diff options
authorWilliam Hubbs <>2021-12-31 22:32:48 -0600
committerWilliam Hubbs <>2021-12-31 22:34:34 -0600
commit2dd80a93c9d9d7af24421389bafb5739c38e60b7 (patch)
tree2d470add9d7ad2ca21494abea6e49d3989597477 /sys-apps
parentsys-fs/multipath-tools: add 0.8.8 (diff)
sys-apps/openrc: remove several broken versions
Package-Manager: Portage-3.0.28, Repoman-3.0.3 Signed-off-by: William Hubbs <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 578 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest b/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest
index b20352741246..3fc155f69ea2 100644
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/openrc/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@
DIST openrc-0.43.5.tar.gz 242146 BLAKE2B 993d3895588e8f1383049006834f944faaae0f889d3afcae5bff697db9f26383712f18aba52ce07d835f1d2bbe8ef19ef116ad60141d1eb0650767430d1d9967 SHA512 680c1549a8a37eb3a719f3e026888d045d26c98357d6e6eaf09069a23a001272deaca8cac4a9b8fd79f489c4cfb4fe2c7b5d481d1469798a8f5ec470d0cadbe3
DIST openrc-0.44.10.tar.gz 254298 BLAKE2B 3cfecc27b560b8bb60d2104ab3dcf176b98677b65b829fa403ad2eb0e2e8bb0d586d374c336328a07c2f35e3abcb3f897cf5df142540a60fc09883aabd0ac79d SHA512 0e41f5268c6b8c325a6773511ca58c38ba52a1987aa47165794df8a99359bd1bfcb99d30e0d129b9242a2661663234f6f85c92c55c891dbb6c5b8a11d93edea4
-DIST openrc-0.44.7.tar.gz 255444 BLAKE2B 8058e1fd8fcce46f53e73b56ec8da5eec9ba0807d657aef4ece2d49056c02a451c41155df96b167ff157863a85d77eb63796715b5191dd1c6c631c8f859d3090 SHA512 c6b3e2e30615d97a5185320a140ced881bc59ba31ea8dff5d80440396166af237826de6ffc7836ec141e305c92176cd9cc3dabff7e42ac0d80e5238513fefdb7
-DIST openrc-0.44.8.tar.gz 255668 BLAKE2B 13d023ea3346313ded9f9bff729c296a3317577ddc58cadbe57429833075776a3a3dc52dfd1c9e9721407b747df0f6471a81d12dc79216dc4b75222104208965 SHA512 ee8520b42df2f20cc770b9cc1a82eee4c7cb2e0d2e8b0788f5201e7c5ca864f414e97f679f3c25b808cb3641bc99cd74580dcd9777f4738f43adba65754ae679
-DIST openrc-0.44.9.tar.gz 254859 BLAKE2B 467f47e6bb09e0cea4c093f7516979112c2b70fb898a8030ef28ad78a20b89751256d545f21d295e948e791027c5b4b9e8b1cac244d3698161a449cc4bc1b38f SHA512 41488b2e699b1f66f334c4f90021b57a175ae1c9c77464bb747d38907a3a54cc1e48284484577d2f72cde8e4007b03e6529c549f462e8acdba8ffc796ac58239
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/files/openrc-0.44.8-selinux-no-pam.patch b/sys-apps/openrc/files/openrc-0.44.8-selinux-no-pam.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 28749433f69f..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/files/openrc-0.44.8-selinux-no-pam.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-From: Sam James <>
-Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 12:05:56 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] meson: fix pam_misc_dep definition
-X-Gentoo-Bug: 824954
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ rc_sbindir = rc_libexecdir / 'sbin'
- sbindir = rootprefix / get_option('sbindir')
- selinux_dep = dependency('libselinux', required : get_option('selinux'))
-+pam_misc_dep = []
- if selinux_dep.found()
- cc_selinux_flags = '-DHAVE_SELINUX'
- if pam_dep.found() and get_option('pam')
-@@ -107,7 +108,6 @@ if selinux_dep.found()
- endif
- else
- cc_selinux_flags = []
-- pam_misc_dep = []
- endif
- termcap = get_option('termcap')
-From: Sam James <>
-Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2021 12:06:37 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] meson: link against libcrypt for SELinux if no PAM
-We use libcrypt's crypt() if we're _not_ using PAM
-in the SELinux code (rc-selinux, specifically).
-X-Gentoo-Bug: 824954
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ rc_bindir = rc_libexecdir / 'bin'
- rc_sbindir = rc_libexecdir / 'sbin'
- sbindir = rootprefix / get_option('sbindir')
-+crypt_dep = dependency('libcrypt', required : not get_option('pam'))
- selinux_dep = dependency('libselinux', required : get_option('selinux'))
- pam_misc_dep = []
- if selinux_dep.found()
---- a/src/rc/
-+++ b/src/rc/
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ executable('openrc-run',
- rc_selinux_c, version_h],
- c_args : [cc_audit_flags, cc_branding_flags, cc_pam_flags, cc_selinux_flags],
- link_with: [libeinfo, librc],
-- dependencies: [audit_dep, dl_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, selinux_dep, util_dep],
-+ dependencies: [audit_dep, dl_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, selinux_dep, util_dep, crypt_dep],
- include_directories: [incdir, einfo_incdir, rc_incdir],
- install: true,
- install_dir: sbindir)
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ executable('runscript',
- rc_selinux_c, version_h],
- c_args : [cc_audit_flags, cc_branding_flags, cc_pam_flags, cc_selinux_flags],
- link_with: [libeinfo, librc],
-- dependencies: [audit_dep, dl_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, util_dep, selinux_dep],
-+ dependencies: [audit_dep, dl_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, util_dep, selinux_dep, crypt_dep],
- include_directories: [incdir, einfo_incdir, rc_incdir],
- install: true,
- install_dir: sbindir)
-@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ executable('start-stop-daemon',
- rc_selinux_c, usage_c, version_h],
- c_args : [cc_audit_flags, cc_branding_flags, cc_pam_flags, cc_selinux_flags],
- link_with: [libeinfo, librc],
-- dependencies: [audit_dep, dl_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, util_dep, selinux_dep],
-+ dependencies: [audit_dep, dl_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, util_dep, selinux_dep, crypt_dep],
- include_directories: [incdir, einfo_incdir, rc_incdir],
- install: true,
- install_dir: sbindir)
-@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ executable('checkpath',
- c_args : [cc_audit_flags, cc_branding_flags, cc_pam_flags, cc_selinux_flags],
- include_directories: [incdir, einfo_incdir, rc_incdir],
- link_with: [libeinfo, librc],
-- dependencies: [audit_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, selinux_dep],
-+ dependencies: [audit_dep, pam_dep, pam_misc_dep, selinux_dep, crypt_dep],
- install: true,
- install_dir: rc_bindir)
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.7.ebuild b/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd2f3b212cc..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit flag-o-matic meson pam toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host"
-if [[ ${PV} =~ ^9{4,}$ ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="audit bash debug ncurses pam newnet +netifrc selinux sysv-utils unicode"
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- audit? ( sys-process/audit )
- sys-process/psmisc
- !<sys-process/procps-3.3.9-r2
- selinux? (
- sys-apps/policycoreutils
- >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.6
- )
- !<sys-apps/baselayout-2.1-r1
- !<sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-27"
- virtual/os-headers
- ncurses? ( virtual/pkgconfig )"
- bash? ( app-shells/bash )
- !prefix? (
- sysv-utils? (
- !sys-apps/systemd[sysv-utils(-)]
- !sys-apps/sysvinit
- )
- !sysv-utils? ( >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r6[selinux?] )
- virtual/tmpfiles
- )
- selinux? (
- >=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20170204-r4
- >=sec-policy/selinux-openrc-2.20170204-r4
- )
- !<app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp-20180302
- !<app-shells/gentoo-zsh-completions-20180228
-PDEPEND="netifrc? ( net-misc/netifrc )"
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_feature audit)
- "-Dbranding=\"Gentoo Linux\""
- $(meson_use newnet)
- -Dos=Linux
- $(meson_use pam)
- $(meson_feature selinux)
- -Drootprefix="${EPREFIX}"
- -Dshell=$(usex bash /bin/bash /bin/sh)
- $(meson_use sysv-utils sysvinit)
- -Dtermcap=$(usev ncurses)
- )
- # export DEBUG=$(usev debug)
- meson_src_configure
-# set_config <file> <option name> <yes value> <no value> test
-# a value of "#" will just comment out the option
-set_config() {
- local file="${ED}/$1" var=$2 val com
- eval "${@:5}" && val=$3 || val=$4
- [[ ${val} == "#" ]] && com="#" && val='\2'
- sed -i -r -e "/^#?${var}=/{s:=([\"'])?([^ ]*)\1?:=\1${val}\1:;s:^#?:${com}:}" "${file}"
-set_config_yes_no() {
- set_config "$1" "$2" YES NO "${@:3}"
-src_install() {
- meson_install
- keepdir /lib/rc/tmp
- # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users
- set_config_yes_no /etc/rc.conf unicode use unicode
- # Cater to the norm
- set_config_yes_no /etc/conf.d/keymaps windowkeys '(' use x86 '||' use amd64 ')'
- # On HPPA, do not run consolefont by default (bug #222889)
- if use hppa; then
- rm -f "${ED}"/etc/runlevels/boot/consolefont
- fi
- # Support for logfile rotation
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/openrc.logrotate openrc
- if use pam; then
- # install gentoo pam.d files
- newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam start-stop-daemon
- newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam supervise-daemon
- fi
- # install documentation
- dodoc ChangeLog *.md
-pkg_preinst() {
- # avoid default thrashing in conf.d files when possible #295406
- if [[ -e "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/hostname ]] ; then
- (
- unset hostname HOSTNAME
- source "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/hostname
- : ${hostname:=${HOSTNAME}}
- [[ -n ${hostname} ]] && set_config /etc/conf.d/hostname hostname "${hostname}"
- )
- fi
- # set default interactive shell to sulogin if it exists
- set_config /etc/rc.conf rc_shell /sbin/sulogin "#" test -e /sbin/sulogin
- return 0
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use hppa; then
- elog "Setting the console font does not work on all HPPA consoles."
- elog "You can still enable it by running:"
- elog "# rc-update add consolefont boot"
- fi
- # Added for 0.35.
- if [[ ! -h "${EROOT}"/lib ]]; then
- if [[ -d "${EROOT}/$(get_libdir)"/rc ]]; then
- cp -RPp "${EROOT}/$(get_libdir)/rc" "${EROOT}"/lib
- fi
- fi
- if ! use newnet && ! use netifrc; then
- ewarn "You have emerged OpenRc without network support. This"
- ewarn "means you need to SET UP a network manager such as"
- ewarn " net-misc/netifrc, net-misc/dhcpcd, net-misc/connman,"
- ewarn " net-misc/NetworkManager, or net-vpn/badvpn."
- ewarn "Or, you have the option of emerging openrc with the newnet"
- ewarn "use flag and configuring /etc/conf.d/network and"
- ewarn "/etc/conf.d/staticroute if you only use static interfaces."
- ewarn
- fi
- if use newnet && [ ! -e "${EROOT}"/etc/runlevels/boot/network ]; then
- ewarn "Please add the network service to your boot runlevel"
- ewarn "as soon as possible. Not doing so could leave you with a system"
- ewarn "without networking."
- ewarn
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.8.ebuild b/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 619e1585c366..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit flag-o-matic meson pam toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host"
-if [[ ${PV} =~ ^9{4,}$ ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="audit bash debug ncurses pam newnet +netifrc selinux sysv-utils unicode"
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- audit? ( sys-process/audit )
- sys-process/psmisc
- !<sys-process/procps-3.3.9-r2
- selinux? (
- sys-apps/policycoreutils
- >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.6
- )
- !<sys-apps/baselayout-2.1-r1
- !<sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-27"
- virtual/os-headers
- ncurses? ( virtual/pkgconfig )"
- bash? ( app-shells/bash )
- !prefix? (
- sysv-utils? (
- !sys-apps/systemd[sysv-utils(-)]
- !sys-apps/sysvinit
- )
- !sysv-utils? ( >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r6[selinux?] )
- virtual/tmpfiles
- )
- selinux? (
- >=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20170204-r4
- >=sec-policy/selinux-openrc-2.20170204-r4
- )
- !<app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp-20180302
- !<app-shells/gentoo-zsh-completions-20180228
-PDEPEND="netifrc? ( net-misc/netifrc )"
- # Backported from master
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-selinux-no-pam.patch
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_feature audit)
- "-Dbranding=\"Gentoo Linux\""
- $(meson_use newnet)
- -Dos=Linux
- $(meson_use pam)
- $(meson_feature selinux)
- -Drootprefix="${EPREFIX}"
- -Dshell=$(usex bash /bin/bash /bin/sh)
- $(meson_use sysv-utils sysvinit)
- -Dtermcap=$(usev ncurses)
- )
- # export DEBUG=$(usev debug)
- meson_src_configure
-# set_config <file> <option name> <yes value> <no value> test
-# a value of "#" will just comment out the option
-set_config() {
- local file="${ED}/$1" var=$2 val com
- eval "${@:5}" && val=$3 || val=$4
- [[ ${val} == "#" ]] && com="#" && val='\2'
- sed -i -r -e "/^#?${var}=/{s:=([\"'])?([^ ]*)\1?:=\1${val}\1:;s:^#?:${com}:}" "${file}"
-set_config_yes_no() {
- set_config "$1" "$2" YES NO "${@:3}"
-src_install() {
- meson_install
- keepdir /lib/rc/tmp
- # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users
- set_config_yes_no /etc/rc.conf unicode use unicode
- # Cater to the norm
- set_config_yes_no /etc/conf.d/keymaps windowkeys '(' use x86 '||' use amd64 ')'
- # On HPPA, do not run consolefont by default (bug #222889)
- if use hppa; then
- rm -f "${ED}"/etc/runlevels/boot/consolefont
- fi
- # Support for logfile rotation
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/openrc.logrotate openrc
- if use pam; then
- # install gentoo pam.d files
- newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam start-stop-daemon
- newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam supervise-daemon
- fi
- # install documentation
- dodoc ChangeLog *.md
-pkg_preinst() {
- # avoid default thrashing in conf.d files when possible #295406
- if [[ -e "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/hostname ]] ; then
- (
- unset hostname HOSTNAME
- source "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/hostname
- : ${hostname:=${HOSTNAME}}
- [[ -n ${hostname} ]] && set_config /etc/conf.d/hostname hostname "${hostname}"
- )
- fi
- # set default interactive shell to sulogin if it exists
- set_config /etc/rc.conf rc_shell /sbin/sulogin "#" test -e /sbin/sulogin
- return 0
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use hppa; then
- elog "Setting the console font does not work on all HPPA consoles."
- elog "You can still enable it by running:"
- elog "# rc-update add consolefont boot"
- fi
- if ! use newnet && ! use netifrc; then
- ewarn "You have emerged OpenRc without network support. This"
- ewarn "means you need to SET UP a network manager such as"
- ewarn " net-misc/netifrc, net-misc/dhcpcd, net-misc/connman,"
- ewarn " net-misc/NetworkManager, or net-vpn/badvpn."
- ewarn "Or, you have the option of emerging openrc with the newnet"
- ewarn "use flag and configuring /etc/conf.d/network and"
- ewarn "/etc/conf.d/staticroute if you only use static interfaces."
- ewarn
- fi
- if use newnet && [ ! -e "${EROOT}"/etc/runlevels/boot/network ]; then
- ewarn "Please add the network service to your boot runlevel"
- ewarn "as soon as possible. Not doing so could leave you with a system"
- ewarn "without networking."
- ewarn
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.9.ebuild b/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.9.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ced74993f6f..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/openrc/openrc-0.44.9.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit flag-o-matic meson pam toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host"
-if [[ ${PV} =~ ^9{4,}$ ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
- inherit git-r3
- SRC_URI="${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="audit bash debug ncurses pam newnet +netifrc selinux sysv-utils unicode"
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- audit? ( sys-process/audit )
- sys-process/psmisc
- !<sys-process/procps-3.3.9-r2
- selinux? (
- sys-apps/policycoreutils
- >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.6
- )
- !<sys-apps/baselayout-2.1-r1
- !<sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-27"
- virtual/os-headers
- ncurses? ( virtual/pkgconfig )"
- bash? ( app-shells/bash )
- !prefix? (
- sysv-utils? (
- !sys-apps/systemd[sysv-utils(-)]
- !sys-apps/sysvinit
- )
- !sysv-utils? ( >=sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r6[selinux?] )
- virtual/tmpfiles
- )
- selinux? (
- >=sec-policy/selinux-base-policy-2.20170204-r4
- >=sec-policy/selinux-openrc-2.20170204-r4
- )
- !<app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp-20180302
- !<app-shells/gentoo-zsh-completions-20180228
-PDEPEND="netifrc? ( net-misc/netifrc )"
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_feature audit)
- "-Dbranding=\"Gentoo Linux\""
- $(meson_use newnet)
- -Dos=Linux
- $(meson_use pam)
- $(meson_feature selinux)
- -Drootprefix="${EPREFIX}"
- -Dshell=$(usex bash /bin/bash /bin/sh)
- $(meson_use sysv-utils sysvinit)
- -Dtermcap=$(usev ncurses)
- )
- # export DEBUG=$(usev debug)
- meson_src_configure
-# set_config <file> <option name> <yes value> <no value> test
-# a value of "#" will just comment out the option
-set_config() {
- local file="${ED}/$1" var=$2 val com
- eval "${@:5}" && val=$3 || val=$4
- [[ ${val} == "#" ]] && com="#" && val='\2'
- sed -i -r -e "/^#?${var}=/{s:=([\"'])?([^ ]*)\1?:=\1${val}\1:;s:^#?:${com}:}" "${file}"
-set_config_yes_no() {
- set_config "$1" "$2" YES NO "${@:3}"
-src_install() {
- meson_install
- keepdir /lib/rc/tmp
- # Setup unicode defaults for silly unicode users
- set_config_yes_no /etc/rc.conf unicode use unicode
- # Cater to the norm
- set_config_yes_no /etc/conf.d/keymaps windowkeys '(' use x86 '||' use amd64 ')'
- # On HPPA, do not run consolefont by default (bug #222889)
- if use hppa; then
- rm -f "${ED}"/etc/runlevels/boot/consolefont
- fi
- # Support for logfile rotation
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/openrc.logrotate openrc
- if use pam; then
- # install gentoo pam.d files
- newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam start-stop-daemon
- newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/start-stop-daemon.pam supervise-daemon
- fi
- # install documentation
- dodoc ChangeLog *.md
-pkg_preinst() {
- # avoid default thrashing in conf.d files when possible #295406
- if [[ -e "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/hostname ]] ; then
- (
- unset hostname HOSTNAME
- source "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/hostname
- : ${hostname:=${HOSTNAME}}
- [[ -n ${hostname} ]] && set_config /etc/conf.d/hostname hostname "${hostname}"
- )
- fi
- # set default interactive shell to sulogin if it exists
- set_config /etc/rc.conf rc_shell /sbin/sulogin "#" test -e /sbin/sulogin
- return 0
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use hppa; then
- elog "Setting the console font does not work on all HPPA consoles."
- elog "You can still enable it by running:"
- elog "# rc-update add consolefont boot"
- fi
- if ! use newnet && ! use netifrc; then
- ewarn "You have emerged OpenRc without network support. This"
- ewarn "means you need to SET UP a network manager such as"
- ewarn " net-misc/netifrc, net-misc/dhcpcd, net-misc/connman,"
- ewarn " net-misc/NetworkManager, or net-vpn/badvpn."
- ewarn "Or, you have the option of emerging openrc with the newnet"
- ewarn "use flag and configuring /etc/conf.d/network and"
- ewarn "/etc/conf.d/staticroute if you only use static interfaces."
- ewarn
- fi
- if use newnet && [ ! -e "${EROOT}"/etc/runlevels/boot/network ]; then
- ewarn "Please add the network service to your boot runlevel"
- ewarn "as soon as possible. Not doing so could leave you with a system"
- ewarn "without networking."
- ewarn
- fi