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+Summary of Gentoo Council meeting 2024-09-08
+Agenda [1]
+1. Roll call
+2. Foundation dissolution status update
+3. Updated GLEP 83 "EAPI deprecation" [2]
+4. Open bugs with Council participation
+5. Open floor
+Roll call
+Present: AndrewAmmerlaan (proxy for robbat2), arthurzam, dilfridge, mgorny, sam, soap, ulm
+Absent: -
+Foundation dissolution status update
+No major updates. AGM (Annual General Meeting) was held on 31 August, and
+discussions about dissolving bank accounts continue.
+Updated GLEP 83 "EAPI deprecation"
+ulm presented his GLEP 83 "EAPI deprecation" update, which allows for
+deprecating an EAPI n-1 where EAPI n is the most recent. The motion for the
+updated GLEP was approved unanimously.
+Open bugs with council involvement
+Bug 938922 - GLEP 76 fix
+Marked as resolved, since noone objected.
+Bug 938755 - GLEP 83 "EAPI deprecation"
+Motion discussed and passed earlier.
+Bug 925014 - PR services redundancy
+Credentials have been shared with multiple other people.
+Bug 801499 - Nitrokey 3 upgrade
+Soap will approach Yubico soon.
+Bug 936914 - ARM64 server replacement
+We will be getting a donated Ampere Altra server, expected some time in September.
+Open floor
+arthurzam updated the council on a number of arches:
+- mips deptree nearly clean and will be made a stable profile asap.
+- dilfridge started a cross-distro effort on the time64-on-32bit arches. Many
+ different opinions between distros on how to handle this.
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+[19:00:36] <@soap> ok, let's start this meeting
+[19:00:51] <@soap> agenda for today:
+[19:01:02] <@soap> 1. Roll call
+[19:01:05] -*- arthurzam here
+[19:01:11] -*- soap here
+[19:01:14] -*- mgorny here
+[19:01:16] -*- sam_ here
+[19:01:16] -*- dilfridge here
+[19:01:22] <+AndrewAmmerlaan> I'm substituting for robbat2 who cannot be here today
+[19:01:58] -*- ulm here
+[19:02:06] <@soap> ok, everyone here
+[19:02:13] <@soap> 2. Foundation dissolution status update
+[19:02:23] <@dilfridge> afaik no news since last month
+[19:02:36] <@soap> we had our AGM on 31 August
+[19:02:59] <@dilfridge> we've been talking about who needs to be physically present for dissolving the bank accounts
+[19:03:29] <@dilfridge> right, robbat2 posted some letters of president and treasurer, which are in the log there
+[19:03:50] <@soap> ulm: anything else?
+[19:05:12] <@ulm> no, that was it I think
+[19:05:18] <@soap> ok good
+[19:05:30] <@soap> 3. Updated GLEP 83 "EAPI deprecation"
+[19:05:55] <@soap> ulm's suggested changes:
+[19:06:05] <@soap> ulm: want to give a quick overview?
+[19:06:16] <@arthurzam> A funny case because we take our time with EAPI=9
+[19:06:45] <@ulm> the idea is not to delay deprecation forever
+[19:06:53] <@soap> second that
+[19:06:58] <@ulm> it's all in the rationale
+[19:07:04] <@ulm> and the example
+[19:07:39] <@dilfridge> (and EAPI=6 is gone)
+[19:07:52] <@soap> I'm fine with this, let's vote on it if noone has any objections?
+[19:08:17] <@soap> motion: pass ulm's GLEP 83 "EAPI deprecation" update v2
+[19:08:23] -*- dilfridge yes
+[19:08:24] -*- arthurzam yes
+[19:08:27] -*- soap yes
+[19:08:30] -*- sam_ yes
+[19:08:33] -*- ulm yes
+[19:08:36] <+AndrewAmmerlaan> on behalf of robbat2 I vote yes
+[19:08:50] -*- mgorny yes
+[19:09:03] <@ulm> thank you :)
+[19:09:05] <-- rich0 (~quassel@gentoo/developer/rich0) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
+[19:09:08] <@soap> motion passed
+[19:09:21] --> rich0 (~quassel@gentoo/developer/rich0) has joined #gentoo-council
+[19:09:21] *** Mode #gentoo-council +v rich0 by ChanServ
+[19:09:24] <@soap> 4. Open bugs with Council participation
+[19:09:30] <-- mpagano (~quassel@gentoo/developer/mpagano) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
+[19:10:04] <@soap> bug 938922
+[19:10:05] <willikins> soap: "GLEP 76: Fix date of copyright assignment document"; Documentation, GLEP Changes; CONF; ulm:glep
+[19:10:35] <@soap> I dont think we need to vote on this?
+[19:10:46] <@sam_> it's fine
+[19:10:48] <@arthurzam> I think we all acknoledge the action here indeed
+[19:10:51] <@ulm> nobody has raised objections
+[19:10:58] <@soap> bug 938755 we just discussed
+[19:10:58] <willikins> soap: "GLEP 83: Allow deprecation when only one newer EAPI exists"; Documentation, GLEP Changes; CONF; ulm:glep
+[19:11:03] <@soap> bug 925014
+[19:11:04] <willikins> soap: "PR services lacking developer redundancy"; Community Relations, User Relations; CONF; ajak:pr
+[19:11:20] <@arthurzam> stuff is moving :)
+[19:11:24] <@soap> didnt we resolve that one last time?
+[19:11:27] <@sam_> alicef has handed over the access now, right?
+[19:11:52] <+AndrewAmmerlaan> btw, I also have admin level access to the Discord
+[19:11:53] <@dilfridge> she handed it to maffblaster, who ... dunno, handed it to jstein?
+[19:12:07] <@dilfridge> it confused me
+[19:12:17] <@sam_> ENOTOURPROBLEM?
+[19:12:22] <@dilfridge> yes
+[19:12:29] <@dilfridge> EOPP
+[19:12:39] <@ulm> ack, jstein has access
+[19:12:44] <@soap> bug 801499
+[19:12:45] <willikins> soap: "Approach Nitrokey for Nitrokey 3 upgrade"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; sam:trustees
+[19:13:13] <@soap> I havent found time yet to approach yubico, I'll do it soon, need to hash out a few details with robbat2 for that too
+[19:13:21] <@dilfridge> that bug should go into an old washing machine on a field, together with a small bottle of nitro
+[19:13:42] <@soap> dilfridge: did your nitrokey also break? ;)
+[19:13:56] <@dilfridge> I have not really "used" it so far
+[19:14:06] <@dilfridge> I have a yubikey 3 nfc
+[19:14:17] <@soap> 3? from 2009
+[19:14:24] <@dilfridge> err, wait, not sure
+[19:14:28] <@soap> anyhow, lets keep this moving
+[19:14:29] <@dilfridge> not so important though
+[19:14:34] <@soap> bug 936914
+[19:14:34] <willikins> soap: "arm64: Short-term replacement for"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; robbat2:trustees
+[19:14:39] <@sam_> ah, so
+[19:14:41] <@soap> sam_: any updates?
+[19:14:44] <@sam_> yes
+[19:14:51] <@dilfridge> OOOooooh
+[19:14:55] <@sam_> my persistence with Works On Arm (WOA) paid off
+[19:15:18] <@sam_> we are getting an Ampere Altra donated
+[19:15:29] <@sam_> we have to host it, and we have to send status reports (which I am happy to do) for our use of it
+[19:15:34] <@sam_> robbat2 has been handling the logistics
+[19:15:36] <@dilfridge> \o\ \o/ /o/
+[19:15:40] <@sam_> we should get it mid to late September!
+[19:15:52] <@soap> nice!
+[19:16:05] <@sam_> once we have it, we should ask them if they want some news item on the front page or anything like that
+[19:16:19] <@dilfridge> definitely
+[19:16:29] <@sam_> so yes, all good
+[19:16:35] <@sam_> I think we have the temporary machine running at hetzner atm too?
+[19:16:36] <@arthurzam> Ampere Altra is the jiji sized machine? or better or worse?
+[19:16:42] <@soap> yes
+[19:16:42] <@dilfridge> same I think
+[19:16:47] <@soap> they're beefy CPUs
+[19:16:52] <@dilfridge> Neoverse N1
+[19:16:53] <@soap> also 8.2 IIRC?
+[19:16:58] <@sam_> I think it's a bit better but I can't keep up with the ARM offerings tbh
+[19:17:01] <@sam_> but roughly the same
+[19:17:09] <@sam_> in terms of like order of
+[19:17:22] <@arthurzam> sam_: yes, susuwatari is on hetzner, we already use it to fix arm{,64} and mips dep tree
+[19:17:32] <@soap> 8.2 is what you want for proper virtualisation
+[19:18:02] <@soap> ok, that's it for bugs (the remaining one is just the foundation one)
+[19:18:20] <@soap> 5. Open floor
+[19:18:30] <@arthurzam> Something small from me
+[19:18:53] <@arthurzam> We are getting really close to full mips dep tree, so finger crossed, next council we upgrade it dev -> stable
+[19:19:02] <@dilfridge> arthurzam++
+[19:19:15] <@soap> arthurzam: very good
+[19:19:16] <@dilfridge> I just checked and the number of broken packages is down to 8 at the moment
+[19:19:18] <@sam_> I do want us to see about getting some actual mips hw
+[19:19:21] <@soap> arthurzam: what machines are you using for it?
+[19:19:23] <@sam_> but we can do that later
+[19:19:28] <@mgorny> ftr, i don't think we need separate council vote for that
+[19:19:33] <@sam_> agreed
+[19:19:35] <@mgorny> i.e. i'd go for marking stable as soon as it's clean
+[19:19:36] <@sam_> we haven't in the past
+[19:19:37] <@soap> agreed
+[19:19:43] <@dilfridge> I woud say, let's switch it once its clean
+[19:19:47] <@sam_> yes, do it
+[19:19:53] <@soap> I'll take a few weeks off in october, we can look into bringing my mips online
+[19:19:57] <@arthurzam> soap: qemu-user mips on arm64 devbox, and matoro's mips hw
+[19:19:58] <@soap> unfortunately its an LE
+[19:19:59] <@dilfridge> a few stable and most others dev
+[19:20:00] <@sam_> honestly I forgot you had it
+[19:20:03] <@ulm> we could vote about it now?
+[19:20:30] <@dilfridge> ok motion, let's introduce stable mips profiles as soon as the deptree is clean
+[19:20:37] -*- arthurzam yes
+[19:20:38] <@sam_> sure
+[19:20:39] -*- dilfridge yes
+[19:20:39] -*- sam_ yes
+[19:20:43] -*- ulm yes
+[19:20:57] -*- soap yes
+[19:21:41] <@dilfridge> then mips and alpha get frontpage news together :)
+[19:21:47] -*- mgorny yes
+[19:21:48] <+AndrewAmmerlaan> Idk what robbat2 thinks of this, so I'll abstain
+[19:21:49] <@arthurzam> I guess good enough for the motion
+[19:21:58] <@soap> 6y 1a
+[19:22:58] <@arthurzam> I guess we are done with open floor?
+[19:22:58] <@dilfridge> we should ask cipunited if they send us some machine :o) or loongson
+[19:23:01] <@soap> ok, I'll wait another 2 min
+[19:23:15] <@sam_> dilfridge: yes, definitely
+[19:23:39] <@dilfridge> maybe after the big arm newsitem :D
+[19:24:22] <@dilfridge> oh and
+[19:24:27] <@dilfridge> also for open floor
+[19:24:50] <@dilfridge> I've kicked off yet another cross-distro debate on the 32bit arch time64 migration
+[19:25:27] <@dilfridge> so far debian makes angry wookie noises, a few people are confused or want to just move and take the breakage
+[19:25:28] <@ulm> and it's like 5 people with 6 different opinions :/
+[19:25:48] <@dilfridge> and there is conspicuously no opinion from fedora, arch, opensuse
+[19:26:02] <@soap> does fedora even still support i386?
+[19:26:04] <@mgorny> does fedora even support 32bit?
+[19:26:12] <@mgorny> arch32 is practically a separate distro
+[19:26:14] <@soap> same for arch
+[19:26:16] <@arthurzam> Maybe as "multilib"
+[19:26:22] <@arthurzam> (for games and such)
+[19:26:28] <@dilfridge> good question, carlos said yes, but maybe he wasnt up to date
+[19:26:28] <@soap> arthurzam: I doubt that ABI will change
+[19:27:09] <@soap> ok, closing the meeting now
+[19:27:12] <@soap> thanks everyone
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