diff options
authorConrad Kostecki <>2022-07-12 01:11:28 +0200
committerConrad Kostecki <>2022-07-12 01:12:30 +0200
commitbf7c65c8da35efb0d83eae503a884c88cd78f8f0 (patch)
tree568562ddd7e94fc847dfe565acc665cf963ad93c /dev-lua/luaossl
parentdev-lua/luaossl: drop 20220711 (diff)
Revert "dev-lua/luaossl: drop 20220711"
This reverts commit 19a953464725d83207324fc51b947f3bf770a99c. Signed-off-by: Conrad Kostecki <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lua/luaossl')
2 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lua/luaossl/Manifest b/dev-lua/luaossl/Manifest
index db230bd70a4e..0242e7046364 100644
--- a/dev-lua/luaossl/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lua/luaossl/Manifest
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
DIST luaossl-rel-20200709.tar.gz 352960 BLAKE2B f4cd53937d7a9c724ab9f2f6a13f1da8fa54216f01fe2af7e65cf7ebdad1f8740491ba1fc6bcc2bf4ac377bde0d2e370433e76a5105c6226e0d9745e12bec0ea SHA512 324175f65e9d292ecb1343cfa9e111f1fd17f15e67037bd705d3db95d32b859c039a6e70620d649f446a8e7043a125a75c64de1714f0fe18e077fb9c017bea34
+DIST luaossl-rel-20220711.tar.gz 505174 BLAKE2B be8736c9198c2c602ab4495f5498e96c90c66ac2712c4c299e3279fa5acd9168fcac29730f1db000eb908ca5f0a2215856c75bbd4a2cf3927cbdf82615160467 SHA512 13c51881218a5a9995d195d4781f6871f0dfe58f061b85dd997b98ec970a38302ac6b057b7987bff5f7719bfdb826aae09f602ea8db5e4b2d462648ad0236909
diff --git a/dev-lua/luaossl/luaossl-20220711.ebuild b/dev-lua/luaossl/luaossl-20220711.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0cbaf9a0b4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lua/luaossl/luaossl-20220711.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-{1..4} luajit )
+inherit lua toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe"
+SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/rel-${PV}.tar.gz -> ${MY_P}.tar.gz"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+ dev-libs/openssl:0=[-bindist(-)]
+ !dev-lua/lua-openssl
+ !dev-lua/luasec
+DOCS=( "doc/." )
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # Remove Lua autodetection
+ # Respect users CFLAGS
+ sed -e '/LUAPATH :=/d' -e '/LUAPATH_FN =/d' -e '/HAVE_API_FN =/d' -e '/WITH_API_FN/d' -e 's/-O2//g' -i GNUmakefile || die
+ lua_copy_sources
+lua_src_compile() {
+ pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ if [[ ${ELUA} != luajit ]]; then
+ LUA_VERSION="$(ver_cut 1-2 $(lua_get_version))"
+ else
+ # This is a workaround for luajit, as it confirms to lua5.1
+ # and the 'GNUmakefile' doesn't understand LuaJITs version.
+ fi
+ local myemakeargs=(
+ "CC=$(tc-getCC)"
+ "libdir="
+ )
+ emake "${myemakeargs[@]}" openssl${LUA_VERSION}
+ popd
+src_compile() {
+ lua_foreach_impl lua_src_compile
+lua_src_install() {
+ pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ if [[ ${ELUA} != luajit ]]; then
+ LUA_VERSION="$(ver_cut 1-2 $(lua_get_version))"
+ else
+ # This is a workaround for luajit, as it confirms to lua5.1
+ # and the 'GNUmakefile' doesn't understand LuaJITs version.
+ fi
+ local myemakeargs=(
+ "DESTDIR=${D}"
+ "lua${LUA_VERSION/./}cpath=$(lua_get_cmod_dir)"
+ "lua${LUA_VERSION/./}path=$(lua_get_lmod_dir)"
+ "prefix=${EPREFIX}/usr"
+ )
+ emake "${myemakeargs[@]}" install${LUA_VERSION}
+ popd
+src_install() {
+ lua_foreach_impl lua_src_install
+ use examples && dodoc -r "examples/."
+ einstalldocs