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authorUlrich Müller <>2021-07-11 22:36:39 +0200
committerUlrich Müller <>2021-07-11 22:36:39 +0200
commit4aaf97fe0010564df2c8be0273447fc1f53f2522 (patch)
parentLog for 20210711 meeting (diff)
20210711: Change tabs to spaces
Signed-off-by: Ulrich Müller <>
2 files changed, 211 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/meeting-logs/20210711.txt b/meeting-logs/20210711.txt
index ae99405..bf8d8a8 100644
--- a/meeting-logs/20210711.txt
+++ b/meeting-logs/20210711.txt
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
<@mgorny> sure*
<@ulm> agenda is here:
-<@ulm> so, welcome everyone, especially the new members [21:01]
+<@ulm> so, welcome everyone, especially the new members [21:01]
<@ulm> !proj council
<willikins> ( dilfridge, gyakovlev, marecki, mattst88,
- mgorny, sam, ulm
+ mgorny, sam, ulm
<@ulm> 1. Roll call
* mgorny here
* gyakovlev here
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* dilfridge here
* Marecki here
* soap here (proxy for mattst88)
-<@ulm> sam_ is still missing [21:02]
+<@ulm> sam_ is still missing [21:02]
<+soap> give it another minute
<@ulm> sure
* sam_ here
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
<@ulm> everyone here then
<@ulm> 2. Constitute the new council
<@ulm> - Decide on time of meetings. The previous council had its meetings on
- the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC [21:03]
+ the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC [21:03]
<@ulm> does that work for everyone?
<+soap> shall we vote on it?
<@dilfridge> works for me
<@gyakovlev> wfm
-<@ulm> yeah, let's have a quick vote [21:04]
+<@ulm> yeah, let's have a quick vote [21:04]
* dilfridge yes
* soap yes
* ulm yes
@@ -50,18 +50,18 @@
* sam_ yes
* ulm yes
<@ulm> assuming the vote is for the item, not for having a discussion on it :)
- [21:05]
+ [21:05]
<@ulm> unanimous
<@ulm> - Appoint chairmen for this term's meetings
<@ulm> I could take August as well
<@mgorny> i'll take Sep+Oct
<@dilfridge> I can do NovDc
<@sam_> it doesn't particularly bother me other than ideally not being first
- to find my feet as a new member [21:06]
+ to find my feet as a new member [21:06]
<@Marecki> Jan and Feb work for me
<@gyakovlev> marchapr - me
<+soap> ok, matt will do the remainder
-<+soap> wait, sam hasnt said yet [21:07]
+<+soap> wait, sam hasnt said yet [21:07]
<@gyakovlev> that's the price of soaproxy =)
<+soap> :D
<@gyakovlev> doing 4 chairs
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
<@ulm> june is last
<@sam_> that wfm, and we can speak with matt and figure it out if needed
<@mgorny> Marecki and sam_ haven't been on the council yet, so maybe one month
- for each of them?
+ for each of them?
<@ulm> but you could split
-<@sam_> mgorny: that would be nice [21:08]
+<@sam_> mgorny: that would be nice [21:08]
<@gyakovlev> it can be changed if needed, it's not set in stone.
<@ulm> sam_: adding you for may/june now, and we update it later
<@sam_> ok, fine with me, thanks
@@ -79,17 +79,17 @@
<@ulm> 3. GLEP 82 update
-<@gyakovlev> +eapis-testing = <space-separated EAPI names> [21:09]
+<@gyakovlev> +eapis-testing = <space-separated EAPI names> [21:09]
<@gyakovlev> + Specifies one or more EAPIs that must not (yet) be used in
- ebuilds
+ ebuilds
<@ulm> basically a new "eapis-testing" key in layout.conf
<@mgorny> i don't think anyone has raised any concerns, so straight to vote?
<@ulm> yeah, unless anyone wants to discuss it?
<@gyakovlev> not this one imo.
<@sam_> yes, i don't think anyone has been bothered by this at all, created
- out of necessity (even if it's a rare occasion)
+ out of necessity (even if it's a rare occasion)
<@Marecki> Feels like a reasonable thing to do, let's go straight to voting
-<+soap> yup, lets vote [21:10]
+<+soap> yup, lets vote [21:10]
<@dilfridge> it wasnt that rare before you started stabilizing :P
<@ulm> motion: reapprove GLEP 82
* dilfridge yes
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
<@ulm> do we need a discussion?
<@dilfridge> sounds like a good idea (but will be a load of work)
-<@ulm> let's vote then, the motion is to deprecate EAPI 6 [21:11]
+<@ulm> let's vote then, the motion is to deprecate EAPI 6 [21:11]
<@mgorny> i don't think there are any blockers for it
* soap yes
<@sam_> kernel-2 was the last major eclass
* dilfridge yes
* sam_ yes
* gyakovlev yes
-* ulm yes [21:12]
+* ulm yes [21:12]
<@Marecki> All that effectively means that we must not have any new ebuilds
- using it adding to the tree, doesn't it?
+ using it adding to the tree, doesn't it?
<@ulm> basically, yes
* mgorny yes
* Marecki yes
@@ -127,78 +127,78 @@
<@dilfridge> basically also voted yes, so 8
<@dilfridge> sorry
<@ulm> - Update policy for banning EAPIs / ban EAPI 5
-<@ulm> I had proposed to change the rule [21:13]
+<@ulm> I had proposed to change the rule [21:13]
<@ulm> namely, "A deprecated EAPI is considered banned when the Gentoo
repository no longer contains any ebuilds using it."
<@ulm> but bman has raised objections and asked to ban EAPI 5 instead [21:14]
<@Marecki> I would say it's a reasonable change. I mean, what's the point of
- "banning" EAPI 5 if we still have all those ebuilds using said EAPI
- in the tree?
+ "banning" EAPI 5 if we still have all those ebuilds using said EAPI
+ in the tree?
<@mgorny> just to be clear, 'ban' in the old meaning of 'developers must not
- add new ebuilds using it unless absolutely necessary'
+ add new ebuilds using it unless absolutely necessary'
<@dilfridge> sounds ok to me... I really see no reasonable scenario why
- someone would have to readd an ebuild in the last minute
+ someone would have to readd an ebuild in the last minute
<@gyakovlev> what about experimental eapis what we have no ebuilds in
- ::gentoo?
+ ::gentoo?
<@sam_> mgorny: thanks, I was going to ask the distinction
-<@gyakovlev> just asking, but seems like reasonable suggestion [21:15]
+<@gyakovlev> just asking, but seems like reasonable suggestion [21:15]
<@dilfridge> do any still exist? well outside arfrever?
<@Marecki> mgorny: Isn't that what we intend to mean by deprecating an EAPI?
<@sam_> honestly, I think this isn't really a problem either way (nobody was
- adding new EAPI=4 ebuilds towards the end)
+ adding new EAPI=4 ebuilds towards the end)
<@gyakovlev> dilfridge: idk, hence the question =)
<@sam_> so I'm fine with the change if it simplifies the picture
<@mgorny> i'm for keeping the old split of 1) deprecate (i.e. light 'please do
- not add'), 2) ban (i.e. strong 'do not add unless you have to'), and
- 3) ban in layout.conf (i.e. breakage if added)
+ not add'), 2) ban (i.e. strong 'do not add unless you have to'), and
+ 3) ban in layout.conf (i.e. breakage if added)
<@ulm> maybe we just vote on the policy change? if it fails, we can deprecate
EAPI 5 the old way
-<@dilfridge> so essentially [21:16]
+<@dilfridge> so essentially [21:16]
<@dilfridge> the policy change means, after the last ebuild is removed,
<@dilfridge> the eapi can be added to the banned list in metadata
<@sam_> mgorny: I feel like by the time we're at 2), we've got big problems
- and there shouldn't be any reasons to anyway
+ and there shouldn't be any reasons to anyway
<@mgorny> dilfridge: imo the policy change eliminates step 2
-<@dilfridge> err [21:17]
+<@dilfridge> err [21:17]
<@sam_> that's how i understood it
<@mgorny> i.e. Council formally banning EAPI for use in new ebuilds (except
- for important bumps)
+ for important bumps)
<@dilfridge> so we'd still have to vote to add it to metadata? that's kinda
- pointless then
+ pointless then
<@mgorny> i think adding to metadata can be decided separately
<@ulm> no vote to add it to layout.conf
<@ulm> that would be automatic
<@ulm> when the last ebuild is gone
-<@mgorny> ulm: let's split this into two votes [21:18]
+<@mgorny> ulm: let's split this into two votes [21:18]
<@mgorny> one for removing step 2, another for automatically adding when last
- ebuild is gone
+ ebuild is gone
<@ulm> ok
<@Marecki> mgorny: Seconded.
<@ulm> motion: "A deprecated EAPI is considered banned when the Gentoo
repository no longer contains any ebuilds using it."
<@mgorny> ulm: which one is that?
<@Marecki> ulm: Motion seconded.
-<@ulm> mgorny: first part of motion? [21:19]
+<@ulm> mgorny: first part of motion? [21:19]
<@ulm> or what was your idea there? please reword then
<@mgorny> sec
<@Marecki> Looks like the second one to me, actually.
-<@Marecki> Guess it does need a rewording. [21:20]
+<@Marecki> Guess it does need a rewording. [21:20]
<@sam_> none of us are English or Italian AFAIK so we can be patient ;)
<@mgorny> maybe "Council will no longer declare EAPIs banned for new ebuilds
- before the last ebuild using the EAPI is gone" [21:21]
+ before the last ebuild using the EAPI is gone" [21:21]
<@dilfridge> uh?
<@mgorny> it's hard, man
<@mgorny> or maybe...
<@sam_> do we want to postpone this for now, given we're not close to banning
- EAPI 5 anyway? [21:22]
+ EAPI 5 anyway? [21:22]
<@mgorny> "the EAPI deprecation workflow is simplified so that there is no
- intermediate ban between deprecation and complete removal of EAPI"
+ intermediate ban between deprecation and complete removal of EAPI"
<@mgorny> or s/ban/step/
<@sam_> ok
<@ulm> let's go for that, with s/ban/step/
<@dilfridge> somehow I feel this just gets more confusing
<@ulm> please vote
-* mgorny no [21:23]
+* mgorny no [21:23]
<@sam_> I think this is essentially how we've treated the process, fwiw
* ulm yes
<@sam_> it aligns the rule more with reality
@@ -210,65 +210,65 @@
<@dilfridge> ugh
<@sam_> let me paste Marecki's message for the benefit of the log [21:24]
<@sam_> "BTW. Here is how I have thought about this to date. Consider EAPI n,
- then:
+ then:
<@sam_> - EAPI n+1 comes out - not much change
<@sam_> - EAPI n+2 comes out - "please don't use EAPI n"
<@sam_> - EAPI n deprecated - "don't use it unless absolutely necessary",
- active clean-up
+ active clean-up
<@sam_> - EAPI n banned - all remaining content in tree dropped, possible
- loss of support at PM level"
+ loss of support at PM level"
<@sam_> (it got Matrix'd into a link)
<@dilfridge> Marecki: what you call deprecated is basically what we called
- banned so far
+ banned so far
<@ulm> yeah, but the n+2 step has a time component as well
<@Marecki> I mean seriously, what's the point of an intermediate step if it
- doesn't actually enforce anything [21:25]
+ doesn't actually enforce anything [21:25]
<@ulm> for the upgrade path
<@sam_> so does an EAPI become unbanned if I restore an ebuild?
<@mgorny> Marecki: technically, the intermediate step is when we could
- actually take action when people deliberately add old EAPIs
+ actually take action when people deliberately add old EAPIs
<@mgorny> i.e. deprecated = kindly please
<@mgorny> banned = you must not
-<@mgorny> removed = you can't or repoman/pkgcheck will complain [21:26]
+<@mgorny> removed = you can't or repoman/pkgcheck will complain [21:26]
<+soap> which hasnt ever happened yet?
<@sam_> that's the problem for me
<+soap> (removed, that is)
<@sam_> i don't think we've fully utilised the old system anyway
<@ulm> so, we were in the middle of a vote
<@Marecki> Well, seeing as how many EAPI 5 ebuilds we have still got in the
- tree, I am not entirely convinced this old approach has been
- effective. This is probably not the time to discuss this, though.
-<@ulm> should we abort it? [21:27]
+ tree, I am not entirely convinced this old approach has been
+ effective. This is probably not the time to discuss this, though.
+<@ulm> should we abort it? [21:27]
<@mgorny> Marecki: eapi 5 hasn't been banned yet
<@ulm> gyakovlev: soap: sam_: ^^
* soap yes
<@Marecki> mgorny: I know - and it basically means that "kindly please" hasn't
- had much effect.
-<@ulm> 4 yes, 1 no so far [21:28]
+ had much effect.
+<@ulm> 4 yes, 1 no so far [21:28]
<@gyakovlev> I can vote ofc but it seems poorly discussed/formulated tbh/
<@ulm> we'll have a second motion on this
<@sam_> I feel a bit reluctant to keep the status quo given we've been banning
- at 0 ebuilds
+ at 0 ebuilds
<@sam_> anyway
* sam_ yes
<@mgorny> sam_: we've been banning earlier
<@mgorny> basically when the count has been small enough and we didn't want
- people increasing it last minute [21:29]
+ people increasing it last minute [21:29]
<@sam_> oh I see
<@gyakovlev> that's how I remember it and someone had to witch-hunt remains
- till count=0
+ till count=0
<@sam_> sorry, I got confused
<@dilfridge> ok here's a motion for a vote: "after the last ebuild of a
- deprecated EAPI has been removed from ::gentoo, the EAPI can be
- immediately banned in layout.conf" [21:30]
+ deprecated EAPI has been removed from ::gentoo, the EAPI can be
+ immediately banned in layout.conf" [21:30]
<@sam_> I think I'm inclined to vote no, actually, but I'm wondering if we
- should actually defer this for a bit because this seems.. muddy
+ should actually defer this for a bit because this seems.. muddy
<@gyakovlev> ^ that looks more sensible tbh
<@ulm> gyakovlev: you abstain then?
<@mgorny> dilfridge: that was intended to be the second part, yes
<@dilfridge> excellent
* gyakovlev yes
-<@gyakovlev> ulm: ^ [21:31]
+<@gyakovlev> ulm: ^ [21:31]
<@mgorny> ulm: maybe we should retract the motion as it's unclear
<@mgorny> and i feel like some people don't really knw what they've voted for
<@sam_> I think we've got several texts floating around
@@ -276,72 +276,72 @@
<@ulm> *sigh*
<@gyakovlev> we should have posted 2 items but voted separately..
<@sam_> let's rewind for a moment, state both motions, then vote --- or we
- postpone this for the next meeting
+ postpone this for the next meeting
<@mgorny> either way, it doesn't really matter unless we actually ban an EAPI
-<@mgorny> ok, so maybe let's vote OLD/NEW [21:32]
+<@mgorny> ok, so maybe let's vote OLD/NEW [21:32]
<@sam_> I don't think this is going to be easy to follow in the log at all
<@ulm> the previous motion was: "the EAPI deprecation workflow is simplified
so that there is no intermediate step between deprecation and complete
removal of EAPI"
<@ulm> accepted with 6 yes votes and 1 no vote
<@sam_> (I think I did actually change to no)
-<@ulm> 5 yes votes and 2 no votes (from mgorny and sam_) [21:33]
+<@ulm> 5 yes votes and 2 no votes (from mgorny and sam_) [21:33]
<@sam_> thanks!
<@mgorny> OLD: 3 steps: 1) deprecate via layout.conf; 2) ban via policy; 3)
- ban via layout.conf (when last ebuild is gone)
+ ban via layout.conf (when last ebuild is gone)
<@ulm> just a moment please
<@mgorny> NEW: 2 steps: 1) deprecate via layout.conf; 2) ban via layout.conf
- (when last ebuild is gone)
+ (when last ebuild is gone)
<@sam_> can I suggest we adjourn for 10 minutes, come back with fresh heads,
- vote on the OLD/NEW?
-<@mgorny> i can try to quickly grep for dates on past EAPIs [21:34]
+ vote on the OLD/NEW?
+<@mgorny> i can try to quickly grep for dates on past EAPIs [21:34]
<@gyakovlev> if mgorny's explanation with OLD NEW is correct change my vote to
- no please.
+ no please.
<@gyakovlev> ulm: ^
<@ulm> how about this: "if less than 2% of ebuild in the gentoo repository are
using a deprecated EAPI, no more ebuilds of that EAPI must be added
unless absolutely necessary"
<@sam_> mgorny: dates should be in layout.conf but numbers would be useful on
- EAPI #s I suppose
+ EAPI #s I suppose
<@Marecki> sam_: Umm, we've just voted on NEW haven''t we.
<@ulm> 2% would be about 600 ebuilds currently
-<@sam_> Marecki: given it was supposed to be two motions.. [21:35]
+<@sam_> Marecki: given it was supposed to be two motions.. [21:35]
<@mgorny> actaully, there's also a third motion for banning EAPI 5 (if we stay
- with OLD workflow) [21:36]
+ with OLD workflow) [21:36]
<@Marecki> sam_: The second vote was on whether we'd have to vote on banning
- an EAPI at count=0 or whether it would happen automatically.
+ an EAPI at count=0 or whether it would happen automatically.
<@ulm> it would clarify that adding ebuilds when almost all of that EAPI are
gone is a big no-no
<@sam_> Marecki: I see, thanks
<@ulm> except security bumps and other urgent matters
<@sam_> honestly, it gets to the point where if we're security bumping
- something on EAPI (then 4), we consider last-riting it instead if it's
- too hard to port [21:37]
+ something on EAPI (then 4), we consider last-riting it instead if it's
+ too hard to port [21:37]
<@sam_> because it shows nobody cares
<@mgorny> so EAPI 4 example:
<@sam_> so I think we shouldn't worry too much
<@mgorny> 2018-04-08 council meeting banned EAPI 4
<@mgorny> 2020-11-26 last ebuild gone (and added to layout.conf)
<@mgorny> (2015-10-11 deprecated)
-<@ulm> yes, so what was the point of banning it? [21:38]
+<@ulm> yes, so what was the point of banning it? [21:38]
<@mgorny> so there's rouhgly 2.5 yr period when we were cleaning it after the
- ban
+ ban
*** tiotags (~tiotags@user/tiotags) has joined channel #gentoo-council
<@Marecki> Point of order, have we got official, formal definition of
- "deprecating" and "banning" an EAPI anywhere?
+ "deprecating" and "banning" an EAPI anywhere?
<@Marecki> ulm: My point exactly.
<@ulm> Marecki: it's in some old log
-<@ulm> 2011-ish I guess [21:39]
+<@ulm> 2011-ish I guess [21:39]
<@sam_> In reality, I feel like banning EAPI 5 now (move from "politely,
- please stop" to "really, don't") would fix any woes I have with the
- current tree state.
+ please stop" to "really, don't") would fix any woes I have with the
+ current tree state.
<@gyakovlev> I think it's clear at this point this item needs more
- discussion/formulation/definition.
+ discussion/formulation/definition.
<@Marecki> ulm: So nothing we could easily point users to, then.
<@sam_> yes
<@mgorny> i'll crunch ebuild nos in a minute
<@sam_> I'm still happy to adjourn if it'd let us sort it out this week.
- [21:40]
+ [21:40]
<@mgorny> i'd suggest we defer this and discuss on the ml
<@sam_> Give mgorny some time to find numbers, ulm to possibly rephrase, ...
<@dilfridge> can we at least vote on EAPI=6 ?
@@ -349,45 +349,45 @@
<@dilfridge> oh we did already
<@ulm> well, we've just accepted dropping step 2
<@Marecki> It really feels like we need to work on an official EAPI life-cycle
- policy.
+ policy.
<@ulm> are we going to ignote that vote?
<@ulm> *ignore
-<@mgorny> EAPI 4 @ 2018-04-08 -> 1656 ebuilds [21:41]
+<@mgorny> EAPI 4 @ 2018-04-08 -> 1656 ebuilds [21:41]
<@dilfridge> well, we voted on two things, and both can take effect
<@dilfridge> but that doesnt keep us from tasking Marecki with the writeup of
- an official EAPI life-cycle policy
+ an official EAPI life-cycle policy
<@sam_> right
<@dilfridge> :)
<@Marecki> I can do that.
<@mgorny> EAPI 4 @ 2015-10-11 -> 4926 ebuilds
<@mgorny> but i suppose making some month-by-month plot will tell us better
- when 'ban' actually changed anything [21:42]
+ when 'ban' actually changed anything [21:42]
<@ulm> ok, anything else on this topic?
<@ulm> e.g. anyone supporting an EAPI 5 ban right now?
<@sam_> yes, I'm fine with banning EAPI 5 now, and would like us to, given IMO
- we're at the point where people should not be using it [21:43]
+ we're at the point where people should not be using it [21:43]
<@ulm> mgorny: there's
<@mgorny> given the numbers from EAPI 4 ban, i suppose EAPI 5 is fine being
- banned today wrt old policy
+ banned today wrt old policy
<@ulm> and no, you don't see any effect of a ban
<@ulm> nor of deprecation :/
<@sam_> I think it's useful for people to know when they really shouldn't be
- doing it vs "I'll get around to it now it's deprecated"
-<@ulm> mgorny: won't harm to postpone it to next month [21:44]
+ doing it vs "I'll get around to it now it's deprecated"
+<@ulm> mgorny: won't harm to postpone it to next month [21:44]
<@Marecki> ulm: My personal, cynical view here is that people who do give a
- flying fuck will have already away from an old EAPI long before
- even deprecation and the rest does not care about either.
+ flying fuck will have already away from an old EAPI long before
+ even deprecation and the rest does not care about either.
<@ulm> so let's move on, unless someone would second the motion to ban EAPI 5
<@mgorny> ulm: not sure, i find it hard to read log plot
<@sam_> Marecki: part of the thing here is about having a soft foam pool
- noodle to hit the people who don't care with stronger terminology
-<@dilfridge> scroll down [21:45]
+ noodle to hit the people who don't care with stronger terminology
+<@dilfridge> scroll down [21:45]
<@ulm> there's linear plots below then
<@sam_> Marecki: deprecated means "oh, ok, I really need to learn the new
- thing" vs banned for "please stop"
+ thing" vs banned for "please stop"
<@mgorny> ulm: scale is too small near the ban ;-)
<@sam_> let's postpone this and move on
-<@sam_> we can discuss on ML / outside of a meeting [21:46]
+<@sam_> we can discuss on ML / outside of a meeting [21:46]
<@ulm> we have 3 more items, which I fear won't be faster
<@ulm> moving on
<@ulm> 5. IRC nicknames
@@ -396,86 +396,86 @@
<@mgorny> i don't think any of the proposed solutions are feasible
<@mgorny> but we can kindly ask
<+soap> I'd go for option 1
-<@dilfridge> I'd go for none of the above [21:47]
+<@dilfridge> I'd go for none of the above [21:47]
<@sam_> I'd like to: 1) kindly request developers update their gentooIM
- entries in LDAP with their regular nicks; 2) we ask infra to
- investigate exposing gentooIM on this page:
+ entries in LDAP with their regular nicks; 2) we ask infra to
+ investigate exposing gentooIM on this page:
<@sam_> No mandatory action.
<@dilfridge> who are we, should we prescribe the color of ties people wear at
- the council meeting?
+ the council meeting?
<@mgorny> soap: why are you punishing sam for having his nick taken? ;-P
- [21:48]
+ [21:48]
<@gyakovlev> I think it's reasonable to ask to maintain user cloack with exact
- developer nickname and update ldap. and encourage usage of dev
- nicknames on IRC.
+ developer nickname and update ldap. and encourage usage of dev
+ nicknames on IRC.
<@ulm> sam_: I guess you'd have to ask everyone, because of GDPR
<@sam_> gyakovlev: exactly
<@gyakovlev> afaik cloaks can contain arbitrary strings with exact nickname
<@dilfridge> secret piece of information: if you write "dilfridge" you ping me
- even if my current nick is different
+ even if my current nick is different
<@sam_> ulm: yeah, we might need e.g. a new field or something (e.g.
- gentooIMPublic)
+ gentooIMPublic)
<@gyakovlev> so that works for people with stolen nicks
<@sam_> ulm: but in principle, we could ask infra to investigate this and they
- might conclude that
+ might conclude that
<+soap> mgorny: you'd obviously have some collision option, but I know
- multiple people who have wondered whether bman is on IRC only to
- learn...
+ multiple people who have wondered whether bman is on IRC only to
+ learn...
<@mgorny> dilfridge: except i won't write dilfridge if i don't see you around
<@dilfridge> maybe I dont want to be found then :P
<@sam_> i'd like to request a vote on my above motion if that's ok [21:49]
<@Marecki> I am not happy with exposing my gentooIM to the public. What I've
- put in there is for other Gentoo devs only.
+ put in there is for other Gentoo devs only.
<@sam_> it doesn't rule out other action
<@sam_> (2) could include a new field for public)
<@sam_> Marecki: understandable
-<@ulm> sam_: please post the exact wording of your motion then [21:50]
+<@ulm> sam_: please post the exact wording of your motion then [21:50]
<@gyakovlev> using valid cloaks is the way to go imo.
<@mgorny> maybe we should start with a vote whether do we want to enforce any
- of the "strong" actions as suggested on the ml? to cut this short if
- others agree with me that we shouldn't
+ of the "strong" actions as suggested on the ml? to cut this short if
+ others agree with me that we shouldn't
<@gyakovlev> verifiable via simple whois
<@sam_> motion: without ruling out any further decisions, 1) kindly request
- developers update their gentooIM entries in LDAP with their regular
- nicks; 2) we ask infra to investigate exposing gentooIM (or a new
- field e.g. gentooIMpublic) while exploring privacy on this page:
- No mandatory action.
- [21:51]
+ developers update their gentooIM entries in LDAP with their regular
+ nicks; 2) we ask infra to investigate exposing gentooIM (or a new
+ field e.g. gentooIMpublic) while exploring privacy on this page:
+ No mandatory action.
+ [21:51]
<@sam_> s/exploring/preserving/
<@Marecki> And I must say I find this thing a bit silly. Will establishing a
- policy here really make people who are fond of silly nicks any less
- silly? IMHO no, it will just redirect them to other, possibly less
- insignificant channels of expression.
+ policy here really make people who are fond of silly nicks any less
+ silly? IMHO no, it will just redirect them to other, possibly less
+ insignificant channels of expression.
<@sam_> I'm not seeking to ban anything or endorse the proposals on the ML,
- just to solve the problem of finding folks.
+ just to solve the problem of finding folks.
<@ulm> sam_: I'd vote against this if 2) is included
<@Marecki> But yeah, we could ASK.
-<@Marecki> sam_: Can we split this into two? [21:52]
+<@Marecki> sam_: Can we split this into two? [21:52]
<@sam_> ulm: even if we have a way to only include information devs want
- public?
+ public?
<+soap> I'm not convinced asking nicely solves the problem, but ok
<@sam_> i'm ok with requesting a new gentooIMpublic or something
<@ulm> sam_: well, then next we'll include uids on github, gitlab, and whatnot
<@ulm> where do we stop?
-<@sam_> i mean, people could leave it blank [21:53]
+<@sam_> i mean, people could leave it blank [21:53]
<@ulm> it's an external service and IMHO doesn't belong on the devs page
<@sam_> but gentooIM(public) is supposed to be generic anyway, a list of
- multiple services
+ multiple services
<@sam_> alright
<@sam_> well, I'll call for a vote anyway, because the nature of the format
- allows multiple entries, and we already do it on the wiki but not
- through LDAP
+ allows multiple entries, and we already do it on the wiki but not
+ through LDAP
<@sam_> let me give two motions
<@sam_> MOTION 1: 1) kindly request developers update their gentooIM entries
- in LDAP with their regular nicks; [21:54]
+ in LDAP with their regular nicks; [21:54]
<@ulm> but let's vote on 1
-<@ulm> motion: "kindly request developers update their gentooIM entries in
+<@ulm> motion: "kindly request developers update their gentooIM entries in
LDAP with their regular nicks"
<@Marecki> Seconded.
<@sam_> MOTION 2: We ask infra to investigate exposing gentooIM (or a new
- field e.g. gentooIMpublic) while exploring privacy on this page:
- No mandatory action.
+ field e.g. gentooIMpublic) while exploring privacy on this page:
+ No mandatory action.
<@ulm> yep, please vote
<@sam_> (we're voting on 1)
<@ulm> on 1
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
* soap yes
* gyakovlev yes
<@ulm> unanimous
-<@ulm> ok, vote on 2 then [21:55]
+<@ulm> ok, vote on 2 then [21:55]
* ulm no
* dilfridge no
* Marecki no
@@ -499,19 +499,19 @@
<@ulm> 3 yes, 4 no. motion doesn't pass
<@sam_> I'm ok with the result, I just want to understand why
<@dilfridge> if you click on the dev name, you'll end up on the wiki page
- [21:56]
+ [21:56]
<@Marecki> I feel Infra has got more important things to do
<@mgorny> ulm: which doesn't mean it can't happen anyway ;-)
<@ulm> sam_: see above
<@dilfridge> everyone can add as much info there as s/he wants
<@ulm> mainly GDPR concerns
<@mgorny> do we want an extra motion to kindly ask devs not to use stu... i
- mean, to use nicknames resembling their dev nicknames? ;-)
+ mean, to use nicknames resembling their dev nicknames? ;-)
<@sam_> infra are free to say no, but again, this would involve a new field or
- some way of e.g. only making it public beyond changes on a date (infra
- would consider our GDPR obligations)
+ some way of e.g. only making it public beyond changes on a date (infra
+ would consider our GDPR obligations)
<@sam_> thanks for the explanations anyhow
-<@ulm> mgorny: some nicks are taken, so what could people do? [21:57]
+<@ulm> mgorny: some nicks are taken, so what could people do? [21:57]
<@ulm> define "resembling"
<@sam_> "resembling"
<@mgorny> "sam_" is close enough to "sam" to be easy to find
@@ -519,21 +519,21 @@
<+soap> this
<@mgorny> it's just 'kindly asking', so it doesn't have to be precise
<@mgorny> we don't have to form a special group to investigate nickname
- similarity
+ similarity
<@gyakovlev> sam_: as for motion2, I don't really think it matters the way
- it's defined tbh, so no big deal. still can ask/inverstigate
- [21:59]
+ it's defined tbh, so no big deal. still can ask/inverstigate
+ [21:59]
<@Marecki> Maybe we should just have the aforementioned Web page explicitly
- say that contact information for individual information might be
- found on their respective Wiki pages, as well as possibly not to
- mention that people's IRC and Gentoo nicks are aligned (yes, I know
- it says SOME developers can be found on IRC).
+ say that contact information for individual information might be
+ found on their respective Wiki pages, as well as possibly not to
+ mention that people's IRC and Gentoo nicks are aligned (yes, I know
+ it says SOME developers can be found on IRC).
<@sam_> gyakovlev: but you voted no!
<@gyakovlev> ok what do you think of this possible motion (gimem a sec)
<@ulm> we could vote on item 4 in rich0's mail :)
<@gyakovlev> possible motion: ask groupcontacts to update developer host
- cloaks with official developer nicknames
- gentoo/developer/$officialdevhandle [22:00]
+ cloaks with official developer nicknames
+ gentoo/developer/$officialdevhandle [22:00]
<@gyakovlev> ?
<@ulm> what does that mean exactly?
<@sam_> as far as I know, that's what we do, modulo special characters (_)
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
<@dilfridge> the cloak normally has the gentoo uid
<@sam_> i don't recall ever giving a cloak which didn't align
<@dilfridge> except for very rare cases (like peope in more than one project)
- [22:01]
+ [22:01]
<@sam_> yes
<@mgorny> (sorry, got a bad lag here)
<@ulm> ^^ this
@@ -551,19 +551,19 @@
<@ulm> people in more than one project are a good reason for not enforcing
<@dilfridge> soap: if you have your uid registered as *one* of your nicknames,
- you'll be found by whois [22:02]
+ you'll be found by whois [22:02]
<@gyakovlev> I thought I've seen someone with misalighed one. but maybe I'm
- just confused.
+ just confused.
<@mgorny> ulm: as a formality, i think we should vote on rich's motions
<@ulm> all of them?
<@sam_> gyakovlev: if you do, let me know and we'll fix anyway
<@sam_> it's not impossible
<@mgorny> ulm: all-in-one maybe?
-<@mgorny> i.e. whether we want to proceed with any of them [22:03]
+<@mgorny> i.e. whether we want to proceed with any of them [22:03]
<@ulm> no, let's do it like this:
<@ulm> does anyone support one or more of the motions in rich0's mail?
<@dilfridge> no
-<@gyakovlev> no [22:04]
+<@gyakovlev> no [22:04]
<@sam_> no
* mgorny no
<@ulm> let's move on
@@ -575,108 +575,108 @@
<@ulm> my impression is that this is not ready for a vote yet, because there
was no feedback from the entity listed in the AUTHORS file [22:05]
<@dilfridge> this proposal is somewhat pointless if we do not have any
- feedback from $CORPORATION people first
+ feedback from $CORPORATION people first
<@ulm> yes :)
<@gyakovlev> I have a feeling not enough discussion happened yet.
<@sam_> agreed
<@gyakovlev> especially with copyright holders in that file
-<@ulm> let's postpone then [22:06]
+<@ulm> let's postpone then [22:06]
<@mgorny> do we want to assign someone from the Council to work on it?
<@dilfridge> so I suggest we ask robbat2 to obtain that feedback in detail
- first
+ first
<@ulm> mgorny: I could take it
<@ulm> and report back next month
<@mgorny> ulm: thanks
<@sam_> thanks
<@ulm> moving on
-<@ulm> 7. Open bugs with council participation [22:07]
+<@ulm> 7. Open bugs with council participation [22:07]
<@ulm> bug 736760
<willikins> ulm: "Application to Software
- Freedom Conservancy"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF;
- mgorny:trustees
+ Freedom Conservancy"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF;
+ mgorny:trustees
<@ulm> no visible progress, at least not in the bug
<@mgorny> this is primarily trustee business but probably won't happen
<@mgorny> they don't want us, we don't really want them anymore
-<@gyakovlev> there was other org that was ok with us though. [22:08]
+<@gyakovlev> there was other org that was ok with us though. [22:08]
<@mgorny> probably won't be closed until we decide on a specific umbrella or
- reject all of them
+ reject all of them
<+robbat2> the progress is tracked here:
<@mgorny> the two main options are OSC and LF
<@ulm> I must say that after the freenode disaster, I'm a little sceptical
about giving control to a third party
<@gyakovlev> and I think last thing was a question about moving physical
- assets, which they did not do before.
+ assets, which they did not do before.
<@mgorny> gyakovlev: OSC already started supporting ownership of physical
- assets [22:09]
+ assets [22:09]
<@gyakovlev> so maybe let's close SFC bug? it's clear they are not an option.
<@dilfridge> ulm: hilariously the freenode server banner now says "welcome to
- the Freenode AUTONOMOUS ZONE"
+ the Freenode AUTONOMOUS ZONE"
<@dilfridge> feels like it's run by antifa :D
<@ulm> who cares?
-<@sam_> gyakovlev: formally not for us to do but i'd like that [22:10]
+<@sam_> gyakovlev: formally not for us to do but i'd like that [22:10]
<+FreedomBear> mgorny: you rang?
<@dilfridge> not me really, I just noticed when I finally logged out
<@gyakovlev> or at least remove council from CC
<@mgorny> ulm: err, freenode sit sounds more like gentoo foundation than
- umbrella to me
+ umbrella to me
<@mgorny> after all, their own corpo took them
<@mgorny> FreedomBear: too late, already past the topic
<+robbat2> (afk, will review logs)
<@Marecki> dilfridge: Well, as an old Polish saying goes "it was written ARSE
- on a fence, someone believe it and all they got for it was
- splinters"
-<@mgorny> ulm: in any case, let's move on [22:11]
+ on a fence, someone believe it and all they got for it was
+ splinters"
+<@mgorny> ulm: in any case, let's move on [22:11]
<@Marecki> +d
<@dilfridge> hrhr
<@ulm> remove us from cc then, or ask trustees to close the bug?
<@sam_> why not both?
-<@sam_> let's do the latter actually [22:12]
+<@sam_> let's do the latter actually [22:12]
<@mgorny> ulm: i think we should remain CC-ed on the topic since it's
- important
+ important
<@ulm> sam_: can you take core of it?
<@ulm> asking, that is?
<@sam_> sure
<@ulm> bug 784710
<willikins> ulm: "Remove SHA512 hash from
- Manifests"; Gentoo Council, unspecified; CONF; mgorny:council
+ Manifests"; Gentoo Council, unspecified; CONF; mgorny:council
<@mgorny> wasn't it rejected?
<@ulm> that was discussed back in june
<@dilfridge> mathom
-<@ulm> let's close it then [22:13]
+<@ulm> let's close it then [22:13]
<@ulm> WONTFIX for now, I guess
<@mgorny> hmm, or deferred for the new Council that doesn't include members
- loving debating it to death
+ loving debating it to death
<@sam_> you're free to raise it again if you wish
-* mgorny shrugs [22:14]
+* mgorny shrugs [22:14]
<@ulm> actually, the june summary says "The council has no strong opinion
either way about this bug"
<@mgorny> do you feel that i should provide some more data?
<@ulm> what would we need data for?
-<@mgorny> that's what i'm asking ;-) [22:15]
+<@mgorny> that's what i'm asking ;-) [22:15]
<+soap> ok I need to go now
-<@ulm> mgorny: can you raise it on the ML please [22:16]
+<@ulm> mgorny: can you raise it on the ML please [22:16]
<@ulm> and we reiterate next month with more input?
<@mgorny> ulm: sure, can do
<@ulm> k
<@ulm> bug 793164
<willikins> ulm: "GLEP 82: Repository
- configuration file (layout.conf)"; Documentation, New GLEP
- submissions; CONF; mgorny:glep
-<@ulm> we had that one as topic before [22:17]
+ configuration file (layout.conf)"; Documentation, New GLEP
+ submissions; CONF; mgorny:glep
+<@ulm> we had that one as topic before [22:17]
<@Marecki> Taken care of, innit.
<@mgorny> we've handled it via earlier vote today
<@mgorny> (it was blocked on eapis-testing)
<@ulm> 8. Open floor
-<@ulm> anything? [22:18]
+<@ulm> anything? [22:18]
<@gyakovlev> sam had an item I think, maybe still typing
<@sam_> I'd like to suggest we just scrap the previous EAPI banning vote and
- revisit this next time. I don't think it was necessarily clear which
- motion was being used / its implications, and as a point of order, we
- ended up saying we'd vote on 2 motions, but only voting on 1.
+ revisit this next time. I don't think it was necessarily clear which
+ motion was being used / its implications, and as a point of order, we
+ ended up saying we'd vote on 2 motions, but only voting on 1.
<@sam_> I think it'd be cleaner for e.g. the log and such if we just revisited
- it after more ML discussion/thought
-<@mgorny> i can take care of opening more discussion around it [22:19]
+ it after more ML discussion/thought
+<@mgorny> i can take care of opening more discussion around it [22:19]
<@ulm> ok, let's vote on that
<@gyakovlev> I second that request
<@ulm> motion: retract the previous vote on "the EAPI deprecation workflow is
@@ -685,59 +685,59 @@
* gyakovlev yes
* dilfridge yes
* sam_ yes
-* ulm yes [22:20]
+* ulm yes [22:20]
* soap yes
* mgorny yes
<+FreedomBear> aww damn. did I miss the EAPI convo
* Marecki abstain
<@ulm> passes with 6 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention
<@gyakovlev> FreedomBear: you'll have more time since it's retracted now.
- [22:21]
+ [22:21]
<@sam_> thanks
<@gyakovlev> thanks!
<@ulm> gah, writing the summary for this will be a pain :)
<+FreedomBear> It seems so simple. I am not sure how else to approach it
<@ulm> any other item for open floor?
<+FreedomBear> It is just a formality should anyone be silly and keep
- committing EAPI's after deprecation.
+ committing EAPI's after deprecation.
*** msavoritias_ ( has joined
- channel #gentoo-council [22:22]
+ channel #gentoo-council [22:22]
<@Marecki> Something from me but only if it's something we can cover quickly.
- Gimme a sec.
+ Gimme a sec.
<+FreedomBear> No need for all the data stuff to try and "prove" a 1 minute
- vote "works"
+ vote "works"
*** msavoritias ( has quit: Ping
timeout: 258 seconds
<+FreedomBear> Spent more time considering data instead of just saying "don't
- do that"
-* FreedomBear goes back to RStudio [22:23]
+ do that"
+* FreedomBear goes back to RStudio [22:23]
<@Marecki> Okay, so it's been stated on the ML lately that "if the arch isn't
- stable, we can't guarantee anything". I would like to ask, if
- possible, for an official confirmation of that statement.
- [22:24]
+ stable, we can't guarantee anything". I would like to ask, if
+ possible, for an official confirmation of that statement.
+ [22:24]
<@sam_> oh, yes, I plan on going back to contest that
<@sam_> I didn't really see it as a good argument for dropping a version
- [22:25]
+ [22:25]
<@ulm> Marecki: that doesn't look like it will be a quick item
<@Marecki> The context being here that the ~arch status could be used as
- justification for mass dekeywording.
+ justification for mass dekeywording.
<@sam_> we do have GLEP 72 but i think it will need more discussion
<@dilfridge> mailing list please
<@ulm> and we cannot vote on it in open floor
<@sam_> yeah
<@Marecki> ulm: OK, so nothing already discussed. Let's leave till another
- time, then.
+ time, then.
<@mgorny> Marecki: more info, please
<@mgorny> (on the ml)
<@sam_> Marecki: (we can always adjust GLEP 72 if required, but let's see)
- [22:26]
+ [22:26]
<@ulm> Marecki: discuss on ML, and we can address it in august
<@sam_> yep
<@ulm> I see nothing else
<@Marecki> mgorny: WilliamH's response in the "dropping dev-lang/lua:5.2"
- thread but since it's not a quick thing to discuss, I won't bother
- digging up an archive link.
-* ulm bangs the gavel [22:27]
+ thread but since it's not a quick thing to discuss, I won't bother
+ digging up an archive link.
+* ulm bangs the gavel [22:27]
<@ulm> meeting is closed
<@ulm> thanks everyone
<@sam_> thanks everyone for the marathon and ulm for chairing
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