+ return;
+ }
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ spa_format_video_raw_parse(format, &output->video_format);
+ spa_format_video_raw_parse(format, &output->video_format,
+ &pipewire->type.format_video);
+ width = output->video_format.size.width;
+ height = output->video_format.size.height;
+@@ -510,6 +574,21 @@ pipewire_output_stream_format_changed(void *data, const struct spa_pod *format)
+ pipewire_output_debug(output, "format = %dx%d", width, height);
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ params[0] = spa_pod_builder_add_object(&builder,
++ SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamBuffers, SPA_PARAM_Buffers,
++ SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_size, SPA_POD_Int(size),
++ SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_stride, SPA_POD_Int(stride),
++ SPA_PARAM_BUFFERS_align, SPA_POD_Int(16));
++ params[1] = spa_pod_builder_add_object(&builder,
++ SPA_PARAM_META_size, SPA_POD_Int(sizeof(struct spa_meta_header)));
++ pw_stream_update_params(output->stream, params, 2);
+ params[0] = spa_pod_builder_object(&builder,
+ t->param.idBuffers, t->param_buffers.Buffers,
+ ":", t->param_buffers.size,
+@@ -527,12 +606,17 @@ pipewire_output_stream_format_changed(void *data, const struct spa_pod *format)
+ ":", t->param_meta.size, "i", sizeof(struct spa_meta_header));
+ pw_stream_finish_format(output->stream, 0, params, 2);
+ }
+ static const struct pw_stream_events stream_events = {
+ .state_changed = pipewire_output_stream_state_changed,
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ .param_changed = pipewire_output_stream_param_changed,
+ .format_changed = pipewire_output_stream_format_changed,
+ };
+ static struct weston_output *
+@@ -560,7 +644,11 @@ pipewire_output_create(struct weston_compositor *c, char *name)
+ if (!head)
+ goto err;
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ output->stream = pw_stream_new(pipewire->core, name, NULL);
+ output->stream = pw_stream_new(pipewire->remote, name, NULL);
+ if (!output->stream) {
+ weston_log("Cannot initialize pipewire stream\n");
+ goto err;
+@@ -704,6 +792,14 @@ weston_pipewire_loop_handler(int fd, uint32_t mask, void *data)
+ return 0;
+ }
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++static void
++weston_pipewire_error(void *data, uint32_t id, int seq, int res,
++ const char *error)
++ weston_log("pipewire remote error: %s\n", error);
+ static void
+ weston_pipewire_state_changed(void *data, enum pw_remote_state old,
+ enum pw_remote_state state, const char *error)
+@@ -725,12 +821,20 @@ weston_pipewire_state_changed(void *data, enum pw_remote_state old,
+ break;
+ }
+ }
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++static const struct pw_core_events core_events = {
++ .error = weston_pipewire_error,
+ static const struct pw_remote_events remote_events = {
+ .state_changed = weston_pipewire_state_changed,
+ };
+ static int
+ weston_pipewire_init(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire)
+@@ -745,10 +849,19 @@ weston_pipewire_init(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire)
+ pw_loop_enter(pipewire->loop);
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ pipewire->context = pw_context_new(pipewire->loop, NULL, 0);
+ pipewire->core = pw_core_new(pipewire->loop, NULL);
+ pipewire->t = pw_core_get_type(pipewire->core);
+ init_type(&pipewire->type, pipewire->t->map);
++#if PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
++ pw_core_add_listener(pipewire->core,
++ &pipewire->core_listener,
++ &core_events, pipewire);
+ pipewire->remote = pw_remote_new(pipewire->core, NULL, 0);
+ pw_remote_add_listener(pipewire->remote,
+ &pipewire->remote_listener,
+@@ -777,6 +890,7 @@ weston_pipewire_init(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(pipewire->compositor->wl_display);
+ pipewire->loop_source =
+@@ -786,12 +900,14 @@ weston_pipewire_init(struct weston_pipewire *pipewire)
+ pipewire);
+ return 0;
++#if !PW_CHECK_VERSION(0, 2, 90)
+ err:
+ if (pipewire->remote)
+ pw_remote_destroy(pipewire->remote);
+ pw_loop_leave(pipewire->loop);
+ pw_loop_destroy(pipewire->loop);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ static const struct weston_pipewire_api pipewire_api = {
diff --git a/dev-libs/weston/weston-9.0.0.ebuild b/dev-libs/weston/weston-9.0.0.ebuild
index 0cd0e4d86e45..85cdf01cd444 100644
--- a/dev-libs/weston/weston-9.0.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/weston/weston-9.0.0.ebuild
@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ BDEPEND="
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-pipewire-0.3.patch
src_configure() {
local emesonargs=(
$(meson_use drm backend-drm)