diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-radio/cqrlog/files/2.3.0-database-connection-refactoring.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/media-radio/cqrlog/files/2.3.0-database-connection-refactoring.patch b/media-radio/cqrlog/files/2.3.0-database-connection-refactoring.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 810bc5b5ba97..000000000000
--- a/media-radio/cqrlog/files/2.3.0-database-connection-refactoring.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-From b26102b097ef6353a20d18ccdaf7a3a6a30185c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: ok2cqr <>
-Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2018 07:12:30 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] database connection refactoring
- src/dData.pas | 126 +++++++-------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/dData.pas b/src/dData.pas
-index 9d72d27..bb56598 100644
---- a/src/dData.pas
-+++ b/src/dData.pas
-@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ type
- function FindLib(const Path,LibName : String) : String;
- function GetMysqldPath : String;
- function TableExists(TableName : String) : Boolean;
-- function GetMySQLLib : String;
- function GetDebugLevel : Integer;
- procedure CreateDBConnections;
-@@ -267,6 +266,7 @@ type
- function RbnCallExistsInLog(callsign,band,mode,LastDate,LastTime : String) : Boolean;
- function CallNoteExists(Callsign : String) : Boolean;
- function GetNewLogNumber : Integer;
-+ function getNewMySQLConnectionObject : TMySQL57Connection;
- procedure SaveQSO(date : TDateTime; time_on,time_off,call : String; freq : Currency;mode,rst_s,
- rst_r, stn_name,qth,qsl_s,qsl_r,qsl_via,iota,pwr : String; itu,waz : Integer;
-@@ -1092,49 +1092,6 @@ begin
- Writeln(' ',DLLUtilName)
- end;
-- lib := GetMySQLLib;
-- if fDebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Loading libmysqlclient: ',lib);
-- if lib <> '' then
-- InitialiseMySQL(lib);
-- try try
-- c := TConnectionName.Create(nil);
-- MySQLVer := copy(c.ClientInfo,1,3);
-- if fDebugLevel>=1 then
-- begin
-- Writeln('**************************');
-- Writeln('MySQL version: ',MySQLVer);
-- Writeln('**************************')
-- end;
-- if MySQLVer = '10.' then
-- MySQLVer := '5.6';
-- if MySQLVer = '10.1' then
-- MySQLVer := '5.7'
-- except
-- on E : Exception do
-- begin
-- Writeln('FATAL ERROR: Can not get MySQL client library version version!',LineEnding,
-- 'Setting to default version (5.1)');
-- MySQLVer := '5.1'
-- end
-- end
-- finally
-- FreeAndNil(c)
-- end;
-- if not TryStrToCurr(MySQLVer,fMySQLVersion) then
-- fMySQLVersion := 5.6;
-- if fDebugLevel>=1 then
-- begin
-- Writeln('**********************************');
-- Writeln('MySQL version assigned: ',FloatToStr(fMySQLVersion));
-- Writeln('**********************************')
-- end;
- CreateDBConnections;
- MainCon.KeepConnection := True;
-@@ -1148,13 +1105,11 @@ begin
- end;
- //special connection for band map thread
-- BandMapCon.KeepConnection := True;
- BandMapCon.Transaction := trBandMapFil;
- qBandMapFil.Transaction := trBandMapFil;
- qBandMapFil.DataBase := BandMapCon;
- trBandMapFil.DataBase := BandMapCon;
-- RbnMonCon.KeepConnection := True;
- RbnMonCon.Transaction := trRbnMon;
- qRbnMon.Transaction := trRbnMon;
- qRbnMon.DataBase := RbnMonCon;
-@@ -1194,7 +1149,6 @@ begin
- Writeln('ZIP code directory: ',fZipCodeDir);
- Writeln('Binary dir: ',ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0)));
- Writeln('Share dir: ',fShareDir);
-- Writeln('TConnection to MySQL: ',FloatToStr(fMySQLVersion));
- Writeln('*')
- end;
-@@ -4166,70 +4120,13 @@ end;
- procedure TdmData.CreateDBConnections;
- begin
-- if fMySQLVersion < 5.5 then
-- begin
-- MainCon := TMySQL51Connection.Create(self);
-- BandMapCon := TMySQL51Connection.Create(self);
-- RbnMonCon := TMySQL51Connection.Create(self);
-- LogUploadCon := TMySQL51Connection.Create(self);
-- dbDXC := TMySQL51Connection.Create(self)
-- end
-- else if fMySQLVersion < 5.6 then
-- begin
-- MainCon := TMySQL55Connection.Create(self);
-- BandMapCon := TMySQL55Connection.Create(self);
-- RbnMonCon := TMySQL55Connection.Create(self);
-- LogUploadCon := TMySQL55Connection.Create(self);
-- dbDXC := TMySQL55Connection.Create(self)
-- end
-- else begin
-- if fMySQLVersion < 5.7 then
-- begin
-- MainCon := TMySQL56Connection.Create(self);
-- BandMapCon := TMySQL56Connection.Create(self);
-- RbnMonCon := TMySQL56Connection.Create(self);
-- LogUploadCon := TMySQL56Connection.Create(self);
-- dbDXC := TMySQL56Connection.Create(self)
-- end
-- else begin
-- MainCon := TMySQL57Connection.Create(self);
-- BandMapCon := TMySQL57Connection.Create(self);
-- RbnMonCon := TMySQL57Connection.Create(self);
-- LogUploadCon := TMySQL57Connection.Create(self);
-- dbDXC := TMySQL57Connection.Create(self)
-- end
-- end
-+ MainCon := getNewMySQLConnectionObject();
-+ BandMapCon := getNewMySQLConnectionObject();
-+ RbnMonCon := getNewMySQLConnectionObject();
-+ LogUploadCon := getNewMySQLConnectionObject();
-+ dbDXC := getNewMySQLConnectionObject();
- end;
--function TdmData.GetMySQLLib : String;
-- lib : String;
-- Paths : TStringList;
-- Result := '';
-- Paths := TStringList.Create;
-- try
-- Paths.Add('/usr/lib64/');
-- Paths.Add('/lib64/');
-- Paths.Add('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/');
-- Paths.Add('/usr/lib64/mysql/');
-- Paths.Add('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/');
-- Paths.Add('/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/');
-- Paths.Add('/lib/i386-linux-gnu/');
-- Paths.Add('/usr/lib/');
-- Paths.Add('/lib/');
-- Paths.Add('/usr/lib/mysql/');
-- Result := MyFindFile('*', Paths);
-- if (Result='') then
-- begin
-- Result := MyFindFile('*', Paths)
-- end
-- finally
-- FreeAndNil(Paths)
-- end
- function TdmData.GetDebugLevel : Integer;
- var
-@@ -4315,5 +4212,16 @@ begin
- QSOColorDate := now
- end;
-+function TdmData.getNewMySQLConnectionObject : TMySQL57Connection;
-+ Connection : TMySQL57Connection;
-+ Connection := TMySQL57Connection.Create(self);
-+ Connection.SkipLibraryVersionCheck := True;
-+ Connection.KeepConnection := True;
-+ result := Connection
- end.